Pro-Vaccine Physician Examines Both Sides of Debate with Open Mind and Has Change of Heart

Dr. Mackenzie is now a plastic surgeon, but he formerly worked in the immunology division of the military overseeing vaccines. He was originally pro-vaccine because he had no idea that there were any physicians who questioned vaccines, not because he actually researched the matter. As he began to prepare to become a father, he decided to research vaccines further. He states in the interview that he had "no ax to grind" and "no skin in the game," and was therefore just looking for the truth. He read books by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Dr. Suzanne Humphries that questioned vaccines, as well as books that promoted vaccines, particularly by Dr. Paul Offit. Dr. Mackenzie states: "Any physician who will do their own research, and look at the science, both sides of this, and look where the biases are, and look at the bad epidemiology that is out there, will have a change of heart. That's assuming they don't have a lot at stake."

Military Medic Whistleblower Reveals How Vaccination Status is Used In Alabama to Take Children Away from Parents

Sherrie Saunders is a former military medic who has gone public as a whistleblower on the dangers of the anthrax vaccine given to U.S. military personnel. Last year the VAXXED film crew interviewed her and talked about how the military tried to keep her quiet. Sherrie was in Washington D.C. recently and spoke at the Revolution for Truth rally. She addressed the growing problem of vaccine-injured children and how the most severely injured are becoming a growing problem with families and siblings that struggle to care for them. Living in Alabama, Sherrie also addressed how DHR (Department of Human Resources, or "Child Protective Services") was taking children away from good parents and putting them into the foster care system where the children are forced to be vaccinated against their will, or the will of their parents. Sometimes children are taken away from parents simply because they disagree with doctors regarding vaccination schedules.

Attorney of 25 Years Litigating in Vaccine Court: The System is “Rigged” – Families “Cruelly Oppressed”

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act was passed in 1986, under the shadow of multi-million dollar jury verdicts against the makers of the Diphtheria Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT) vaccine. Congress announced that vaccine injuries and deaths are real and provided that vaccine-injured children and their families would be financially compensated. Part of the larger Vaccine Act, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) was modeled after workers’ compensation programs. It was to be a “no-fault” program. Very well. As one of the earliest “vaccine attorneys”—a very limited practice niche—I know first-hand it didn’t work that way. I have seen the injured and their families cruelly oppressed. From the passing of the legislation in 1986, the process has been rigged, one major step at a time, in favor of the vaccine-industrial complex.

Pediatrician of 30 Years Believes Children Receive Too Many Vaccines – Sees Many “Vaccine-injured” Kids

The VAXXED film crew recently interviewed Dr. Franz from Orlando. Dr. Franz starts out the interview by stating that her story was very similar to everyone else the VAXXED film crew was interviewing, which is that in the beginning she was a "hard-core" believer in vaccines. However, when she first started her practice, the most vaccines anyone ever received in one visit was "two at a time." Even back then when the vaccine schedule had far fewer vaccines, Dr. Franz testifies that she saw "problems" early on. Kids on monitors, for example, had "increased alarms" causing her to deal with fever control and other symptoms. In the late 1980s when the vaccines increased, they wanted her to give more vaccines at one visit, like four or five, and she stated that she "had a problem with that." She decided that in her practice, they would continue to only give two at a time. But even at this reduced schedule, Dr. Franz stated that she began to see "truly vaccine-injured kids." "I can tell you today, having been in clinical practice for over 30 years, that the children I see today are sicker than they were when I was a resident."

New Vaccine Documentary with All-Star Lineup to Address Greatest Health Topic of our Lifetime

Health Impact News reports on a variety of health topics that impact your health and that the mainstream media seldom reports. Of these topics, no topic comes close to the level of traffic and readership interest that the vaccine topic does, when it comes to vaccine efficacy and safety. We have an entire website dedicated to this topic: Producer Ty Bollinger, the man behind The Truth About Cancer documentaries that have changed so many lives, has now brought together over 60 speakers representing the top authorities on vaccines in a brand new documentary to begin airing on April 12, 2017. It can be viewed online by the public for FREE! I have worked together with Ty Bollinger to help bring you this all-star lineup of medical doctors and other experts who will present the truth about vaccines in what will be the most comprehensive treatment of the subject the world has probably ever seen!

Study: Ketogenic Diet Offers Hope in Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can include what are commonly defined as impeded social interactive developments and learning disorders. ASD could be as mild as hyperactivity and attention deficit or as extreme as total developmental shutdowns at early ages, little to no language abilities, and possibly chronic epileptic seizures. The ketogenic diet is simply one that restricts carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates, allows moderate or adequate protein intake, and enhances healthy organic dietary fat consumption. Categorizing the different factions of ASD psychologically unrealistically ignores the physiological aspects of ASD disorders. Instead, intense bowel and intestinal tract inflammations are listed as “co-morbid symptoms” and unrelated to ASD diagnostics. Not enough attention is placed on finding the underlying metabolic disorders involved in most cases of autism, which also produce the “co-morbid” symptoms. It’s already known that the ketogenic diet has positively impacted some with intractable epilepsy. Yet anti-seizure and anti-psychotic pharmaceuticals that at best merely control seizures without curing epilepsy are more commonly prescribed than monitored dietary changes. Not only do they have side effects, they create more metabolic disorders. Over the past two decades or so, more medical research has focused on the ketogenic diet’s potential for reducing the metabolic dysfunction that some consider as the root cause of many neurological diseases that plague us today.

Healthy 12 Year Old Girl Paralyzed Days After Receiving HPV Vaccine

Mia was given the routine jab - which protects against the human papilloma virus, at her school in September. The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, is routinely offered to 12-13 year-old girls as part of the NHS' cervical cancer programme. The next day her legs felt heavy, she had a burning sensation in her spine and her feet were shaky. Becoming worried, her mother immediately rushed her to A&E at the Royal Berkshire Hospital. The straight A student went on to lose all sensation in her legs, core body and arms. Unable to do anything except blink and talk, she is now being home-schooled and having singing lessons from her bed. She's bedbound apart from when she is carried or placed in a fully-supported wheelchair and is currently undergoing physio. In addition to the paralysis she is incontinent, cannot keep food down and suffers involuntary spasms.

H.R. 1313 Bill Would Require Medical Procedures Like Vaccines as Requirement for Employment

Please immediately contact your Congressional Representative and 2 U.S. Senators to OPPOSE H.R 1313 Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act. This bill is sponsored by Rep. Foxx, Virginia [R-NC-5]. It is attempting to coerce employees into employer disease prevention wellness programs. Section 3 (a) 2 refers to “workplace wellness programs and programs of health promotion or disease prevention offered by an employer.” The words disease prevention are concerning since not everyone agrees with the use of vaccines to prevent disease.

Are Untested Combination Vaccines Killing Our Children?

It appears that the pharmaceutical industry is trying to cram as many vaccines as humanly possible into one syringe and advertise these combination vaccines as safe and effective. In reality, however, a growing number of medical professionals are concerned that administering too many vaccinations to an infant at one time increases their chance of suffering an adverse reaction. This is especially the case for combination vaccinations, and it appears that the fears of medical professionals are justified, because, over the years, history has painted a very disturbing picture.

Scientist Critical of HPV Vaccine Censored from Commenting on NIH Website

As an employee of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), it is certainly within Dr. Mark Schiffman’s job description to write articles promoting human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. After all, his employer owns patents on HPV vaccine production technologies and receives licensing fees from the sales of HPV vaccines. The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, based largely on technology developed at NIH and produced by Merck & Co., was approved by the FDA in June 2006. The NIH, funded by taxpayers, also maintains a forum for scientific discourse, called PubMed Commons which hopefully “will leverage the social power of the internet to encourage constructive criticism and high-quality discussions of scientific issues that will both enhance understanding and provide new avenues of collaboration within the community”. In December 2016, Dr. Schiffman and a few industry-paid consultants published an article titled “Carcinogenic human papillomavirus infection.” Dr. Lee responded to Dr. Schiffman saying: "Dr. Schiffman’s responses to my initial comment on the Primer needs a rebuttal to point out its misleading and obfuscating statements." Almost immediately, the discussion was effectively shut down by the removal of Dr. Lee’s comments. Does this not seem like a gross violation of the public trust in an organization such as NIH which has promised to ‘encourage constructive criticism and high-quality discussions of scientific issues’?

Conference Exposes Health Impact of Aluminum: Today’s Most Prevalent Environmental Toxin

Every other year, for more than two decades, a small group of 70 or so scientists have been meeting at different locales across the globe to discuss their speciality: aluminum and its effects on living things. The science of a metal used in industries from airplane manufacturing to food packaging may sound tedious, but this three-day Keele meeting (named for Keele University in the United Kingdom where it originated) produces a treasure trove of valuable information about the health impact of aluminium exposure. It’s a conference of the latest science that the $186 billion aluminum industry denies and public health agencies pretend does not exist. The 12th Annual Keele Meeting on Aluminum last week in Vancouver, Canada, sponsored by the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute, was no exception. Scientists from 16 countries discussed the latest research about how aluminum impacts plants, animals and humans. We inhale it in pollution, consume it in processed foods, slather it on in toiletries and inject it into ourselves and our babies in vaccines. Neurotoxic aluminium, according to increasing amount of scientific evidence, may stay in the body where it breaches protective barriers, induces wildly oxidative processes and fires inflammation, disrupts genetic transcription, impairs metabolism, accumulates in brain and breasts and testes, is linked to cancer, infertility, Alzheimer’s disease and anxious, aggressive and autistic behaviour.

California Bill SB18 Wants Authority to Enter Homes to Ensure Parents Comply with State Mandates for Child Care

As we have continued to see increased cases of medical kidnapping and aggressive overreach of the medical system and the marriage of scientific opinion to laws in the United States, parents in California may be seeing a trend first hand that is going to be played out in the rest of the nation. Especially since 134 vaccine mandates have been introduced in this legislative session, indicating the trend for political mandates of your child’s standard of care is nowhere near slowing down. Many have speculated that SB18 is a part of Agenda 21 and Healthy People 2020 -- U.N. and U.S.-based initiatives, respectively, that are designed to corral populations into the inner cities and enforce a standard of care across the board that will implement controls that enable governments to manage portions of the population based on their standards and not the choices of the individual.

Science Teacher Found Guilty of Professional Misconduct for Proving Vaccines are Toxic in Science Lab

In March 2015, science teacher Timothy Sullivan approached public health nurses administering vaccines to high school students at his school in Waterford, Ontario, Canada and asked whether they had appropriately informed the students about the potential risks of the shots they were giving. He noted that the teenagers were required to give informed consent and the nurses, therefore, had the obligation to make sure they were fully informed. Mr. Sullivan also made the point that, “some of the components in the vaccines were deemed ‘toxic’ in his science lab.” The nurse allegedly answered that they alerted parents and teens about common vaccine risks like fever or soreness at the injection site and she claimed that “a screening tool allows nurses to assess if there are any underlying conditions that would trigger a more serious reaction among students” and added that “the risk of death from receiving a vaccine is so very, very rare.” Mr. Sullivan has now been found guilty of professional misconduct by the disciplinary board of the Ontario College of Teachers. With the conviction of Mr. Sullivan, the college is asking for penalties including a formal reprimand, a month-long suspension, and completion of an anger management course. In deciding on the penalty phase, the board could strip Mr. Sullivan of his teaching certificate and impose fines of up to $5,000. The complaint against Mr. Sullivan holds that he was out of line in addressing the students, and that it is a parent’s place, not a teacher’s to address vaccine concerns. Mr. Sullivan said, “I teach science. You don’t just teach one side of the story.”

Revolution for Truth Rally in Washington D.C. March 31

On Friday, March 31, 2017, concerned individuals from across America will join with health care professionals in Washington D.C. to defend parental rights and civil liberties, including freedom of thought, speech and conscience. We are uniting to call out the corporatized mainstream media for manufacturing “fake news” that distorts the truth about environmental toxins, unsafe food and vaccine risks, which endangers our right to know and freedom to choose how we protect our health.

Thyroid Secret DocuSeries a Huge Success! FREE Encore Weekend Now Available

The recently concluded 9-day DocuSeries and World Premiere The Thyroid Secret was a huge success. Dr. Izabella Wentz writes: "The response to the World Premiere of The Thyroid Secret has been, frankly, overwhelming. Hundreds of thousands of people tuned in around the world, and we’re completely humbled." Because so many people emailed in stating they had missed some episodes, the entire series is being broadcast for FREE this weekend. In addition, Dr. Izabella Wentz is broadcasting a Q & A session on March 12th and March 13th to answer some of the many questions that have come in to her during the series.

Will Refusing Vaccines Soon Lead to CPS Kidnapping Your Children for “Medical Neglect”?

Amidst the ever changing, controversial white waters of vaccine safety, parents who choose natural immunity are being targeted by certain members of the medical, legal and public health communities as being guilty of medical neglect. As readers of Health Impact News' website are fully aware, "medical neglect" is a broad term frequently used against parents who dare to disagree with doctors over the healthcare of their children, and can result in Child Protective Services (CPS) taking the children away from their families by force. The latest example of this usurping of parental rights, which is being pushed and orchestrated by vaccine extremists who insist on pushing a one-size-fits-all approach to immunity, appears in the February edition of ​the ​American Journal of Public​ Health, in an article entitled "Parental Refusal of Childhood Vaccines and Medical Neglect Laws.” The paper, authored by Efthimios Parasidis, JD, M.BE, and Douglas J. Opel, MD, MPH, sets out to examine court cases where vaccine refusal is categorized as "medical neglect" under child welfare laws.

Study: Reducing Herbicide Glyphosate in Diet Reduces Autism Symptoms

A few years ago, Dr. Stephanie Senneff of MIT made a prediction that by 2025, half of American children will be born with autism, or at least different individual aspects of the autism disorder spectrum. Yes, she mentioned the toxins in vaccines that are forced into infants, but also included another toxin, glyphosate. Dr. Seneff and her partner Dr. Anthony Samsel claim there is a harmful synergism of glyphosate from foods with the toxic ingredients of vaccines that are accelerating the rise of autism spectrum disorders, whether diagnosed as learning or language deficits, hyperactivity, seizures, or the classic complete withdrawal from all social stimulus. In a recently published study, three triplets, two boys considered autistic and a third female with seizure issues and learning disorders, were tested for glyphosate initially and again after a period of organic food only as their diets. The results were interestingly expected. As their glyphosate levels dropped their autistic conditions diminished accordingly.

Medical Doctor Responds to Minnesota School Board’s Decision to Ban Under-Vaccinated Students from Attending School

In recent days, I have been in communication with several journalists who have been writing about issues that pertain to an issue in which I have some expertise: the alleged safety and efficacy of the huge number of neurotoxin-containing vaccines that are rather cavalierly administered to babies as young as 1 day, 2 months, 4 months and 6 months, ages in which their blood-brain barriers, their immune systems and their mitochondria are at their most immature and most vulnerable to toxins. Recently there has been information in the news about Rochester, Minnesota’s school board. They have decreed, probably with the advice and blessings of the Mayo Clinic, that they will be banning from school attendance the couple hundred “under-immunized or un-immunized” students (according to CDC recommendations) until they receive their shots or get clearance from a physician or a parent attesting to their philosophical or religious objections to the shots. The school board has somehow deemed these students to be an existential threat to the immunized students on the basis of the un-proven theory of “herd immunity.” I count myself among a group of whistle-blowing scientists who have seen through the massive Big Pharma-generated dis-information campaign that is designed to push more and more costly vaccines onto an unsuspecting public. (270 new ones are in Big Pharma’s pipeline.) The campaign is also designed to discredit skeptics of that dis-information agenda – not to mention the multitudes of vaccine-injured and vaccine-disabled (and dead) children and families that their neurotoxic vaccine have damaged. Because I “saw something,” I felt obligated to “say something” publicly.

Tennessee Mom Gives Birth to Premature Twins 3 Times – Surviving Babies Medically Kidnapped for Research?

The story of Nashville, Tennessee, mother Tamika Seagraves and her children is one of tragedy upon tragedy. Tamika has been pregnant 3 times, and in each case, she gave birth to premature twins, a boy and a girl every time. The first set of twins, Zayden and his sister Ziria were micro-preemies, born at just 24 weeks. Though Ziria grew stronger and eventually went home, Zayden never went home. He only survived 13 days. Two years later, Jordan and Jaliyah were born at 35 weeks. When Jordan passed away at just under two months of age, his mother began questioning, looking at vaccines and the vitamin K shot. At the same time, Child Protective Services began questioning and looking at HER. Jordan's autopsy stated that the cause of his death could not be determined, but DCS (Department of Children's Services) has blamed Tamika. Instead of closing out the case when the autopsy report came back, DCS stepped in and seized custody of Jordan's twin sister Jaliyah. According to court documents, DCS has accused Tamika of demonstrating "erratic behaviors" because she refuses vaccinations, stopped a medication for her child out of concerns for its side effects, "tried to have Jaliyah seen by a holistic chiropractor as opposed to a pediatrician." On December 5, 2016, Tamika gave birth again to another set of twins. When they were 4 weeks old, DCS seized both of them as well. All Tamika wants is to have her children back home and to be able to grieve the loss of her two sons. She wonders if her children are being used for medical research because of the unusual circumstances of their births - against incredible odds - 3 sets of twins, all premature, all boy/girl sets, the only children born to an African American mother, with 2 of the boys dying as infants?

Missouri Laws to Ban Mercury and Foreign DNA in Vaccines

In January 2017, State Representative Lynn Morris introduced HB 331 in the Missouri House of Representatives prohibiting vaccines containing mercury or other metals used for preservation or any other purpose from being administered to a child or adult in a public health clinic in Missouri. If passed, the legislation would take effect on Aug. 28, 2018. A second bill, HB 332, introduced by Rep. Morris, seeks to restrict the use of certain vaccines containing foreign human DNA. It requires that chicken pox and shingles vaccines administered to patients in public health clinics must not contain foreign human DNA contaminates. The two bills are in response to public concerns regarding vaccine safety. Vaccine mandates and policies at the state level are generally based on the vaccine schedule and guidelines recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease and Control Prevention’s (CDC). HB 331 and HB 332 aim to invalidate the CDC’s recommendations of vaccines that include mercury and other toxic substances. Although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains that “All forms of mercury are quite toxic, and each form exhibits different health effects,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to minimize the dangers of mercury in vaccines. The FDA admits that thimerosal (a mercury based preservative) is still being used in vaccines in varying amounts.