Robert De Niro Attacked for Asking Questions about Vaccines and Promoting Freedom of Speech

Academy Award winning actor Robert De Niro appeared on the Today Show to discuss the beginning of the Tribeca Film Festival. De Niro appeared with Tribeca co-founder Jane Rosenthal. De Niro defended his original decision to include the film "Vaxxed" in the film festival, which was later reversed, and encouraged everyone to see the film, as well as another film called "Trace Amounts." He expressed regret at having to exclude the film, but stated he did not want the Festival affected by the controversy. Jane Rosthenthal, the co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival, then made the shocking statement that the film was pulled from the film festival not because of pressure from sponsors, but because other film-makers threatened to pull out of the festival: "There weren't sponsors or donors that were threatening to pull out of the film festival, but these were film makers, and we're known for having amazing documentary films... It was our film makers that were pulling out." De Niro replied: "I find that amazing, and we're going to talk about that." In defense of the film industry and freedom of speech, De Niro went on to state: "All I wanted, was for the movie to be seen. People can make their own judgement, but you must see it."

Victims in Japan Sue for Damages Due to Gardasil and Cervarix HPV Vaccines

The Japan Times recently reported that a class action lawsuit will be filed after June 2016 against the Japanese government, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline by victims who have suffered severe side effects as a result of receiving the former government recommended HPV vaccine (Gardasil and Cervarix.) Twelve plaintiffs will file the lawsuit at four district courts in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka. The plaintiffs are demanding answers as to why they were not informed of the risks of HPV vaccine prior to receiving it. The defense team will be hosting seminars in the next two months in hopes of seeking additional plaintiffs. Unlike in Japan where vaccine-injured victims can directly file a lawsuit against the state and the vaccine manufacturers, the judicial process in the U.S. for vaccine-injured victims of HPV and other government recommended or mandated vaccines is remarkably different, to say the least. Under current U.S. federal law, no one can directly sue a vaccine manufacturer in civil court after a vaccine causes the injury or death of a minor child or adult, as they are protected by law against any liabilities due to faulty vaccines that cause death and injuries.

Texas Succumbs to Vaccine Censorship and Pharmaceutical Pressure Regarding Vaxxed Film

The Vaxxed film is exposing deep bias within the mainstream media, government and the film industry in regard to pharmaceutical influence and censorship. Hunter Todd — the festival Chairman & Founding Director of WorldFest-Houston — reported that he received threatening calls from “high government officials” pressuring him to not show the Vaxxed film. “…after very threatening calls late yesterday from high Houston Government officials – we had no choice but to drop the film” Todd’s letter went on to state that: “Heavy handed censorship, to say the least…they both threatened severe action against the festival if we showed it, so it is out. Their actions would have cost us more than $100,000 in grants. The mayor asked that it be removed from the lineup. I believe Judge Emmett did the same. The film festival is being funded in part through a grant from the City of Houston. The mayor felt it inappropriate for the city to endorse an event that would be screening a film that is counter to the city’s efforts to ensure children receive vaccinations.”

Avoid Having Your Children Medically Kidnapped by the Corrupt Cancer Industry – FREE Online Seminar!

The cancer treatment business in the United States is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world, generating well over 100 billion dollars of revenue. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the only organization authorized to approve medical treatments for cancer, and if your child has cancer and you do not like the choices available, such as toxic chemotherapy drugs, you face losing custody of your child to Child Protection Services for disagreeing with a doctor and the FDA approved cancer treatments. The cancer treatment business is seen as a huge growth market, and it depends on no cures for the market to continue to grow. At the beginning of the last century, one person in twenty would get cancer. In the 1940s it was one out of every sixteen people. In the 1970s it was one person out of ten. Today one person out of three gets cancer in the course of their life. The medical system's next huge market for cancer growth are vaccines. The first cancer vaccine approved for children was the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil. As Health Impact News has reported on its Vaccine Impact news site, many thousands of girls in the U.S. and around the world have reported that their lives have been destroyed by this cancer vaccine. The best way one can avoid having their child medically kidnapped is to avoid doctors and hospitals that do not respect parental rights, and seek out the true cancer cures that currently exist, many of them outside of the U.S. To learn more about effective cancer cures, and how to avoid the medical system, sign up for the FREE online summit that starts Tuesday, April 12th.

California Bill Would Require State to Post Links to Vaccine Injury Reporting and Vaccine Injury Compensation

Last year California became the first state in the U.S. to remove the religious exemption for childhood vaccines, in spite of overwhelming opposition from parents, doctors, and other community leaders. Now, California Assemblyman Travis Allen has introduced legislation that would require the California Health and Human Services Agency to provide information to the public regarding the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, two federally funded resources most of the American public knows nothing about. How could any lawmaker oppose this freedom of information? If the State is going to mandate vaccines to school children, should not federal information on vaccine injuries be available to the public? In 2014 the Government Accounting Office (GAO) issued a report on the federal Vaccine Compensation Program criticizing the government for not making the public aware that this program exists. If AB 2832 passes in California, it will become one of the first states to rectify the problems documented by the GAO.

Another CDC Whistleblower Adds Fuel to Vaxxed Film’s Fight Against Censorship

A turning point is happening in the U.S. despite the mainstream media’s best efforts to downplay and ignore it. Fraud within The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now premiering in theaters throughout the U.S. as the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe has opened at the box office to massive interest. The film centers on Dr. William Thompson’s 2014 admissions of research fraud with regard to manipulating the pivotal study that showed a correlation between the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine and the onset of autism. Both the silence of Congress and the epidemic run up of autism rates since Dr. Thompson’s admissions have been staggering. Ignoring the opportunity to promptly act on Dr. Thompson’s information in 2014, the national conversation has grown rapidly encompassing pharmaceutical fraud, vaccine safety and government agency corruption. Now, another CDC whistleblower has revealed corruption at the CDC. On April 4, the court heard critical motions from a former CDC researcher and whistle blower alleging the CDC committed research misconduct and persistent data errors in their autism prevalence reports. Judith Pinborough-Zimmerman — the whistle blower in the case — filed specific concerns over alleged uncorrected errors in the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network’s reported autism analysis for Utah. After Robert De Niro announced — and then days later retracted — the showing of Vaxxed at his 2016 Tribeca film festival, the public took note of the film in a major way. The hype generated in a week’s time by the fiasco was enough free publicity to propel the Vaxxed documentary upward like a rocket. When the Angelika theater stepped up to premiere the film in Tribeca’s absence, the countdown was on. In spite of efforts by the mainstream media to censor the message of Vaxxed, the public is responding in a huge way by showing that they want freedom of speech surrounding vaccine safety.

Former Government Science Chief: MMR Vaccine “One of the Greatest Scandals in Medical History”

A former Government medical officer responsible for deciding whether medicines are safe has accused the Government of "utterly inexplicable complacency" over the MMR triple vaccine for children. Dr Peter Fletcher, who was Chief Scientific Officer at the Department of Health, said if it is proven that the jab causes autism, "the refusal by governments to evaluate the risks properly will make this one of the greatest scandals in medical history."

Time to Dispel Myths and Lies About Whooping Cough and Pertussis Vaccines

For the past decade, Americans have been subjected to dire warnings that B. pertussis whooping cough cases are on the rise and it is the fault of parents who don’t vaccinate their children. That myth actually goes back to the early 1980’s, when parents of DPT vaccine injured children in the U.S. were asking for a safer pertussis vaccine while, at the same time, discovering that whole cell pertussis vaccine in DPT shots did not prevent infection and vaccine immunity lasted for only two to five years. What’s old is new again. And it is time to dispel the myths and lies being told about pertussis and pertussis vaccines. FACT: Both the reactive whole cell DPT vaccine licensed 1949 and the less toxic acellular DTaP vaccine licensed in 1996 do not prevent infection or transmission, and only provide two to five years of temporary immunity at best; FACT: Millions of vaccinated children and adults are silently infected with pertussis in the U.S. every year and show few or no symptoms but spread whooping cough to vaccinated and unvaccinated children - without doctors identifying or reporting cases to the government; FACT: In response to mass pertussis vaccination campaigns beginning in the 1950s, the B. pertussis microbe evolved to evade both whole cell and acellular pertussis vaccines, creating new strains producing more toxin to suppress immune function and cause more serious disease.

Borax Being Added to Vaccines

The US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health declare sodium borate to be a dangerous poison. Side effects include: vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, blisters, collapse, coma, convulsions, drowsiness, fever, low blood pressure, decreased urine output, sloughing of the skin, and twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs, and feet. Sodium borate has also been banned in the US as a food additive. It is also an ingredient in some childhood vaccines. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) list sodium borate as an ingredient in four vaccines: Hepatitis A (Vaqta), HIB/Hepatits B (Comvax), and in two HPV vaccines (Gardasil and Gardasil 9). It’s astonishing that such a dangerous ingredient is added to vaccines. There are other toxic ingredients in vaccines as well—all “adjuvants”: aluminum, formaldehyde, and polysorbate 80, to name a few. So, sodium borate is considered a dangerous poison and is too toxic to be used as a food additive—but it’s perfectly safe to inject our children with it?

Is “Vaccine Hesitancy” a New Mental Disease to be “Cured”?

There is a new affliction that is threatening the world population. It is so new that it hasn’t even been officially declared to be a disease, but the World Health Organization and bioethicists are already waving the red flag of warning. The World Health Organization (WHO) is very concerned about the problem of “vaccine hesitancy,” which they say is threatening the effectiveness of their worldwide vaccination program. In short, some parents are not automatically allowing their babies to be vaccinated even though such services are available. Adults also are not responding to calls for receiving vaccines even when they are free. How long will it be until the WHO steps up the intensity of its vaccine program and declares “vaccine hesitancy” to be a mental illness?

Medical Cannabis Gets Green-Light for Autism Treatment and Research

In January 2016, Hillary Clinton unveiled an autism initiative that was focused on bringing greater awareness to the epidemic. Clinton, who has received more pharmaceutical industry money than any leading political figure in the United States, wants “to ensure that all children, and in particular children from underserved backgrounds, can get screened for autism.” Reading between the political red tape and double speak, Clinton and the pharmaceutical industry are looking to create a funnel to drive millions affected by the autism spectrum into the drug company’s arms. There is a lot of buzz these days coming from the political and medical hot potato that is medical cannabis (marijuana). Many states are wrestling with current legislation, desperate not to give full control of this plant’s healing powers over to the people without high taxes and tracking systems. Two major events have just occurred within the last week. First, Pennsylvania is moving to become the first state to list autism as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana. If Pennsylvania’s SB3 becomes law, it will legally protect doctors who want to prescribe medical marijuana. In addition, the law would give parents and their children access to a powerful medical tool that would be covered by insurance. The second major event that is currently in the works is the world’s first official crowdfunded medical marijuana study at Colorado State University. Headed by Thorsten Rudroff, director of Colorado State University’s (CSU) Integrative Neurophysiology Lab, the study aims to conduct tests on at least 20 MS patients in northern Colorado who already are using medical marijuana and compare them with members of a control group of the same size who do not.

Colombian Health Officials Demand Changes to Stop HPV Vaccine Injuries

Colombia’s largest mainstream news outlet El Tiempo is currently reporting on a public forum that was held in the Bogotá Council. The forum heard testimony from doctors, lawyers, politicians, health ministers and numerous HPV vaccine-injured girls in an effort to determine the country’s next steps concerning its HPV vaccine program and treatment of the massive numbers of vaccine injuries caused by the shot.

Australia Targets Low Income Families with “No Jab, No Pay” Vaccination Law

With the passage of The Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment of 2015, Australia has retrogressed to a state of gross human rights violations. The amendment, nicknamed No Jab, No Pay, is now active and targeting low income families exclusively. Parents who are conscientious objectors to vaccination, for whatever reason, will now be unable to claim any childcare rebates and will lose their end-of-year family tax benefits. The No Jab, No Pay amendment, which went live on January 1, 2016, also restricts the ability of parents exercising medical choice to access childcare services. The No Jab, No Pay vaccine amendment is estimated to cost low-income families with two children up to $30,000 a year.

Holistic Psychiatrist Gets Big Book Deal on Women’s Mental Health – But is Blacklisted by Mainstream Media

Dr. Kelly Brogan is a Manhattan-based holistic women’s health psychiatrist. Her credentials are impressive. She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from MIT in Systems Neuroscience. She is board certified in psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, and integrative holistic medicine. But it is not because of Dr. Brogan's credentials that New York book publishers lined up to bid for the rights to publish her new book, where she landed a 7 figure book publishing deal that paid out one of the largest advances in royalties in the history of her publisher, HarperCollins. It was because Dr. Brogan speaks to an issue affecting millions of women world-wide, the issue of depression, and how to treat depression without toxic drugs. After landing such a lucrative book deal such as Dr. Brogan did, it is customary to make the rounds of mainstream media programs to promote the book. The pre-release sales of the book has already catapulted her book to #1 on in a couple of book categories. A book deal this big covering a topic as popular as woman's mental health, should have had all the major media outlets fighting each other to get Dr. Brogan on their shows. However, after the publisher sent the galley to all the major networks, not one single one wanted to invite Dr. Brogan, and Dr. Brogan reports that one station even threatened to give negative publicity to the book. It is time for the alternative media to rise up and overcome the censorship that is bought by the advertisers of the mainstream media, such as the pharmaceutical industry. Let's help get Dr. Brogan's book on to the N.Y. Times best-seller list without any help from the mainstream media!

Are Ineffective New Meningitis B Vaccines Causing Harm to Children?

With U.S. doctors questioning the safety and effectiveness of the new meningitis B vaccines in a shocking San Diego Union Tribune news report, we need to ask ourselves whether or not our children are more at risk from the vaccine, than they are from the disease itself. This is a real possibility because according to the Tribune, risk of catching the disease is rare and patients from families with a history of immune system disease could be at risk from severe adverse reactions. Dr. Mark Sawyer, an infectious disease specialist at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, told reporters: “Newer vaccines on the market lack comprehensive evidence on safety and effectiveness, compared with vaccines that have been administered to tens of millions of people over decades.” Furthermore, he continued by informing reporters that he did not vaccinate his own daughter because he did not feel that she was at an increased risk and stated: “Parents should realize that there are many more pressing threats on the vaccination front.”

Gardasil Vaccine Put Our Lives on Hold

At 8 years of age, my daughter Calli was diagnosed with ADHD. She was full of energy, constantly on the go, enjoyed singing, acting and music, loved meeting up with friends. Fast forward to the 11th of December 2013. That’s the day Calli received the second dose of the HPV vaccine Gardasil. The 12th of December Calli went to bed at 10pm and at 10.45pm screamed ‘mum!’ I rushed upstairs to find her in a state of acute confusion, unable to see and very frightened. At first I thought she was dreaming but no, this was the beginning of our nightmare. What has concerned me since the 12th of December is that when the school sent out the consent form and their information leaflet, no mention was made of any serious adverse reactions which could occur following HPV vaccination. The serious side effects are listed on the Patients Information Leaflet which is not sent out to parents at the time of requesting consent. Friday 13th December 2013 at 10am while the doctors were at her bed, Calli had a Tonic Clonic Seizure. This was the most frightening experience I have ever witnessed. I thought my child had died in front of me. It’s over two years since Calli received the HPV vaccine and it has been very difficult for her. It has also been difficult for me to watch her every day not knowing how she will be or how much she will suffer. We just have to work on a day to day basis and cannot plan anything. Our lives are on hold at the moment. I just wish I did more research on the side-effects of this vaccine before I consented to vaccinate. I feel very guilty.

Ireland’s HPV Vaccine Injured Fight for Human Rights in Dublin’s High Court

Fighting for the recognition of their vaccine-injured daughters in the eyes of healthcare and political policy, growing numbers of Irish mothers and fathers throughout the country are garnering the world's attention. At the same time throughout Ireland, many are asking for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine to be withdrawn in the country. Countries globally are experiencing their newly unveiled mandatory HPV vaccine programs in various stages of deterioration and failure. Amidst this chaos, a perfect storm of well-deserved bad press, mounting HPV vaccine injury and political apathy has descended upon Ireland. Mainstream special reports and news stories coming from the Emerald Isle continue to cast a light on the negligent silence of Ireland's political class. The Irish healthcare system is rapidly losing the respect of its people through years of misdiagnosing Gardasil vaccine injury and medical incompetence in its treatment. The mishandling and inaction regarding Ireland's vaccine-injured daughters is now front and center for the world to see in Dublin’s High Court.

Idaho Lawmakers Want to Allow Pharmacists to Vaccinate Children as Young as 6 Years Old

SB 1294 was introduced in the Idaho Senate Health and Welfare Committee February 10, 2016 and has passed the full Senate. The next step is a hearing in the House Health and Welfare Committee that will be scheduled in the coming days. SB 1294 would permit pharmacists to prescribe and administer vaccines to children 6 years of age or older. Legislation already allows pharmacists to vaccinate 12 year-olds, this bill reduces the age to 6 year olds. Our rights are being undermined. Although you may not think it is a big deal if pharmacists vaccinate 6 year olds, it is for many reasons. Pharmacists do not know a child’s medical history, do not have access to their records, may never see a child again so be unaware of reactions, and have no liability for vaccines they administer. In addition, we have visited 3 Idaho pharmacists and they are not following existing law with respect to reporting reactions and notifying parents that vaccines and the vaccine registry are voluntary. In addition, the pattern across the country is clear, once pharmacists can vaccinate younger children, they will attempt to remove parental consent as has been done in some states. So when your 10 year old goes into the drug store to buy a piece of candy or little toy, the pharmacist would be able to vaccinate them without your consent. Rights are not usually taken away in one major action but in a piece meal way - we must act to protect them. Please ACT NOW! It takes just 5 minutes to send an email.

Family Faces Criminal Prosecution and Loss of Children for not Vaccinating Child who Died

As we have reported frequently here at Health Impact News, State governments in the U.S. and countries around the world are trying to eliminate vaccine exemptions, and make all vaccinations mandatory, by force if necessary. In those situations where legislative efforts fail, could vaccine extremists now have a different strategy by using the courts to prosecute parents who choose to not vaccinate their children, and then later their child comes in contact with an illness from which there is a vaccine in the market to allegedly prevent? If a child is found to have contracted chickenpox, for example, and their parents had chosen not to administer the chickenpox vaccine believing that natural immunity was better than the vaccine, could the threat of being criminally prosecuted for failing to vaccinate become a de facto method of forcing everyone to comply with mandatory vaccines? In this report out of Canada, this exact scenario is being tried in the courts this week, where the tragic death of one family's child is viewed by some as setting a precedent for the extremist pro-vaccine lobby. The Stephan family, leaders in the alternative health field in Canada, face time in prison and the removal of their remaining children for simply refusing to vaccinate their child who later died in a hospital that failed to save him. The authorities want the court to rule his death was preventable by a simple vaccine, something that could never be proven scientifically.

Flu Vaccine Injury and Death Claims Increase in 2016

It came as no surprise to me that during the meeting of the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) on December 4, 2015 that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Division of Injury Compensation Programs (DICP) reported that the number of vaccine injury claims for this fiscal year will exceed previous years. I have monitored this committee for the past six years and have seen the number of claims rise every year. Sadly they are likely to represent only a fraction of the vaccine injured, due to the lack of public awareness of the existence of the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) created under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which has a record of dismissing two-thirds of claims received. The estimated 1,000 claims that the VICP anticipates being filed in 2016 are projected to cost $224 million. Although the VICP was originally created by Congress to shield drug companies producing government licensed, recommended and mandated vaccines for children, today it is not children but adults injured by influenza vaccine who are receiving most of the compensation.