New World Order Continues to be Published: The “Great Reset” – Transhumanism and the 4th Industrial Revolution

Our world continues to change right before our eyes at lightning speed. As we have previously reported, there is a plan behind everything that is happening, and that plan is for a New World Order that is not even a "conspiracy" theory any longer, as the global leaders planning and implementing this have come out into the open and published it. One major event happening right now is not in the headlines much, and that is the unprecedented amount of "new" money the Federal Reserve is creating out of thin air and pumping into the economy. This is not a new "trick," but something we have seen in the past, particularly in 2007 and 2008 with the economic stimulus packages that bailed out banks. But the amount of money being created right now is unprecedented and at least 3X more than we have ever seen at any other point in recent history, and we aren't even done yet! Another 1 trillion dollars in economic stimulus is in the works as I write this. Usually when this much money is being pumped into the economy, which in the past was mainly to prop up failing businesses that were deemed "too big to fail," hyperinflation is right around the corner. And we may be seeing the beginning signs of this, as today, Sunday June 7th, the Economic Policy Journal is reporting that air fares are set to double: "Air Travel Prices Set To Double: U.S. Europe $2,200 Economy Fare" But this time we are seeing not just businesses being bailed out, but a huge transfer of wealth with hundreds of billions being given to the pharmaceutical industry, mainly to develop new COVID vaccines. Since all of these crises are obviously being planned with a clear goal being put into place, from the Plandemic to the recent riots in America's cities which don't seem to want to die down and are continuing, the big question is: What is the end game to all this transfer of wealth? Well, we do not need to wonder any longer, because the Globalists working out of Geneva, Switzerland, have just met under the World Economic Forum, the same group that worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation late last year at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and ran a simulation to predict the COVID-19 outbreak before it even began, and they have announced that it is now time to "reset" the world's economy to a new one. This "resetting" of the world's economy will include switching over to digital currency and eliminating cash, a redistribution of wealth, and reducing the size of the world's population to combat "global warming" and usher in the New World Order. It also includes launching the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which seeks to integrate computers and artificial intelligence with human beings, called Transhumanism.

Editors of The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine: Pharmaceutical Companies are so Financially Powerful They Pressure us to Accept Papers

Philippe Douste-Blazy, MD, is a cardiologist and former French Health Minister who served as Under-Secretary General of the United Nations. He was a candidate in 2017 for Director of the World Health Organization. In a videotaped interview on May 24, 2020, Dr. Douste-Blazy provided insight into how a series of negative hydroxychloroquine studies got published in prestigious medical journals. He revealed that at a recent Chatham House top secret, closed door meeting attended by experts only, the editors of both, The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine expressed their exasperation citing the pressures put on them by pharmaceutical companies. He states that each of the editors used the word “criminal” to describe the erosion of science. He quotes Dr. Richard Horton who bemoaned the current state of science: “If this continues, we are not going to be able to publish any more clinical research data because pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful; they are able to pressure us to accept papers that are apparently methodologically perfect, but their conclusion is what pharmaceutical companies want.”

Pfizer, Merck, AZ, J&J and Moderna selected as ‘Warp Speed’ finalists for COVID Vaccine

As millions of Americans remain out of work, and small businesses continue to face insurmountable odds to reopen as many are being damaged and looted in cities all across the U.S., the government continues to pour BILLIONS of dollars into the pharmaceutical industry in what is probably the largest transfer of wealth seen in the U.S. since World War II. We previously reported on the government's "Warp Speed" project to fast-track a Coronavirus vaccine with unlimited resources of federal funding. Operation Warp Speed is headed by General Gustave Perna, and Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the former chairman of GlaxoSmithKline’s vaccines division. Dr. Slaoui has strong ties to Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and Big Tech, particularly Google. President Trump has previously stated that the U.S. Military would help deploy over 300 million doses of a Coronavirus vaccine later this year. FiercePharma has reported that the Trump Administration narrowed down the finalists among the pharmaceutical companies competing to develop the Coronavirus vaccine to: AstraZeneca, Merck, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna. British drugmaker AstraZeneca, in addition to securing $1.2 billion from the U.S. Government for their Coronavirus vaccine, just also received $750 million from the Bill Gates funded Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which work together with the World Health Organization to distribute vaccines worldwide, particularly the poorer countries. So it looks pretty clear at this point, that Phase 3 of the Plandemic is to inoculate the entire world's population with a COVID-19 vaccine. If this ends up being a new mRNA-based vaccine never before seen in the market, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Judy Mikovits are predicting 50 million deaths and untold injuries just within the United States.

Coronavirus Hypocrisy Exposed: Same People who Said “Stay Home – Stay Safe” Now Say “Get Out – Go Protest”

Former U.S. Congressman Dr. Ron Paul today addressed the hypocrisy currently being displayed by those medical authorities and politicians who have been warning people to "stay home and stay safe" over the Coronavirus plandemic who are now saying that it is OK to go out and protest, even while restrictions remain in place for other types of gatherings, such as churches and other businesses. His co-host, Daniel McAdams, said: "Either they've been lying all along, that this is a deadly virus, and that if you go out, you're going to kill yourself or others - or they are lying now. If they're lying now, then they actually do want black people to die, because if you die by going out and catching this disease and they're encouraging black people to go out and protest, they're actually wanting these people to die." Dr. Ron Paul also hinted that we should consider an amendment to the Constitution to have a "separation of medicine and the State," just as there is a separation of church and the State. Earlier this week a group of 1,288 public health professionals, infectious diseases professionals, and community stakeholders published a letter encouraging the protesters to protest because: “White supremacy is a lethal public health issue that predates and contributes to COVID-19.” So just like that, those warning the public to stay home and stay safe, including many states that still have these orders in place, are now telling people it is OK to go out and protest, because this is more important.

Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order

As our world changes rapidly right before our very eyes, it has been very well established, at least for those who follow the alternative media and not the propaganda corporate media, that there is an overall plan in place that is being implemented at a very fast pace, and of course the natural questions being asked by those who realize this is: Who is behind all of this? It is not a new plan. It is a plan that has existed for a very long time, and those who are working to implement the plan are not even hiding it anymore as we have previously reported. It is a plan for a New World Order, and we have covered this in previous articles. Those working to implement the plan have done so mostly behind the scenes throughout the years, and those who discover the leaders of this movement and dare to publish it, have either been eliminated if they were too big of a threat, or just ridiculed as "conspiracy theorists," since they control the media and have conditioned the public for many, many years to believe the things they want us to believe. In what is now very obviously being seen as a prophetic film, "Out of Shadows" exposes who the real enemy is behind all of this, and if you have not watched it yet, it is time to do so. It has been viewed by almost 14 million people on YouTube at the time of my writing this article, and even if Google takes it down off of YouTube, you will still be able to watch it on other platforms, as long as the Internet stays up. The producers of "Out of Shadows" are not the first ones to unmask the true enemy behind the New World Order, of course, so this article will provide evidence and further testimony to show who the real enemy is, and the group of people following his leadership in a group known as the Illuminati. Many groups are now being blamed in the corporate media, and even in the alternative media, as causing the current riots that have spread across the country. And while there is some truth in naming these groups, it is obvious that this plan is very well organized, and very well funded. What we are seeing unfold before our eyes today in the U.S., very much resembles what we have seen throughout history in countries that have experienced regime change through social unrest, and in most of those situations you can find ties to the U.S. intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA. Much of what I am going to present in this article is based on the testimony of two whistleblowers: one from the FBI, and one from the CIA.

As Riots Continue, More Evidence that COVID-19 Narrative Was Fake News and Deliberately Covered up by the Corporate Media

As riots continue across the U.S. today, more and more evidence is surfacing that the months of lock downs were based on a false narrative propagated by the corporate media, which is where the real fake news originates these days, as their Big Tech partners work hard to suppress the truth about Coronavirus from publications like Health Impact News and others in the alternative media. The publication Off-Guardian ran a story yesterday (May 31, 2020) with three examples where the media got caught trying to hide the truth about Coronavirus. On May 26th Dr Alexander Myasnikov, Russia’s head of coronavirus information, gave an interview to former-Presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak in which he apparently let slip his true feelings. Believing the interview over, and the camera turned off, Myasnikov said: "It’s all bullshit […] It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality […] Why has the whole world been destroyed? That I don’t know.” In Germany, the federal government and mainstream media are engaged in damage control after a report that challenges the established Corona narrative leaked from the interior ministry. "The dangerousness of Covid-19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level. The people who die from Corona are essentially those who would statistically die this year, because they have reached the end of their lives and their weakened bodies can no longer cope with any random everyday stress (including the approximately 150 viruses currently in circulation). The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. There is no evidence that this was more than a false alarm." Of course, the same thing is happening here in the U.S. Could part of the reason people are taking to the streets and rioting these past few days be because many are waking up to the fact that they have not been told the truth about why so many of them had to lose their jobs and freedoms?

New Study Shows Again that Unvaccinated Children are Healthier than Vaccinated Children

Last week we published an article showing the evidence that unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children, and we featured several video testimonies from families where previously pro-vaccine parents changed their minds after viewing vaccine injuries in their children, and subsequently did not vaccinate future children, creating the perfect home laboratory to observe the difference between vaccinated children and unvaccinated children. Last week, a new study was published in the journal SAGE Open Medicine titled: "Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders." It was authored by Dr. Brian Hooker and Neil Miller. Dr. Hooker is well-known to readers of Health Impact News, as we have featured his work many times over the years. He has done more than perhaps anyone in the U.S. to expose fraud at the CDC in regards to their vaccine studies that supposedly prove vaccines are not linked to autism.

Plandemic Stage 2: PlannedChaos – American Cities Become a War Zone Overnight

As the United States begins to open up their states from the Coronavirus Plandemic and begin the summer season, a new crisis now dominates the news cycle: the reactions to the horrible death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of police. Events are unfolding fast now, as protests have spread from Minneapolis to almost every major city in the U.S., something that probably has not been seen in the U.S. since the 1960s race riots. Even the White House was locked down for a brief time yesterday, so strong were the protests. The Governor of Minnesota has now "fully mobilized" the National Guard, a force of over 13,000, in the biggest deployment in the state's history, and if the violence continues across the U.S., we can probably expect similar deployments in other states as well. How could this happen? In his press conference this morning (Saturday May 30th) Minnesota Governor Tim Walz stated: "This is absolutely no longer about George Floyd or addressing inequities anymore. This is an organized attack designed to destabilize civil society." We are now seeing unprecedented events unfolding very quickly before our eyes, as our world rapidly changes. As I have noted in previous articles, you can throw out the term "Conspiracy Theory" now, because we are living through this, and it is quite obvious that for these events to happen as quickly as they are, there is a plan in place. The only question unanswered at this point, is what is the next move of the Globalists, or what many people call the "Deep State?" Because every time they create a crisis, they have a planned solution in place to combat the fear that the crisis presents, all in the name of keeping everyone "safe." Read the full article to discover what my thoughts are on what this next move could possibly be.

The New World Order: Creating a Crisis so the Rich Get Richer While Millions Lose Their Jobs

Earlier this week I published a report about how the plan to develop a "New World Order" through the United Nations is no longer a conspiracy "theory," as the plans have been published, and the whole coronavirus response has been exposed as a "Plandemic." One of the major results of the Plandemic has been that the world's wealthiest people have instantly increased their wealth, while at the same time millions have lost their jobs, and tens of thousands of small businesses have failed. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. reported earlier this week: "This nationwide, extended quarantine has permanently shuttered over 100,000 small businesses, cost 38 million jobs and 27 million Americans their health care. The Super Rich elite are flourishing while a despairing middle class flounders. According to a report by Americans for Tax Fairness, billionaires are watching their wealth compound beyond imagination. Between March 18, when lockdown began, and May 19, the combined net worth of Bill Gates (Microsoft), Jeff Bezos (Amazon) Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) and Larry Ellison (Oracle) grew by $75.5 billion. According to Forbes data, the total wealth of the 630 U.S. billionaires jumped by $434 billion—15%—from $2.948 trillion to $3.382 trillion. Tech stocks are the most bullish about the Surveillance State. Microsoft (Bing), Facebook and Amazon are facilitating our devolution into militarized oligarchy by enforcing censorship against all expressions of dissent." Dr. Ron Paul, a former U.S. Congressman, says that the "Deep State" is able to do this through the Central Banking of the Federal Reserve, as the Globalists control the world's monetary supply. He explains how without the Federal Reserve, and their ability to create money out of thin air, the coronavirus response never could have been accomplished. Dr. Paul covered the Federal Reserve's role in the Plandemic in his daily broadcast today, The Liberty Report. And now just this week a new crisis has emerged that has destroyed businesses in one major city already, and threatens to expand across the nation because of the tragic death of a young man that was filmed and broadcast around the country due to police brutality.

Texas Homeschool Families Take Back Their Public Park and Defy Orders to Leave as Police Back Down

Daniel McAdams writes about how his family and a group of about 35 people who are all homeschool families in Texas took their children to the local park to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, and tore down police tape that tried to prevent them from using a public park. They knew that neither the police nor anyone else had any legal authority to close the park or rope it off like that. Two police came and asked them to leave, and they responded the way every person in the U.S. should respond to such coronavirus edicts that have no legal authority: They stood their ground and refused to leave. They even rebuked the officer who asked them if they were "anti-vaxxers," as if that had anything to do with playing in the park! The police did not dare arrest such a large group, especially with mothers holding their babies in their arms, so after conferring with the chief of police, they concluded that they could stay. What a great lesson for these homeschooled children on how to stand up against tyranny! Now if we could just get the rest of the country to follow their example, we could get this economy up and running again very quickly.  Tyrants need a compliant public to get their way, so what are you waiting for America! Does liberty mean anything to you anymore? Oh, and by the way, the name of the park in Texas where this happened? Freedom Park.

Resisting the New World Order: Face Mask Shaming – Hypocrisy in the Corporate Media and a Doctor Speaks Out AGAINST Face Masks

Yesterday we reported how the Globalists working through the United Nations are no longer hiding the fact that they want to usher in a "New World Order," and that we can now remove the word "theory" from the pejorative term "Conspiracy Theories" when discussing this agenda. The 2020 Coronavirus Plandemic has been their most successful campaign to date in their agenda to establish this "New World Order." If you are reading alternative news from sites like Health Impact News, you are in a position to resist these efforts to radically change our way of life, and become part of the resistance movement that is gaining speed. Today we revisit the topic of face masks, and face mask shaming. As we discussed yesterday, the corporate propaganda media is controlled by these Globalists, and after initially stating that face masks were not necessary during the early days of the Plandemic, they are now joining forces together to try and make these masks mandatory, and shaming anyone who does not comply. Recently, a reporter for the corporate media was in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, a tourist area in the southern part of the state that draws many summer tourists from Chicago and Illinois. Wisconsin was the first state in the U.S. to challenge the governor's coronavirus policies in court, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court declared them unconstitutional, allowing businesses to immediately reopen, and for people to leave their homes and go about their business. Therefore, they are a target now for the corporate propaganda media, who attempted to send a national reporter there to shame them. The reporter from MSNBC, Cal Perry, was trying to shame people in Wisconsin for walking outdoors in the fresh air with no face masks. But in these days of cell phone cameras where any citizen can become an instant on-the-scene reporter, a passerby who was being criticized for not wearing a face mask, turned around and filmed the MSNBC film crew who were "behind the scenes" with Cal Perry, showing that half of them were not even wearing face masks either. Multiple copies of the encounter which clearly exposes the agenda of the corporate propaganda media are now all over Facebook and YouTube. Another citizen on-the-scene reporter with their cell phone camera captured a scene inside a New York grocery store, where a woman who entered the store without a face mask incurred the wrath of the other shoppers, that they began shouting at her and chased her out of the store, so great was their fear over the virus. When this happens, the Globalists trying to setup their New World Order are winning. President Trump, for whatever reason, seems reluctant to wear a face mask in public, and has even said publicly that in the situations where he does wear one, he does it outside of the cameras of the media. When visiting an auto plant in Michigan recently, he stated that in the situations where it was appropriate to wear it, he: "didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it." Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has flip flopped himself on this issue, recently stated that one of his motivations for wearing one is: “because I want to make it be a symbol for people to see that that’s the kind of thing you should be doing.” Dr. Alan Palmer, a practicing chiropractor for 30 years, has written a very extensive analysis of the medical data behind wearing face masks at Children's Health Defense, and we include it here. He joins many other doctors, many of them medical doctors, across the U.S. who are saying the same thing, such as Dr. Andrew Kaufman, a psychiatrist who lost his job because he refused to wear a face mask, and has declared publicly that he is willing to go to jail to resist the agenda of the Globalists.

The UN “New World Order” Has Now Been Published: No Longer a “Conspiracy Theory” – Out of Shadows

Now that we are a few months into the global Coronavirus event, it is time to pause for a minute and consider how we got here, and why. First, if you have been following Health Impact News throughout this entire time, you will know that this was a planned event, and therefore it is not a true "pandemic," but what many now in the alternative media are calling a "plandemic." Those who have been warning for many years that there is a concentrated global group of powerful people who want a global one-world government to control and rule every single person on the planet have been tagged with the pejorative term "conspiracy theorist," a term thought to be first used by the CIA labeling people who did not believe the official media and government reports on President John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, Texas in 1963. However, during the height of the plandemic this past March, with almost no mention in the corporate media, the United Nations published a new website called: The United Nations New World Order. They issued a Press Release via PR Newswire: United Nations NWO (UNNWO) Launches COVID 19 Coronavirus Focused International Day of Happiness 2020 Campaign Theme HAPPINESS FOR ALL TOGETHER. The desire of a group of very powerful people to establish a one-world government, which also requires reducing the size of the world's population to a more controllable size, is no longer a "conspiracy theory." They are no longer hiding their intentions, and one of their leaders in particular, Bill Gates, is being courted by the corporate media and bringing his desires and intentions out into the open with seemingly no fear whatsoever. Will they succeed?

Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: A New COVID Vaccine Could Kill 50 Million People in the U.S.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Judy Mikovits have both been recent guests on, and interviewed by Brian Rose. recently had to develop their own video platform to beat the Facebook and Google YouTube censorship, as Brian Rose frequently interviews doctors and scientists the corporate media and Big Tech desperately want to censor. Dr. Mikovits was the first one interviewed, and during the course of that interview, Brian Rose asked her about the COVID-19 vaccine that is being fast-tracked, with some pharmaceutical companies saying they will have a vaccine by this fall. Dr. Mikovits discusses the absurdity of giving a COVID-19 vaccine to healthy people who would already most likely have natural immunity. She states: "So now you're going to inject an agent, into every cell in the body. I just can't even imagine a recipe for anything other than what I would consider mass murder on a scale where 50 million people will die in America from the vaccine." About a week after Brian Rose interviewed Dr. Mikovits, he did a show with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. He mentioned Dr. Mikovits' prediction that if we went full steam ahead with this new COVID vaccine that 50 million people would die, and asked Dr. Tenpenny if she agreed. Not only did Dr. Tenpenny say she agreed with Dr. Mikovits' prediction of deaths in the U.S. from a COVID vaccine, but she stated that there would also be many who are injured by the vaccine who might wish they were dead: "There are some things worse than death."

Unvaccinated Children are Healthier than Vaccinated Children – Most Censored Topic in the U.S.?

"Vaccines are safe and effective." "The science on vaccines is settled." These statements are the official dogma of Big Pharma and the U.S Government health agencies, and anyone in the corporate media who has ever tried to challenge these statements of belief has been quickly silenced. Yet even to the casual reader with no invested interest in the topic, it would seem fairly obvious that these are statements of faith, and not scientific statements. How can a pharmaceutical product always be "safe and effective" for everyone? And how can the science on anything, let alone vaccines, ever be "settled"? And yet these beliefs are put forward as facts, and all dissenters, or even just those who dare to ask a question, are censored or labeled as "anti-vaxxers" or "quacks" if they happen to be a doctor or scientist. The fact that vaccines can and do cause injury and death in some situations is not even a debatable subject, as the U.S. Vaccine Court has paid out $BILLIONS in damages since the passage of the National Vaccine Compensation program passed in the 1980s, giving legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines, and can no longer be sued if a vaccine causes an injury or death. But even though this is public knowledge, and even though Health Impact News publishes the quarterly reports published by the Department of Justice listing settlements for vaccine injuries and deaths, we are censored and labeled as publishing "Fake News" by the Big Tech giants, like Facebook and Google. This is clearly information they do not want the public to know. But what about the second part of the belief that "vaccines are safe and effective?" Since we know that vaccines are not totally safe, and that this information is censored, it is totally appropriate to then ask the question: Are vaccines actually effective? What about overall health of children following the CDC vaccine schedule, as compared to children who do not receive all the vaccines in the CDC vaccine schedule? This is the one study that would solve this issue once and for all, but the U.S. government refuses to conduct such a trial, claiming it would be "unethical" to withhold vaccines from children. Those outside of the government who have tried to conduct such studies have been attacked and censored. We have featured doctors on Health Impact News over the years who have said that unvaccinated children in their practice are healthier than vaccinated children, and these doctors take great courage to speak publicly, because they are labeled as "quacks" and often face losing their medical license to practice for revealing this. Perhaps the most convincing evidence that unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children, is from parents who observe both in their homes on a daily basis. These are mostly former pro-vaccine parents who never doubted vaccinations until they saw the effects of vaccines in their own children, and then decided to not vaccinate other children born later based on their experience with vaccines. These are actually very good "laboratories" because children in the same home experience much the same things in their environment, and any major differences in their health will be much more obvious. VAXXED II film producer Polly Tommey has done the world a great favor by interviewing many of these families during their bus tour, and here are a few of them.

Pharmaceutical Industry is the Leading Cause of Death in U.S., and the Largest Criminal Group in the World

Those of us who have been covering the dark side of the medical industry for the past decade or so are fully aware that the medical system kills more people in the U.S. than any disease, using the medical system's own data. This is seldom, if ever, published in the corporate media which is largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry today. The other fact that is well-known to most of us in the alternative media is that the pharmaceutical industry leads the U.S. in criminal fraud. According to the Department of Justice (DOJ) website, the pharmaceutical industry is the largest offender of criminal fraud based on settlements and judgments for the False Claims Act. From 2009 through 2016, Health Care Fraud resulted in $19.3 billion for fraud, with “billions more during the same period for state Medicaid programs and in criminal fines and forfeitures.” Housing and Financial Fraud was a distant second during the same time period, at $7 billion. Richard Smith, editor of the British Medical Journal until 2004, wrote an opinion piece in 2013 about a book published by Peter Gøtzsche, the head of the Nordic Cochrane Centre, entitled “Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare.” The “largest fraud settlement in U.S. history” was against a pharmaceutical company: On July 2, 2012 the British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline pled guilty to three counts of criminal misdemeanor and other civil liabilities relating to the prescription drugs Paxil, Wellbutrin and Avandia, and agreed to pay a total of $3 billion in fines–$1 billion to settle criminal charges, and $2 billion to cover civil liabilities. The payment is the largest fraud settlement in U.S. history, and the largest fine ever paid by a drug company. And these are the people we are being asked to trust to provide a COVID-19 cure with a new vaccine, when there is not convincing evidence that we even have an accurate test that can identify this "new" coronavirus.

Moderna COVID Vaccine Trial Sees 20% “Serious” Injury Rate as U.S. Invests BILLIONS More on Experimental COVID Vaccines

On Monday this week (May 18, 2020) Moderna put out a press release stating that they had seen positive results to the first phase of their COVID-19 vaccine trial. The news sent their stock prices surging, as the pharmaceutical company is working with Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases which Fauci heads. However, that all changed on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, when Stat News published an article stating that Moderna did not produce any data to back their claims. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. also published his own observation on the little bit of data that was disclosed via his Instagram Account: CATASTROPHE! Moderna Vaccine has 20% "Serious" Injury Rate in High Dose Group! The U.S. Government has invested about half a million dollars in the Moderna experimental COVID vaccine so far. Now today, Thursday May 21st, while record numbers of Americans in the millions and climbing are without jobs, UK drug company AstraZeneca has announced that it has received $1.2 BILLION from the U.S. Government to receive 300 million vaccine doses starting this fall of a COVID-19 vaccine that is still in development and not even approved yet. While the future of a COVID-19 vaccine is still uncertain, one thing is very clear: a vast majority of the wealth of the United States is being transferred to Big Pharma as thousands of businesses are now closing down due to the COVID-19 scare while the U.S. Government gives hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars to Big Pharma.

Vaxxed Film Reveals Deaths and Injuries Caused by Vaccines by Interviewing the Victims – Gardasil Vaccine the Worst?

With the current rush to fast-track a vaccine that will supposedly stop the Coronavirus, it is important to look at some of the history of vaccines, especially ones developed to supposedly stop viruses. Perhaps one of the most deadly and dangerous vaccines to ever hit the market in the U.S. is the Gardasil vaccine which supposedly targets a virus that is thought to cause cancer, the human papillomavirus (HPV). For the better part of the last decade, Health Impact News has published more stories of lives destroyed by the Gardasil HPV vaccine than any other single vaccine. We will list some of those stories at the end of this article. If you are new to investigating the vaccine issue because you have begun to question what the corporate media and Big Pharma want you to believe about vaccines without presenting any dissenting voices, then I highly recommend both of the Vaxxed films. Vaxxed I: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, is based on the story of a CDC whistleblower who has revealed corruption within the CDC Vaccine Program but never got a chance to testify in Congress. Vaxxed I premiered in 2016. Vaxxed II: The People's Truth, premiered in 2019 and is the result of Polly Tommey's bus tours during Vaxxed I where she interviewed over 7000 people across the country who told their vaccine stories to her. The following 22 minute clip from Vaxxed II highlights the HPV vaccine, and the numerous interviews by Polly during her bus tour across the U.S. of families who testified to the damaging effects of the Gardasil vaccine. Remember, this information about Gardasil has been known for years, but the official position of the corporate-run media and Big Pharma is that this is "fake news," and all the doctors, and all the scientists who have spoken out against this vaccine have been censored by them, or they have been labeled "quacks" if their voices became too popular to suppress. They don't want you to know this.

Will You Get a Worthless COVID Test? Bill 6666 Wants to Mandate it – Are Americans About to Lose All Medical Rights?

Across the nation, police are being told to not apprehend criminals but instead, to arrest parents at playgrounds, to arrest lone surfers on public beaches, to fine ministers and congregation members sitting in their cars listening to a service on the radio, and to restrict movement by creating one-way sidewalks. People have had enough. They are beginning to see the huge scam that has been perpetrated on the entire world over a viral infection with a global death rate of 1.4% (meaning, 1.4% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a fatal outcome, while 98.6% recover). This is far fewer deaths than a severe flu season. We’re already starting to see the thrust to take our power back: In Virginia, people went to the beaches en mass, ignoring social distancing and the orders of the Governor to stay home. The central California city of Atwater has declared itself a “sanctuary city,” allowing business owners and churches to open, openly defying Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s coronavirus-related stay-at-home order. The truth about wearing masks is starting to come out and people are voting with their feet. Retired neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock, warns that not only do face masks fail to protect healthy people from contracting an illness, but they create serious health risks to the wearer. While they shut us down and held us hostage in our homes, they changed our society, our lives, our world. I am not willing to accept this is the “new normal.” I won’t submit to testing. I will refuse mandatory vaccination. I will stop wearing a mask. I will not be afraid of standing next to a friend or family member and will not obey the concept of “social distancing.” I will understand that an asymptomatic carrier is a normal, healthy person and I will not buy into the fear that I might “catch something” from a normal, healthy person. It’s time for Americans to resist with non-violent civil disobedience. Be brave. Be bold. Put on the full armor of God, as found in Ephesians 6:10-20 in the Bible, to stand against the world rulers of this present darkness. With God on our side, all things are possible.

Another COVID Small Business Casualty: The American Christian Church

All across the U.S. small businesses are failing because they closed down during the COVID-19 situation. In some sectors, such as the restaurant industry, it is estimated that more than 50% of these small businesses will never re-open. Today I am going to write about one of the largest groups of small businesses that have also been hit hard by closing down during this "crisis" - the American Christian Church. American churches today are businesses, mostly non-profit small businesses. Hence, they are corporations setup just like other American businesses, requiring licenses and subject to the laws of the U.S. and their respective states. As we have seen recently, the government authorities can shut them down farily easily. The true body of Christ, however, is not a 501c3 non-profit church business. It is a living organism of believers not dependent on any business, and the leader is Jesus who rules from Heaven and empowers his people with supernatural power. This organism is not so easily defeated, if they function together as a body.

Censored Dr. Kaufman: “They Want To Genetically Modify Us With COVID-19 Vaccine” – Loses his Job and Willing to go to Jail to Resist

Dr. Andrew Kaufman may be the most censored doctor in the U.S. right now. His videos are removed and censored from YouTube very quickly. Dr. Kaufman is so intelligent, and so articulate, that the "mainstream" media and medical authorities obviously fear him and his message, and they are doing everything in their power to suppress him. Andrew Kaufman is a medical doctor, a natural healing consultant, inventor, public speaker, forensic psychiatrist, and expert witness. He completed his psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Molecular Biology. He has conducted and published original research and lectured, supervised, and mentored medical students, residents, and fellows in all psychiatric specialties. He has been qualified as an expert witness in local, state, and federal courts. He has held leadership positions in academic medicine and professional organizations. He ran a start-up company to develop a medical device he invented and patented. In this interview with Spiro Skouras, you will most likely learn things you have never heard before about the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Kaufman will explain why this is all planned, and is not really about a dangerous virus at all, but a way to control people's lives. He will explain things about the new type of vaccine they are rushing so fast to develop, and what he believes is the real objective for this vaccine. Dr. Kaufman has already paid a steep price to be a whistle blower, and he only expects it to get worse. He states: "This is the only important thing for me to do now, is to get this information out, so that we can prevent ourselves from living in a horrible, horrible future. I have two young children, and they are my main motivating factor, that I don't want them to live in a world where they have no freedom. And that's where we're heading right now. And so whatever risks there are, they're risks that I simply have to take. That's why I am doing what I am doing. There have been things that have occurred. I have had consequences. I was let go from my regular psychiatry job because I refused to wear a mask. I have had several friends who are doctors or other health care professionals who have been very upset with me. (They're) disappointed and won't talk to me anymore. I knew that those risks were part of this. But that's not what's important. I'll tell you that I would be happy to risk being taken to jail as well, because I'm not going to participate in any of these measures."