Vaccine Injured Child Can’t Talk but Has Loud Message for President Trump

The VAXXED film crew is continuing their country-wide tour interviewing families affected by vaccine injuries and deaths. They recently interviewed a 10 year old boy Adam, who was developing normally prior to an adverse reaction to vaccines. While he cannot speak, Adam took advantage of his opportunity to communicate via a broadcast to Facebook, and by pointing to letters on a card spelled out a powerful message to President Trump. Watch for yourself what Adam has to say in this amazing video.

Tactics Doctors Use to Pressure Hesitant Parents to Vaccinate

The number of parents questioning the wisdom of the currently recommended schedule is up and corroboration is easy to find. An article in the journal Pediatrics in August 2016 reported that the number of pediatricians encountering parents who either question vaccine safety or refuse one or more vaccines or want to use an alternative vaccination schedule for their children increased from just under 75 percent in 2006 to 87 percent by 2013. Some physicians resort to denying medical care to children if parents refuse to give their children all federally recommended vaccines according to the CDC’s recommended schedule.

Government Accounting Office Report: Zika Fears Overblown

The Washington Times recent article on the latest Government Account Office (GAO) report looking into the Zika virus confirms what many of us in the Alternative Media have been reporting for the past couple of years: The "Zika Crisis" is overblown. In fact, it is not just simply "overblown," but it is being used to extract government funding to develop a vaccine that is not even needed.

Vaccine Damaged Child Medically Kidnapped when Parents Refuse Toxic Chemicals and Choose Organic Foods

On May 19, 2017, 4-year-old Chase Walker-Stevens, a vaccine-injured child with severe cerebral palsy and epilepsy, was forcibly removed from his parents because they had chosen to wean their son off all pharmaceutical products and treat him holistically with organic food. In a video taken minutes after Chase was stolen, his father, Marc Stevens, wept as he told friends and supporters how police had stormed into the hospital, locked him into the bathroom and snatched Chase from his mother’s arms, before arresting her. During the distressing six-minute footage of events which has gone viral and has now been viewed over 3 million times, we can witness for ourselves how supporters of the family are pepper sprayed by the police as they watch the child’s mother, Cini, being dragged from the hospital kicking and screaming. Today, Chase is being looked after by complete strangers in another state, whilst his parents have been kept in the dark as to where their son is.

America’s Vaccine Injured Warriors Deserve More

There is no greater betrayal by government than to order a citizen to risk injury or death “for the greater good” and then treat that person and their family like dirt once the harm is done. The inhumane treatment of the vaccine injured at the hands of doctors in denial and the refusal of government to compensate the majority of those injured, while blocking lawsuits against drug companies profiting from mandated vaccines, is a national scandal. A recent news report by Action News JAX in Florida investigated reports by two combat marines, who suffered heart inflammation (myopericarditis) and permanent health damage after smallpox vaccinations they were ordered to take. The investigation discovered that the U.S. government is still refusing to compensate soldiers for smallpox vaccine-related health problems, such as heart inflammation, even when those health problems are acknowledged as causally related by the vaccine manufacturer in a black box warning on the package insert and by government health officials. The callous indifference toward once healthy young men and women disabled or killed by smallpox and anthrax vaccinations, which the Department of Defense insists are necessary to combat “bioterrorism,” has been going on since soldiers started heading to the Gulf War in the early 1990s and came home sick and disabled. From pregnant women soldiers given Biothrax anthrax vaccine, whose babies were born with birth defects, to the cover-up of anthrax vaccine related deaths of Army soldiers, to Air Force pilots whose careers ended with crippling anthrax vaccine injuries or court martials for refusing to get the shots, the history of the US military vaccination program is marked by human experimentation and violation of human rights.

What’s the Difference Between Companies Selling Cigarettes and Companies Selling Vaccines?

Do you know the difference between companies that sell cigarettes and companies that sell vaccines in America? When cigarettes injure or kill people, tobacco companies are financially liable in civil court. But when vaccines injure or kill people, drug companies are not. That’s right. If you get lung cancer from smoking cigarettes, you can sue the tobacco company. But if you or your child suffers brain damage or dies after getting a vaccine, the drug company cannot be sued. And you can’t hold any person who licensed, recommended, gave or voted to mandate the vaccine accountable in a court of law, either. Here is why: In 1986, Congress gave drug companies a partial civil liability shield for vaccine injuries and deaths. In 2011, the US Supreme Court effectively banned all vaccine injury lawsuits, ruling that vaccines are - quote - “unavoidably unsafe.” Then, in 2016, Congress lowered licensing standards for experimental vaccines so that drug companies can fast track them to market without conducting large clinical trials. Now, drug companies and their friends in medical trade are lobbying state legislatures to strip vaccine exemptions from state public health laws. That’s right. Even though drug companies and doctors have been given an unprecedented liability shield removing all responsibility for vaccine injuries and deaths, they want more. They want “no exceptions” vaccine laws forcing you and your children to use every dose of every government endorsed vaccine without your voluntary, informed consent.

Government Still Pushing HPV Vaccine on Kids a Decade after Judicial Watch Exposed Deadly Side Effects

A decade after Judicial Watch exposed the dangers of a government-backed cervical cancer vaccine, a federal lawsuit highlights its perilous side effects including paralysis, seizures, nausea and death. Litigation was initiated by disgruntled parents because the government is still pushing the hazardous vaccine, manufactured by pharmaceutical giant Merck, on children as young as nine years old to treat a sexually transmitted disease. Regardless, the government has continued promoting the vaccine while covering up its debilitating side effects, recommending it for girls—and more recently boys—starting at age 9. The Obama administration gave dozens of state and municipal health agencies tens of millions of dollars to boost the number of adolescents that get Gardasil. This includes targeting low-income and ethnic minority populations that receive “culturally sensitive” intervention in a variety of languages, including Spanish, Mandarin, Armenian and Korean. U.S. law forbids lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers, but Judicial Watch has obtained records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing that its National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has awarded nearly $6 million to dozens of victims in claims made against the very HPV vaccine it is pushing on children.

12 Year Old Girl Develops Guillain-Barré Syndrome After Gardasil Vaccine – Suffers Paralysis

The VAXXED film crew was recently in California interviewing people about their experiences with vaccines. They interviewed Michelle Snyder and her daughter Ashley about the Gardasil vaccine. The mother had reservations about the Gardasil vaccine, but doctors said it was fine. She has five daughters, and began to make plans to have them vaccinated with Gardasil. After the first shot, her 12 year old daughter came in from playing and said her legs "weren't working." She had been a dancer since age 4. The next morning, she could not even walk. The mom called for help, and was told it sounded like "ascending paralysis" or Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). By the time they got her to a hospital, she could not even swallow, requiring them to insert a feeding tube into her.

Dr. Brownstein: Does Somali Measles Outbreak in Minnesota Prove Need for More Vaccines?

Somehow, a measles outbreak of unvaccinated Somali citizens in Minnesota is supposed to drive a stake in those of us who raise questions about the safety and efficacy of FDA-approved vaccines.  According to the powers-that-be, this outbreak of measles is proof that we need more vaccinations, not less. I beg to differ.  And, I will make my argument citing the Brady principle. 

Girl in South Africa Suffers “HPV Vaccine Associated Encephalopathy” – Unable to Walk or Speak

Dr. Fourie is treating 10-year old Ivanka Nortier of Cape Town. Doctors suspect Ivanka suffered brain inflammation—"HPV vaccine associated encephalopathy"—after receiving the HPV vaccine Cervarix in April 2016. Ivanka’s parents said they signed consent forms given to them by their daughter’s school health program stating that the HPV vaccine program is intended to reduce the cervical cancer rate. According to Nortier’s parents, their daughter collapsed at school in July 2016 and has not been able to attend school since then. Ivanka suffered body pains from her fingers to her toes and was unable to speak and walk on her own for three months.

Calls for Violence Against Those Who Practice Freedom of Speech Opposing Vaccines Reaches Mainstream Media

The latest example of the disturbing trend of prominent doctors, attorneys and journalists calling for severe punishment, including physical violence, against people refusing the medical intervention known as vaccination is a recent editorial titled “Preying on parents’ fear” published in the Boston Herald on May 8, 2017. The article, written by the “editorial staff,” is yet another in a long series of attack pieces published by the mainstream media attacking freedom of thought, speech and conscience when it comes to vaccination. It ends: "Vaccines don’t cause autism. Measles can kill. And lying to vulnerable people about the health and safety of their children ought to be a hanging offense." A “hanging offense”? The editorial staff, led by editorial page editor Rachelle Cohen, is calling for people who criticize vaccine safety to be executed? Really?

Will Your Doctor Help You If Your Child Is Vaccine-Injured?

What do parents do if their child has an adverse reaction to a vaccine? See their doctor of course. But does the doctor offer help and support, just dismiss the parents, or worse, give totally useless and harmful advice? Here are a few stories from my practice that will make you shake your head in disbelief.

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker?

It’s never been done before. The first-of-its-kind study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated American homeschooled children shows who is really ailing…and parents should be worried. Something is wrong with America’s children. They are sick – allergic, asthmatic, anxious, autoimmune, autistic, hyperactive, distracted and learning disabled. Thirty-two million American children – a full 43% of them – suffer from at least one of 20 chronic illnesses not including obesity. Fast food, bad genes, too much TV, video games, pesticides, plastics – name the environmental factor and it has been implicated in the surge of sickness, although none adequately explains the scale or scope of the epidemic. There is one exposure, however, that has evaded the search, despite that children have received it by direct injection in steadily accumulating doses far beyond anything past generations ever saw: 50 doses of 14 vaccines by age six, 69 doses of 16 pharmaceutical vaccines containing powerfully immune-altering ingredients by age 18. We’re assured vaccines are “safe and effective” even though public health officials acknowledge they sometimes have serious side-effects including death and despite the troubling fact that no long-term study of their effects on overall health has ever been conducted. Remarkably, not a single published study has ever compared vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids to see who is healthier years after the shots. Until now.

Medical Ethics Journal Condemns Cover-up of HPV Vaccine Adverse Reactions

Once again, we must turn to sources outside the U.S. to get an honest perspective on the Gardasil HPV vaccine controversy. One doctor who formerly worked for the vaccine manufacturer Merck predicted that Gardasil would become "the greatest medical scandal of all time." You won't read any of this in the U.S. corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media, however. The only view allowed is that there is no controversy regarding the HPV vaccine, and any journalist that dares to question this view will be viciously attacked and probably lose their career. A recently published article in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics highlights the medical ethics that were violated in bringing this vaccine to market. As a result, many young people today are being permanently disabled or even dying from the adverse reactions to this vaccine.

The Scandalous LA County Measles Vaccine Experiment: Is the Unsuspecting Public Still Being Used in Secret Vaccine Trials?

This spring will mark the 27th anniversary of one of the cruelest and most deceptive acts the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has ever conducted. In partnership with Kaiser Permanente Health System and Los Angeles County Public Health Service, an experimental measles vaccine was given to approximately 1,500 inner city minority children in Los Angeles County. Most of these children were six months of age. The planning for this inoculation program started in 1989 with the vaccination campaign commencing in June 1990. This program came to a halt in October 1991. The measles vaccine was administered mainly to African-American children in an attempt to curb the measles outbreak in LA County at that time. The parents were not told that the measles vaccine was experimental, and it was not approved for use in the US. These children from LA County were the guinea pigs, the living test tubes of the research world. Yet the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) were telling the parents the vaccine was being used in other countries. What was not explained was the fact that the vaccine used in Los Angeles was not the lower titers used in other countries but rather a super charged high-titers E-Z vaccine. And it was experimental.

A Childhood Vaccine for Obesity?

There are a lot of weird vaccines being developed and we’ve mentioned a few of them. But the vaccine most deserving of our first TVR Golden Fleece award is the one for obesity—the so-called “Flab Jab.” So exactly what is the leading experimental obesity vaccine candidate designed to do? It injects a modified form of the peptide protein molecule somatostatin that “suppresses growth hormones that boost metabolism and cause weight loss.” An obesity vaccine is the perfect example of the absurd direction in which the vaccine industry is going because there is no oversight on or breaks applied to scientists and public health officials driving the runaway vaccine train. With nearly one billion dollars appropriated by Congress to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) in charge of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), just how much of that money is going to fund research and development of ill conceived vaccines that are not really vaccines at all? We are pleased to present the first TVR Golden Fleece award to the obesity vaccine. What a numbskull idea.

Study: Children Vaccinated with DTP/OPV have 10-fold Increase Risk of Death

A 2017 study in Africa compared a DTP/OPV (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, oral polio) vaccinated group of children to an unvaccinated group. The authors found there was a 10-fold increase risk in death in the vaccinated group that received only the DPT shot, as compared to the unvaccinated group. If the children also received the OPV vaccine, there was a 5-fold higher death rate. All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased by 112% after the introduction of these vaccines. Folks, I have been asking the Centers for Disease Control to do a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study in the U.S. for many years. That study would answer the question whether vaccines are safe or not. If unvaccinated children are as sick as vaccinated children it would rule out vaccines as causing the epidemic of illnesses our children are suffering including asthma, cancer, autoimmune diseases and autism. But, the CDC refuses to do a study like this. Why would the CDC refuse to do a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study? After seeing what happened to the poor children in Africa, the CDC, which owns vaccine patents and receives hundreds of millions of dollars in vaccine sales, can’t risk a negative outcome study.

Tucker Carlson on Fox News Dares to Cover the Vaccine Debate – Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Tucker Carlson of Fox News recently interviewed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to discuss vaccine safety. Carlson says to Kennedy: "I don't think you're crazy. You're not anti-vaccine. You vaccinate your own children. I think you ought to be allowed to ask legitimate questions without being attacked."

Dr. Brownstein: Chickenpox Vaccine Risk Too High – Vaccine Should Never Have Occurred

When I was a child, nearly everybody became ill with chickenpox. Like nearly all kids, when I became ill with it, I stayed home from school about a week and fully recovered. All that changed in 1995, when the FDA licensed and approved the live attenuated chickenpox (varicella) vaccine in persons aged >12 months. After the vaccine began to be used by most children, the incidence of chickenpox rapidly declined. However, due to continual outbreaks of chickenpox, a second dose of the chickenpox vaccine was added to the childhood immunization schedule in 2006. Is the chickenpox vaccine effective at significantly lowering the incidence of chickenpox? Yes. Due to the vaccine, there is a significantly lowered incidence of chickenpox. However, the most important question to ask is, “Has the chickenpox vaccine (along with the other 70 doses of vaccines given) improved the lives of our children and the rest of the population? The answer to that question is easy: No.

Last Chance! FREE Replay Weekend for Truth About Vaccines Docuseries

The 7-part documentary, The Truth About Vaccines, was a huge success. Hundreds of thousands of people tuned in to hear an all-star lineup of doctors, scientists, and other health experts discuss the truth about vaccines that the U.S. government and the pharmaceutical funded mainstream media refuse to cover. This weekend, on Saturday, April 22nd, and Sunday, April 23rd, the entire documentary will be re-broadcast for FREE online viewing! The documentary producers and hosts, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, will also be hosting a Q&A session throughout the weekend addressing many of the questions that have come in during the series.