Nurse Whistleblower Confirms NICU Pre-term Babies Being Injured by Vaccines

Within the realm of the vaccine industry, there are many tragic stories and underreported bombshells waiting to be spotlighted. One such narrative, hiding in plain sight, is the routine vaccine injury happening in hospital neonatal intensive care units (NICU) across the US. Two nurses have recently come forward as whistleblowers to reveal the harm being caused to these low-weight micro premature babies by vaccines. In addition, new research from the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics journal titled "Adverse Events After Routine Immunization of Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants" confirms what these nurse whistleblowers are revealing: "All ELBW [extremely low-birth-weight] infants in the NICU had an increased incidence of sepsis evaluations and increased respiratory support and intubation after routine immunization." How long will the US medical system continue to sweep these daily NICU vaccine injuries under the rug to save face for their hospitals and the larger CDC-pharmaceutical complex? How long will doctors and nurses continue to follow orders against the established medical ethics of “do no harm”?

As New State Legislative Sessions Begin, Renewed Efforts to Increase Mandatory Vaccines

2017 has started off with a bang. We are only about one week into legislative sessions across the country and so much is happening. New State vaccine legislation is being introduced daily - all over the country. Here's the status of State bills throughout the US as of 1/17/17.

CDC Scientist Whisteblowers Confirm Corruption Within the CDC

The avalanche of bad news for the CDC hit breakaway speed with the public statement released by the CDC Spider — which stands for CDC Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research. Echoing the admissions of Dr. Thompson two years earlier, the CDC Spider scientists do not mince words in their opening paragraph stating: "We are a group of scientists at CDC that are very concerned about the current state of ethics atour agency. It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests. It seems that our mission and Congressional intent for our agency is being circumvented by some of our leaders."

Are Vaccinations Safe for Children with Allergies?

In 2010, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) published a paper titled Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Food Allergy in the United States. The paper described how the NIAID had joined forces with 30 professional organizations, federal agencies and patient advocacy groups to set guidelines for the management and safety of patients suffering from food allergies. One of the sections highlighted was a section titled Vaccinations in Patients with Egg Allergies. The authors wrote: "In Summary: Patients who have generated IgE antibodies to an allergen are at risk for anaphylaxis with systemic exposure to that allergen. Thus, patients who have IgE-mediated egg allergy are at risk for anaphylaxis if injected with vaccines containing egg 17 protein." The CDC appears to be completely unaware of the NIAID guidelines. The advice that they give to patients with an allergy to eggs is the polar opposite to the advice given in the NIAID guidelines.

Vaccine Syndrome Film Debuts about Forced Military Anthrax Vaccine

The online FREE Vaccines Revealed Docuseries just released the World Premier of the documentary, VACCINE SYNDROME. This film, produced by Oscar nominated filmmaker Scott Miller, provides exclusive interviews with military personnel who have had experience with the controversial anthrax vaccine. The film claims that over 35,000 soldiers have died from the anthrax vaccine, according to a "RAC-GWVI Government Report" published in 2008. Compare that to how many soldiers have died in combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan, which is 6753 at the time of the filming. The film also mentions how pharmaceutical companies have legal immunity from any injuries or deaths resulting from vaccines, and that the civilian population only has recourse to sue the federal government in a special Vaccine Court. However, military personnel are prohibited from suing in this court, which is part of the National Vaccine Compensation Program.

College Student Gets HPV Cancer After Receiving Gardasil Vaccine

The VAXXED film crew recently interviewed Erin Crawford in Nashville about her experience with the HPV vaccine. Erin was a completely healthy college student who was asked to take Gardasil as part of a trial. Within 24 hours she was violently sick, vomiting, and went on to develop cervical cancer within 18 months, the very thing the vaccine was supposed to protect her from.

Trump Appoints Robert F. Kennedy Jr. To Chair Vaccine Safety Commission

Finally ending months of speculation since Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency in November of 2016, on just where the President Elect stood on the vaccine issue, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced today that he had been appointed by the President Elect to head up a new commission on vaccine safety. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a long time proponent of vaccine safety, and a frequent critic of the government and pharmaceutical censorship of vaccine information.

Cleveland Medical Director Attacked for Questioning Vaccine Safety

Last week Medical Director and Chief Operating Officer Dr. Daniel Neides of the Cleveland Clinic decided to post an op-ed article titled “Make 2017 the Year to Avoid Toxins (good luck) and Master Your Domain: Words on Wellness." Half of the article is dedicated to the known and well-documented fact that the public in the U.S. is exposed to an unprecedented toxic burden. The other half of the piece is dedicated to raising questions for the public and the medical community to consider regarding vaccines and the current vaccination program in the United States, a program that has seen over $3 billion in injury and death payouts; $114 million in 2015 alone. As Dr. Neides, like his recent free thinking medical peers Dr. Daniel Kalb and Dr. Robert Sears, quickly found out, you don’t get to question or challenge vaccines or environmental toxins publicly when you belong to establishment medicine…period. The corporate media machine— funded primarily by the pharmaceutical industry — groaned to life and bellowed out tired propaganda in unison to counter the traitor within the tightly controlled medical establishment’s ranks. Forbes weighed in with the article title “Cleveland Clinic Doctor Goes Full Anti-Vaccine” while local ABC News 5 Cleveland ran with the title and video investigation “Cleveland Clinic Doctor Faces Discipline After Bashing Vaccines in Blog.” Many other mainstream media outlets followed suit. Yet the majority of the article titles have one thing in common: they are sensational and wrong.

Why Are Nurses and Healthcare Workers Across the U.S. Refusing Mandatory Flu Vaccines?

In this investigative report by Claire Dwoskin, the founder of the Childrens Medical Safety Research Institute, we learn what the true motivations are behind hospital policies that mandate the annual flu shot for healthcare workers. As nurses who have lost their jobs for refusing the flu vaccine are beginning to win legal battles across the U.S., Ms. Dwoskin reveals that these mandatory flu vaccine policies are based not on the vaccine efficacy or safety, but on financial incentives. One owner of 5 hospitals even reveals that he himself will never get the flu shot again after a negative reaction, and that employee absenteeism increases after administering the flu shots, and yet he keeps the mandatory flu vaccination policy in place for financial reasons. Even more troubling is the report that some pediatricians are now secretly administering the flu vaccine to children without parental consent.

U.S. Government Continues to Pay Damages for Vaccine Injuries: No Liability for Drug Makers

The December 2016 meeting of the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines and the Department of Justice report on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths reveals that vaccines produced and distributed in the United States carry great risks and cause harm in many people. The American public is largely unaware that there is a vaccine court known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). This program was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. Drug manufacturers in the vaccine business can now create as many new vaccines as they desire, with no risk of being sued if their product causes injury or death. This has resulted in a huge increase of vaccines entering the market, and the U.S. government, through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), is the largest purchaser of these vaccines, spending in excess of $4 billion taxpayer dollars each year to purchase these vaccines. If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, you must sue the federal government in this special vaccine court. Many cases are litigated for years before a settlement is reached. The most recent report was issued on December 2, 2016 which covered the period from 8/16/16 – 11/15/16. 222 cases were adjudicated. 131 of them were listed in the report. 98 of the 131 cases settled were for injuries involving the flu vaccine, making the flu vaccine the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S., harming more people than all the other vaccines combined.

FREE Vaccine DocuSeries Reveals “Biggest Public Health Experiment Ever”

Join us January 10th as we expose the biggest public health experiment ever! Your kids are already a part of the experiment, you're next. This new exclusive documentary series is about to be unveiled for FREE viewing on January 10th – 18th. You’ll discover the most cutting edge news and just released evidence — from over twenty of the world’s authorities and experts. All sessions are FREE - sign up today to reserve your spot!

13 Year Old Girl’s Menstrual Periods Stop After Gardasil HPV Vaccine

The VAXXED film crew interviewed a family in Michigan where the 15 year old daughter spoke and told about her difficulties after receiving the Gardasil HPV vaccines at age 13. She was an avid volley ball athlete before the vaccine, but soon became unable to compete. Her menstrual periods also stopped after taking the vaccine.

Top 10 Health Impact News Stories from 2016

Articles published on our Medical Kidnap website dominated our top most-read stories in 2016. Four of the top ten stories read involved infants taken away from their families at or near the time of their birth. One of them later died while in state custody. In terms of total traffic to our network, the HPV Vaccine and Gardasil continued to dominate the most traffic over any other topic. Two of the top 10 articles from 2016 involved the HPV Vaccine, including the story of a 19 year old girl who died from complications of the HPV Vaccine. Previous articles published prior to 2016 about Gardasil and the HPV vaccine also received significant traffic. Here are the top 10 articles read on the Health Impact News network in 2016:

Doctor and Professor of Medicine Speaks out Against Mandatory Vaccines

The VAXXED film crew recently interviewed Dr. Moss in West Virginia. Dr. Moss is a professor of medicine at West Virginia School of Medicine. He is also a nephrologist (kidney doctor). He has taught medical ethics for over 25 years. Dr. Moss acknowledges that he could potentially lose his job for speaking out against mandatory vaccines and consenting to be interviewed by the VAXXED film crew. Dr. Moss states that he knows 12 children with autism, including one of his neighbors. Both parents of the child who is his neighbor are physicians. So physicians are familiar with the fact that there are some children who meet all of their milestones and suddenly develop autism after receiving vaccines. Dr. Moss states that as someone who teaches medical ethics, he is very concerned that the public is not being informed about the dangers associated with vaccines. He references the Vaccine Court that compensates victims of vaccine injuries by more than $200 million a year, and that the flu vaccine is the biggest one being litigated in the Vaccine Court. He believes that anyone being vaccinated should be fully aware of the potential benefits and the risks.

New Government Cancer Task Force to Increase Spending and Mandate Ineffective Treatments

Cancer is a $125 BILLION dollar industry that is growing, not declining. The industry is dependent on more cancer patients, not less. A "cure" for cancer would put millions of people out of work, and destroy the U.S. economy. At the beginning of the last century, one person in twenty would get cancer. In the 1940s it was one out of every sixteen people. In the 1970s it was one person out of ten. Today one person out of three gets cancer in the course of their life, and that percentage will soon be one out of two. With the regime change in American politics about to take place, it appears that the outgoing administration is attempting to empower the pharmaceutical industry, perhaps in an attempt to secure future careers beyond politics. We recently saw evidence of this with the lame-duck Congress passing the 21st Century Cures Act. Outgoing Vice President Joseph Biden recently released the first report of a new government cancer task force, the Cancer Moonshot Task Force. We had investigative health reporter John P. Thomas look into just what this task force entails for the American public, and it appears that it increases cancer spending resulting in more profits for pharmaceutical companies, depends on no cures, and potentially will remove medical privacy and give government power to punish people who do not follow their medical advice.

Physicians Opposed to Mandatory Vaccines Start “Physicians for Informed Consent” Organization

On June 30, 2015, Dr. Shira Miller felt personally assaulted when California SB277 was signed into law. Since Dr. Miller does not follow the SB277 list of mandatory vaccines for her children, she suddenly found herself, like many California parents, in a desperate position. While she was busy taking care of her patients and raising her young children, legislators voted away her fundamental rights. So, she called upon a team of doctors, scientists, and attorneys, and Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) was born. The recent PIC press release states the following: "A newly launched nonprofit called Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) is now joining the cause to get the government out of some of the most important conversations parents have with their pediatrician. PIC is committed to protecting the rights of parents to make medical decisions for their children, and safeguarding doctors’ professional responsibility to act ethically and in the best interests of their individual patients. PIC is dedicated to raising public awareness about the problems posed for both parents and doctors by mandatory vaccination laws. In June 2015, Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB277, one of the most expansive and intrusive mandatory vaccination laws in the U.S. These laws discriminate against families who, in the best interest of their child’s health, do not follow the CDC’s recommended schedule. Politicians have forced their way into the conversation about one of the most important medical decisions families will make in consultation with their doctors."

New California Proposed Bill to Increase Government Seizure of Children from Families?

You may be familiar with the phrase “as California goes, so goes the nation." California’s legislative innovations are increasingly becoming harbingers of medical tyranny over children and their families. California Senator Dr. Richard Pan pushed through the mandatory vaccine law SB 277 last year with financial backing from vaccine manufacturers to ban children from public and private schools unless most of the CDC vaccine schedule was completed. Previous allowable vaccination exemptions are no longer allowed, except for medical exemptions. However, one prestigious California pediatrician is being threatened with losing his license to practice for issuing a medical exemption to vaccines to one of his patients. Could this be the State's method of shutting down doctors who dare to write vaccine exemptions, so that soon not even medical exemptions will be readily available to those who need them? Other such state bills mandating vaccines and removing exemptions were easily defeated across the U.S. in 2015, due to public outcry. Yet even though the public outcry was probably the loudest in California in opposition to SB 277, it somehow still passed. California became the first state to remove religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccines. Two other states, Mississippi and West Virginia, have never had such exemptions, and their yearly health statistics on children are consistently among the worst in the United States. Will the health of California's children now decline due to mandated increases in vaccination rates? Now that same state senator, Dr. Pan, is introducing new legislation, SB 18, that allows the state to assume total ownership of a child’s well being, as defined by state and medical bureaucratic “experts.”

NICU Nurse with 30 Years Experience Quits Over Premature Infants Being Harmed by Vaccines

The VAXXED film crew recently interviewed a nurse in California who has worked as a NICU nurse for nearly 30 years. She states in the interview that she is retiring early, because she can "no longer do what we were taught to do." She goes on to state that her philosophy on vaccines has changed, because she does not believe they are safe. She explains how it is routine to vaccinate premature infants, and that even though she brought in documentation, including medical journal studies, explaining that they should not be vaccinating these premature infants, that doctors will not change the procedure. So she decided to retire early, rather than continue harming these vulnerable babies.

Study: Unvaccinated Children Healthier Than Vaccinated Kids – Doctors Agree

A recent peer-reviewed study comparing health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, provisionally published in a journal of public health and assigned a DOI number (a digital object identifier given by publishers to identify content and provide a persistent link on the internet), found that completely unvaccinated children have less chronic disease and a lower risk of autism than vaccinated children. According to the abstract, the team of four scientists found that completely unvaccinated children were significantly more likely to get chickenpox and whooping cough but significantly less likely to suffer from ear infections, pneumonia, allergies, and brain or central nervous system disorders, including autism. In this investigative report, Dr. Jennifer Margulis interviews medical doctors, health experts, and parents, parents who have both vaccinated and unvaccinated children, confirming the conclusion of this new study that unvaccinated children are generally healthier than vaccinated children.

Dr. Humphries Examines Data on Gardasil Vaccine From Merck’s Own Package Inserts

Dr. Suzanne Humphries joins Polly Tommey with the VAXXED film crew to discuss what vaccine manufacturer Merck reveals about their Gardasil vaccine from their own package inserts. These package inserts are supposed to be read by every physician who administers the Gardasil vaccine, and every patient is required to be informed of the side effects of the vaccine. Sadly, this almost never happens.