Faith in a Created Immune System or Products Developed in a Lab?

Every person deserves to have access to accurate information about disease, human immunity and vaccines so they can make good decisions for themselves and their families. They have to decide whether they have more faith in the immune system that has been created and evolved over many thousands of years, or in medical products developed by humans in labs during the last two centuries. Where do we place our trust? In the presence of fear and cultural norming towards dependency on vaccines by a profit-driven corporate culture and a decidedly pro-vaccine public health policy that employs coercion to attain conformity, those decisions can unfortunately become painfully confusing for many people.

Many U.S. Pediatricians and Family Doctors Not Recommending Gardasil HPV Vaccine

More bad news for Gardasil and the HPV vaccine. As countries around the world begin to investigate or stop recommending the HPV vaccine due to the high amount of adverse side effects, which includes Primary Ovarian Failure (or "premature menopause" where young ladies will never be able to bear children) and severe disabilities, a new study just published in the journal Pediatrics again shows that doctors in the U.S. are increasingly hesitant to recommend the vaccine. This hesitation regarding the HPV vaccine mirrors a similar study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention last month showing that nearly half of the doctors in U.S. are not routinely recommending the HPV vaccine.

Top 10 Stories in 2015 on Health Impact News

News highlighting the dangers of vaccines and medical kidnapping stories dominated our readership in 2015. Half of the top 10 stories were stories about vaccine dangers, and 4 of the top stories were Medical Kidnapping stories of families who lost their children to the medical system and Child Protection Services (CPS). Two of the vaccine stories, including the #1 most-read story in 2015, were stories about young women who reportedly had their lives destroyed by the Gardasil HPV vaccine. Here are the top 10 most read stories in 2015 on the Health Impact News network.

Vaccines and Retroviruses: A Whistleblower Reveals What the Government is Hiding

Data suggests that 6% of the U.S. population is harboring a retrovirus in their bodies that can develop into an acquired immune deficiency. This is not the well-known AIDS caused by HIV, but Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) associated with other retroviruses. These non-HIV retroviruses were unintentionally introduced into humans over the past 75 years. The information that I am sharing in this article came mostly from an interview I did with Judy A. Mikovits, Ph.D. and from the book, Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), autism, and Other Diseases, written by Kent Heckenlively, JD, and Dr. Mikovits. Dr. Mikovits is not just one of the leading scientists in the area of retrovirus related illness, she stands at the center of a scientific controversy and political battle that has ended her career as a government-funded research scientist. She spoke the truth about the fraudulent use of government research money, the marketing of inaccurate retrovirus tests, Medicare fraud, the contaminated blood supply, and the harm that is associated with vaccines and their schedule of administration. Her research showed how retroviruses are linked to the plague of modern illnesses that are bankrupting the U.S. healthcare system. The result of her unwavering determination to stick to the truth of her research and to stand up against those who want to keep the truth hidden, resulted in her being taken to criminal court and civil court. She was gagged for four years by fabricated criminal charges in Nevada, and could not speak openly about retrovirus science or the government cover-up without risking further persecution/prosecution. My article will explain the history of retrovirus contamination and the government cover-up. It will provide an introduction to effective treatments for those who suffer with the illnesses mentioned in this article. It attempts to do what our government didn’t have the political courage to do.

Ottawa’s Vaccine Civil Disobedience Forcing Schools to Threaten Mass Suspension of Students

Canada’s capital city is the latest community putting the screws to parents and their children over vaccine compliance. Like California, Ottawa is enforcing Ontario’s Immunizations of School Pupils Act (ISPA) which requires “pupils” to show proof of vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, polio, mumps, measles, rubella, meningococcal disease, pertussis (whooping cough) and varicella (required by children born in 2010 or later.) CBC news recently reported that Ottawa Public Health has already suspended 900 Catholic School students over immunization records. Even with their best efforts and the backing of over $55 million in 2015, Ottawa Public Health officials may have to face the fact that they are experiencing widespread vaccine civil disobedience.

Why Are People Over Age 65 Given Ineffective Flu Shots?

For the 2014-2015 “flu season,” the reported effectiveness of the annual flu shot was only 14% in those over age 50. It has been long recognized that elderly people do not respond well to vaccination as a whole and that their immune responses to annual influenza vaccinations are especially weak. The elderly are at higher risk for serious complications from infections like influenza and pneumonia because aging immune systems often do not mount a robust response to challenge from natural pathogens or vaccines. The number of Americans over age 65 hospitalized for influenza in the 2014-2015 flu season was higher than had been previously reported since government health officials began to collect the data in 2005. Regardless of the highly questionable therapeutic value and potentially harmful side effects of the influenza vaccine, public health authorities insist that the annual flu shot is the best defense there is for seniors.

Victory for Medical Choice as New York Supreme Court Reverses Mandatory Flu Vaccine Rule

With little public discussion, the New York Board of Health unanimously passed the Vaccine Powers Rule in 2013. The rule required New York City children attending a day care center or aged 6 months to 59 months to be given a yearly flu vaccination. For a moment, it appeared that children would be excluded from class if they didn’t receive the flu vaccine for the first time in the State’s history. California’s Senate Bill 277, signed into law in 2015, took things further by requiring all students to be up-to-date with all vaccines to receive an education in the state. On December 16th, 2015, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Manuel Mendez ruled on behalf of The Supreme Court of the State of New York to end the mandatory flu vaccine rule. Mendez said in his decision that the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene “lacked the statutory authority” to mandate the influenza vaccines because they are not required under state law.

15-Year-Old Vaccinated by Force with Gardasil now Suffers from Paralysis and Pain

Caroline was born in 2000 and is now 15 years old. My daughter was very sociable, full of energy and always together with her many friends – running, cycling and playing football. She always had a good appetite. Even though I had written in the notice book and given information that if she did not want the vaccine, then she MUST NOT be given it – Caroline was held by one nurse whilst another nurse administered the vaccine! A few days later, half of Caroline’s face became paralyzed, and she was admitted to the local hospital. I am beginning to lose hope for Caroline’s future as she is gradually becoming more and more ill. Maybe HPV infections do take some people’s lives; maybe they don’t. All I know is I would rather have watched my daughter enjoy her teenage years instead of spending those years worrying about her future. Please DON’T let your children be test subjects for a vaccine which has ruined the lives of so many.

The HPV Vaccine Changed Our Reality

Our daughter Ellen was a happy healthy 12 year old girl who loved to swim competitively and take part in charity runs; she was enjoying secondary school taking part in the school band as well as representing her school at swimming and running events. On 14 January 2010 Ellen had the first Human Papillomavirus vaccination, Cervarix, and the second one on the 25th of February. Since those vaccinations our family lives have been turned upside down. Ellen is no longer a healthy confident independent young girl. Every day I regret ever having allowed her to have the HPV vaccine and can’t help wondering how different all our lives could be if we had made a different decision.

California Parents Must Act By December 31, 2015 to Maintain Vaccine Exemptions

SB 277 - the bill eliminating all nonmedical exemptions for the 10 vaccines currently required before a child can attend public or private school, preschool or daycare - was signed by California Governor Brown on June 30, 2015 and goes into effect on July 1, 2016. However, what everyone in California who is planning on using a personal or religious belief exemption needs to know to take advantage of the grandfathering of these exemptions beyond July 1st and until the next grade span (preschool, kindergarten inclusive and including transitional kindergarten, or 7th grade), you MUST have an exemption on file at your school or day care by December 31, 2015! For those programs with a winter holiday, the deadline may be even sooner with offices closed.