FDA Approves 6 in 1 Combo Vaccine for Babies

On Dec. 21, 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new combination hexavalent vaccine (Vaxelis) that includes antigens for six different diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and invasive haemophilus influenza type B. Combination vaccines have been created by manufacturers to purportedly reduce the number of shots a child must receive to be in compliance with government recommended childhood vaccine schedules and to simplify ordering, transport and storage of vaccines. Drawbacks to the multivalent vaccines include a higher risk of pain and swelling at the injection site and, and for Merck’s MMRV (mumps, measles, rubella, varicella) vaccine in particular, a higher incidence of febrile seizures in children under age four. The product manufacturer package insert for the new hexavalent vaccine states that Vaxelis is contraindicated in children with a history of severe allergic reaction to any of the ingredients of the vaccine, or to any “other diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, pertussis-containing vaccine, inactivated poliovirus vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, or H. influenzae type b vaccine.”

Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as “Spanish Flu”? Part 2

The “Spanish Flu” killed an estimated 50-100 million people during a pandemic 1918-19. What if the story we have been told about this pandemic isn’t true? What if, instead, the killer infection was neither the flu nor Spanish in origin? Newly analyzed documents reveal that the “Spanish Flu” may have been a military vaccine experiment gone awry. In Part 1, I asked if medical products made in horses may have played a role in the new disease which killed millions worldwide in the pandemic of 1918-19. I explore that possibility in this second article.

Is the Increase in the Childhood Vaccine Schedule Causing an Increase in Childhood Arthritis?

For people who think of arthritis as a disease of the elderly, learning that children also suffer from arthritic conditions may come as a shock. Across age groups, various forms of arthritis are a growing public health problem in the United States. Over one four-year period (2001-2004), the number of ambulatory care visits for pediatric arthritis and other rheumatologic conditions increased by 50%. The medical community lumps childhood arthritic disorders under the broader umbrella of “juvenile rheumatoid arthritis” or “juvenile idiopathic arthritis” (JIA). “Idiopathic” means “no identifiable cause.” An emerging consensus points to environmental factors as major contributors to JIA, with childhood infections attracting particular attention. In light of the interest in infections, how do we explain the deafening silence about the possible role of vaccines as an autoimmune trigger for JIA, when the stock-in-trade of vaccination is the “mimicking [of] a natural infection”? One study out of Brazil alludes to case reports linking autoimmune rheumatic diseases such as JIA to vaccination—but quickly dismisses the vaccine hypothesis as “controversial.” However, American children suffering from JIA and other debilitating autoimmune disorders deserve to know whether the dozens of vaccines they receive through age 18 are at least partially responsible for their misfortune.

Gardasil Vaccine’s Reign of Destruction and Death Top News Story on Health Impact News for 2018

The Gardasil vaccine scandal once again was the top news topic on Health Impact News for 2018, as it has been for the past several years. Three of our top 10 stories from 2018 were in the vaccine topic area, with the top 2 news stories dealing with the Gardasil HPV vaccine. The top story, by far, was the tragic story of 14-year-old Christopher Bunch, originally published at The Vaccine Reaction, who died shortly after receiving a Gardasil vaccine. The Gardasil vaccine was also the focus of the second most-read article in 2018, where Vera Sharav, from the Alliance for Human Research Protection, reported how public hearings in Japan were exposing the dangers of the vaccine and seeking help for the victims. Four of our top 10 stories from 2018 were from our MedicalKidnap.com website, documenting how dangerous it is today to disagree with medical doctors who can call in Child Protection Services (CPS) to remove your children simply for disagreeing with their medical advice. One of the stories from MedicalKidnap.com was about an 18-year-old who aged out of foster care and reported how his foster home was part of a pornographic pedophile ring, as he sued the State of Arizona for $15 million in damages. Another story was from a mother who posted her experience with her local dentist on Facebook, which soon went viral, showing how she received a letter from her dentist's office threatening to report them to CPS if she did not bring in her child for dental services. Subsequent investigations by Health Impact News revealed that pediatric dental fraud is widespread in the U.S. The other topics rounding out the top 10 dealt with the FDA's efforts to ban homeopathy, how the new 5G technology is linked to diseases and loss of privacy, and the Monsanto case where a jury ruled against Monsanto regarding the herbicide glyphosate which causes cancer.

94 Year Old Harvard-Trained Medical Doctor Censored for Writing About Vaccine Safety

Do you need excitement in your life? If so, just write a column on the rewards and risks of vaccination. Then find a safe, secure hideout. Pour yourself a drink and wait for those who want to boil you in oil. This scenario happened to me when an editor pulled my syndicated article, balanced I thought, after it was published, due to criticism. In view of what happened should I have bypassed a column on vaccines? I hate hypocrisy, so I'd be the world's worst hypocrite if I followed the non-controversial path. Medicine is made up of many controversies. An editor 45 years ago counseled me, "It's the job of a journalist to make people think." This has left me with scars. But if I get fired for writing what I believe should be said, it's time to stop. After all, the motto of the Harvard Medical School is one word, Truth. I will live or die by it.

Vaccinegate: Italian Researchers find Fraud with 6-Combo Vaccine Given to Babies

Italian scientists from an organization called Corvelva have published results from their investigation of the 6-combo vaccine, Infanrix Hexa, which is administered to infants. They have shocked the world by claiming that their investigation shows that the ingredients in this popular childhood vaccine does not contain the antigens it claims, and also contains some toxic chemicals that are not listed as ingredients. They are calling the results of their investigation "Vaccinegate."

National Vaccine Laws Routinely Ignored by Health Officials and Doctors Regarding Patient Information on Vaccine Risks

In 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), a carefully crafted piece of legislation that gave vaccine manufacturers their dream come true: blanket immunity from liability for injuries resulting from childhood vaccines. Throwing a bone to the safety concerns of consumers, the Act also mandated that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (via the CDC) develop and distribute educational materials to inform vaccine recipients and/or their parents about a given vaccine’s risks and benefits. The NCVIA stipulated that doctors give out the appropriate materials—currently called Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)—“prior to every dose of specific vaccines,” including before “each dose of a multi-dose series.” Early on, government documentation emphasized the importance of giving VISs every time a vaccine is administered because “the health status of the child could have changed”—and as an example of changes in health status, the CDC cited children with “evolving neurological disorder[s].” By 2005, however, researchers were calling attention to doctors’ frequent failure to give out VISs, while also noting that the physicians who did distribute VISs “rarely initiated discussions regarding contraindications to immunizations.” To rectify the situation, the same authors carried out a CDC-coordinated evaluation in 2007 and proposed revisions “that would alert the physician to the need to use the VIS.” Neither the CDC nor state-level officials endorsed the proposed revisions. What appears to matter most to the CDC is that health care providers use “every opportunity to administer appropriate vaccines,” and informing patients about the potential risks to receiving vaccines is counter productive to that goal.

European Nations Send Open Letter to WHO Regarding Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies

Open Letter from International Organisations to the WHO on the Issue of Vaccine Safety. To the World Health Organisation and those attending the meeting of the Global Vaccine Quality Control Laboratories Network (Rome 25th-27th September 2018). To the European Parliament, the European Medicines Agency and the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines: In your previous meeting you advocated for less independent testing, considered ‘redundant’, in order to speed up the supply of products. The recent administration of 250,000 defective vaccines in China, the tragedy of the oral polio campaign in India with over 450,000 cases of paralysis and death, the damage caused by the Dengue vaccine in the Philippines, reports from all over the world of chronic pain and paralysis after administration of the HPV vaccine, show that vaccine safety and efficacy are being tragically disregarded in this drive for fast-tracking approval and easy certification.

Argentina Creates Mandatory Vaccination Law For Passport, ID, Driver’s License, School & More

According to a new Argentine law, in order to renew one's DNI, passport and registration, a complete vaccination card must be presented. The Senate approved on Wednesday a law that establishes the obligatory nature of vaccination against preventable diseases for all the inhabitants of the country, and stipulates that the complete vaccination card will be required at the time of processing the DNI, passport and driving record, among others.

CDC’s Own Data Support Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism

After four long years, Dr. Brian Hooker’s reanalysis of the CDC’s MMR-autism data from the original Destefano et al. 2004 Pediatrics paper has been republished in the Winter 2018 Edition of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. The data, when properly analyzed, using the CDC’s own study protocol, show a strong, statistically significant relationship between the timing of the first MMR vaccine and autism, specifically in African American males. In addition, a relationship also exists in the timing of the MMR vaccine and those individuals who were diagnosed with autism without mental retardation. These relationships call into question the conclusion of the original Destefano et al. 2004 paper which dismissed a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.