Did Two Medical Journals Just Blacklist Gardasil Research Showing Dangers of the Vaccine?
Recently, the medical journal Vaccine has abruptly withdrawn a study that casts doubt on the safety of Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine, and by extension, the entire global push to mandate the shot by law to boys and girls. Are the nine authors of the recently rejected Gardasil study another chapter in the continued global vaccine research fraud? The study found that mice injected with Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine exhibited neurological and behavioral abnormalities. The study concluded to suggest curbing the current worldwide push to immunize all boys and girls with the HPV vaccine pending further investigation. The move by the journal Vaccine to put on hold and send for re-review the recent Gardasil HPV study is raising questions. Sources told Health Impact News that the pulled HPV study was temporarily removed at the request of Vaccine’s Editor-in-Chief Dr. Gregory Poland. In addition, Dr. Poland recommended the study be further reviewed. Commenting on these unusual events, one of the Gardasil HPV vaccine study’s authors, Dr. Shaw, told Health Impact News: “It is odd that an already peer-reviewed, revised after review, and then accepted study would be re-reviewed.”