New Texas Law Wants to Vaccinate Minor Children without Parental Consent

Children should not be vaccinated by any health care provider for any reason without the voluntary, informed consent of their parents. Period. HB 212, by Rep. Toni Rose ((D), D-110, Dallas) circumvents federal and state parental rights and consumer protection laws by allowing a minor child 14 years of age and older in the Texas Juvenile Justice System to consent to vaccination on their own without their parent. It also allows for a health care provider to consent to vaccination for the child if a parent has previously consented to any medical treatment not specific to vaccination. Unless the health care provider has “actual knowledge” that a parent has refused to give consent for a particular vaccine in the past, the doctor only has to make a “reasonable” attempt to contact the parent before he or she can shift the decision making to a minor child and themselves. The bill also puts the responsibility on the minor child to reveal personal and family vaccine reaction and medical history to the vaccine administrator while protecting the vaccine administrator from liability for any harm caused by vaccinating a child without parental consent.

Are Proposed Forced Vaccination Laws Comparable to Eugenics Forced Sterilization Laws in the U.S.?

Constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord has written an excellent commentary about current legislative efforts to remove vaccine exemptions, and increase forced vaccinations against people's wills. Emord writes: "The current rush to revoke laws allowing conscientious dissent from compulsory vaccination, including encumbering or revoking grounds based on religious or medical grounds, are a return to a very ugly era of elitism, one of gross intrusion into rights of personal autonomy and liberty that left us only a few decades ago." Emord reminds us that it was not that long ago when "eugenics" was a popular "scientific fact" accepted by the majority in our society, and used to pass state laws forcing sterilization of people considered "genetically unfit" for society. The most famous case was Buck vs. Bell, a Virginia statute which was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1927. The Court's decision, delivered by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., included the infamous phrase "Three generations of imbeciles are enough." Upholding Virginia's sterilization statute provided the green light for similar laws in 30 states, under which an estimated 65,000 Americans were sterilized without their own consent or that of a family member. In 2001, the Virginia General Assembly acknowledged that the sterilization law was based on faulty science and expressed its "profound regret over the Commonwealth's role in the eugenics movement in this country and over the damage done in the name of eugenics." What other "faulty science" is there in mainstream western science today that seeks to impose its will on a free society by force in the area of vaccinations, where proponents claim "the science is settled?"

Should New Jersey Government Decide What is “Bona Fide” Religion to Refuse Vaccines?

New Jersey politicians are making moves to restrict religious exemptions to refuse vaccines. Bill A1931 is scheduled for a 10:00 am Assembly Health Committee meeting on MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2015. According to NVIC: A1931 requires a written statement "explaining how the administration of the vaccine conflicts with the bona fide religious tenets or practices of the student, or the parent or guardian." As such it requires parents to explain and ultimately justify their deeply held personal and private religious beliefs to the government.

110 Bills Currently Being Proposed in 36 States to Enact Medical Tyranny Regarding Vaccines

There are currently 110 bills currently being proposed in 36 states to eliminate and restrict vaccine exemptions, to expand vaccine mandates, to broaden emergency and police powers, to expand and force intrusive vaccine tracking and vaccine data sharing, and to invade your privacy by publicly publishing exemption and vaccination rates. Recent victories in stopping bills in Oregon and Washington prove that lawmakers do listen to constituents who speak the truth regarding vaccines and government tyranny. Much more action is needed!

The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready?

More than 1.2 million people in the United States are infected with HIV but government officials do not ban HIV infected children and adults from attending school, receiving medical care, being employed, or otherwise participating in society. In fact, there are anti-discrimination laws that guarantee civil rights protections for Americans infected with HIV or living with AIDS. In 2012, public health officials reported that about two million people in America are infected with chlamydia, tuberculosis, syphilis and gonorrhea, and they estimate another three million people are infected with hepatitis C. Like those with HIV or AIDS, these citizens are not targeted for discrimination and blocked from getting a public education, being employed or moving freely in society. But in 2015 after a handful of measles cases were identified at Disneyland, suddenly Americans are being asked to surrender civil liberties. Healthy children whose only "crime" is that their parents have chosen to refuse toxic vaccines are suddenly at risk for being denied an education in America and other freedoms granted to other citizens. How did a handful of measles cases at Disneyland turn into a full-scale assault on civil and human rights in America?

Aluminum is Toxic to All Life Forms: So Why is it Used in Vaccines?

Dr. Suzanne Humphries has made available to the public her lecture on neonatal immunity presented in New Zealand in May of 2014. In this lecture, Dr. Humphries deals specifically with the toxic effects of aluminum, which is a common adjuvant contained in childhood vaccines. The medical literature clearly shows that aluminum is a death factor for cells, and highly toxic. The reasons as to why aluminum has not been replaced with something less toxic or non-toxic are economical, and not medical. This is a critical lecture that anyone considering vaccines needs to watch, particularly pregnant women and parents of young children.

How Homeopathy is Healing Autism

We know that autism can be healed, because we have seen the evidence of recovered lives. We know how autistic children feel, because recovered autistic children have been able to tell us how it felt. They have been able to describe their experiences after their lives were restored to normal through homeopathy. The Houston Homeopathy Method has freed over 100 children from their autism. These children have experienced complete recovery. The Houston Homeopathy Method has also given relief from the most severe symptoms of autism to countless other children who are now able to live pain free lives with much improved social skills.

Gardasil: Don’t Let Your Child Become “One Less”

Our fifteen year old daughter, Leah, is vaccine injured. I share our story hoping our experience will save another from becoming “one less” healthy child. I urge you if you have not yet received the vaccine, DONT!!! DON’T LET YOUR CHILD Become “ONE LESS” HEALTHY ACTIVE TEENAGER!

Could Proposed Mandatory Vaccine Laws Survive Legal Challenges?

There is a national push to remove vaccine exemptions for school-aged children, and new laws and regulations are being proposed all across the U.S. for mandatory vaccinations. What are the legal challenges to now legislating mandatory vaccinations to a population that no longer has the right to legal redress against the manufacturer of potentially faulty vaccines that are known to maim and kill people? Is it Constitutional to remove the right to informed consent, and the right to refuse such a product if it is administered by force? Mary Holland, a research scholar and professor at NYU School of Law, addresses that question.

March 2015 Settlements in Vaccine Court: 117 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

The Depart of Justice issues a report on vaccine injuries and deaths every quarter to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines. The March 5, 2015 report states that there were 117 cases for vaccine injuries and deaths compensated from 11/16/2014 to 2/15/2015. Five of those settlements were for deaths linked to vaccines, with three deaths related to the flu shot. The unified message presented by the U.S. mainstream media and certain government agencies is that vaccines are safe. This is a lie. Vaccines are dangerous. People are injured and killed by vaccines, and the quarterly reports from the DOJ, which probably reflects a very small percentage of the actual cases, clearly reflect that inherent danger.