Sound of Freedom Movie Allegedly Funded by Billionaire Philanthropists with Ties to Human Trafficking
More information is continuing to surface about the people behind the box office hit movie "Sound of Freedom." As I wrote in my original critique of this film, the fact that this movie is becoming so popular on the Big Screen is proof that the "elite" are NOT censoring it, as so many in the Right Wing Christian alternative media are claiming. I received plenty of negative emails from Conservatives after my review of the Sound of Freedom film, because in the minds of so many "Conservatives" the child trafficking issue is only a "liberal" problem, and the child sex trafficking business, according to them, is all backed by the Bidens, who are the ones trying to stop the film from being seen. But new evidence is coming to light that indicates that not only do the wealthy child sex traffickers not mind if you go watch Sound of Freedom, but they are the ones who actually funded it. Billionaire John Paul DeJoria is listed as an "executive producer" of Sound of Freedom. He is a philanthropist who was invited by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to become part of the Billionaire Giving Pledge which funded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Another Billionaire philanthropist who allegedly help fund Sound of Freedom, is Mexican Carlos Slim. Even the Right Wing publication National File saw some issues with this association : "Why did Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton’s Mexican Cartel Partner Carlos Slim Fund Sound of Freedom?" Others are also questioning the organization that received the donations from these Billionaire philanthropists to fund the film's release into theaters, Angel Studios. Neal Harmon is the CEO of Angel Studios, and is part of the Mormon Church. He did his missionary service in Mexico. Some have linked the Mormons in Mexico as working with the cartels. Greg Reese just published a video today showing how Angel Studios is encouraging people to "Help Combat Child Trafficking" by linking to sources operated by the Polaris Project, which is linked to John Podesta and the Clintons, and actually funds child trafficking, allegedly bringing in over $150 billion annually for child trafficking.