Questioning the CDC’s Childhood Vaccine Schedule: Vaccine Combinations Never Tested for Safety

As state legislatures move to eliminate personal and religious exemptions to vaccination, vaccine safety has become an increasingly critical issue. The number of vaccines in the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule has almost quadrupled in the last 60 years. The federally recommended childhood vaccine schedule has not been adequately tested for safety and takes a one-size fits all approach. In our medical and legal system, the burden of proof that a vaccine caused the injury or death of a child currently lies with parents. This is unacceptable when there are so many gaps in knowledge about vaccine risks and there is no liability in the civil court system for companies that market vaccines and those who administer vaccines to children. The burden of proof for the safety of vaccines should rest with the pharmaceutical corporations marketing and profiting from vaccines, the federal health agencies regulating and recommending vaccines, and the state health departments and legislatures mandating vaccines. So far, there has been little solid evidence provided to the public that these liability-free pharmaceutical products are safe to give to every child.

Recently Vaccinated Kids Are Spreading Whooping Cough Everywhere

There was fuss in the media last month about a little study of 26 vaccinated Florida pre-schoolers, who got sick with B. pertussis whooping cough or had pertussis-like symptoms during a five-month period in 2013. All of the children, aged one to five years attending the Tallahassee preschool, had received three to four doses of pertussis vaccine (DtaP) according to the CDC recommended schedule. Vaccine orthodoxy dictates that if 90% or more of people in a community get vaccinated, the community will be protected from infectious disease. However, the CDC now quietly admits on its website that “the bacteria that cause pertussis are always changing at the genetic level” and there is “waning immunity” from the vaccine. Clearly, six doses of pertussis vaccine given to children between two months and 16 years of age cannot prevent pertussis infection and asymptomatic transmission of infection by vaccinated persons. Pertussis vaccination does not prevent fully vaccinated children and adults from transmitting the infection to infants under two months of age, who are the ones most likely to die from complications of pertussis. Pertussis vaccine acquired herd immunity is a myth. So what is the solution that public health officials have come up with? It is irrational and completely unscientific but here it is: vaccinate all pregnant women.

Zika: A Real Threat or Another Hoax to Promote a New Blockbuster Vaccine?

Microcephaly is 40 times more common in the U.S. than it is in Brazil. The Zika virus is clearly not the cause of microcephaly. So why are politicians and medical leaders creating this false Zika epidemic?

Flu Shot Paralyzes 9-year-old Girl – Goes from Speaking 2 Languages to Now Only 10 Words

"Marysue went from being a normal 9-year-old to basically a newborn child," explained Carla Grivna, the little girl's mother. For Carla and Steven Grivna they hold on to the memories of Marysue speaking two languages, her helping them in the kitchen and her love for playing outside. Marysue can now speak just 10 words including mommy and daddy. "The few words you have heard her say she has had to work hard to do," her mother explained. Marysue is also paralyzed. She is now fed through a tube and wears a diaper. On November 20, 2013, Marysue's parents took her to the doctor where she received her annual flu shot. It was typical of Marysue to awake by 7 a.m. and then go into wake her parents up. On the morning of November 26, 2013, she never made it to her parent's bedroom. "The look on her face was like help me, like she was scared but she couldn't respond to me," Carla recalled.

Gardasil: I Will Never Stop Warning Others

I continue to warn every parent to get fully informed about this vaccine and do your research. I have no trust in our health system and feel doctors aren’t informing us enough on the risks and have no idea how to help the sick children affected by HPV vaccines. I continue to hope my daughter will completely recover. Nevertheless, I consider Jemma is one of the lucky ones. At least she has an opportunity to recover – many didn’t get that chance. Their parents paid the ultimate price. This makes my skin crawl and I shiver even knowing young lives have been taken away and families destroyed. It is just disgraceful and wrong at every level. I will never stop warning others – I spread awareness to save other children. No child deserves to have their life cut short by disability or death. No family deserves to live with this type of pain. I can only hope one day this vaccine will be withdrawn from the Immunization schedule so that our healthy young girls and boys will not be submitted to so much risk for so little benefit.

Forced Vaccination for all Hospital Workers Passes Indiana Senate Unanimously

SB 162 unfortunately passed the full Indiana Senate on 2/2/16 completely unopposed with a vote of 50 yes and 0 no. The bill was amended to become a much worse bill. While the introduced version of the bill prohibited a hospital from ultimately requiring an employee to receive a vaccine if the “employee refuses to permit the immunization after being fully informed of the health risks”, the final version sent to the House was significantly adversely altered to force vaccination as a condition of employment and to grant liability protection for hospitals firing employees.

Required Gardasil Vaccine and Others Could Turn Hawaii Into America’s Only FORCED Vaccination State

We are requesting your immediate communication with your state legislators to OPPOSE an unprecedented attack on religious rights, parental rights and health freedom in Hawaii. Seven bills have been introduced in Hawaii, including a mandatory Gardasil vaccine for 7th graders, that combined could turn Hawaii into America’s only FORCED vaccination state. "The big news here is that Hawaii is about to become the first state to have a de facto vaccine mandate by the federal government for all citizens, whether children or adults." Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder and President, National Vaccine Information Center.

American College of Pediatricians Latest to Warn of Gardasil HPV Vaccine Dangers

The once held theory that the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Gardasil vaccine was safe has officially been proven false. The public has had a front row seat over the years to witness continuous, contradictory “settled science” around the HPV shot become very unsettling. Research fraud has been exposed, and alarm bells sounded as the dominos of perceived safety are falling rapidly now in succession. While the U.S. government ignores the evidence on the dangers of the Gardsil vaccine, and instead is supporting efforts to vaccinate even more children with this deadly vaccine, one group of American pediatricians is issuing their own warning on the vaccine. The American College of Pediatricians recently issued a press release sounding the alarm to the public, the medical community and politicians that the HPV Gardasil vaccine is not as safe as manufacturers would want us to believe. They have warned the public that the Gardasil vaccine causes premature ovarian failure (POF), also known as premature menopause. The only questions remaining are what percentage of the U.S. population has already become sterile or will become sterile as a result of Gardasil mass vaccination programs, and how long will this be allowed to continue?

Polysorbate 80: A Risky Vaccine Ingredient

The recent public conversation about the safety of vaccine ingredients has centered primarily around mercury (thimerosal), aluminum and formaldehyde. However, there are other concerning ingredients in vaccines that are not talked about as often, one of which is Polysorbate 80—also known as Tween 80 and polyoxyethylene-sorbitan-20 mono-oleate. The fact that Polysorbate 80 “may cause cancer based on animal test data” and may be mutagenic, according to the Material Safety and Data Sheet (MSDS), should be enough to require vaccine manufacturers and the Food and Drug Administration to provide credible scientific evidence that it is safe to include Polysorbate 80 in vaccines given to humans.

Most Oppressive Forced Vaccination Bill Introduced in any State Moving Fast in Virginia

The most oppressive forced vaccination bill introduced in any state is being sponsored by an attorney and co-sponsored by an obstetrician for the purpose of eliminating the religious belief vaccine exemption for all children attending daycare and schools in the state, including homeschooled children, in the state of Virginia. The bill (HB1342) would additionally prohibit state licensed doctors and nurse practitioners from exercising professional judgment and delaying administration of or granting a child a medical exemption that does not conform with narrow federal vaccine contraindication guidelines.