Whistleblower: 8 of 31 Residents Dead in German Nursing Home After They Were Forcibly Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA COVID Shots Against Their Will

German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich, who has previously stated that those responsible for the “Corona Scandal” must be criminally prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity, and has also filed a lawsuit against the Facebook “FactCheckers,” recently published an interview with a whistleblower who works inside a nursing home in Berlin. The interview is in German, but there is an English translation of it that we will include here. The whistleblower's voice is altered to prevent their identity from being recognizable. The whistleblower describes how German soldiers accompanied nurses to administer the vaccines, and that there was no informed consent, and some who resisted were vaccinated anyway. The whistleblower then gives first hand knowledge of how the health of the residents rapidly declined soon after vaccination, resulting in 8 of the 31 residents dying within a few weeks. While these residents reportedly suffered from dementia, they were allegedly all in good physical health prior to the injections. They had also tested negative for COVID, but began to test positive after the injections. According to the whistleblower's first hand knowledge and observation, the deaths of these seniors were "inhumane." "Normally, the person dying would eventually accept their approaching death and – perhaps after seeing a loved one for the last time – go in peace. Dying as after vaccination, however, was different, he said.  The old people he had seen dying had breathed heavily, trembled strongly, and seemed as if inwardly they had passed away already. It seemed to him like a lonely, futile struggle against death, as if the people knew that their time had not yet come, and therefore they had not yet been able to let go."

Moderna Experimental mRNA Vaccine Trials being Extended to Children and 6-Month-Old Babies in Texas

There are 100, 12 to 17-year-olds participating in the Moderna adolescent trial through Houston Fights COVID. There are more trials coming, and the groups are now seeking participants as young as six months old. "In about 30 days, we're going to start another trial that is six months to 17 years old, but that's about 30 days away," said Elizabeth Hoff, the executive director at DM Clinical. While that trial is 30 days away, Hoff is encouraging people to sign up now. She's expecting a lot of interest in trials for children. Participants can receive compensation. In addition to the trials going on, even more research is expected in the years to come.

28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection

The COVID Blog is reporting that 28-year-old Sara Stickles from Beloit, Wisconsin, a healthcare worker at SwedishAmerican Hospital, has suffered a brain aneurysm and is now brain dead just 5 days after receiving the second experimental mRNA COVID injection from Pfizer. Sadly, this is another instance reported where a young healthcare worker in the prime of their life and with no previous existing health conditions has died after being injected with one of the experimental mRNA COVID injections. She leaves behind a young son, siblings, friends and family members who have expressed shock on Facebook at her sudden death. Her sister Jamie Lynn Cruz announced on Facebook, February 11, 2021, that the family was saying their goodbyes because there was no hope for her recovery. Sara's twin sister, Kara Stickles, has shared on her Facebook page that mentioning Sara had the Pfizer COVID mRNA injection was being censored and deleted in social media. "This beautiful, healthy 28-year-old mother received an experimental, non-FDA-approved 'medical procedure,' and now her family is raising money for her funeral. Social media accounts are getting deleted if they talk about adverse events of certain experimental products. Question: Are government officials protecting Americans from a (treatable) virus with a nearly 100% survival rate, or is there another reason the powers that be are pushing this 'emergency use authorization' product?"

CDC WITHOLDING INFORMATION! 1,170 DEAD Following COVID Injections: Almost Twice as Many Deaths as Found in VAERS

Yesterday we reported that the CDC had done another data dump into the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database, showing that through February 4, 2021, there were 12,697 recorded adverse events, including 653 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. After publishing this article, a Health Impact News subscriber sent me a link to a page on the CDC website where they are reporting that as of February 11, 2021, VAERS received 1,170 reports of death among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. For the past few weeks, the CDC has been slowly updating the VAERS database with data dumps on Friday, just before the weekend and the beginning of the slow news cycle that usually picks up again on Mondays. On Friday, January 29th, their VAERS data reported 329 deaths from people receiving one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections. The following Friday, February 5, 2021, their VAERS data reported 501 deaths. An increase of 172 deaths. Yesterday, February 12, 2021, the CDC VAERS data reported 653 deaths. An increase of 152 deaths. That still leaves 517 deaths unaccounted for in the VAERS database related to the COVID injections. Why is the CDC withholding this information?

CDC: 653 Deaths Now Recorded Following Experimental mRNA COVID Injections with 12,697 Reported Injuries

The CDC has done another data dump today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through February 4, 2021, with 12,697 recorded adverse events, including 653 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. Besides the recorded 653 deaths, there were 2792 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 208 permanent disabilities, and 1382 hospitalizations.

Another Medical Professional in the Prime of Life DEAD Weeks After Receiving the mRNA Experimental Injection as Memphis Mourns Loss of 36-Year-Old Doctor

In what is becoming a frequent report here at Health Impact News, another medical professional has died within weeks of being injected with an experimental mRNA COVID injection, and once again, health authorities and the local media are "assuring" the public that his death is unrelated to the experimental injection he received. ABC Local 24 has reported the death of 36-year-old Memphis orthopedic doctor Barton Williams, weeks after receiving a COVID injection. The CDC is reportedly investigating his death, as it is being blamed on a "rare COVID related syndrome." Not only are they not linking the COVID injection to his death, they are actually encouraging more people to get the injections to prevent what happened to Dr. Williams!

Wisconsin Resident Doctor has Miscarriage 3 Days After Being Injected with Experimental COVID mRNA Shot

Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 2019. She is completing her residency in Radiation Oncology at the same Milwaukee college. Her profile on a website called SheMD says she is “passionate about medical education, public health, and mentorship, particularly for women interested in radiation.” She is married with one daughter and had another child on the way – until yesterday. Dr. Beltrán Ponce tweeted on January 28 that she is 14 weeks pregnant and “fully vaccinated.” She repeated many of the most common talking points related to COVID-19 and vaccines in the tweet chain. She tweeted an update about her pregnancy less than a week later, stating that she had a miscarriage. The miscarriage happened at 14 1/2 weeks, indicating it was three days after she got the first or second mRNA shot. As you can see from Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce's update tweet announcing the death of her unborn baby, she didn't dare connect it to the COVID injection, because to do so would have probably shipwrecked her career as a medical doctor, because she would have been labeled as an "anti-vaxxer" and therefore "anti-science."

Entire School District in Ohio Cancels Classes After Too Many School Staff Have Negative Reactions to the Experimental COVID mRNA Injections

An entire school district in Ohio canceled classes on Monday this week after so many of the staff suffered side effects from one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections over the weekend. Fox 8 News in Cleveland reported: "Two days after employees were given their first round of COVID-19 vaccinations, the Fairless Local School District canceled classes, attributing it to many developing side effects and becoming ill." Parents reportedly received a text on Sunday from the School District Superintendent Bidlack notifying parents of the school closure, which indicates that this cancelation of classes was not scheduled and was only decided the day after seeing how many of the district's staff became sick or injured from the injections.

39-Year-Old Medical Doctor and Son of Former Chief Justice of Trinidad Found Dead After COVID Injection in Ireland

The Irish Sentinel has reported that Dr. Keshav Raman Sharma, a respiratory consultant who practiced in Wexford hospital, received one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections on January 5, 2021, and the following Sunday, January 10th, was found dead in his home. He had just turned 39 years old, and his death was described as "sudden" at his funeral and other places. Dr. Sharma was from Trinidad, and was the son of the former Chief Justice of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Mr. Justice Satnarine Persad Sharma.

TRAGEDY! 9 Dead in Spanish Nursing Home Shortly After First Pfizer Shots but Second Doses Given Anyway – Religious Beliefs in Vaccines Causing Massive Senior Deaths?

The Sun in the UK has reported that nine nursing home residents in Spain have died 10 days after receiving the experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID injections, and nearly every other resident tested positive for COVID following the injections. After such a tragic loss of life so shortly after receiving these experimental shots, surely they discontinued injecting residents, right? No. General director of the nursing home, Sergio Mella, expressed his religious-like belief in vaccines, and stated that the second doses sould be given as scheduled. Mr Mella said: “I do not think it was because of the vaccine - that is to save lives and not to infect residents.” He continued: “Maybe some of the people who were going to vaccinate were asymptomatic and have brought it." “Or maybe one of the workers was positive and coincided that they were infected on a date similar to that of the vaccine, but not that it is the vaccine far from it.” This has to be one of the clearest examples of a religious-like statement of faith, as opposed to a scientific approach to the problem, that I have seen recorded in the corporate media so far regarding the massive amounts of deaths occurring with seniors in assisted living centers after receiving the experimental mRNA COVID injections. Starting with the religious belief that vaccines can never cause harm, which flies in the face of science and the actual facts, the administration then looks at every other possibility besides the injections to explain the deaths and outbreak.

Another Jewish Holocaust? Local Talk Radio Reports “Many Dying” in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental mRNA Injections

A man residing in Israel has gone public with a short video, where he plays a portion of a local talk radio program produced by Mordechai Sones on IsraelNewsTalkRadio.com. Mordechai begins his broadcast by reading the names of 28 people who have died following the Pfizer experimental COVID mRNA injections. The list begins with some elderly Rabbis, but also includes young people who had no existing health problems and died suddenly, including a 25-year-old woman. After reading these 28 names, Mordechai states: "The list continues, but cannot be brought here in its entirety due to time constraints." Mordechai goes on to state: "After succeeding Sunday in extending the current lockdown, this time until Friday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu repeated we will use the time to vaccinate another million Israelis." The Israeli man who posted this on YouTube states: "I made this short video with an audio broadcast of Mordechai Sones; so that I could pass on the information that many people here in Israel have been dying after receiving the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine. But none of this information seems to be making it into the mainline media. I am calling on everyone to pray and seek the Lord to have this evil thing stopped immediately."

CDC: Over 500 Deaths Now Following mRNA Experimental Injections – “Vaccine Hesitancy” Increasing

The CDC has done another data dump into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through January 29, 2021, with 11,249 recorded adverse events, including  501 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. If you have done your own research and learned the facts surrounding these experimental mRNA COVID injections, which legally cannot even be defined as "vaccines", and have determined that it is not wise to risk being injected with these experimental products, I know first hand the ridicule and scorn you must be enduring right now. You probably have friends and family members who are attacking you, perhaps even viciously, because they are only relying on what the Government and Big Pharma, along with the corporate media, is reporting. I know what you are going through. As editor of Health Impact News, I get angry and threatening emails every day, from people who believe I am not fit to live, and that I should burn in hell for opposing vaccines. And many of them are "Christians." There is a clear plan in place to reduce the world's population, and the pro-vaccine crowd will be the quickest ones to die off and usher in The Great Reset, which may not end up being what the Globalists are planning, since God has his own "Great Reset" plan as well. So don't waste your time arguing with dead people. Have pity on them, and pray for them, while there is still time for them to repent. But be assured that you are in good company, if you are refusing these experimental mRNA COVID injections.

45-Year-Old Italian Doctor “In the Prime of Life and in Perfect Health” Drops Dead After the Pfizer mRNA COVID Shot: 39-Year-Old Nurse, 42-Year-Old Surgical Technician Also Dead

The Italian media has reported on several deaths among young hospital healthcare workers, just shortly after receiving the experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID injections. Mauro Valeriano D’Auria, a gastroenterologist at Umberto I Hospital in Nocera Inferiore, reportedly dropped dead from a heart attack while playing tennis, on January 24, 2021. He was said to be "in the prime of life, and in perfect health." He had boasted on his FaceBook page that he had taken the "vaccine" for Covid-19 and that it was perfectly safe. 42-year-old nurse Luigi Buttazzo, a surgical equipment technician at the Tor Vergata Hospital in Rome, was reportedly found dead in bed, according to a report published January 27, 2021. He had reportedly just received the second dose of the Pfizer mRNA injection. A heart attack is suspected. Elisabeth Durazzo, a young nurse on duty at the Fabrizio Spaziani hospital in Frosinone, is reported to have died suddenly in her sleep from cardiac arrest. Her hospital was one of the first hospitals in Lazio that between the end of December and the beginning of January required all their healthcare personnel partake in a massive vaccination effort against Covid, using the experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID shot. She was vaccinated on January 13, 2021, and was found dead with her small son 10 days later. As is standard protocol now with government health authorities, none of these three deaths are being blamed on the COVID injections. We are just supposed to believe that these 3 young hospital workers all died of cardiac arrest from "natural causes" despite no pre-existing conditions, and that this has nothing to do with the experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID injections that each one of them received. To admit that the experimental COVID mRNA injections had anything to do with these deaths would be bad for business and the development of these new multi-BILLION dollar shots and the market they are hoping to develop.

Study: CDC Broke Federal Law by Manipulating COVID Death Statistics

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on August 23, 2020, “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.” For a nation tormented by restrictive public health policies mandated for healthy individuals and small businesses, this is the most important statistical revelation of this crisis. This revelation significantly impacts the published fatalities count due to COVID-19. More importantly, it exposes major problems with the process by which the CDC was able to generate inaccurate data during a crisis. The CDC has advocated for social isolation, social distancing, and personal protective equipment use as primary mitigation strategies in response to the COVID-19 crisis, while simultaneously refusing to acknowledge the promise of inexpensive pharmaceutical and natural treatments. These mitigation strategies were promoted largely in response to projection model fatality forecasts that have proven to be substantially inaccurate. Further investigation into the legality of the methods used to create these strategies raised additional concerns and questions. Why would the CDC decide against using a system of data collection & reporting they authored, and which has been in use nationwide for 17 years without incident, in favor of an untested & unproven system exclusively for COVID-19 without discussion and peer-review? Did the CDC’s decision to abandon a known and proven effective system also breach several federal laws that ensure data accuracy and integrity? Did the CDC knowingly alter rules for reporting cause of death in the presence of comorbidity exclusively for COVID-19? If so, why?

Are More People Being Harmed by the Pfizer Experimental “Vaccine” than from COVID? Israeli Population Now the World’s Lab Rats Sold Out to Pfizer

On November 18, 2020, Israel’s senior health officials were caught unprepared when Pfizer announced that its vaccine was “90% effective” (revised to 95%) against Covid-19. They had ordered millions of vaccine doses from Moderna and AstraZeneca but none for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. How then, did Israel procure an estimated four to five million doses of the Pfizer vaccine in December 2020 – enough to vaccinate at least two million people? Israel is considered an ideal place for a vast epidemiological study, encompassing 9.3 million people, because of its universal, state-sponsored healthcare system in which insurers maintain 40 years of digitized medical records, including vaccination records for each Israeli citizen. The government of Israel entrusted the health of the people to Pfizer; by entering into a secret contract that enrolled the Israeli population to become research subjects, without their knowledge or consent. Under the contract, the government signed a commitment to vaccinate the entire seven million adult population and to provide weekly data on its citizens during a 24-month surveillance follow-up study. The government disregarded potentially serious medical risks from the experimental vaccine and risks to privacy. This centralized system helped Israel administer more than 2 million doses of the vaccine in under a month. In exchange, Israel received priority delivery of millions of doses of the vaccines. Israeli citizens became the unwitting human subjects of a massive, unethical, unapproved, non-consensual human experiment. As of January 27, 2021, Johns Hopkins’ tracking system states that the infection fatality rate in the U.S. is 1.7%; in Israel it is 0.7%. According to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as of Dec. 18, 2020 (just when mass vaccinations began), the adverse event rate following Covid-19 vaccination was 2.79%. This would indicate that the short-term risk of harm from the vaccine is far greater than the risk of dying from COVID-19.

7 Dead and 100% of Residents Infected in Spanish Nursing Home After Being Injected with Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Shots

In what is becoming a very familiar story all across the world, 7 residents in a nursing home in central Spain have died just after being injected with the experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID shots. RT.com is reporting that all 78 residents and 12 staff are now testing positive for COVID-19 after receiving the injections, while prior to the injections the nursing home had reportedly been "virus-free" during the previous "waves" of COVID-19. How long will the world's elderly population continue being killed in mass by an experimental medical product that is now not only linked to serious injuries and deaths, but also to outbreaks of COVID-19 which world Governments and Health Agencies continue to state is impossible with the mRNA injections? Dissenting doctors and scientists have been warning for months that these experimental shots are dangerous, and that people should not volunteer to receive them because previous studies on mRNA vaccines conducted on animals have been fatal, and this is the first large-scale mass "vaccination" trial ever conducted on humans, and it is only possible due to "emergency use" to fight the COVID "pandemic."

Community Bands Together to Rescue Elderly Woman Medically Kidnapped – The Life of a Senior is Still Precious to Some

In a week where it was reported that the New York State Attorney General admitted that nursing home deaths in New York State for 2020, already recorded as numbering tens of thousands, were undercounted by as much as 50% with Governor Andrew Cuomo reportedly stating "Who cares?", and where numerous reports all over the world have recorded hundreds of seniors dying in assisted care facilities this week after the roll out of the experimental COVID mRNA injections, something truly amazing happened in Vancouver, Washington last night. The people of the community, many members of "People's Rights Washington," turned out in mass to rescue a 74-year-old woman at Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital where she had been medically kidnapped, and was being held against her will, and against the will of her daughter who has medical power of attorney for her mother. This group of 40-50 citizens, 90% of whom were women (mothers) and their children, stared down an army dispatched from the Clark County Sheriff's department in full riot gear, endured being grabbed by the throat and pepper sprayed, and refused to leave the hospital until 74-year-old Gayle Meyer was released back into the custody of her daughter, Satin. The people who turned out to stand up for the rights of 74-year-old Gayle Meyer clearly shows that there are still some people left in this country who value human life, including the precious lives of our senior population. These friends and advocates probably saved her life, because hospitals today are incentivized to treat COVID patients, and if they get them onto ventilators they receive even more COVID medical funding. Secondly, this event also illustrates that law enforcement will almost always side with the medical tyrants and the medical industrial complex over the individual rights of the patients. Having covered the issue of Medical Kidnapping for over 6 years now, I can personally vouch for the fact that this is almost always the case. But perhaps the most important lesson this event teaches us, is the fact that when a community decides to act together to oppose the medical tyrants, those tyrants fear them, and their medical tyranny can be resisted.

CDC: 329 Recorded Deaths So Far Following Experimental COVID mRNA Injections in the U.S.

The CDC has done another data dump into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through January 22, 2021, with 9,845 recorded adverse events including 329 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. Over 50% of the deaths are among those over the age of 75. On the January 15, 2021 data dump, there were 181 deaths following COVID mRNA injections through January 15th. In the current data dump going through January 22, 2021, there are only two deaths listed between January 15th and January 22nd, VAERS ID 952914 listed on January 18, 2021, and VAERS ID 958809 listed on January 20, 2021. So 146 of the additional 148 deaths recorded during the past week were from the same time period from the end of December to January 15th - a period of roughly 2 weeks. That's an average of over 160 deaths a week, so far. How many more deaths will still be recorded during that time period? As we have previously reported, studies in the past have shown that less than 1% of vaccine injuries are ever reported to the VAERS reporting system. We are also dependent upon the CDC to supply these statistics.

24 Residents Dead in 3 Weeks as One Third of UK Nursing Home Residents Die After Experimental mRNA COVID Injections

In what is becoming almost a daily report of massive nursing home deaths following injections of experimental mRNA COVID shots, a nursing home in the U.K. is reporting over one third of their residents have died after receiving the mRNA experimental COVID injections. We are now seeing a very predictable pattern as we are reporting all over the world where the elderly are dying at a very alarming rate following mass vaccinations of the experimental mRNA injections. And in all of these cases, the local media is quoting local officials as saying that the "vaccines" have nothing to do with the deaths. They are also stating that deaths following the experimental mRNA injections are "expected." How can people keep believing this is true? This is now happening all over the world, in many locations, and we are just supposed to accept by faith that COVID outbreaks happened simultaneously with the mass vaccinations, but that there is no connection to the injections? It is time to challenge the "official" position that because these injections do not contain a COVID19 virus, they cannot give someone the virus, because something is clearly causing these people who are dying "from COVID" to test positive. Perhaps we should have a better understanding of just how these mRNA injections work....

Why Would Anyone Choose to Receive an Experimental COVID mRNA Injection?

The headlines and subject matter of our articles the past couple of weeks have been very somber, documenting how serious injuries and deaths are happening just shortly after people have been injected with one of the two experimental mRNA COVID injections by either Pfizer, or Moderna. Big Pharma, the U.S. Government, and the Pharma-controlled media continue to try and downplay these deaths and injuries, denying that they have any relationship to receiving these COVID injections. However, the evidence that we have presented here at Health Impact News, paints a very different picture, suggesting that this issue is far more serious than the corporate media, and even most in the alternative media, are reporting. So this begs the question: Why would anyone choose to receive one of these injections in the first place? Most people who have received one of these injections, or plan to receive one, would probably answer something like: "To prevent me from getting the COVID-19 virus, or prevent me from spreading it to others." For those of us trying to shine truth and light into darkness and deception, I really think this is where the conversation needs to begin. For those who are less informed and simply have a religious-like faith in vaccines in general, and the experimental COVID injections specifically, without ever having spent much time actually researching them, we need to stop defending what we have learned, and instead ask them to defend their faith in these shots, and then be prepared to answer their positive beliefs in these shots with verifiable facts that they can look up and research themselves, including what the FDA has published on their own website about these unapproved vaccines.