Physician Group Exposes False Government Measles Statistics – Opposes Mandatory Vaccination

Government Doctors Make Gross Errors Concerning Measles Statistics, Misinform Senators, and Threaten Public Health. Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), an organization of doctors and scientists who encourage using statistics to safeguard public health, recently flew in doctors from across California to educate members of the Senate Committee on Health about the risks of measles vs. the risks of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine—which are explained in PIC’s opposition letter to California SB 276, a bill that would allow only state public health officers the right to grant or approve vaccine exemptions to children at-risk of vaccine injuries. PIC’s doctors included Dr. Shira Miller, Dr. Lionel Lee, Dr. Edmond Sarraf, Dr. Melanie Gisler, and Dr. Charles Penick. Misinformation concerning measles data is rampant.

Merck Profits Soar As MMR Measles Vaccine Increases 27% to $496 Million in 2019

There is nothing like a good "measles outbreak" to boost sales when you have a monopoly on the only measles vaccine available, and corporate-funded mainstream media does almost all of your marketing for free, by singing the praises of the vaccine while never mentioning potential side effects or criminal cases currently in place over corruption surrounding the development of the vaccine. Given the fact that U.S. law prevents anyone from suing Merck if a vaccine injury or death occurs from their vaccines, and that the U.S. Government via the CDC is the largest purchaser of vaccines to the tune of $5 billion per year, the vaccine industry has become perhaps the most lucrative market in the history of the world. Merck & Co Inc. reported higher-than-expected first-quarter profits for 2019. Sales of the MMR measles vaccine soared to 27% to $496 million. The company also saw strong sales growth overseas for its Gardasil vaccine, as sales rose 27 percent to $828 million, beating analyst expectations by about $25 million.

FDA Cover-up? New Data Obtained Shows MMR Vaccine Approved on Clinical Trials of Only 342 Children – Half Suffered Side Effects

As we have previously reported here on Health Impact News, pharmaceutical giant Merck has been fighting a criminal case regarding its MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine in court for over 8 years, as their own scientists became whistle-blowers regarding fraud in the development of the vaccine. Now, Del Bigtree, founder of the non-profit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), has announced that a new Freedom of Information Act disclosure from the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revealed that the MMR vaccine was licensed based on clinical trials which in total had less than 1,000 participants, and only 342 children. “Thanks to the laws in this country that for now at least permit access to various government records, we now know the MMR vaccine was licensed using an irresponsibly small and limited group of children,” says Bigtree. “But what’s even more alarming is learning about the serious adverse events that were known and acknowledged, yet ignored in order to license the MMR vaccine,” Bigtree adds, noting “This was after only tracking adverse events for 42 days after injection – imagine what they might have found had they tracked safety for three years against an appropriate control, like they do for drugs.”

Why “Anti-Vaxxers” Are Really “Ex-Vaxxers”

In the 1920s, Edward Bernays, the so-called “father of public relations,” wrote several influential books outlining the principles of successful propaganda. In his book by that title, Bernays argued that “the mind of the people…is made up for it by…those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion” and know how to skillfully supply the public with “inherited prejudices” and “verbal formulas.” Bernays’ comments come to mind in the current climate of hostility and intolerance being directed against individuals pejoratively dubbed by the vaccine lobby as “anti-vaxxers.” The dumbed-down propaganda being plastered across the mainstream media on an almost daily basis would have the public believe that anyone who questions any aspect of vaccination is ignorant, selfish or both. However, there is a glaring flaw with this logic. The incontrovertible fact—which the legislators, regulators, reporters and citizens who are participating in mass tarring and feathering are not honest enough to admit—is that many of the people classified as “anti-vaxxers” are actually “ex-vaxxers” whose dutiful adherence to current vaccine policies led to serious vaccine injury in themselves or a loved one.

The Vaccine Injured: America’s New Minority Class Fighting Discrimination and Human Rights Abuse

Today, parents whose children have been injured by vaccines are being demonized and discriminated against for speaking publicly about what happened to their children after vaccination. There is no other minority in America being subjected to public humiliation and censorship for simply speaking the truth. Pediatricians are also cruelly bullying and coercing mothers into giving vaccines to sick children already struggling with vaccine injuries that have compromised their health. These mothers are desperately trying to protect their children from further harm by refusing to give them more vaccines. Yet, many pediatricians are showing no mercy and insisting on implementing one-size-fits-all government vaccine policy regardless of the risk to these vulnerable children’s lives. The massive cover up of vaccine injuries has created a new minority class of people in the U.S. that face tremendous discrimination, from not being able to receive medical care for their vaccine injuries to being denied public education, to even losing one's children if a parent dares to blame their child's medical condition on vaccines.

Pro-Vaccine Nurse of 22 Years Defends Her Family After Mumps Outbreak Among Her Fully Vaccinated Family as She was Wrongly Accused of Not Vaccinating

Kami Altenberg Schaal has been a professional nurse for 22 years. She is pro-vaccine. She gets the flu shot every year as a requirement for her employment, and she vaccinates her family. Her entire family has been vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, and yet 4 out of 5 members of her family came down with the mumps. Her daughter is a freshman in college, and got the mumps from school. She isolated her daughter for 5 days ("I know how to isolate a patient, I'm a nurse"), and reported her case to the department of health. All the members of her family also got booster shots of the MMR vaccine. 17 days after her daughter's exposure, her husband and son woke up with mumps. After notifying the health department, Kami notified her son's school district as well. What happened next was apparently something she had not anticipated. Even though her family was fully vaccinated and she followed all the proper medical protocols for dealing with the mumps, many people in her community began to blame her, including some of her medical colleagues, for not vaccinating their children (even though she had!) Finally, Kami herself woke up with the mumps. She had been tested and was supposedly immune. She had taken the booster. But she ended up getting the mumps anyway. "I literally lost my mind. I called the department of health nurse, and I said, 'This is absolute craziness. What is happening?' And she said that they are learning in the trenches. 'We don't know what we don't know.'" The department of health nurse was required to send out another letter to the school district, so Kami asked the nurse if she could "put the truth" in the letter to the school district that her son was vaccinated, because she feared being blamed in error, once again, for not vaccinating her children. The nurse allegedly replied "no." "They will not put that in a letter, because it could give the anti-vaxx movement some fodder. So they would not protect my family by saying we did the right things, so I had to protect my family. I'm the one who has to defend my family."

Pro-Vaccine Doctor Now Questions Vaccines After Researching Them – “The Science on Vaccines is Settled” is Wrong

First and foremost, everything you've ever heard or read stating that "the science on vaccines is settled" is wrong. Five years ago, I stood firmly in the pro-vaccine camp. As a physician, we were never taught specifically about vaccines, although we learned about the forms of immunity our bodies possess. We were told that vaccines worked, they were crucial to public health, and that we could trust the CDC, WHO, and other health agencies which had only our "best interests" at heart. Since retiring from practice, I've actually had the time to research the topic and discovered just how naive I was. This is just a "brief" summary of what I've learned. I could add pages and pages on each vaccine.

Why Aren’t Mumps Outbreaks Considered “Epidemic” When There are Thousands More Cases of Mumps than Measles?

The mainstream media (MSM) would have you believe that we have a national emergency on our hands. You would think that tens of thousands must be infected and dying from measles. Well, you would think wrong. According to the CDC, from January 1 to April 11, 2019 there have been 555 cases of measles across the US. I don’t think we have a national emergency on our hands with measles, but we may have one with mumps. Mumps is part of the MMR—measles, mumps, and rubella–vaccine. You might think that the MMR vaccine is very effective against preventing infection from mumps. Well, you would only think that if you have not been reading about the problems with the mumps part of the MMR vaccine. And, it is hard to read about it since the MSM does not cover it. What the MSM fails to tell you is that Merck, part of the Big Pharma vaccine cartel, has been in Federal Court since 2010 on fraud charges in conjunction with the mumps vaccine. From January 1 to March 29, 2019, there have been 426 mumps infections reported to the CDC. In 2016-2017 there were nearly 12,000 cases reported. For comparison, in 2016-2017, there were 206 cases of measles reported to the CDC. The MMR vaccine should have never been approved. It was never properly tested against a placebo just like nearly every other vaccine on the market. There were concerns that combining three live virus vaccines (measles, mumps, and rubella) together might cause an increase in adverse effects. There are thousands of reports of adverse effects from the MMR vaccine. Why anyone would think that combining three live virus vaccines together in one shot is safe is beyond me.

Public Called Upon to Descend on California Capital to Stand for Health Freedom and Oppose Removal of Medical Exemptions for Mandatory Vaccines

The California Senate Health Committee hearing for SB 276 in Sacramento on Wednesday, April 24th at 1:30 pm in the John L. Burton Hearing Room 4203. We need your action this week to stop SB 276 sponsored by Senator Richard Pan which interferes with and restricts the medical exemption to mandatory vaccinations in California. It is inappropriate for The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), a state agency of unelected bureaucrats, to be given legal authority to hijack the private patient physician relationship by being placed in the position to reject doctor issued medical vaccine exemptions. Forcing physicians to violate their professional judgment and their conscience is a form of state-sponsored tyranny that should not be part of public health law in any state, especially in California where parents who witness vaccine reactions in their family no longer have the protective safety of the personal belief exemption due to another bill, SB 277 in 2015, by the same bill author. SB 276 discriminates against those who can’t tolerate vaccination. A child injured or killed by a vaccine is just as important as a child who gets sick from a vaccine preventable illness. The United States Government has paid out more than $4 billion dollars to vaccine victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. VOTE NO on SB 276!

Lawmakers, Doctors, Attorneys and Oregon Public Oppose Secretive Bill to Force All Vaccines on Oregon Children

Oregon Bill HB 3063 proposes to exclude children from school if they are missing just one vaccination. It strips Oregonians of religious and philosophical freedom when it comes to vaccines and abolishes all but the medical exemption (ME). In Oregon most doctors are unwilling to write medical exemptions because they must be approved by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), and they have one of the most restrictive set of rules for MEs in the country. Science journalist and book author Jennifer Margulis, PhD, Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, a biochemist who has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers, and Dr. Paul Thomas, MD, a pediatrician with over 15,000 children in his practice, and many others will be gathering in Salem, Oregon at a “Rally for Rights” to oppose the bill on April 23, 2019. Oregon State Senator Dennis Linthicum issued a press release stating that "House Bill 3063 is hovering in the Ways and Means Committee and is being tinkered with behind the scene by a group of lawmakers attempting to abolish consent in medicine." Oregon State Senator Kim Thatcher also issued a press release this week opposing the bill, and proposing 28 amendments to the bill to "dismantle the false narrative promoted by proponents of forcible injections." One of her amendments calls for all lawmakers who vote for HB 3063 to have "their immediate family members administered to them the bill’s mandated vaccines. Vaccination protocol shall begin within 30 days of the passage of the bill and adhere to the full schedule required for children under the bill."

CNN Tries to Contradict Facts Presented by Vaccine Injury Lawyer by Appeal to Authority with TV Doctor Sanjay Gupta

Children's Health Defense has posted a video excerpt from an interview on CNN Headline news, where attorney Robert Krakow is interviewed about one of his current lawsuits on behalf of parents in Brooklyn, New York (mostly Jewish) who are being denied their religious exemptions to vaccines. Robert Krakow is a vaccine injury attorney, who deals with vaccine injuries in the federal vaccine court. And yet, the CNN news host disclaims everything he has to say by personally attacking him for not being a medical doctor and therefore not qualified to speak about the safety of the MMR vaccine, and stating that their own TV doctor, Sanjay Gupta, has already assured everyone that the MMR vaccine is completely safe, and therefore Attorney Krakow must be wrong. This is a rare moment in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media where it can be clearly seen that facts regarding vaccines don't matter, only their own hand-selected "medical authorities" are qualified to discuss this topic. Attorney Krakow: "We have medical experts too."

Rockland County NY Health Department Goes Door to Door Looking for Unvaccinated – Media Lies About MMR Vaccine Risk

In spite of an injunction preventing Rockland County, New York, from banning unvaccinated children from public places issued by a state Supreme Court Judge, County Executive Ed Day and Rockland County Commissioner of Health Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert are proceeding with a new ban, and going door to door warning people of the ban. The new ban apparently allows for religious exemptions, as required by state law. But for those who fail to comply, they are being threatened with a $2000 a day fine. New York attorney Robert Krakow filed a lawsuit against the vaccination ban on behalf of a group of parents, arguing it was "arbitrary, capricious, contrary to law and in violation of petitioners' rights under the United States Constitution and New York State law." An Associated Press article reporting on the lawsuit incorrectly wrote: "Their attorney, Robert Krakow, claimed the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine 'can cause many vaccine injuries, including encephalitis and death.' Medical experts have debunked those claims and proven that the vaccine is safe, but opposition to vaccines persists." The "claims" made by attorney Krakow are based on actual cases he has litigated in the federal vaccine court, where his clients have been awarded damages due to the MMR vaccine. And the potential side effects of "encephalitis and death" are actually listed in the MMR drug manufacturer package insert. So the corporate media's claim that "Medical experts have debunked those claims and proven that the vaccine is safe" is 100% false.

Statistics Link Rise of “Vaccine-preventable” Diseases to Increased Vaccination Rates

As mass hysteria regarding the so-called ‘measles epidemic’ appears to be breaking out around the world, we need to ask ourselves whether or not this perceived epidemic is as bad as the corporate mainstream media has painted it. If it is, then are the vaccinations manufactured to protect our children against the measles and other illnesses really working? During our research, we discovered that, despite many countries around the world mandating vaccines, there has been a substantial rise in the numbers of ‘vaccine preventable’ diseases being reported. In fact, statistics show that measles outbreaks are higher in countries where the MMR vaccine is mandated, than in countries where the MMR is only encouraged, but not mandated.

Free Speech and Shutting Down Vaccine Debate

The U.S. Constitution protects the civil liberties of all Americans, including freedom of thought, speech, conscience, religious belief and the right to dissent and petition the government. Yet, in recent years we've seen a frightening erosion of these civil liberties under the guise of "protecting public health." I'm talking about the ongoing effort to shut down all public discussion about vaccine safety, of course — an effort that is now reaching a fever-pitch as online communication platforms have started actively censoring information that questions the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. The featured video, "Free Speech and Shutting Down the Vaccine Debate" by Truthstream Media, addresses this disturbing turn of events. As noted in the video, all vaccine-related videos on YouTube now carry a "Vaccine controversies" information panel, warning viewers that: "Vaccine hesitancy is a reluctance or refusal to be vaccinated or have one's children vaccinated. Identified by the World Health Organization as one of the top 10 global health threats of 2019, it contradicts overwhelming scientific consensus about the safety and efficacy of vaccines." I must be frank with you; you have to be brave because you might be strongly criticized for daring to talk about the "other side" of the vaccine story. Be prepared for it and have the courage to not back down. Only by sharing our perspective and what we know to be true about vaccination, will the public conversation about vaccination open up so people are not afraid to talk about it. We cannot allow the drug companies and medical trade associations funded by drug companies or public health officials promoting forced use of a growing list of vaccines to dominate the conversation about vaccination. The vaccine injured cannot be swept under the carpet and treated like nothing more than "statistically acceptable collateral damage" of national one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination policies that put way too many people at risk for injury and death. We shouldn't be treating people like guinea pigs instead of human beings.

NYC Sends “Disease Detectives” In Jewish Neighborhoods Looking for Unvaccinated – Attorneys Prepare Lawsuits

A day after New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a state of emergency over measles outbreaks in Jewish communities of Brooklyn, and ordered forced vaccinations of everyone not yet vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, the Washington Post is reporting that the Health Department has sent "disease detectives" into the community to force compliance: "On Wednesday, the city sent 15 to 20 disease detectives into the community, some with Yiddish interpreters, a day after Mayor Bill de Blasio’s vow to quash the outbreak with $1,000 fines and misdemeanor charges for anyone in certain areas who refuses to be immunized. The workers, wearing blue Health Department jackets, conducted interviews in the homes of people who may have been exposed to the dangerous, highly contagious virus and checked the immunization records of all those they may have had contact with. Others pored over records for the same information at a federally funded health clinic in the heart of the community." John Marshall, chairman of emergency medicine at Maimonides Medical Center, is reportedly threatening to call the police on parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. The Washington Post reported: "Marshall said he threatened to call police on parents who were refusing to send a feverish child to the hospital in an ambulance for fear the authorities would learn all their children were unvaccinated. 'The ones who are so vehemently anti-vaccination, I don’t know how to convince them,' said Edward Chapnick, director of Maimonides’s infectious disease division." The Mayor and the Health Department are assuming that by declaring a state of emergency over recent measles "outbreaks," that they have the legal authority to suspend certain laws in place protecting the rights of residents of NYC to opt out of vaccines due to religious beliefs, and HIPAA privacy laws which would prevent them from pulling up medical records of children to see if they have been vaccinated or not. In the meantime, attorneys are saying that they will file a lawsuit challenging the emergency order by Friday. Attorney Michael Sussman, who successfully represented parents in Rockland County, New York last week and convinced the state Supreme Court to overturn the County's ban on unvaccinated children, is one of the attorneys planning to file a lawsuit in New York City.

BREAKING: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Orders Forced Vaccinations in Brooklyn

Just days after the New York Supreme Court struck down a ban on unvaccinated children in Rockland County, New York, after declaring a state of emergency over a measles outbreak, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has taken even more drastic actions in certain Jewish populated neighborhoods in Brooklyn, ordering forced vaccinations for measles. “There’s no question that vaccines are safe, effective and life-saving,” de Blasio said. “I urge everyone, especially those in affected areas, to get their MMR vaccines to protect their children, families and communities.” There have been no reported deaths due to measles anywhere in the United States this year. The Mayor's order goes beyond what Rockland County Supervisor Ed Day ordered, and includes EVERYONE who is unvaccinated within zip codes 11205, 11206, 11221 and 11249 which are part of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, to be vaccinated within 48 hours.

New Bill Would Threaten ALL Vaccine Exemptions and Potentially Make Colorado a Vaccine Police State with Recommended Home Visits

Your immediate action is needed to help stop a bill that was just introduced on 4/4/2019 and is scheduled for a public hearing Wednesday, April 10th at 1:30 PM in the House Health and Insurance Committee. HB 1312 is an all-out assault and attempt of government takeover of personal, religious and medical belief exemptions to vaccination. The bill hijacks medical freedom and privacy and the doctor patient relationship. The bill requires the health department to mandate all vaccines routinely recommended by the CDC and allows the health department to mandate any other FDA approved vaccines in Colorado. The bill would add several new vaccines to what is already required for school in Colorado. This includes the Gardasil vaccine for HPV (Human papillomavirus) for children as young as 9 years old. Interventions recommended by the Community Preventive Services Task Force include home visits.

Pharmacist Mom and Medical Doctor Father Watched Their 3 Children’s Lives Destroyed After MMR Vaccine

In this video interview by the VAXXED II film crew and originally published on Peeps TV, a tearful mother who is a pharmacist and married to a medical doctor discusses the difficulties in their family with their three vaccine-injured children. When asked if either her or her husband received any training on the dangers of vaccines, she replied, "No. None. Not even as a pharmacist." They first noticed problems with their oldest child, a girl, at 15 months. She went from being very communicative where they could understand most of what she said, to being not as communicative and not being able to understand any longer what she was trying to speak. They did not connect this to any vaccines at this point, and started her on speech therapy and had many tests done. When the twin boys were born, they again followed the recommended CDC vaccine schedule. But this time, they noticed an immediate reaction after the MMR vaccine. "I noticed that they were crying and had a high fever." However, after taking them into urgent care, they were told it was probably just the flu, and they were sent home. Unfortunately, their conditions did not improve, and the mom noticed that they became unresponsive to normal noise stimulation. Testing revealed that one of the twins lost his hearing completely, while the other one had lost partial hearing. While the twin who completely lost his hearing eventually did get his hearing back, the other twin did not. The damage by the MMR vaccine was already done, and their lives were changed forever as they began a long journey of trying to heal and care for their vaccine-injured children. Now adults, their children still need 24-hour care.

Parents of Unvaccinated Children Sue Rockland County – Judge Rules in Their Favor and Ends the Ban

Two lawsuits were filed this week by parents of unvaccinated children in Rockland County, where unvaccinated children had been banned from public places, including schools and daycare centers. Earlier today (Friday, April 5th), Supreme Court Judge Rolf Thorsen sided with the parents and issued a temporary injunction against County Supervisor Ed Day's emergency order, effectively ending the ban. Robert Brum of the Rockland/Westchester Journal News reported: "A judge today halted Rockland County Executive Ed Day's emergency declaration barring children who are unvaccinated against measles from schools, places of worship and other public areas. Acting state Supreme Court Judge Rolf Thorsen's injunction stated that the 166 cases cited by the county since the measles outbreak began last October did not rise to the level of an epidemic or constitute a disaster. Day's reliance on executive law in issuing the emergency declaration "may have been misplaced," the decision stated. Thorsen agreed with the families who sued the county when they said their children would continue to miss school, and the parents would continue to incur monetary expenses as a result of the order. The families asserted that the children posed no threat to other children at a school where there had been no reported cases of the measles."

MMR Vaccine Fraud: Why Aren’t Government Health Officials Talking About Mumps Outbreaks which Far Exceed Measles Outbreaks?

Across the country, frenzied legislators are responding to the pharmaceutical industry’s orchestrated fear campaign around measles by seeking to impose further mandating of Merck’s measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Although ongoing mumps outbreaks involving thousands of at-risk adolescents and young adults completely dwarf the number of measles cases, no one is covering the mumps story—because it will expose the fact that Merck has been in court for over eight years due to scientists blowing the whistle on Merck’s fabrication and falsification of the effectiveness of the mumps component of its MMR vaccine. Instead of punishing Merck for its chicanery, legislatures are rewarding the company by making it impossible to refuse Merck’s profitable vaccine, subjecting a generation of American children to the risk of serious complications from mumps infection at an age that nature never intended.