Full Scale Naval War Breaks Out in Red Sea as Cyber Attacks Take Down Fuel Station Distribution in Iran

There can be no doubt now that we are in the beginning phase of WW III, as a full-blown Naval War has broken out in the Red Sea that threatens global trade. It was announced today that the United States was launching "Operation Prosperity Guardian", a new military operation in the Red Sea. There are also many reports of Cyber Attacks in the news right now, with the latest one being reported as an Israeli cyber attack against Iran that took down their petroleum distribution system earlier today. While you can find these stories on cyber attacks by doing a news search, they are not (yet) headline news, and one has to wonder why not, and are these cyber attacks happening a lot more than what is being reported? Most likely. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) just gave permission to Corporate America to NOT report cyber attacks for at least 30 days, due to "national security."

New Netflix Movie Warns of Coming Cyber Attack – Former Freemason Wall Street Manager Explains How the Banks Will Soon Take Your Money

Netflix recently released a new fictional film titled "Leave the World Behind" which dramatizes what could happen with a cyber attack against the U.S. I watched this film yesterday, since online comments about it were all over the place in trying to interpret it. I am recommending everyone to watch this film. Another corroborating source about what is about to happen, is the non-fictional work of David Webb, someone I had not heard of before this week. Webb has published a new book that anyone can download for free. I have read about 75% of the book since yesterday (I started with the Prologue and then worked my way back from the Conclusion), and I have to say this is definitely a MUST READ! David Webb has an incredible Bio, and came from a family deeply involved in Freemasonry. He was a successful Wall Street manager for years, and now lives in Switzerland where he owns farmland. He is originally from Cleveland. I would consider Webb a true "whistle-blower" who knows the intricacies of Freemasonry and the world's financial system, through previous experience.

What is the Difference Between the “Image of the Beast” and the “Mark of the Beast”?

This is another article in my series about the book of Revelation in the Bible and "End Times" prophecies, with possible interpretations presented in light of modern events currently happening in the world around us since the COVID Scam in 2020. I am writing from the premise that modern-day events point to the United States and American Christianity as "The Great Prostitute" and "Babylon," with the first "Beast" mentioned in Revelation being the financial system, and NOT the Anti-Christ, which others besides myself also interpret as the "Beast," and that the second "Beast" that gives voice to and works together with the first Beast, is Big Tech. In this article, I want to identify what modern-day evidence leads to as identifying the "mark of the beast," which is different from the "image of the beast." In Revelation chapter 14, for example, we see these three identities all mentioned in the same verse: "If anyone worships the BEAST and his IMAGE and receives his MARK on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name." (Revelation 14:9-11) So what is the difference between the beast's "image" and his "mark"?

Are the Space Wars About to Begin? Is the Second “Bowl” Judgment About to be Poured Out?

NASA's fake moon landing hoax from 1969 is getting more attention in the alternative media these days, as a clip from Russian Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of Roscosmos, the Russian state space agency, is going viral which has reportedly exposed the fake NASA 1969 moon landing. Is this perhaps military posturing over the rapidly increasing satellites and rockets that the new U.S. Military branch, Space Force, is launching into space? I have previously reported how NASA is a Freemason agency, and that the name of NASA's new military program is "Artemis," the name given to the main female "deity" during the days of the Roman Empire centered in the city of Ephesus. This female demonic "god" was known as "Ashtoreth" in Old Testament times, and today I believe she is known as "Columbia" or "Lady Freedom" and resides in the United States. This female head demon "deity" was also linked to worship of the moon, and was sometimes called "The Queen of Heaven", such as in the book of the prophet Jeremiah, who was the sole prophet who warned the inhabitants of Jerusalem that the city and the Temple were about to be destroyed in 586 BC by the military forces of Babylon. This "Queen of Heaven" was known as a fertility god, and believed to have been an image of the moon. Today, people in the United States are not "burning incense" and worshiping the moon, as far as I know, but we are "worshiping" her in different ways, by spending $billions on the NASA space program and the new military Space Agency, much of which today is flowing through the hands of Elon Musk and his SpaceX program, to go "back" to the moon "again," even though we never went there in the first place back in 1969. Are we approaching the "last battle" that originates in "heaven" where the Queen of Heaven, represented by "Columbia" and the NASA "space" program which "worships" the moon, engages in battle with Jesus Christ and his army?

The U.S. Stands Alone in the World Supporting Genocide Against the Palestinian People

In my extensive coverage of the Israel - Hamas war since it started, I have reported that the ongoing genocide of an entire race of people, the Palestinians, is vehemently opposed by a vast majority of the world's population. More than half the Israeli population does not support Netanyahu's reign of terror, and the majority of Jews living in the United States also do not support the annihilation of the Palestinian people, where recent polls have shown that about two thirds of the population of the U.S. do not support Israel's action, but instead support a ceasefire. And now, since yesterday, December 8, 2023, we can add the United Nations Security Council, where a resolution to call for a ceasefire in this horrible war with over 10,000 people now murdered, most of whom are women and children, failed by the only vote cast to oppose that ceasefire, the vote of the United States, who is  a "permanent member" of the Security Council, with the authority to override everyone else's votes. Does any rational-thinking U.S. citizen still believe that the U.S. can take on almost the entire world, risking the security of our country, by choosing to stand with Netanyahu's reign of terror?

The Imminent Demise of Christianity in America: “Come out of her my people lest you share her plagues…”

In my last article, I documented how a modern-day interpretation of Biblical prophecy taking into account recent events that have occurred since 2020 and the Great COVID Scam can easily lead one to conclude that the "revived Roman Empire" that many see in the book of Revelation can really only be applied to the United States as "The Great Prostitute" and "Babylon" that is the object of God's fierce anger and "last day" judgments against "Babylon", and "the Beast" which is the financial system. As I write this today, on December 7, 2023, world events are rapidly developing into what many people are referring to as an imminent "doomsday" scenario. These events are unfolding so fast right now, that I just simply do not have time to cover all of them, even though I am staying on top of them. Here are some of the news items (much of it censored in the U.S. Corporate Media) that have occurred in the past few days that suggest time is short now before major, cataclysmic events erupt (open the article to see). Israel and the U.S. Zionists are quickly losing the (dis)information war, and are now paying "influencers" on social media to promote Israel, or to take down content that criticizes Israel. As far as our "Beast" financial system, I am honestly very surprised it has not collapsed yet, as U.S. Banks are bleeding capital at a rate even worse than earlier this year when several banks, mostly tied to Silicon Valley, collapsed. The stock market continues to chug along even as the price of oil keeps falling, and the value of Gold is increasing. This is because, as I have said repeatedly in the past, the U.S. Stock Market has become a Casino without much difference than the large Casinos in Vegas, betting money that does not even really exist, in the largest Ponzi scheme the world has probably ever seen. As I wrote in my last article, this criminal financial system is probably the main "Beast" discussed in Revelation, with the second "Beast" that gives it a voice being "Big Tech" today. And one of the events that could bring down this entire criminal enterprise is a "Cyber Attack", something that is starting to be discussed again in the Alternative Media. In my last article I showed how based on current events, the only country that makes sense as "The Great Harlot" or "Babylon" as the leader over all other geopolitical nations in the world today as described in Revelation in the Bible, is the United States of America, the "revived Roman Empire." But historically, many Bible commentators writing about Revelation, especially in the late 1800s during the "Reformation" period in Europe, equated "Babylon" and the "Harlot" in Revelation to a religious force, namely "Christianity", Roman Christianity and the "Roman Catholic Church" led by "The Pope." However, looking at the vast geopolitical and religious landscape as it exists here today at the end of 2023, Italy and the Pope really are not all that significant in world events today, as they were during the Reformation period. Instead, the most powerful Christian Country in the world today is undoubtedly the United States, and the most powerful religious force in Christianity is American Christianity, especially Zionism. Therefore, it makes much more sense today to see "Babylon" and "The Harlot" as being the American Corporate Church. But I just identified "Babylon" and "The Harlot" in Revelation as probably referring to the United States in my last article. Am I now changing my opinion about this? No, because the U.S. Government and the Christian Religion in the U.S. today are inseparable, as one cannot exist without the other. They are two halves of the same demonic identity, "Babylon" and "The Harlot".

Is Lady Liberty (Columbia) the “Great Prostitute” of Prophecy Residing in Washington D.C., the Revived Roman Empire to Fall During the “Last Days”?

Last month (November, 2023), I wrote an article where I identified the name of the head demon I believed represented the USA today, which is "Columbia", a female deity that also goes by "Lady Liberty" or "Freedom" in modern times since the USA was founded in 1776. In ancient times she has been known by other names, such as “Ashtoreth”, a female fertility "god" known in Old Testament times, or "Artemis", the name she was given in the New Testament times under the rule of the ancient Roman empire. Another manifestation of this demon of the United States of America is in the "Statute of Freedom" which stands tall on top of the U.S. Capitol dome in Washington D.C., where members of the U.S. Congress meet in the legislative branch of the U.S. government. Latin was the language of the former Roman Empire, and the District of Columbia in the United States is full of these Latin phrases, as well as Roman architecture. Is there really any doubt that the United States is the "revived Roman Empire" which many believe is prophesied in the Bible to be the "Great Prostitute", or that Washington D.C. is at the seat of Freemasonry and Satanism in the world today? If so, what does biblical prophecy say is going to happen to this "Beast" and the "Great Prostitute" in the "last days"?

Killing Palestinians with U.S. Bombs Now Called “The Gospel”

After a brief cease-fire in Gaza, the bombs are pouring into Gaza once more where reportedly over 700 people have been killed in just the last 24 hours, as the genocide of the Palestinian people continues. Overnight and into Sunday, intense bombing was reported in Khan Younis, Rafah, and some northern parts targeted by Israel's air and ground attacks. "Everywhere you turn to, there are children with third-degree burns, shrapnel wounds, brain injuries and broken bones," James Elder, UNICEF's global spokesperson, told Al Jazeera from Gaza. "Mothers crying over children who look like they are hours away from death. It seems like a death zone right now." An explosive report about a computer program that Israel uses to choose targets in Gaza to bomb was just published this week, and the name of this computer program that sends bombs into Gaza to assassinate targets is reportedly called "The Gospel." It was published in an online magazine called "+972", which is "an independent, online, nonprofit magazine run by a group of Palestinian and Israeli journalists" that provides "in-depth reporting, analysis, and opinions from the ground in Israel-Palestine." It was also covered in several other media sources, such as "The Guardian." They reported: “Nothing happens by accident. When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.” According to the investigation, the large number of targets, and the extensive harm to civilian life in Gaza, is the widespread use of a system called “Habsora” (“The Gospel”), which is largely built on artificial intelligence and can “generate” targets almost automatically at a rate that far exceeds what was previously possible. This AI system, as described by a former intelligence officer, essentially facilitates a “mass assassination factory.” And it is widely being reported now that the United States is supplying bombs made in the United States to Israel to be used in "The Gospel" bombing attacks on the people in Gaza.

Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult

Christian Zionism is a cult, a very dangerous cult. I refer to this teaching as a "cult" because it is not based on the writings of the Bible, although it tries to use the Bible to justify its doctrines. Christian Zionism is a branch of Dispensationalism Theology, which began around the 18th Century and was made popular in the late 19th Century by John Nelson Darby, and C.I. Scofield, who developed the first "study Bible" that included notes on the original text of the Bible interpreting the text through the lens of Dispensationalism, which included Zionism. The most dangerous modern-day belief coming out of Zionism, is that modern-day Israel, and the "Jewish people," are more special than any other nation or race of people on earth, which leads to racial discrimination and prejudice, something that is NOT taught in the Bible at all. I have previously covered much of this false teaching, so what I am going to do in this article is repeat most of that teaching and show just what the Bible actually teaches. I am using the Bible as my authority, which is what most of the Zionists also claim, so that you can search the scriptures yourself to see what they actually teach on this topic, rather than rely upon a Christian "expert".

The FDA has NOT Banned Trans Fats! Traditional Saturated Fats like Coconut Oil Continue to Shine for Alzheimer’s Disease but are Condemned by U.S. Dietary Advice

It has been widely reported in the Alternative Media this month that the FDA has banned trans fats, and that they will no longer be allowed in foods starting December 22, 2023. Please note: if you believe that the FDA always tells us the truth because they want to protect us, then there is no need for you to read any further. Go on trusting them and their advice for drugs, vaccines, and food. Just make sure your estate is in order, as it has been widely shown that following the FDA's advice leads to shortened lifespans. If, on the other hand, you understand that the FDA is simply the marketing branch for Big Pharma and Big Food, which looks out for THEIR best interests and how to maximize profits, and that it is almost always wise to do the exact OPPOSITE of what the FDA recommends, then read on. I have thoroughly researched this claim, and as far as I can see this (dis)information originates from a single article published on Epoch Times by Mary Gillis. I have searched the FDA website to find the most current news and rulings on this issue of deadly trans fats, and there is nothing on the FDA's website about "banning" trans fats. In fact, they still allowed it in small quantities for edible oils, and the food manufacturers do not have to list them on their labels as long as they are below the "accepted" limits the FDA has determined are allowable for poisons in foods. Trans fats are toxic byproducts produced by hydrogenating polyunsaturated oils, such as vegetable oils derived from soybeans and corn, two subsidized cash crops in the U.S. that were only used to extract oil from after WW II and the development of seed "expeller-pressed" technology. Prior to WW II, these "dietary" oils did not exist in the human food chain. What we had instead were the traditional fats and oils that nourished our ancestors: Saturated Fats. They are found in animal sources, such as lard, tallow, and butter, and also from vegetable sources such as coconut and palm "oil". These are known as the "tropical oils", as in their native environment in the tropical countries they tend to stay liquid at room temperature, but are mostly solid (fats) in northern climates, such as North America and Europe. When the Japanese cut off the shipping lanes from the tropical countries to the U.S. and Europe during WW II, American food processors began hydrogenating polyunsaturated oils like corn and soy to make then mimic saturated fats. Years later, it was determined that the byproducts from these hydrogenated oils were toxic and disease-causing, and many nations started banning them. The rational thing to do would have been for the U.S. Government to reverse their harmful "low-fat" diet advice and only promote polyunsaturated oils as "healthy", and return to the traditional saturated fats that our ancestors grew up consuming. But no, that could never be, as it would take away corporate profits at the expense of having healthier fats and oils benefit Americans' health. It would also remove their main motive to promote cholesterol-lowering drugs, as they need to demonize saturated fats by scaring everyone that if they consume them, they will have high cholesterol that leads to heart disease, the "lipid theory" of heart disease that has been widely debunked in the scientific literature. The Globalists know that traditional saturated fats are healthy: they just don't want YOU to know, because it decreases their profits in Big Pharma and Big Food. However, since the early 1930s it has been known that a diet high in saturated fat is not only NOT unhealthy, but it can actually cure disease.

National Day of Thanksgiving? Remembering Those Who had Loved Ones Murdered by the U.S. Government

Today marks the beginning of the Holiday Season in the United States with the national holiday called "Thanksgiving." This season is first and foremost a consumer holiday season that brings in $billions to the economy, with many businesses in the United States earning more revenue between Thanksgiving and New Years than the rest of the year combined. Mass media presents it as a time of year to be with family, a "happy" time of year. But for many people, maybe perhaps even the majority of the people in the U.S. this year, this is the most painful time of the year, not the happiest time of the year, because as the mass media advertises families getting together, for many families, loved ones are not coming home for the holidays. Not this year, not ever: because our government and our society brutally killed their children and loved ones. So instead of being "thankful" today because my government declares it to be a national day of "Thanksgiving," I will NOT comply. Instead, I dedicate this day to all the broken and devastated families who will not be gathering with loved ones, because their loved ones were taken away from them, and are never coming back home. For many of us alone during the holidays watching our fake culture and evil government promote the "holiday spirit" to get people to spend more money for the holidays, we are the ones who are truly thankful, because we don't need our government to tell us when to be thankful or not, as we wake up every day and thank God for another day to serve him behind enemy lines, knowing that our REAL day of Thanksgiving still awaits us in the future, when justice will be executed against the rulers of this Satanic world system.

Pediatric Dentists Now Pushing Vaccines on Children – Dentists Medically Kidnap Children if They Don’t Keep Appointments

In May of 2019 Health Impact News reported that Oregon became the first state in the U.S. to permit dentists to inject children with vaccines. In 2021, under the PREP Act during COVID, dentists all across the U.S. were given authority to start vaccinating their patients in an effort to vaccinate more children and adults with the experimental COVID-19 "vaccine," regardless of whether the state they resided in allowed dentists to give vaccines or not. So dentist offices joined local churches and other public places in 2021 as killing centers authorized to inject COVID-19 bioweapon shots in an attempt to mass murder their patients. The American Dental Association was so pleased with this new role of dentists becoming mass murderers by injection, that they began to campaign to have states allow dentists to administer ALL childhood vaccines. Today, American taxpayers are funding the education of dentists to become experts in vaccines, as is evidenced by the recent award of $685,000 to educate dentists on the deadly HPV Gardasil vaccine. By allowing dentists to now inject your child with poisonous vaccines, the chances of having your child medically kidnapped via your dental office has greatly increased. Back in 2018, Health Impact News reported on a mother in Pennsylvania who stood up to her family dentist who threatened to report her to CPS to have her children taken away from her for simply missing a scheduled dentist appointment.

Iran Calls for an Emergency BRICS Meeting Over Gaza – Putin and Xi to Attend

For perhaps the first time in our modern history, non-Western countries now have an alternative to the United Nations when seeking relief from military actions and non-stop bombings from the United States and countries enriched by them with weapons of mass destruction purchased on the black market from the Pentagon's unfathomable $6 TRILLION black hole budget of which there is no accounting. This alternative to the mainly Western-funded United Nations is BRICS. BRICS currently comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but the group will be joined in January by Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. A new report just published by Bloomberg states that BRICS is already larger than the G7 countries consisting of the US, Canada, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, and Japan. Iran, perhaps becoming disillusioned from alleged promises from the United States to release $billions of funding to prevent them from escalating the war in Gaza, has just called for an emergency virtual summit with the BRICS nations over the Gaza situation to be held tomorrow, Tuesday November 21st, with reports that both Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi will attend. Will an announcement from the BRICS nations just be more saber rattling rhetoric about the humanitarian crisis with the suffering of the Palestinian people? Or is Iran marketing their military and alliances to the highest bidder now, realizing that the funding from the U.S. is probably drying up due to the Zionist controlled U.S. Congress? Are the Zionists in the U.S. getting ready to sacrifice the entire country on the altar of Zionism in their unconditional support of Netanyahu's Israel?

Israeli Hamas Victim: “Killing Babies Won’t Bring Our Babies Back”

The genocide of the Palestinian people and the constant murder of innocent lives, including innocent babies, continues as the rest of the world looks on and does nothing. The United States, with its massive wealth and military, has apparently paid off Iran now with reportedly $billions of dollars, ensuring, at least for now, that Iran and Hezbollah will not follow through on their threats and intervene for the Palestinian people. And yet, the vast majority of the world, including those who reside in Israel and Palestine, is calling for a ceasefire and peace. One of these groups advocating for peace and a ceasefire is Women Wage Peace, a group of both Palestinian Muslim women and Israeli Jewish women, who are pleading for a ceasefire. This includes some of the family members of those Israelis who were savagely murdered by the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7th. “We are just drowning in our own violence and blood. Israel won’t cure our dead babies by killing more babies.”

What is in Elon Musk’s New Mega Rocket? Get to Know NASA’s New Artemis Freemason Space Program

This coming Friday, November, 17, 2023, SpaceX's largest rocket, the "Starship," which is also the world's largest ever built rocket and launch system, is scheduled to make its second test launch and flight. What is this mega-rocket going to be used for? Launch more satellites, joining the more than 8,800 operating satellites currently in orbit radiating the earth and looking at who knows what? Probably, but this rocket is built for bigger things. Could we be entering into a new phase of war, where the threat from alleged "nuclear bombs" becomes nothing compared to energy weapons that could potentially affect the weather, create earthquakes, and cause massive fires that instantly incinerate everything in their path? Such massive destruction could render human soldiers unnecessary, as the modern warrior would then be sitting behind a computer somewhere ready to "pull the trigger." Well one thing we know for sure, is that NASA's new space program, Artemis, has already contracted with Musk and his SpaceX "Starship" to become part of the Artemis space program. Since its inception, the U.S. space agency NASA has used the names of "Greek Gods and Goddesses", which the Bible refers to as "Demons", to name their spaceships and space "exploration" programs. "Apollo" was one of the first names used. And that is because NASA is a Freemason organization.

Billionaire Zionists Pledge $50 Million to Control Media as Worldwide Support for Mass Murder and Genocide of Palestinians Dwindles

The mass murder of the Palestinian people in Gaza just continues going from horrible to apocalyptic, as American Zionists cheer the genocide. It is being widely reported today that Israel is attacking hospitals in Gaza where women and children are seeking refuge, particularly al-Shifa Hospital where infants were reportedly taken off of incubators today due to a lack of electricity, and are now dying. As I have repeatedly reported since this war started on October 7th, the Zionists who support genocide against the Palestinians like this are, by far, the minority voice, as not even a majority of the Jews living in Israel support Netanyahu's mass murdering of innocent civilians, and hundreds of thousands of Jews in the United States have also protested against the Palestinian genocide as they call for a cease-fire and peace. But the Zionist corporate and conservative alternative media is where the Big Money is, funded by Wall Street and Silicon Valley, and these media sources are solidly pro-Zionism. But with more and more public Zionist figures taking a hit for promoting genocide, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Zionist funded corporate media out of the U.S. is reportedly collecting $millions to try and control the narrative. And it's easy to understand why, because these Billionaires need a new war to fund the economy, as the Ukraine War loses popularity and is running out of steam.

How Many Times did Zionist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Ride on Epstein’s Lolita Express?

The now Independent candidate for the office of the President of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has angered many of his supporters in recent days by supporting Israel and agreeing to stifle free speech on campuses in the United States, such as Harvard, where anybody who reports the suffering and genocide against the Palestinian people is labeled as "antisemitism." What is interesting about these reports of RFK Jr. losing support due to his position on Israel and censorship, is that some people are learning for the first time that RFK Jr., along with his previous wife Mary, who committed suicide after Robert took custody of their children together away from her, has previously flown with the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein on his private jet. Newsweek claims that they have an "exclusive" on RFK Jr.'s previous association with Jeffrey Epstein, including riding in his jet, which a "spokesperson" from his campaign allegedly claimed happened only "one time." This was published on November 1, 2023, and the "spokesperson" who allegedly spoke to Newsweek, and "clarified" why Kennedy flew "one time" on his jet, is not revealed. However, I published an article about RFK Jr.'s announcement that he was running for President on April 6, 2023, where I reported that RFK Jr. has been listed as a passenger on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’, and admits he flew on Epstein’s plane twice (source: One Nation Under Blackmail: The sordid union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein, by Whitney Webb, Volume 2, page 159). So how many times did Kennedy actually fly on the Lolita Express? And since Big Tech is apparently bank rolling his campaign, where most of the big names support Israel, it is not surprising (to me, at least) that Kennedy supports limiting free speech against anything related to the Palestinian plight in Gaza, where a child reportedly is being killed every 10 minutes, in spite of the fact that Kennedy earns a half million dollars a year salary to head up Children's Health Defense. I guess Palestinian children are not included in their "Children's defense."

Medical Kidnappers Lose Major Court Battles but Child Trafficking through Child Welfare Continues

We get to end this week with some rare positive news stories in the subject of medical kidnapping and child trafficking in the U.S. The highly public medical kidnapping case in Florida that was made popular with the Netflix film "Take Care of Maya" ended this week, where a jury awarded over $210 million to the Kowalski family for their losses during the time Maya was medically kidnapped by Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in Florida which led her mother to commit suicide. After Netflix blew up this story nationwide, it is hard to understand what the rationale was that led Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital to decide to take this trial to a jury, instead of settling out of court to avoid the bad publicity that this case brings against them. The only possible reason that makes any sense to me, is that these hospital executives were drunk on their own delusions, and actually believed that if they presented their case to a jury that the jury would think like them, believing that hospitals and doctors are just a step below "gods" and always know best, and decide in their favor. Regardless of their reasoning, this case exposed the Satanic evil activities of the medical system and child trafficking more than any other film has to date. Here are some additional court cases against the Child Traffickers in the U.S. that were in the news recently.

Is the Spirit of Columbia the Head Demon Over the United States? Is this Demon Referenced in Biblical Prophecy?

One of the teachings of the Bible that I have referenced frequently in my writings is that the entire world system, particularly its political and financial systems, is all part of Satan's kingdom. This is the system that all of us are born into naturally, and to escape this demonic system, we have to be "born again" spiritually to enter into the Kingdom of God, ruled by Jesus Christ. We are then called the "children of God," because of our rebirth spiritually. When Jesus Christ allowed himself to be executed to fulfill prophecy, he redeemed the entire human race and passed judgment on Satan and his demonic hierarchy who rule the world. The Greek words in the original text of the Bible that refer to Satan and his administration, are usually translated with English words such as "power" and "authorities." Jesus defeated them at the cross by his voluntary sacrifice, ruling against them in the court of justice in the spiritual realm, allowing anyone who so chooses to leave Satan's kingdom and join the Kingdom of God under the New Covenant through the rebirth. Satan and his administration, however, have yet to be sentenced to their punishment, which the Bible explains to us will still happen at a future date. Until that time, they still rule the world system. Occasionally, the Biblical texts give us an indication as to who these "powers and authorities" are in Satan's kingdom. One of those places is in the Book of Daniel, where it is recorded that each major geopolitical nation has its own head demon, referred to as a "Prince", apparently using this title in their ranking before Satan. This would imply that these "princes" are among the highest ranking demons ruling on earth, answering directly to Satan himself. We see two head demons referenced in Daniel, one identified as the "Prince of Persia" and one referred to as the "Prince of Greece." One good angel serving in the Kingdom of God is also mentioned as a "chief prince", Michael. Michael is mentioned again the book of Revelation. So what about the United States of America, which is a modern-day country that did not exist when the Bible was written? First, one needs to understand that the USA was founded by Satanic Freemasons and has always been ruled by Satanic rulers who are all part of Freemasonry. Since our founding in 1776, the goal of the U.S. was to become the center of the New World Order. American Christians have been taught that the USA was founded as a "Christian Country." And I don't necessarily disagree with that belief, because I understand that the Christian religion, along with ALL of the world's religions, is part of the Satanic world system run by Freemasons. It makes sense, therefore, that today in 2023 as the U.S. is entering its last stages of being the world's last remaining "superpower", that there is a national demonic power who rules most of the world today as one of the most powerful demons in the world, perhaps only second in command to Satan himself. It is also possible that Satan's physical location where he dwells on earth is also in the U.S. today. I believe that the name of this demon who is the head demon over the U.S., is a female spirit that is named "Columbia."

Is the Rothschild Banking Empire Global Pedophile Network’s Link to Israel About to be Exposed?

"All wars are bankers' wars" is a common fact known to many in the Alternative Media who understand that politicians are mere puppets to the world's Globalists who control the finances of the world, and these Globalists who control the banking industry as well as the Billionaires on Wall Street and Silicon Valley, fund both sides of almost every war to maximize profits. It is, therefore, always prudent to take a step back anytime "war" breaks out, such as the most recent one that began in October in Gaza, and try to figure out what the Globalists' purpose and end game might be. I have been pondering this for the past few days, ever since the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, failed to call for an all out war against Israel last Friday, as many had expected. This had been the threat made to Israel if they chose to invade Gaza with ground forces, which they have now done, as they continue to bomb anything and everything in Gaza, including yesterday when Israel’s Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip was an option for Israel and claimed there are no innocent civilians in the enclave. So why haven't Hezbollah and Iran followed through on their threats? I don't know, and can only speculate. Did the U.S. buy off Iran and Hezbollah before the Hamas attacks happened, as is evidenced by the release of $billion of dollars to Iran just before the attacks? Or are Iran and Hezbollah playing the long game, by not falling for the Israeli trap, and just standing by and waiting for Israel to implode by itself without a larger escalation of the war? The latter is the opinion of Scott Ritter, the former US Marine Corps intelligence officer that now writes for RT.com. But there may be another piece to this puzzle that Pam Martens has uncovered and published in her column today at Wall Street on Parade, and her ongoing coverage of the Jeffrey Epstein lawsuits against Chase Bank, the largest bank in the U.S. While examining court documents for the most recent proposed settlement in a class action lawsuit against Chase Bank, who funded the Epstein worldwide pedophile network, she noticed that one of the plaintiffs, former Epstein victim Sarah Ransome, was challenging the settlement and is appearing in court in New York later this week. As a former Epstein victim, Ransome has cut deals before to prevent her from testifying, and regretted it. Martens discovered that a federal marshal has now been ordered to be present at this hearing, something that no other media outlet has reported yet. The likely reason the federal marshal has been summoned for the hearing is that Attorney David Boies has taken the questionable action of making public on the court docket an exhibit showing what purports to be 105 pages of personal emails sent by a Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking victim, Sarah Ransome. The final email states this: “David and Demon – You’ve made the biggest mistake crossing me. You’ve underestimated me and I’m coming for you. Sarah Ransome” Throughout the series of emails, Ransome refers to Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, as “Demon” instead of Dimon. In an email dated October 24, 2023 to leaders of countries in the Middle East, Ransome writes this: “My bad choices because life dealt me a rather rough hand doesn’t change the fact that I was raped repeatedly and trafficked by Epstein, no matter how hard the U.S. and Israeli Administration deflect that they indeed have broken the Geneva Convention and have been committing war crimes globally for decades…We all know that the material Epstein filmed for both governments has been used to broker deals in their favour for years.” What is she going to reveal? How deep does this evil network go, and what are its connections to Zionists in Israel, as well as here in the U.S., and this current war?