Ireland’s HPV Vaccine Injured Fight for Human Rights in Dublin’s High Court

Fighting for the recognition of their vaccine-injured daughters in the eyes of healthcare and political policy, growing numbers of Irish mothers and fathers throughout the country are garnering the world's attention. At the same time throughout Ireland, many are asking for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine to be withdrawn in the country. Countries globally are experiencing their newly unveiled mandatory HPV vaccine programs in various stages of deterioration and failure. Amidst this chaos, a perfect storm of well-deserved bad press, mounting HPV vaccine injury and political apathy has descended upon Ireland. Mainstream special reports and news stories coming from the Emerald Isle continue to cast a light on the negligent silence of Ireland's political class. The Irish healthcare system is rapidly losing the respect of its people through years of misdiagnosing Gardasil vaccine injury and medical incompetence in its treatment. The mishandling and inaction regarding Ireland's vaccine-injured daughters is now front and center for the world to see in Dublin’s High Court.

FBI vs. Apple Computer: Will an FBI Win Over Apple Mean the End of American Society as We Know it?

Is the FBI's recent demand that Apple Computer help them to unlock an iPhone used in an alleged terrorist attack a concern over national security, or a way to force Apple to create a "backdoor" key to unlock anyone's iPhone? John McAfee, the founder of McAfee security software, recently weighed in on this issue during an interview with CNBC. McAfee offered to unlock the iPhone for the FBI for free, eliminating the need for the FBI to force Apple Computers to give them access to their software to unlock the phone. If the FBI succeeds in getting a back-door encryption key, according to McAfee: "No matter how you slice this pie, if the government succeeds in getting this back door, it will eventually get a back door into all encryption, and our world, as we know it, is over. In spite of the FBI's claim that it would protect the back door, we all know that's impossible. This is a black day and the beginning of the end of the US as a world power."

Idaho Lawmakers Want to Allow Pharmacists to Vaccinate Children as Young as 6 Years Old

SB 1294 was introduced in the Idaho Senate Health and Welfare Committee February 10, 2016 and has passed the full Senate. The next step is a hearing in the House Health and Welfare Committee that will be scheduled in the coming days. SB 1294 would permit pharmacists to prescribe and administer vaccines to children 6 years of age or older. Legislation already allows pharmacists to vaccinate 12 year-olds, this bill reduces the age to 6 year olds. Our rights are being undermined. Although you may not think it is a big deal if pharmacists vaccinate 6 year olds, it is for many reasons. Pharmacists do not know a child’s medical history, do not have access to their records, may never see a child again so be unaware of reactions, and have no liability for vaccines they administer. In addition, we have visited 3 Idaho pharmacists and they are not following existing law with respect to reporting reactions and notifying parents that vaccines and the vaccine registry are voluntary. In addition, the pattern across the country is clear, once pharmacists can vaccinate younger children, they will attempt to remove parental consent as has been done in some states. So when your 10 year old goes into the drug store to buy a piece of candy or little toy, the pharmacist would be able to vaccinate them without your consent. Rights are not usually taken away in one major action but in a piece meal way - we must act to protect them. Please ACT NOW! It takes just 5 minutes to send an email.

Family Faces Criminal Prosecution and Loss of Children for not Vaccinating Child who Died

As we have reported frequently here at Health Impact News, State governments in the U.S. and countries around the world are trying to eliminate vaccine exemptions, and make all vaccinations mandatory, by force if necessary. In those situations where legislative efforts fail, could vaccine extremists now have a different strategy by using the courts to prosecute parents who choose to not vaccinate their children, and then later their child comes in contact with an illness from which there is a vaccine in the market to allegedly prevent? If a child is found to have contracted chickenpox, for example, and their parents had chosen not to administer the chickenpox vaccine believing that natural immunity was better than the vaccine, could the threat of being criminally prosecuted for failing to vaccinate become a de facto method of forcing everyone to comply with mandatory vaccines? In this report out of Canada, this exact scenario is being tried in the courts this week, where the tragic death of one family's child is viewed by some as setting a precedent for the extremist pro-vaccine lobby. The Stephan family, leaders in the alternative health field in Canada, face time in prison and the removal of their remaining children for simply refusing to vaccinate their child who later died in a hospital that failed to save him. The authorities want the court to rule his death was preventable by a simple vaccine, something that could never be proven scientifically.

Flu Vaccine Injury and Death Claims Increase in 2016

It came as no surprise to me that during the meeting of the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) on December 4, 2015 that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Division of Injury Compensation Programs (DICP) reported that the number of vaccine injury claims for this fiscal year will exceed previous years. I have monitored this committee for the past six years and have seen the number of claims rise every year. Sadly they are likely to represent only a fraction of the vaccine injured, due to the lack of public awareness of the existence of the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) created under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which has a record of dismissing two-thirds of claims received. The estimated 1,000 claims that the VICP anticipates being filed in 2016 are projected to cost $224 million. Although the VICP was originally created by Congress to shield drug companies producing government licensed, recommended and mandated vaccines for children, today it is not children but adults injured by influenza vaccine who are receiving most of the compensation.

Colombian Constitutional Court Orders Official Investigation Into HPV Vaccine Injury Epidemic

Unlike the U.S. where victims of vaccine damage cannot sue the manufacturer of the vaccine, lawsuits against the HPV vaccine are mounting in many countries around the world. Colombian mainstream media has been reporting breaking news this week as the Colombian Constitutional Court has ordered health authorities to deliver “as soon as possible” thorough tests of the initial HPV vaccines given in 2013. The court order directs the District Department of Health Bogotá to conduct toxicology tests to determine whether the HPV vaccines contain heavy metals such as aluminum, lead, cadmium, silver and titanium. Following these studies, the National Institute of Health (NIH), the Colombian Association of Rheumatology and the National Cancer Institute are to deliver to the court any studies demonstrating the negative effects and contraindications of HPV vaccines. According to statements, the mission of the court is to establish whether health authorities violated the fundamental right to health of Colombian girls by not previously warning about the alleged negative effects of the vaccine. Said another way, the court wants to know why, like in every other country where the HPV vaccine is administered, informed consent was not given.

Are we All Being Forced onto a Passenger Train Named Zika?

Everyday throughout America, dozens of articles appear in major newspapers warning about Zika. I don’t have time to read all the lies and intentionally deceptive propaganda published in these articles, but I do read some of the headlines, which tell a story all in themselves. These articles promote the agenda of various national and international organizations, and the system of Big Pharma that is controlling them. If we were to read the stories in major papers about Zika and believe them, we would conclude that Zika is an extremely dangerous virus – perhaps one of the most serious threats to our health since the 1918 flu and the polio epidemic in the 1950s. Of course, this is not true. The deception about Zika has recently reached an even higher level of bold-faced lying. So, here we sit on the Zika train watching headlines as we speed off into the future. Even though we haven’t been officially told where it is we are going, the chief engineer and his crew are fully aware of the destination.

Did Two Medical Journals Just Blacklist Gardasil Research Showing Dangers of the Vaccine?

Recently, the medical journal Vaccine has abruptly withdrawn a study that casts doubt on the safety of Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine, and by extension, the entire global push to mandate the shot by law to boys and girls. Are the nine authors of the recently rejected Gardasil study another chapter in the continued global vaccine research fraud? The study found that mice injected with Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine exhibited neurological and behavioral abnormalities. The study concluded to suggest curbing the current worldwide push to immunize all boys and girls with the HPV vaccine pending further investigation. The move by the journal Vaccine to put on hold and send for re-review the recent Gardasil HPV study is raising questions. Sources told Health Impact News that the pulled HPV study was temporarily removed at the request of Vaccine’s Editor-in-Chief Dr. Gregory Poland. In addition, Dr. Poland recommended the study be further reviewed. Commenting on these unusual events, one of the Gardasil HPV vaccine study’s authors, Dr. Shaw, told Health Impact News: “It is odd that an already peer-reviewed, revised after review, and then accepted study would be re-reviewed.”

Colorado Health Department Wants to Track Parents Filing for Vaccine Exemptions

Through an audacious political maneuver, The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is pushing a bill, HB 1164, attempting to hijack control of vaccine exemptions and force all families using a vaccine exemption to submit it online directly to them for their storage and use. In the words of the sponsor of this offensive bill himself, Rep. Pabon, “This is some of the most sensitive data that the government can collect.” Parents and individuals who have exercised their legal right to delay or exempt their child or themselves from one or more of the vaccines required for daycare, school or college do not want their most sensitive, personal medical information handed over to the state department of health.

Judge Orders California Student Information Released to Nonprofit – Privacy Standards Violated

The Identity Theft Resource Center and Privacy Rights Clearing House want to alert all parents of school-aged children throughout California about a pending deadline to Opt-Out on the potential release of their child’s sensitive personal identifying information. The deadline for parents and adult students to object to the disclosure of personal information and records is April 1, 2016.