One Single Computer Glitch Could Cost Tens of $Billions of Losses, Showing How Frail Technology Has Become

This past Friday morning brought headlines such as "Largest IT Outage in History!" and "Just Like Y2K Except this Time it is Real!" Hundred of millions, if not billions, of people and businesses around the world were affected, from airlines to FedEx and other delivery companies to financial institutions to hotel reservations and personal PC users. The culprit was reported as a Microsoft Windows update to a software program that runs on many Windows computers, from the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. Microsoft has reported that the glitch affected 8.5 million devices. Since the problem is still ongoing as I write this on Sunday, there is no way to know what the cost is to the global economy because of this glitch. Estimates at this point are claiming it will top 1 $billion in losses. However, I can assure you that those costs will well exceed this estimate, and will easily be in the tens of $billions, just from the loss of online ecommerce sales alone, not to mention every other industry that was affected where sales are not conducted online. I have run my own ecommerce store for over 20 years, and I have a pretty good feel for how sales go each day, based on day of the week, current sales we are running, etc. Yesterday, (Saturday 7/20/24) we had our lowest day in sales for many years, and I would estimate that we lost about 50% of our sales yesterday, due to this problem that obviously prevented many of our customers from ordering online. Globally, there were $5.8 trillion in online sales in 2023, and the forecast for 2024 is $6.3 trillion in sales. $6.3 trillion in online sales for one year is about $16.5 billion in sales every single day. Let's be conservative and estimate that about 30% of ecommerce sales were lost in just one day, yesterday. That would be about $5 billion in lost revenue, and that is just for one day, and only online sales, not sales lost in the airlines industry, hotel industry, freight delivery industry, etc. This loss could easily be in the tens of $billions, if not more, just for ONE single computer glitch, and we will experience the economic ripples of this for the rest of the year.

Israel Humiliated by Houthis as Downtown Tel Aviv Bombed by Undetected New Drone Class! Netanyahu Heads to U.S. Congress as ICC Arrest Warrant Still Outstanding

In an event barely mentioned in the U.S. media yesterday (Friday, July 19, 2024), Yemen's Houthi militants launched a new class of drones into the heart of Tel Aviv, considered the capital city of Israel by most of the world (97 embassies are in Tel Aviv compared to only 6 embassies in Jerusalem,) and is the country's economic and technological center. The drone attack appeared to be targeting the U.S. Consulate in Tel Aviv, exploding very near it, and allegedly went undetected by American Israeli defense systems, being the first attack of its kind. This was truly an historical never-before-seen attack directly on Israel's second most populous city, indicating that the Houthis are stepping up their attacks and not just simply targeting ships in the Red Sea anymore. While I have seen some reports that this attack on Tel Aviv yesterday might delay Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington D.C., news from D.C. seems to indicate that the trip is still on for this coming week. This begs the question: Will anyone try to arrest Netanyahu on the outstanding warrant for his arrest at the International Criminal Court? Protests are being planned in D.C., and Mike Johnson, the current Zionist leader of the House of Representatives, has threatened to arrest other lawmakers who do not support Israel.

Elon Musk: World’s Biggest Con Man, or Just a Fool? Big Tech in Panic Mode!

While Elon Musk is taking advantage of the current political climate after the Trump shooting incident and claiming to support free speech and be against online censorship, his X platform has been busy the past couple of days deleting posts of the Trump shooting that do not fit the current narrative from the Republican platform, clearly betraying what he claims about being against "online censorship". And as he espouses views that appease those on the Right and on the conservative side of the political spectrum by attacking Gov. Newsom as he pledges to move his companies from California to Texas, the reality is that his empire that has made him the richest man in the world appears to crumbling, and in danger of completely crashing. So let's take a peek behind the scenes and ignore Elon Musk's rhetoric, and let's see what is happening in the real world with the companies he owns, and where that evidence, as opposed to rhetoric, leads us, because Big Tech is in full panic mode right now.

Food Inflation has Caused Some of the Best Grass-fed Beef in the World to be Less Expensive than Commodity Medicated Beef Raised in Feedlots!

Something that I predicted would one day come true is actually happening today, here in the summer of 2024. Due to the complexities of the food supply chain here in the U.S. that brings mass-produced cheap beef from mega-farms where cattle are raised in confined feeding operations (CAFOs) on GMO contaminated grains, and vaccinated against common diseases from being raised together in close quarters, into America's grocery stores and fast food restaurants, I predicted that one day that supply chain would begin to fail and prices would start to increase, to the extent that our grass-fed beef raised by family farmers in lush pasture in Wisconsin, would beat the prices of commodity beef in the grocery store and fast-food chains. And of course the grass-fed and grass-finished beef that we sell in my online store, Healthy Traditions, under our "Grass-fed Traditions" brand, is not just from any common breed of beef cattle. These are Galloway beef cattle, from the rare ancient breed that originated in the rugged hill country of southwestern Scotland, and related to the more commonly known Angus breed which was developed in northeastern Scotland. Worldwide, there are less than 30,000 head of this breed, and we have been breeding them and selling their beef for about 15 years now from the lush pastures of western Wisconsin, grown by Amish family farmers.

Pro-Vaccine Zionist JD Vance Becomes Vice President Pick for GOP

ReallyGraceful published a video today titled "What the Media Won't Tell You About JD VANCE" where she reports about his financial connections to Silicon Valley Billionaire Peter Thiel, his pro-vaccine views (he got the COVID shot), and being a Zionist.

Criminal Robert Redfield Given a Free Pass for CDC Corruption on COVID Vaccines Under Trump by Children’s Health Defense and Others

Robert Redfield, the director of the CDC under Trump in 2020 who approved the emergency use authorization for the first experimental COVID "vaccines" that have killed and maimed millions of people in the United States, by committing criminal acts of fraud that inflated COVID case numbers at the same time the annual flu numbers all but disappeared in order to justify a novel, new vaccine to fight COVID, is back in the media again. But this time he is being treated as a hero by some, including Children's Health Defense, for now stating that these experimental deadly shots should never have been mandated. Yes, at first glance at the recent headlines with publications such as Children's Health Defense, it would appear that Redfield has now come clean and admitted that the shots were deadly from the beginning, and never should have been put into the public by treating U.S. citizens as lab rats. But that is NOT what he is saying today at all. Even through Robert Redfield committed criminal acts of fraud that allowed the COVID shots to be approved to be injected into the arms of Americans, including pregnant women and children as young as 16, he is not repenting of that, but coming out instead against something Biden allegedly did: "mandate" the vaccines, which Redfield himself originally approved! So that's it? He now gets a free pass for all of his criminal actions that killed and maimed millions of Americans simply because he states that they never should have been "mandated"? How about the fact that Redfield fraudulently inflated numbers at the CDC and ignored hundreds of doctors and scientists who testified to the fact that Pfizer and Moderna were committing fraud and endangering the public by putting an experimental new "vaccine" into the public, but he went ahead and approved them anyway? Let's review some history here, instead of trying to rewrite it for political purposes.

The Trump Assassination Attempt

I am republishing investigative reporter Jon Rappoport's article that he wrote late Saturday night. Jon Rappoport was a steady source of truth during the COVID scam years. Here is his article on the Trump shooting incident. Here is his article on the Trump shooting incident.

Things that Don’t Add Up and Many Questions Still Unanswered in Trump Shooting

As the whole world knows by now, former U.S. President Donald Trump was shot at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania yesterday (7/13/24). The news is still shifting and changing, and of course descriptions of what happened will be highly biased based on who is reporting, and whether or not they are Trump supporters. For anyone who might read what I am about to report here without being familiar with who I am, I encourage you to click on the About Us page where you will learn that I do not support EITHER political party, because most of what we read and see in politics today is pure theatrics, and insignificant, because politicians do not run this country, Wall Street and Silicon Valley do. So without emotional attachments to the incident yesterday, I have found some things being reported that just don't add up, and there are still many questions that are not being answered.

Criminal Medical Device Industry shows FDA Corruption at the Highest Levels – The FDA Protects Stockholders, NOT the Public

While many in the U.S. public are just now starting to wake up to the fact that the criminal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is corrupt due to the horrible amount of deaths and injuries caused by COVID "vaccines" and other protocols given emergency use authorization from 2020 through 2023, the fact is that the FDA has always been corrupt, protecting stockholders on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, and not the public. Almost two years before COVID started, back in 2018, Netflix produced a documentary called "The Bleeding Edge," which revealed that the medical device industry was even more powerful and more corrupt than the pharmaceutical industry. I have edited a section of the film that is less than 14 minutes long, which shows how government and Pharma collude together to defraud the American people, and that corruption and fraud were committed by the same people starting in 2020 when the COVID Scam started. Be aware that this is not a "family-friendly" film and there is coarse language and graphic descriptions in some segments. But it will be quite an eye-opener for most of you if you have not yet watched this documentary. You will learn that the Medical Industry controls the FDA, and that the FDA has their back and protects their interests, and they do not care about public health. Those in the FDA who are concerned about public heath and try to expose the corruption, lose their jobs. These companies place a value on your life, and it is not worth much. They know full well that their products kill and maim people, but that is all factored into their business model, with the mantra being that "benefits outweigh" the deaths and injuries their products cause. The entire medical system is Satanic, and I wish I knew what I know now when I was a lot younger.

Israel Deliberately Destroyed all of Gaza’s Hospitals with US Approval and Support

While the United States government attempts to lecture the world about its supposed “rules based order,” it‘s aiding, arming and providing diplomatic cover for Israel’s unprecedented assault on Gaza’s already collapsed healthcare system. In fact, Israel’s attacks, justified by Washington in some cases, have resulted in the territory being left without a single functional hospital. Israel has killed more than 500 Palestinian healthcare workers in Gaza since the beginning of the war. To put this in perspective, between 2011 and 2024, 949 medical professionals in total were said to have been killed during the Syrian war, with the worst year on record seeing the deaths of almost 200, according to Physicians for Human Rights. For those medical professionals who remain, Doctors Without Borders has reported a major mental health crisis, with some doctors being forced to choose between treating their own family members and other patients. In one horrifying case, Palestinian doctor Hani Bseiso was forced to amputate the lower part of his teenage daughter’s leg on a kitchen table without anesthetic and using little more than a pair of scissors and gauze. She miraculously survived. Another Palestinian doctor wasn’t as lucky, as he was forced to watch his son slowly die while amputating his leg without anesthetic. Unprecedented is an understatement, and explaining what is happening to the people of Gaza due to Israel’s systematic targeting of hospitals and medical workers defies the English language. Yet, the US government continues to supply Israel with all the arms it seeks, protecting its actions in front of an international community in shock.

The World’s Rush to Reduce Dependency on U.S. Dollar Accelerates as the Great AI Bubble Burst Apocalypse Draws Closer

While I have been reporting on the Big Tech crash that started accelerating in 2022 for over a year now, others in the financial sector are finally beginning to see where the current AI hype is leading the U.S., and using such words as "apocalypse" in terms of what is going to happen when this AI bubble (which almost ALL economists now admit is a real thing) bursts. ZeroHedge News reported this week that Goldman's head of research has apparently "seen the light" when it comes to the AI bubble, and "is downright apocalyptic on what the current AI bubble will lead to; think dot com bubble on steroids" and that it "will be the biggest bubble in history." While AI has sucked up all the capital in the U.S. economy for the past year and a half to create this economic apocalypse that now awaits us, the true extent of the crash of Big Tech goes far beyond just chat bots and LLM AI. Indeed, when the history books are written in the future about the collapse of the Great American Empire, chief among its causes will be our over-reliance on technology and the false Darwinian belief system that whatever humans can do, machines and technology can do better as they evolve. This reliance on technology started in the 1800s when America abandoned using natural plants, herbs, and things in creation for healing, and when traditional methods of healing, such as homeopathy, were banned in favor of laboratory-produced pharmaceutical poisons, starting with vaccines, in the false belief that man's technology could eliminate human disease. Today, the field of "biotech" still earns $trillions while Americans get sicker and sicker, creating a highly medicated society addicted to their products, which are now the #1 cause of death in the U.S Another great failure in American "biotech" technology is the destruction of the family farm in favor of mega food companies and the proliferation of genetically modified foods, along with all the chemicals needed in pesticides and herbicides to even grow crops in highly industrialized mono-cropping systems. Meanwhile, the non-Western countries of the world are finally teaming up together to form a new economic system that does not allow the warmongering United States to impose economic sanctions against them if they don't accept American "freedom" and become a "democracy" like us. It was announced this week that the two most sanctioned countries in the world by the U.S. today, Russia and Iran, have partnered together to form their own credit card payment system. Also being reported this week is the announcement that the BRICS nations are launching their own financial system.

Coal: God’s Gift to Humanity for Cheap Energy, or Climate Destroying “Fossil” Fuel?

Today we are featuring an article published last week by Dr. John Gideon Hartnett titled: "Coal, the Creator's Providential Provision." Dr. Hartnett is an Australian scientist who holds a PhD in physics from The University of Western Australia, and has gained international recognition for developing the world’s most precise clock, the cryogenic sapphire oscillator (CSO). He is a frequent critic of the climate change and "green energy" junk science. In this recent article he blows away the modern pseudo-scientific teaching on coal, and shows where coal came from, and how abundant it is as a cheap energy source. As I have previously reported in the past about the development and use of petroleum-based energy sources, the use of these cheap energy sources is RISING around the world, in spite of the rhetoric of politicians stating that they are reducing these "fossil" fuels, production and use of coal worldwide is also INCREASING, not decreasing, especially in China, India, and Southeast Asia.

Major July 2024 Events: Republican National Convention vs. Sun Valley Conference for Billionaires – Which One Will Shape “Elections”?

With the 4th of July holiday now behind us, it is time to look at two major events happening this month in the U.S.: The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the summer camp conference in Sun Valley, Idaho, where some of the most wealthy and influential people in the world meet each year at a private, invitation-only event where the Press is not allowed. The Republican Convention will be mostly televised, where delegates are widely expected to choose Donald Trump to lead the party in the Fall elections, and where his Vice President choice will allegedly be revealed. Which of these two events here in July will have the greatest impact on what happens during the national elections later this year, and the future of this country?

What is True Freedom?

Today many Americans will commemorate the signing of the "Declaration of Independence" on this date in 1776, where many Christians and their Pastors will proudly claim that this document provided "freedom and justice for all" under the new nation, The United States of America. And while almost everyone would probably agree that "freedom and justice for all" is not something most Americans enjoy today, they will claim that it was once the hallmark of our country, as espoused by the "Founding Fathers", and that we need to return to those days to truly have "freedom" today. But what is true "freedom", and how did the Founding Fathers of the U.S. define "freedom," both in thought and in practice? As I have previously documented, "freedom and justice for all" did not include many of the inhabitants of the United States during that time, namely all the black slaves "owned" by the Founding Fathers, or the original native Americans who already lived here. It is estimated that between 17 to 25 of the 55 delegates who signed The Constitution were owners of slaves. When the European Founding Fathers arrived in North America in the 17th and 18th centuries, they did not find an empty land where there were no people living here. There was already a system of government in place among several nations that existed in the Northeast called the League of the Iroquois, consisting of at least six North American Indian nations. This decentralized, agrarian-based form of government in North America went back as far as 1142. So the term "freedom and justice for all" has always been a lie, ever since the Europeans settled North America, bringing along their African slaves to grow their tobacco on the East Coast, and run their cotton fields in the South, while at the same time destroying the North American Indian nations who are the original inhabitants of North America. I do agree with the Christians who state that many Christians were among the Founding Fathers, most of them Protestants who came during the Reformation Period in Europe. But is this something to be proud about?? These Christians were mostly Freemasons who were heavily influenced by the secret societies that proliferated in Europe during that time, also referred to as "The Age of Enlightenment", and incorporated many of the Freemason teachings into their brand of Christianity that are not found in the Bible, such as the office of "Pastor", the cessation of the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the false teaching that the nation of Israel is still the "chosen people" of God today (Zionism), among many other false teachings. Most pastors and Christians today continue these false teachings, and continue to promote "Nationalism", whether it be Israel, or the United States, as a superior people to all other nations. In the Bible, this is called "Idolatry."

American Christians are Biblically Illiterate Not Understanding the Difference Between The Old Covenant vs. The New Covenant

It is becoming more and more clear to me that today's American Christians are biblically illiterate, choosing instead to follow their favorite Christian leaders and what they teach about the Bible, rather than reading the Bible for themselves. Now, I know that the phrase "biblically illiterate" or something similar such as "they don't know what the Bible says," is often a charge made by one group of Christians who believe differently from other groups of Christians, such as the divisions between Catholic and Protestant Christians, and actually refers to "doctrine", or some written form of something that describes what a particular Christian group "believes" that separates them from other Christian groups. I am not dealing with different doctrinal beliefs at all in this article. I am talking about what the Bible actually says, which anyone can determine for themselves by picking it up and reading it. To give a non-religious example, take the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States, the political documents that are supposed to define the legal code of the United States. There is great debate as to how these documents are applied today in a court of law, but there is no debate about what is actually written in them, because anyone can look them up and see what they say. So for example, while there is great debate today as to the meaning of "freedom of speech" as is written in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, nobody is claiming that the First Amendment does not protect free speech at all, or that only the Government can determine which speech is allowed in the public space, and what speech is not. That would be absurd, and make the First Amendment meaningless. And yet, after I published the article on the founding of Israel in 1948 last week, stating that this political-military action was not a fulfillment of prophecy, but a massacre and ethnic cleansing, I had several people email me and tell me that massacring whole nations and participating in ethnic cleansing most certainly can be a fulfillment of prophecy, because God has done it several times throughout history. If they gave any examples in the Bible to support their claim, of course they were ALL examples from the Old Testament, none from the New Testament. This is clearly an example of being biblically illiterate, and not understanding the clear division in the Bible between the Old Covenant instituted by Moses with the giving of the Law (Torah), and the New Covenant which was instituted by Jesus by his execution on the Roman cross, and his subsequent rising from the dead and ascension to Heaven. Which covenant with God are we currently living under? The New Covenant, which was fulfilled and has now superseded the Old Covenant. If anyone makes a claim that God continues to deal with groups of people under this New Covenant period as he did under the Old Covenant, it would be the same as someone standing up in a court of law in the U.S. and claiming that the First Amendment was never actually written, and that there is no freedom of speech. We can conclusively state that this is NOT true, based solely on the textual evidence. Now what if the person in a court of law in the U.S. makes the claim to a judge sitting on a bench in a court of law that the Constitution has been changed today, a couple hundred of years after it was allegedly written, and that the First Amendment is a forgery, and that it was not in the original text of the Constitution? Can we prove in a court of law that this is not true? Of course we can, because the Constitution of the U.S. and the Bill of Rights were copied and even translated into many languages over the past couple of hundred years, so that if someone ever tried to change the original document, we would still have all the thousands of copies of the original Constitution and Bill of Rights for the past 250 years or so. The same principle is true of the Bible.

Is Trump’s Former CDC Director Working on a Bird Flu Vaccine with Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturer?

This is an update to the story I published earlier this month (June 2024) looking into the former director of the CDC during the Trump presidency, Dr. Robert Redfield, and why he has been predicting a deadly Bird Flu pandemic for 3 years now. As I mentioned in that article, the website shows that Dr. Redfield received $360,093.00 in consulting fees from Roche Diagnostics Corporation, from 2020 through 2022, the same time frame that Redfield was featured in the corporate media creating fear over the Bird Flu. I also reported that Roche Diagnostics Corporation is working on a new PCR test that can allegedly test for the Bird Flu, as well as for COVID-19 and RSV. As I mentioned in that article, the data for 2023 on Big Pharma kickbacks to doctors had not yet been posted, but I had expected it to be posted soon, as in most years the previous year's data is posted by the end of June. Well, did update their data with 2023 statistics this week. The former CDC director under Trump continued to receive consulting fees from Roche Diagnostics Corporation during 2023, with another $180,000 received for consulting fees. But another pharmaceutical company started paying Dr. Redfield $160,000 in consulting fees last year, and that company was COVID-19 vaccine producer, Novavax. Novavax currently has a Bird Flu vaccine in the works, and their stock skyrocketed during the time Dr. Redfield was making his media appearances predicting a new Bird Flu pandemic.

Honey is the World’s Healthiest Sweetener but the North American Honey Supply is Contaminated

Honey is one of nature’s most perfect and beneficial foods. The documented research on the incredible health benefits of honey is truly astounding. If you type in the search term “honey” in the National Library of Medicine on the NIH Government website, you will get 18,000 results from peer-reviewed journals. If you search for honey on Health Impact News, you get over 150 results documenting the health benefits of pure honey, such as: "Phenolic Compounds and Enzymatic Activity in Raw Honey Positively Affect Oxidative Stress and Bone Density" "Honey Out-Performs Antibiotics in Fighting Superbugs" "Honey: A Powerful Anti-Cancer Agent" - Honey is the ONLY sweetener on the market that you can purchase that is a complete, whole food, as opposed to granulated sugar which is an extract from either a grass (sugar cane), or from beets (sugar beets). But purchasing real, pure, unadulterated raw honey that is not contaminated with herbicides or pesticides, is another matter altogether. Testing done in 2011 on grocery store honey showed that up to 80% of the honey sold in grocery stores is adulterated and even fake, much of it imported from China illegally. Honey that is produced in the U.S. and Canada is mostly a by-product of professional beekeepers who make their primary income from leasing out their bees to pollinate crops in commercial agriculture. These commercial crops are heavily treated with herbicides and pesticides, and the resulting honey from these bees is just a by-product of these commercial bee operations, and that includes most “local” honeys, which are highly contaminated. Pure raw honey has been proven through numerous studies to be more effective than drugs in treating many diseases, and since honey can be stored indefinitely and tends to improve with age, like fine wines, this is a food that you want in your long-term food storage plans, and you want honey that heals, not honey that is contaminated, or “honey” that is not even real honey at all.

1948 State of Israel was NOT a Fulfillment of Prophecy – It was an Ethnic Cleansing Massacre (Nakba)

Throughout my life I have had many Christians tell me that the 1948 establishment of the State of Israel was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. This idea is drilled into Christians, mainly Evangelical Christians, from an early age through the teaching of Christian pastors and Sunday School programs. Hidden behind this unbiblical belief is the true history of the war of 1948, and the ethnic cleansing massacre that took place by Israeli military forces against innocent civilians, including women and children, a history that is also censored among most Jews. The Palestinian people refer to it as the "Al-Nakba," which means "massacre". The Israeli government does not allow the word "Nakba" to be used in textbooks for school children, not even Palestinian school children. But in recent years some Jewish documentary producers have exposed the truth of what really happened in 1948, by interviewing the people who actually lived through it. One of the most explosive documentaries exposing the horrors of 1948 is the documentary "Tantura: The Untold Story of the 1948 Massacre", which was directed by Israeli filmmaker Alon Schwarz in 2022. This is a masterful documentary, as Schwarz interviews all parties involved, including former military personnel who admit to the facts, and others who deny them. I learned a lot about how many Jews view this period in their history, which is very controversial, and how those who know the truth handle knowing this horrible truth. Five years before this documentary was published, a similar documentary was published in 2017 titled "Born in Deir Yassin", by Israeli Director Neta Shoshani. If you are a Christian who has been taught this evil lie that God orchestrated the entire campaign of the Israeli forces to conduct ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people in 1948 resulting in fulfilled prophecy, or if you are a Jew who has been taught that only Arab soldiers died in battle in 1948 and that the Palestinian people left their homeland willingly, please take some time to watch these documentaries and learn the truth from the mouths of the people who were actually there, and who participated in this awful war.

Is a “Cyber Pandemic” in Progress? Cyber Attacks Against Car Dealers and the Federal Reserve Put U.S. Economy at the Brink of Failure

While the U.S. media is currently focusing on politics with the upcoming presidential debate, as well as a slew of Supreme Court decisions that are being handed down today, there are other stories not making headlines that may indicate the U.S. economy might be on the brink of collapse. In fact, the U.S. may be in the beginning stages of a "cyber pandemic" that the Globalists at the World Economic Forum have been predicting for the past few years, which they have said will be far more serious than the "COVID Pandemic" was. First, the auto industry has been in total disarray since last week when a cyber attack took down the main software system that is used by 15,000 dealerships nationwide to sell cars. The software network is called CDK Global, and their CEO announced today that they do not plan to have their software system back up and running by the end of the month, which is striking terror into the hearts of car sales people all across the country, as the last few days of the month are typically their busiest selling days as they seek to increase their paychecks for the month with sales commissions. This one single event alone could take down the U.S. economy. One car dealer sales manager told CNN yesterday that “The financial impact it will directly have on us will take months to correct, if not years.” Unfortunately, these cyber attacks are not the only bad news that is being reported today. Due to the ongoing war in the Red Sea where the British and U.S. naval forces have been unable to defeat the Iran-backed Houthi rebels and reopen shipping lanes, there are now severe backlogs in the supply chain, which we have not seen since COVID.

Iran’s Top Attorney Indicts Trump for Murder in Criminal Court of Tehran

In a story that has been widely reported in the Middle Eastern media since yesterday, June 23, 2024, Ali Alghasi-Mehr, the judiciary chief for Tehran province, has issued a 164-page indictment against 73 American officials regarding the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani and his companions back in 2020. The chief Iranian prosecutor stated that a public trial will be held next month, and that: “All the defendants, who are U.S. statesmen and military officials, have been officially notified of the case and required to introduce their lawyers." Only two of the 73 American officials have been revealed so far (that I could find), and that is former U.S. President Donald Trump, who ordered Soleimani's death, and Trump's former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. Skeptics and Zionist followers of the Trump Cult will be quick to point out that Iran has been trying to bring Trump to justice since 2020, the year Trump and the military assassinated General Qassem Soleimani, and that there is no chance Trump will ever stand trial in Iran. But many things have changed since 2020, and even since September of 2023 when it was announced that Iran was preparing these indictments, just one month before the Hamas attack on Israel in October of 2023. Also, recent events here in 2024 have dramatically changed the attitude in the Middle East with Iran and their allies. The first one was the explosion of pro-Palestinian student protests here in the U.S., which, perhaps for the first time, showed many Muslim people in the Middle East that not all Americans are Zionists, and that many Americans actually support the cause of the Palestinian people to stop Israel's genocide against them. Secondly, Iran joined the BRICS alliance at the beginning of 2024, closely allying with China and Russia to form a new “Golden Triangle” that is seen to be able to keep American and Israeli Zionist aggression in check. And lastly, military campaigns conducted by Iran and their proxies such as the Houthis have achieved far greater success than anyone in the West had previously thought was possible. If in the past it was impossible that any Americans would face criminal charges in Iran, one must consider the possibility that the situation is quickly changing, and that it actually could be possible at some point.