February 25, 2025
  • out-of-mind-2-768x505

    Does Your Family Believe You are "Out of Your Mind"? You're in Good Company Because Jesus Faced the Same Thing with His Family

    Does your family think you are “out of your mind” because you disagree with them on things like COVID-19 measures such as the wearing of masks, and taking COVID-19 vaccines?

    If you are being accused of being “out of your mind,” please take comfort from the fact that people said the same thing about Jesus Christ when he walked this earth, including his own family who wanted to seize him, and stop him from his “insanity.”

    From Mark Chapter 3:

    Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat.

    When his family heard about this, they went to seize him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.”

    Then Jesus’ mother and brothers arrived. Standing outside, they sent someone in to call him.

    A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, “Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you.”

    “Who are my mother and my brothers?” he asked.

    Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

    • independent-Szilveszter-Csollany-banner-2000x900-1-768x346

      COVID-19 Vaxxed Olympic Gold Medalist Dies at 51 but Media Calls Him "Anti-Vaxxer"

      The Independent has put out an early (and strong) entry for “Worst Journalism of the Year” award, reporting yesterday the death of Hungarian gymnastics coach Szilveszter Csollany under the headline:

      “Anti-vax Olympic gold medalist Szilveszter Csollany dies of Covid, aged 51”

      The glaring issue with this headline becomes clear just three paragraphs into the article:

      “While Csollany had, according to [Hungarian newspaper Blikk], expressed anti-vaccination views on social media, the six-time World Championship medallist had been vaccinated to allow him to continue to work as a gymnastics coach.”

      The journalism is terrible, criminally bad.

      The evidence supplied for Csollany’s supposed “anti-vaccination views” is non-existent. Second-hand hearsay, at best. No direct quotations, no sources provided.

      To bury that in the body, under that headline, is deliberate deception. They know many people will read the title and assume he hadn’t had the vaccine without ever reading the body of the text, and they are relying on that to spread an intentionally false impression.

      The very definition of disinformation.

      • Power-Grid-UP-or-Down-768x456

        Corporate Media Warning of Attacks on Power Grid and Cyber Attacks as U.S. Tells People to Leave Ukraine Now by Any Means Available

        Information (or dis-information) is now very obviously being leaked to the corporate media warning of impending attacks on the power grid in the United States, as well as cyber attacks, as the U.S. is now telling citizens in the Ukraine to leave immediately, by whatever means necessary.

        If you are not prepared for periods of time with no electricity and no Internet, you may have very little time left to prepare.

        • corona-virus-isolated-2

          Is the Virus Real? Steve Kirsch Suggests a Debate

          My readers know that, for the past two years, I’ve been making the case that the virus is a scientific fiction, a con, and a cover story for tyranny that would make Hitler, Stalin, and Mao blush with envy.

          Recently, the question has been attracting wider coverage: Does SARS-CoV-2 exist?

          Entrepreneur, inventor, and philanthropist, Steve Kirsch, says yes. He offers to set up a 5-hour live video debate. He’ll send his experts and other side will send theirs. They’ll go at it.

          What about the usual form of scientific debate, called the written word?

          Buckle up.

          Kirsch: “I don’t think the folks I’d ask to do this would want to spend time writing papers…They don’t even have the time to prepare their own papers. Doing written documents is much more time consuming than talking because people spend the time to make it bulletproof.”

          Heaven forbid.

          Kirsch: “None of the people on our team require that all discussions be in writing only.”

          Of course not. Why would his team of scientists insist on the method by which science is accomplished?

          • CAFO-Focus-on-the-Family-2-768x304

            How Can the "Evangelical Right" Promote Parental Rights While at the Same Time Supporting Child Trafficking?

            The Parental Rights Foundation sent out a newsletter to its subscribers last week from their president, William A. Estrada, with an article titled:

            “Parents Are Winning. That’s Why Opponents Are Turning Us Into Bogeymen.”

            It was a response to an article published in Salon by Kathryn Joyce titled:

            “Parental rights started on the Christian fringe — now it’s the GOP’s winning issue.”

            Having covered the issue of “parental rights” for going on 8 years now, mainly through our MedicalKidnap.com platform, this is a topic I am very familiar with.

            And while I agree with Estrada’s assertion that the parental rights issues cross ideological lines and should not be strictly a “right-wing evangelical” issue, I am also familiar with Kathryn Joyce’s work, and in particular her criticisms of the evangelical right’s position on international adoptions, and the whole “Orphan Care” movement among evangelicals, which is basically a child trafficking movement, because it is mainly funded by the U.S. Government.

            “Orphan care” includes not only international adoptions, but participation in the U.S. Foster Care system, the #1 pipeline for pedophiles and child sex trafficking.

            What is Joyce’s main point in her article? It is stated right in her sub-heading:

            “Right-wing Christians have pushed for parental control over education for years. Suddenly it’s the GOP’s main focus.”

            It’s all about public education, and who gets to make the decisions on curriculum and other issues associated with public education.

            Is not the solution for evangelicals obvious??


            Problem solved.

            • Nicholas-Conn_HHI_edited-768x435

              Big Pharma Wants to Come into Your Home and Take Over Your Toilet Seat to "Monitor" Your Health

              In one of the more apt examples of bringing medtech into the home and meeting patients on their terms, the developer of a smart toilet seat has raised $30 million to pursue an FDA clearance.

              Casana aims to provide people with a regular heart health scan without intruding on their daily routine, with electronic sensors for logging heart rate and blood pressure built directly into the cushion.

              • Operation-Rescue-arrests-540x272

                Where are the Protests at the Vaccination Clinics to Rescue the Children?

                The Alternative Media is gushing over all the “wonderful speakers” that appeared in Washington D.C. yesterday at the Defeat the Mandates “protest.”

                Fox News covered the event, as they identified the leader of the event as Will Witt, and interviewed him just before the event began on Sunday.

                “You’re going to hear a lot of people talk about on the left say this is a big, anti-vax rally — it’s people coming in to deny science,” march organizer Will Witt, an author and political commentator for nonprofit PragerU, told Fox News Digital, “but this march is about the mandate, and this march is about the Draconian measures that we’re seeing all across this country right now, especially in places like D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco.”

                “Witt said 90% of speakers at the march are vaccinated.”

                So other than rousing speeches that fired up their supporter base and their opposition to “COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates,” and not necessarily the vaccines themselves, what exactly did this “protest” in Washington D.C. accomplish?

                Washington D.C. is one of a handful of places in the nation right now where children as young as 12 years old can receive a COVID-19 injection without the approval of their parents.

                So as these superstar doctors and other pro-vaccine speakers addressed crowds that were reported to be in the tens of thousands of people, nearby there were scores of vaccination clinics at schools, churches, pop-up clinics, and retail pharmacy stores where children are being abused and being injected with a bioweapon shot that could kill them.

                If these speakers are so concerned about these shots being injected into children, as some of them claim, would it not have been far better to go to these places where children are being abused, and protest there, seeking to educate parents on the dangers of the shots they are allowing to be injected into their children??

                If there were 20,000 people at this “protest” in Washington D.C., just how many schools, churches, and other vaccine clinics do you think they could have shut down for the day by simply gathering there, and sitting down in front of the doors through non-violent resistance, making it difficult for people to enter the clinics?

                This is exactly what happened in this country back in the late 1980s and early 1990s with the Pro-life movement called “Operation Rescue.”

                • what-is-life-2

                  What is Life?

                  Life. It is one of the most common words in the English language. It is something to “live,” something to “spend,” something that begins and ends, something that is evaluated as “good” or “bad,” as “healthy” or “unhealthy.”

                  But how do we actually define it? Is it defined by our culture, or does it have an intrinsic meaning that transcends how the culture uses the word?

                  How you understand or define “life” affects pretty much everything you do, and I doubt that very many people have actually spent time evaluating their understanding of “life,” but passively just accept how the culture defines it.

                  “Life” is closely associated with “truth,” which means that the meaning of “life” is not dependent on people’s opinions or understanding of what it is.

                  It just is. It transcends even language, therefore it requires that we examine the language we use to describe and define life, and the closer we can come to its actual intrinsic meaning, the closer we come to understanding “truth.”

                  • Canada-vaccine-mandate-truckers-travellers-crossing-into-Canada-unvaccinated-no-entry-with-canada-flag--768x439

                    Vaccine Mandates for Canadian and Mexican Truck Drivers at the Borders Started Today - Supply Chain Disruptions to Get Worse?

                    A COVID-19 mandatory vaccine requirement for all non-U.S. citizens coming across the borders from Canada and Mexico that includes truck drivers went into effect today, Saturday, January 22, 2022.

                    Canada implemented a similar COVID-19 vaccine mandate for U.S. truck drivers entering Canada last week, and it is already disrupting the supply chains in Canada.

                    Higher food prices and food shortages have already been reported in Canada this past week.

                    Canadian truck drivers protested earlier this week at a Manitoba border crossing.

                    A Canadian truck convoy, “The Convoy For Freedom 2022,” has started with Canadian truck drivers from all parts of Canada heading to the Canadian capital in Ottawa for a rally next Saturday, January 29, 2022. There is a Gofundme page setup to solicit funds for the truck drivers to help with their expenses in driving to Ottawa, and it has already raised more than $1.6 million.

                    There is as of now no vaccine mandate for truck drivers entering Mexico, but depending on how strict they are at the Mexican borders on enforcing the U.S. mandate on Mexican truck drivers, this could have devastating impacts on the U.S. economy.

                    • Jamie-Dimon-smiling-768x514

                      Are the Wall Street Bankers Planning WW III to Save the Economy?

                      The financial world is predicting surging prices on oil as the prospects for war between the Ukraine and Russia loom. Since wars are funded by the Globalist bankers, whenever they start talking about war and its impact on the economy, it is probably wise to pay attention to what they are saying.

                      And as usual, we look to JPMorgan Chase, the largest bank on Wall Street and the leader of the pack.

                      • VAERS-1.14-2-768x627

                        Over 1 Million Deaths and Injuries Following COVID "Vaccines" Reported in VAERS as Second Year of "Experimental Use Authorization" Begins

                        The deaths and injuries following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines” continue at an unprecedented rate as we now enter the second year of their “emergency use authorization.”

                        The U.S. Government updated their Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database today, and there have now been 1,053,830 cases of deaths and injuries reported to VAERS following COVID-19 experimental vaccines since they were given emergency use authorization in December of 2020.

                        By way of contrast, there have been 914,393 cases of deaths and injuries reported to VAERS following all FDA-approved vaccines since VAERS started in 1990, through the end of November, 2020, the last month before the COVID-19 vaccines were authorized for emergency use.

                        There have been more deaths, more permanent disabilities, and more hospitalizations following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, than there have been following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years COMBINED.

                        This is the most censored news in the United States, and it is based on the U.S. Government’s own statistics. 

                        • Nuclear-Bomb-Explosion-Mushroom-Cloud

                          Do the Globalists' Plans for the Next Stage of Population Reduction Include Deploying Nuclear Weapons?

                          An article written by William J. Astore, a retired lieutenant colonel (USAF) and professor of history, has been published in several places titled “Only Fools Replay Doomsday.”

                          I don’t necessarily agree with everything Astore writes, but his perspective is very enlightening, coming from a military insider perspective, and one that all of us need to understand, as we have been so preoccupied by the COVID scam that other major issues can often go unnoticed.

                          But the threat of nuclear war is not something that should go “unnoticed.” Wars belong to the realm of the Globalists, the Wall Street Billionaires and bankers, who think nothing of capitalizing on the financial windfalls that wars produce, with total disregard for loss of human life.

                          • Novak-Djokovic-2-768x515

                            Was Tennis Star Novak Djokovic's Media Coverage in Australia All a Show to Promote his New Biotech Pharmaceutical Company?

                            I have never really been a fan of tennis, but like many in the Alternative Media, I watched the saga unfold in Australia recently with the world’s number 1 professional tennis star, Serbian Novak Djokovic, who ended up not being able to defend his title in the Australian Open, allegedly due to his stance against the mandates for the COVID-19 shots.

                            Due to his position against mandated COVID-19 shots, and the alleged trouble he was having in Australia, his name was in my news feed non-stop for many days, with the result that he gained international fame not only among tennis fans who already knew him due to his superstar status as a tennis player, but also among the “anti-vaxxers” crowd where he instantaneously achieved “superstar” status as well, even if people had never heard of him before because they don’t follow tennis.

                            I have to admit that I was considering publishing a story about his saga myself here on the Health Impact News network, but as the story unfolded it got stranger, and the longer it dragged on, the more the Alternative Media continued publishing stories about him, portraying him as a victim of “the mandates.”

                            So as his press coverage increased, I decided to take a pass on his story, since it was already getting so much coverage in the Alternative Media, and something just didn’t seem right to me about the whole thing. It just seemed that whatever the real issue was, it could have been dealt with one way or another very quickly, even before he arrived, or stopped him from going there altogether.

                            Then yesterday, January 19, 2022, ZeroHedge News published a report on Novak Djokovic revealing that he “owns 80% stake in a Biotech firm working on COVID cure,” based on a Reuter’s story.

                            Djokovic earns more income outside of tennis than he does as a professional tennis player, so it would make sense that he could have potentially given up his chance at defending his title at the Australian Open to be able to cash in on a larger financial windfall down the road for his drug company, by capitalizing on his stance against the mandates for COVID-19 shots.

                            • COVID-vaccine-deaths-1.19.22-768x657

                              37,927 Deaths and 3,392,632 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as Young People Continue to Die

                              The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 37,927 fatalities, and 3,392,632 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots.

                              Here are some stories about a few of these tragic deaths following COVID-19 shots, which sadly are now including more and more children.

                              • 65-percent-increase-in-deaths-768x461

                                Up to 65% Increase in Deaths Among 18-49 Year Olds in the U.S. During 2021, the Year of the Experimental COVID "Vaccines"

                                Earlier this month (January, 2022), Scott Davison, the CEO of OneAmerica, a $100 billion insurance company based out of Indiana, made headline news in the Alternative Media when he announced that the death rate on life insurance claims skyrocketed an unprecedented 40% among those between the ages of 18 and 64 in 2021.

                                I did my own investigation to corroborate what he was reporting, and examined the number of deaths the CDC was reporting through December, 2020, before they revised their website and changed the total number of people who died in 2020, the year the pandemic scam started, which clearly showed that total deaths in 2020 were about the same as the previous two years, and that all they basically did was eliminate most of the flu deaths and blame those on COVID-19.

                                The result of this investigation was that we saw about an additional 400,000 deaths in 2021, the year of the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out.

                                Since publishing that report, Petr Svab of the Epoch Times has also done an investigation on this issue, looking at death certificates from the CDC website of people between the age of 18 and 49 in 2021.

                                He examined the data by state, and he found that in some states the deaths in this age group had increased by as much as 65% compared to the same period in 2018 and 2019.

                                Petr Svab was careful to not link or blame the excess in deaths to the COVID-19 shots, probably to avoid the “fact checkers” from trying to discredit his investigation.

                                But the correlation to the COVID-19 shots now is irrefutable, just from using the U.S. Government’s own data from the CDC, and also from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).

                                This is a national catastrophe of the magnitude that this nation has never before faced, and the total collapse of the United States now seems inevitable.

                                • Burning-Face-Mask-With-Lighter2

                                  Has Everyone Left You Because You are not Ashamed to Speak the Truth? Stay the Course!

                                  You know that everyone in the province of Asia has deserted me…

                                  At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them.

                                  But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth.

                                  The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (Paul, from 2 Timothy)

                                  • Ebola-positive-test-fake-768x512

                                    Ebola: Shattering the Lies and the Fakery

                                    We’re warned, now and then, that a new Ebola outbreak might be spreading. It’s one of those Coming Attractions in the theater that shows one virus movie after another.

                                    In this case, the fear-hook is the bleeding symptom. It makes people cower in the dark. O my God, look at the BLOOD. It’s…THE VIRUS.

                                    The massive campaign to make people believe the Ebola virus can attack at any moment, after the slightest contact, is quite a success.

                                    People are falling all over themselves to raise the level of hysteria.

                                    And that is preventing a hard look at Liberia, Sierra Leone, and the Republic of Guinea, three African nations where poverty and illness are staples of everyday life for the overwhelming number of people.

                                    The command structure in those areas has a single dictum: don’t solve the human problem.

                                    Don’t clean up the contaminated water supplies, don’t return stolen land to the people so they can thrive and grow food and finally achieve nutritional health, don’t solve overcrowding, don’t install basic sanitation, don’t strengthen immune systems, don’t let the people have power—because then they would throw off the local and global corporate juggernauts that are sucking the land of all its resources.

                                    In order not to solve the problems of the people, a cover story is necessary. A cover story that exonerates the power structure.

                                    A cover story like a virus.

                                    It’s all about the virus. The demon. The strange attacker.

                                    Forget everything else. The virus is the single enemy.

                                    • public-enemy-jamie-dimon-768x539

                                      Real Domestic Terrorists Need to be Tried for Treason and Genocide - U.S. Public vs. Corporate Bankers

                                      Regular readers of Health Impact News are very familiar with how I have used the term “Globalist” to identify the true enemies of the people since the COVID war on humanity started.

                                      I have repeatedly written that politicians are “puppets,” bought and paid for by these Globalists who own Wall Street and the banks. They control the flow of money through their “Central Banks” and in the United States the “Federal Reserve.”

                                      They use their illegally obtained wealth to buy power, including rigging elections, making sure their judges sit on the benches of the judicial system, and control the affairs of the world through their secret intelligence agencies who serve them, such as the CIA, Mossad, and MI6.

                                      This rather small group of influential “Globalists” seldom are identified by name and faces, because they operate in groups, corporate board of directors and international agencies such as the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, and dozens of other international agencies that they use to shield themselves from public scrutiny.

                                      Well it is time we start identifying these Globalists by name and listing their crimes, so that they can be held accountable for these crimes against humanity and brought to justice. Their crimes include: mass murder and genocide, money laundering, treason, sedition, domestic terrorism, embezzlement, larceny, extortion, human trafficking, and many others.

                                      Today, we are going to focus on one of the men who is at the top of that list, Jamie Dimon, a New York banker who is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of JPMorgan Chase & Co., the largest bank in the U.S. and the main funding source of Big Pharma through money laundering.

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                                        Supreme Court Blocks OSHA Vaccine Mandate - Upholds CMS Healthcare Workers Vaccine Mandate

                                        The U.S. Supreme Court handed down rulings today on the two COVID-19 vaccine mandates that were recently litigated in the nation’s highest court.

                                        They struck down the OSHA mandate requiring private businesses with more than 100 employees to force their employees to receive COVID-19 shots, but upheld the CMS COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers.

                                        While this is a victory for conservatives regarding the OSHA mandate, this court remains solidly pro-vaccine as the legal issue of injecting hundreds of millions of Americans with a deadly experimental “vaccine” that is drastically reducing the nation’s population was never even considered.

                                        Now more than ever, Americans need to support businesses that do not require COVID-19 vaccine mandates, while boycotting those that do.

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                                          Fauci and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Lie Under Oath Regarding VAERS COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths

                                          CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and Anthony Fauci appeared before a Senate Committee Hearing this week regarding the “Omicron Response,” and both of them lied under oath.

                                          They both claimed that they “didn’t know” how many deaths were recorded in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines, and Walensky stated the COVID-19 vaccines are “incredibly safe” and “protect us against Omicron, they protect us against Delta, they protect us against COVID.”

                                          She also stated that all reported COVID-19 vaccine deaths have been “adjudicated,” when in fact not a single COVID-19 vaccine injury, let alone a death, has been tried in the Government CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program, the only place where a vaccine death or injury following a COVID-19 shot can be “adjudicated.”

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                                            The Real Revolution Is Underway But Nobody Recognizes It

                                            The general assumption is that revolutions are political. The revolution some foresee in the U.S. is the classic armed insurrection, or a coup or the fragmentation of the nation as states or regions declare their independence from the federal government.

                                            By focusing on the compelling drama of political upheaval we’re missing the real revolution, which is social and economic: the Great Resignation, a global movement which in the U.S. has largely unrecognized American characteristics.

                                            The Great Resignation is the real revolution which few if any recognize. The status quo is going to great lengths to dismiss it, for example, The Great Resignation: Historical Data and a Deeper Analysis Show It’s Not as Great as Screaming Headlines Suggest, because this revolution is not controllable with force and is therefore unstoppable.

                                            The sources of the revolution are in plain sight: you rig the economy to enrich the already-rich top 10% and super-size the already bloated wealth of the top 0.1%, and then you wonder why the bottom 90% are indebted, broke, burned out and disgruntled? The hubris of the ruling elites and their lackeys is off the scale, as this structural exploitation is presumed to be not just acceptable but delightful to the bottom 90%.

                                            After 45 years of losing power, the workforce finally has a bit of leverage. Some of the leverage results from demographics–the Baby Boom generation is retiring en masse and so the workforce is shrinking–and from the revolution of opting out, as millions of individuals quit, creating a labor shortage unlike any in living memory.

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                                              Thousands of Miscarriages Following COVID-19 Injections Reported in VAERS are Being Censored as an Entire Generation is Being Sterilized

                                              Now that we have a full year of injecting people with an experimental gene altering shot for COVID-19, we can conclusively state that this is most definitely a weapon of mass destruction, as it not only kills and cripples people in the present, but it destroys unborn children in the womb as well, and is most likely making an entire generation of child-bearing aged females infertile.

                                              And the facts that support this statement are found in the government’s own database of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), as incomplete as that data set is.

                                              Through December 31, 2021, there are 3,147 fetal deaths recorded following the COVID-19 shots into pregnant women, or into women of child-bearing age who became pregnant shortly after receiving one of the experimental COVID-19 injections (such as ectopic pregnancies).

                                              Using the under-reporting multiplier of 41X, the truer number of fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections becomes 129,027 fetal deaths.

                                              That’s a 3,834% increase in fetal deaths compared to fetal deaths following FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years, using just the government data reported in VAERS.

                                              And if someone like myself just sitting at home behind a computer searching the U.S. Government’s VAERS database can see this, you can be sure that all the scientists and doctors who work for the government that also have access to this data see it too.

                                              Stop calling this a “conspiracy theory” and wake up!

                                              This is population reduction planning. This is genocide. These are crimes against humanity.

                                              THIS IS PURE EVIL!

                                              • 2021-year-of-covid-experimental-vaccine-768x462

                                                2021: COVID Deaths Increase, Flu Deaths Disappear, 400,000+ More Total Deaths than 2020

                                                At the end of 2020, we reported how the CDC was caught manipulating the death statistics to make “COVID deaths” appear to be much higher than they actually were.

                                                In November of 2020, we published an article showing that based on the CDC’s own statistics from January through September of 2020, the total projected deaths for the year were on pace to be about the same as the previous three years, 2017 – 2019.

                                                On February 3, 2021, we published an article highlighting a study published in the journal Science, Public Health Policy & the Law that claimed the CDC violated federal law by inflating COVID-19 fatality statistics.

                                                In that same article, we published a screenshot of a page that existed on the CDC website on December 30, 2020 that showed the total deaths in the U.S.  from all causes as of December 30, 2020, as being 2,902,664 deaths.

                                                Just after the first of the year in 2021, however, this page disappeared from the CDC website, and an entirely new section was put up on the CDC’s website that tracked deaths, and the total deaths for 2020 were revised to be 3,389,094, a difference of 486,430 deaths.

                                                Now, one year later, it appears that those additional deaths attributed to 2020 were basically being pre-added to cover up the deaths that were going to be caused by the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines” for 2021.

                                                Did over 400,000 people die in 2021 after being injected with an experimental COVID-19 shot?

                                                • Bob-Saget-dead

                                                  Actor Bob Saget "Dies Suddenly" 1 Month After Receiving COVID Booster Shot

                                                  Bob Saget, the American actor and stand-up comedian who was best known for his role as beloved single dad Danny Tanner in the sitcom ‘Full House’, was found dead from ‘unknown causes’ in a room at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Orlando on Sunday, just a month after getting his COVID booster shot.

                                                  The Orange County Sheriff’s and Fire Department were called on Sunday at around 4 pm ET about an “unresponsive man” in the Ritz-Carlton hotel. The man was identified as Bob Saget and his death was pronounced at the scene.

                                                  Detectives found “no signs of foul play or drug use in this case,” and according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, his death is a ‘mystery‘.

                                                  Saget had joked on Twitter about getting the COVID booster on November 28th.

                                                  However, the beloved actor confirmed in a Youtube video on December 13th that he had indeed received his booster shot two days earlier on December 11th, saying:

                                                  “Yeah, well, be careful out there and do whatever you got to do to be safe. And I’m not even going to preach. I try not to preach.

                                                  I got my booster shot. I’m 65. So I got it yesterday…uh…the day before, and I was hurting.”

                                                  • Operation-Omicron-California-768x556

                                                    Newsom Announces Operation Omicron Offensive in California - Includes Door to Door Visits and Taking Over Local Media to Fight "Misinformation"

                                                    As we previously reported back in December, the Government’s next major offensive against the American people and the “unvaxxed” is Operation Omicron, where they have already announced that there will be massive casualties, all blamed on the “unvaccinated.”

                                                    This past weekend, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that the State was spending $2.7 BILLION for this offensive in California in what is called a  “COVID-19 Emergency Response Package” for an “emergency” that is now coming up on 2 years old.

                                                    $583 million of this military campaign will focus on “Getting more Californians vaccinated and boosted, and combat misinformation.”

                                                    This apparently includes taking over local ethnic media outlets that are not yet spewing out the same lies that the corporate propaganda media is broadcasting.

                                                    They also will hire many workers to conduct “door-to-door canvassing, phone banking and texting.” Then they will vaccinate and test people directly in their homes.

                                                    They will also increase their efforts to enforce contact tracing, and provide “testing and isolation and quarantine services.”

                                                    And once they increase the testing and vaccinations in the State which we know now will create many more people with COVID-19 vaccine injuries such as blood clotting and heart disease, these people will start filling the over-crowded hospitals that are short staffed, but they will blame all of this on the unvaccinated.

                                                    This is now the “Big Lie” in the Operation Omicron campaign, that all these deaths are caused by the “unvaccinated,” and if you think that you can escape all this because you live in a “Red” State, you are being fooled.

                                                    Donald Trump and other Republican leaders have been given this script as well, and they will implement it all while stating that “We don’t think it should be mandated though….”

                                                    But all of them, including Trump and DeSantis, have said publicly that the “unvaccinated” are filling the hospitals right now, which is the Big Lie.

                                                    • The-Christian-Cult

                                                      Fact Check: "Christianity" and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible - The Person Jesus Christ Is

                                                      Over 11 years ago I published an article on the English word “Christian,” explaining how I had stopped using that term to refer to myself, since it is a term with very many different meanings and understood in probably thousands of different ways.

                                                      I wrote how the term “Christian” is only found 3 times in all of the New Testament writings, and it is never used by the believers and followers of Jesus Christ to refer to themselves in the New Testament.

                                                      But as things unfold in the current Post-COVID culture, it is time to update that teaching and expand upon it, showing that the larger term of “Christianity” or the “Christian religion” is found nowhere in the Bible, and is actually a religious cult that is part of the Satanic world system, and that can be used to enslave the masses.

                                                      So while 11 years ago I wrote:

                                                      “Should believers of Jesus Christ today use the name “Christian” to describe themselves, even though the earliest disciples did not?

                                                      There is probably no right or wrong answer to that question.”

                                                      I am not sure that is still true today, in the Post-COVID world, because the word “Christian” and “Christianity” is clearly associated today with being Pro-Pharma and Pro-Vaccine, and therefore Pro-Satan and his world system.

                                                      COVID has revealed (NOT caused) the very deep corruption in the American Christian Church and its idolatry in serving the ruler of this world, as opposed to serving the current ruling King who sits on the throne in the Kingdom of God.

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                                                        Novavax: Soon to be FDA-Authorized COVID-19 Vaccine for the "Christian Pro-life" Population?

                                                        In July of 2020, when multiple pharmaceutical companies were competing for massive government funding to develop a “COVID-19 vaccine,” I published an article about one of the companies that had received massive amounts of funding from President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed program.

                                                        The name of the company is “Novavax,” and it received $1.6 BILLION from President Trump back in the summer of 2020, but for more than a year and a half the only thing this company produced were instant billionaires. They were among the many losers at the end of 2020 when the FDA chose Pfizer, and then Moderna and later J&J to authorize COVID-19 injections for the United States.

                                                        But at the end of 2021, Novavax was approved as a COVID-19 vaccine for distribution in Europe, and they are reported to be close to having the FDA grant an emergency use authorization for their COVID-19 shot for distribution here in the U.S.

                                                        The Right Wing Conservative news site Gateway Pundit recently featured this soon-to-be-FDA-authorized Novavax COVID-19 vaccine with the title:

                                                        “Finally, A Promising Covid Vaccine for Pro-Lifers”

                                                        The article portrays the Novavax vaccine as a “minimally tainted” vaccine, because:

                                                        “Novavax was not developed using body parts of aborted babies. (Though, like all other vaccines currently available, Novavax is tainted with tests that involve fetal cells.)”

                                                        Honestly, nothing surprises me anymore, as we have reported many times that the Christian Church is thoroughly pro-vaccine and part of the Big Pharma Vaccine Cult, with many of them receiving government funding to become “vaccine clinics” and inject their church members with the Satanic COVID-19 gene-altering shots.

                                                        One Christian Church in Canada just announced that their members who refused the COVID-19 injections were no longer welcome.

                                                        So a vaccine with only “minimal” fetal tissue cell contamination is welcome news for the Christian Right. Never mind that the company has never produced a single product before, and that their national headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, appears to be patterned after a Freemason Masonic Temple with Satanic symbols displayed, including an image of the “Lighthouse of Alexandria.”

                                                        The Pro-Life Christian news site, Lifesite News, interviewed pro-vaccine Dr. Peter McCullough on August 5, 2021, who also spoke positively about the Novavax vaccine.

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                                                          36,257 Deaths and 3,244,052 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database - Double Vaxxed 13-Year-Old Dies from Heart Attack

                                                          The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 36,257 fatalities, and 3,244,052 injuries as of January 1, 2022, following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen.

                                                          Meanwhile, 13-year-old Jack Thomas O’Drain from New Jersey passed away unexpectedly on January 4th after collapsing on New Year’s Eve. According to a social media post by his father Trent, Jack suffered an ‘unexplainable’ cardiac arrest while playing with his friends. He was rushed to Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia before being put on life support.

                                                          A Facebook post from his mother last June shows that she was proud that her son Jack had received his second COVID-19 injection.

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                                                            Pro-Vaccine Big Pharma Execs Invite You to D.C. to "Protest Against Vaccine Mandates" - Did You Forget What Happened on Jan. 6th 2021?

                                                            One year ago, on January 6, 2021, then President Donald Trump invited his supporters to join him in Washington D.C. for a “Stop the Steal” rally. They were angry that the election was stolen from Trump.

                                                            One week before the rally, I published an article just after President Trump had signed into law a $2.3 TRILLION “COVID relief” bill robbing Americans at the expense of Wall Street Billionaires, and I wrote:

                                                            “If you still think Trump is going to save the Republic and you are planning on heading to Washington D.C. on January 6th to show your support of him, you could very well be putting your own life at risk and be taking a suicide trip.

                                                            Washington D.C. is a cesspool of corruption and Satanic activity, and it could be pure suicidal for American patriots and militia groups to all be there at one time, giving the enemy the opportunity to take out as many of you at one time as they can.

                                                            Why would you risk that? For Trump??

                                                            President Trump is still the President of the United States and the Commander in Chief of the nation’s armed forces. If he wants to start arresting criminals for treason, he doesn’t need my help or your help, at least not in Washington D.C., one of the most corrupt places on the planet.

                                                            If Americans want to take their country back and drain the swamp, you better start planning on doing it now, without Trump’s help. There is no telling what his handlers are going to tell him to do in the days ahead, and even if he himself does not have nefarious plans in store for citizens and militia groups who may go to Washington D.C. on January 6th, there probably are many others who do.”

                                                            One year later, it is obvious that I was correct, and that everyone who obeyed Trump and was in Washington D.C. that day made a huge mistake.

                                                            Even if someone was not part of the rally, or the group that walked into the Capitol Building, but was simply just in the area carrying a cell phone, they ended up on a Government list of potential “terrorists.”

                                                            Those who entered the Capitol building were setup, and many were arrested, and some are still rotting away in horrible conditions inside prison cells to this day.

                                                            Even if Trump had no idea ahead of time that this was going to happen, it was still a disastrous decision for all those who foolishly attended the rally, and Trump did nothing afterward to pardon people before he left office, nor has he done anything to free people who were arrested since he left office.

                                                            Now, Big Pharma-funded Pro-Vaccine professionals want conservatives to go to D.C. again later this month, to “Protest Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates.”

                                                            Should you follow their leadership and head to D.C. to support them?

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                                                              CENSORED: $4.5 TRILLION Bank Bailout 4th Quarter 2019 Months Before COVID Exceeded 2008 Bailouts

                                                              Pam and Russ Martens of Wall Street on Parade have reported on the huge bank bailouts during the 4th quarter of 2019, months before COVID was declared to be a “pandemic” giving further evidence from a series of events at the end of 2019 that the “war on the virus” that has enslaved the entire world, was all planned long in advance by the Globalists.

                                                              Not reported in the media, either corporate news media nor anywhere else in the Alternative Media that I have seen, the Martens have exposed the fact that the bailouts of the biggest banks in New York far exceeded the bailouts during the 2008 financial crises, which of course was headline news back then.

                                                              This bailout of Wall Street in 2008 was the fuel that gave rise to the “Occupy Wall Street” movement that started in September of 2011, and spread around the world.

                                                              Unfortunately, the movement failed to create any lasting solutions, primarily because the Globalists and their corporate media painted it as a Liberal, Democratic movement, keeping most Conservative, Republicans on the sidelines.

                                                              I am afraid that the same failure awaits us in 2022, unless we learn to rise up together as AMERICANS, united together and not divided by the Left and Right paradigm, and the corrupt two party system that only gives us choices of either Republican or Democratic criminals all controlled by Wall Street, to put into political office to serve the bankers, and not the people.

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                                                                Crisis in America: Deaths Up 40% Among Those Aged 18-64 Based on Life Insurance Claims for 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccine Roll Outs

                                                                Finally, the “elephant in the room” that nobody wanted to discuss in 2021 regarding labor shortages and supply chain bottlenecks, which is that record number of younger people in the workforce were dying after the roll-out of the COVID-19 “vaccines,” can no longer be swept under the rug as statistics are being published that reveal a huge crisis developing in the United States.

                                                                Scott Davison, the CEO of OneAmerica, a $100 billion insurance company based out of Indiana, has come out publicly and stated that based on life insurance claims, the death rate has skyrocketed an unprecedented 40% among those between the ages of 18 and 64, based on the 3rd quarter and into the 4th quarter of 2021.

                                                                Margaret Menge reports from The Center Square:

                                                                The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

                                                                “We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

                                                                Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.

                                                                “And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.

                                                                “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”

                                                                • Doctor

                                                                  How Much Longer will the World Continue to Look to Medical Doctors to Save Them?

                                                                  “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.

                                                                  He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalms 23:1-4)

                                                                  These famous words penned by King David are known to many believers around the world, but how many of us actually believe them?

                                                                  My guess is very few, if any, actually believe these simple truths written in Psalm 23, and also expounded upon in so many other places in the Bible, that God is very capable of taking care of our needs, and that the entire needs of the human race were met by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and his resurrection from the dead.

                                                                  I would guess that most people who claim to believe in the words of Psalm 23 only believe in them when they are not “sick.” If they are “sick,” then the medical doctors are their “shepherd,” and instead of the “rod and staff” of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ, they look to the stethoscope and the rod of  Asclepius, or the Caduceus, the rod with the serpents intertwined around them, as the symbol and authority for their health.

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                                                                    A Look Back on 2021 and A Look Ahead on How to Survive 2022

                                                                    With the Year 2021 now in the rear-view mirror and Year 2022 lying in front of us, I want to take a quick look at what made headlines at Health Impact News in 2021, and look forward to what we might expect to see in 2022.

                                                                    As I wrote in our last article published in 2021, the roll-out of the COVID-19 “vaccines” and their reign of death and destruction was by far the main news we covered in 2021, the year The American Holocaust began.

                                                                    Of course the gene-altering bioweapon shots are just one component of the Globalists’ plan to implement a “Great Reset” which includes crashing and rebuilding the world’s financial system, and reducing the world’s population.

                                                                    • CDC-FDA-Corrupt-Vaccines-COVID-19-safety-data-768x543

                                                                      Attorney Siri: The CDC is Hiding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data

                                                                      Three prior posts explained how the FDA seeks to delay for 75+ years full production of Pfizer’s pre-licensure safety data.  While we have that fight, we submitted a request to the CDC, on behalf of ICAN, for the deidentified post-licensure safety data for the Covid-19 vaccines in the CDC’s v-safe system.  Even though this data is available in deidentified form (meaning, it includes no personal health information), the CDC refused to produce this data claiming it is not deidentified. 

                                                                      So, on behalf of ICAN, we filed a federal lawsuit against the CDC and its parent entity, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to force the CDC to produce this data to the public.  The CDC should have no issue doing so because it has already made this data available to a private company – Oracle – in deidentified form.  It is telling that Larry Ellison’s company can see the data American taxpayers paid the CDC to collect but the average American and independent scientists cannot?! 

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                                                                        Year 2021 was America's Holocaust: Unprecedented Lives Destroyed by Experimental COVID-19 "Vaccines"

                                                                        Year 2021 will go down in history as the year of unprecedented lives destroyed by experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

                                                                        What I am going to report here at the end of 2021 is that using the U.S. Government’s own data, available to the public (at least at the time of publication), proves conclusively that more people died and were injured by the experimental COVID-19 shots than all other vaccines combined for the past 32 years.

                                                                        I am going to refer to these COVID-19 experimental injections as “vaccines” since that is how the industry and the U.S. Government refers to them, even though this new class of drugs injected into people does not meet the classic definition of a “vaccine” prior to this year.

                                                                        I am going to keep this report very simple, and focus on only two data points of the experimental vaccines: reported cases and deaths.

                                                                        There are other data points that were headline news in 2021, such as the unprecedented amount of fetal deaths following these experimental vaccines, as well as the record number of people suffering and dying from heart disease following the injections, but we are just going to look at cases and deaths in this report, and I am going to expose some government data that I have not previously reported that will leave no doubt that 2021 was America’s holocaust.

                                                                        The Globalists and their puppet politicians are guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity, and if the people do not rise up and take these criminals down, things are only going to get worse in 2022.

                                                                        • epstein-and-maxwell

                                                                          Ghislaine Maxwell Found Guilty Of Helping Epstein Sexually Abuse Teen Girls

                                                                          After hearing from around 30 witnesses including the four accusers, the 12-person panel began deliberating in the case against Ghislaine Maxwell just before 5 p.m. on Dec. 20.

                                                                          “Maxwell was Jeffrey Epstein’s right hand,” Assistant US Attorney Alison Moe said in her closing statement.

                                                                          Today, after six days of deliberations over accusations that Maxwell helped pedophile Jeffrey Epstein mount a “pyramid scheme of abuse” involving underage girls, the jury came to their decision ahead of what was to be a working weekend through the new years’ break.

                                                                          The jury found her guilty on 5 of the 6 counts of luring and grooming underage girls for sexual abuse by Jeffrey Epstein, a verdict that offers some long-delayed justice for his victims.

                                                                          She was acquitted of one count of enticing a minor to travel across state lines to engage in an illegal sexual act.

                                                                          The verdict was largely a rejection of Ms. Maxwell’s defense, which centered on an argument that government’s case was based on flimsy evidence, prosecutors’ animus toward Mr. Epstein, and the inconsistent accounts of women who were motivated by money to point the finger at Ms. Maxwell.

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                                                                            Woman Confronts Justin Trudeau in Public Forum: "You Sold us Out to Globalism - What do we do with Traitors in Canada? We used to Hang them!"

                                                                            A video clip taken in Canada at a public forum has surfaced where a woman in the audience addresses Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and says:

                                                                            “You sold us out to globalism. You are not working for Canada. You are working for your globalist partners.

                                                                            I wonder how much they are paying you to betray Canada?

                                                                            What do we do with traitors in Canada Mr. Trudeau?

                                                                            We used to hang them. Hang them for treason.

                                                                            And you’re doing that very same thing to us now. We know what you’re doing.”

                                                                            We need to keep naming the murderers in public like this. I guarantee you it strikes fear into their hearts. We must not fear them!

                                                                            • Candace-and-Martin-700x441

                                                                              2 Views on Why Trump is Promoting the Experimental COVID-19 Injections - Which View is Correct?

                                                                              Conservative talk show host Candace Owens continues to deal with controversy from her interview with Donald Trump, and recently published a video of her explaining her views on Trump.

                                                                              She has publicly stated that she is against the COVID-19 shots:

                                                                              “I just will never ever let that vaccine into my body. I believe firmly that Big Pharma is the greatest evil on the face of the planet. I am healthy, young, in shape and simply unafraid of Covid-19.”

                                                                              And yet, she insists that her views on the shots do not conflict with Donald Trump publicly stating how he wants everyone to get the shots, and lying to the public by stating the same lies that are coming out of the mouths of Fauci, Biden, and others that the “unvaccinated” are filling the hospitals and dying from COVID right now.

                                                                              A few days ago, Dr. David Martin, who has been one of the leading voices in the Alternative media exposing the fraud behind Sars COVID for the past two years, was interviewed by Conservative host Seth Holehouse of “Man in America” where the 1-hour interview was titled “Why Does Trump Keep Promoting the Vaccine?”

                                                                              I have created a clip from that interview that I believe best sums up what Dr. David Martin said, and between what Candace Owens published, and the questions from pro-Trump Seth Holehouse that Dr. Martin answers, I think we have in under 10 minutes a succinct summary of the two current views about why Donald Trump is out pushing for everyone to get a COVID-19 injection.

                                                                              Listen to this short video, and then answer this question for yourself: Which view is more credible?

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                                                                                California Nurses Blow Whistle on "Overwhelming" Numbers of Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes as Doctors Refuse to Blame Vaccines for Fear of Losing Their Medical License

                                                                                In October this year we re-published an article from The Conejo Guardian, a nonprofit independent news publication in Ventura County, California.

                                                                                In that article they reported that the remaining unvaccinated staff in the hospitals were the only ones telling the truth about the volume of people coming into the hospital suffering from side effects of the COVID-19 experimental shots.

                                                                                “They don’t want to report that they’re seeing 80 percent of the people in the ER are vaccinated, but only 40 percent of the county is vaccinated,” one nurse stated.

                                                                                The Conejo Guardian has now published a follow-up article with a couple of nurses, including one vaccinated nurse who has received two doses of the experimental shots but says he will NOT get any of the boosters, and that he and his wife have decided to leave the State of California once their child reaches school age, as they do not believe children should be injected with these shots.

                                                                                These nurses have come forward to report the rise in unexplained heart problems, strokes and blood clotting in local vaccinated patient populations. They also say doctors refuse to consider that these could be adverse reactions to COVID shots.

                                                                                These nurses also report that conditions in the hospitals right now are so bad that they are in “survival mode,” as there are not enough staff to handle the influx of these vaccine-injured patients, and they are thrusting new nurses into these situations with very little training, making the situation even worse.

                                                                                So while many of the ethical nurses and hospital staff who refused to get injected with the bioweapon shots have now been fired or have quit, it appears that vaccinated nurses and staff that remain are starting to wake up also, and many of them may soon be leaving the medical system as well as they do not want to get never-ending booster injections and work in these over-crowded workplaces where they can clearly see that the majority of the patients are suffering from the side effects of the shots.

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                                                                                  FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA's Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking

                                                                                  Russ Winter of Winter Watch published an article earlier this month (December, 2021) about the FBI declassifying files on a CIA group called “The Finders” and the McMartin preschool Satanic child trafficking case in Los Angeles in the 1980s.

                                                                                  We have referenced this case and the secret CIA group The Finders in the past here at Health Impact News, as former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson was actively involved in this case, which we referenced in our June, 2020 article, Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order.

                                                                                  After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, a shadow government that controls the U.S. government.

                                                                                  Gunderson discovered that in the U.S. there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice.

                                                                                  One of those groups is The Finders, which Gunderson said is operated by the CIA. He wrote a book on The Finders, which can still be downloaded from his website (Ted Gunderson died in 2011).

                                                                                  This is the same CIA group that the FBI just declassified many of the files from their investigation into The Finders, although many names remain redacted to protect the guilty.

                                                                                  The vehicle that is used by the U.S. Government and the CIA to traffick these children and run these Satanic ritual abuse networks, is the government funded Child Social Services and Foster Care network, most commonly known as “CPS” (Child Protection Services).

                                                                                  Massive government funds exist for all 50 U.S. States that can only be collected if they meet certain quotas of children put into this system, so many children are literally kidnapped, mostly medically kidnapped, from their parents to meet the demand for children in this evil, Satanic system, which is mostly operated by Christian Churches collecting funds from the Government.

                                                                                  Many people have courageously tried to expose this evil system that exists in every state and every county within the U.S., and sadly, many of them are now dead.

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                                                                                    Christmas 2021: 3010 Dead Babies 14,639 Cases of Heart Disease After 1 Year of Experimental COVID-19 Shots

                                                                                    After one year of testing a new class of “vaccines” on the American public and citizens around the world to fight a never-ending “pandemic” and “virus” that cannot even be isolated in a laboratory, the U.S. Government-owned Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which most of the country, including doctors and medical professionals, do not even know exists, shows that the evidence is overwhelming: the COVID-19 experimental shots are killing and crippling an unprecedented amount of people, including unborn children in the womb.

                                                                                    There are now 1,842,459 cases reported in the VAERS database since it’s inception in 1990, which includes 29,859 total deaths reported.

                                                                                    Of these 1,842,459 cases for the past 30+ years, over half of them, 983,758 cases, have been filed in the past year following the experimental COVID-19 shots.

                                                                                    Of the 29,859 deaths recorded following vaccines for the past 30+ years, 20,622 of those deaths (nearly 70%) have been recorded in the past year following the experimental COVID-19 shots.

                                                                                    This is the U.S. Government’s own data, and it is censored in the pharma-funded corporate media, as well as on social media where “fact checkers” declare it to be false if you try to publish it.

                                                                                    Merry Christmas America.

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                                                                                      President Trump Lies to Candace Owens: Unvaccinated People are Dying and Filling the Hospitals

                                                                                      Former President Donald Trump continued his tour across the country in his new job as marketing rep for Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J today, appearing in an interview with Right Wing Conservative Candace Owens.

                                                                                      When Candace Owens tried to get the former president to admit the vaccines were not working as planned, pointing out that more people had died this year from COVID-19 under Biden than they did under his presidency when there was no vaccine yet, Trump doubled down and parroted the same lie that Joe Biden, Fauci, the CDC, and the FDA keep saying, and blamed the deaths and hospitalizations on the unvaccinated.

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                                                                                        Louisiana Nurse: “We Have Had More Children Die From The COVID Vaccine Than Of COVID Itself - The Madness Has to Stop!”

                                                                                        Due to the purge of healthcare workers who refuse to submit to mandatory COVID-19 gene-altering injections, these nurse whistleblower videos and stories are becoming less and less available, as most of the previous whistleblowers in healthcare we have covered, who admit that fully “vaccinated” people are now filling the hospitals, have since quit or been fired from their jobs.

                                                                                        So as Operation Omicron is implemented where our government has already stated there are going to be massive deaths and injuries that are going to overwhelm the hospitals, will we ever truly know the extent of how many children are going to be sacrificed to the Vaccine gods and end up dead or crippled for life?

                                                                                        Collette Martin, a practicing nurse of seventeen years, spoke at a Louisiana Health & Welfare hearing earlier this month about what she has seen in the hospital system during the COVID pandemic.

                                                                                        Collette says she and her colleagues have witnessed “terrifying” reactions to the COVID shots, but their concerns about the vaccines are being ignored and dismissed.

                                                                                        Collete went on to say that vaccine-injury report databases like VAERS are so little used that most doctors and nurses don’t even know that it exists, let alone how to file a report.

                                                                                        She states:

                                                                                        “As of now, we have more children that died from the COVID vaccine than COVID itself. And then for the Health Department to come out and say the new variant has all the side effects of the vaccine reactions we’re currently seeing now.

                                                                                        It’s maddening, and I don’t understand why more people don’t see it. I think they do, but they fear speaking out and, even worse, being fired.”

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                                                                                          Popular COVID Home Test Kit Contains Lethal Drug that is Fatal

                                                                                          Greg Reese of Infowars.com recently published a report that reveals a lethal drug that is included in Abbott’s BinaxNOW COVID-19 Home Test Kit has a history of killing people even in small doses.

                                                                                          The instructions for the test kit warn that this is a “hazardous” ingredient that is not to be touched, but that warning does not state that it could cause death or organ failures.

                                                                                          Greg produced this report as a warning for those who travel and may be rushed to take this test, which is authorized to be used with children as young as 2-years-old.

                                                                                          But since he published this report a few days ago, the Biden Administration has since stated that they are invoking the Defense Protection Act to spend $3 BILLION to purchase and make available a half billion of these COVID home testing kits for all Americans.

                                                                                          Why would they include such a dangerous drug in these home test kits?

                                                                                          One obvious reason is that these test kits are NOT approved by the FDA, but only given emergency use authorization (EUA), so the manufacturer is not responsible for any “accidents” that might happen causing organ failure or death.

                                                                                          • ADRs-EU-Dec18-head-table-768x581

                                                                                            34,337 Deaths 3,120,439 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as UK Public Data Show 35 Deaths 213 Hospitalizations Among Booster Triple Vaccinated

                                                                                            The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 32,649 fatalities, and 3,003,296 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots.

                                                                                            Meanwhile, The Exposé is reporting that public health data in the UK shows that the vast majority of deaths and hospitalizations in the UK are among those vaccinated, and now there are 35 deaths and 213 hospitalizations being reported among those who have received booster shots and are triple-vaccinated.

                                                                                            We also report on a few examples of stories of victims who sacrificed themselves to the Vaccine Cult and have now had their lives terminated or ruined.

                                                                                            • Balcony-garden-1

                                                                                              Bloom Where You’re Planted: Prepping to Survive Where You Are RIGHT NOW

                                                                                              Have you ever heard anyone utter some variation of one of these comments?

                                                                                              “I’m going to start prepping as soon as I can move.”

                                                                                              “I can’t prepare because I live in a tiny apartment.”

                                                                                              “Well, once we are able to get moved to our farm in two years I’ll start prepping hardcore.”

                                                                                              “I’m saving the money for moving instead of using it for preps.”

                                                                                              “There’s no point in prepping here because if the SHTF I’ll be dead.”

                                                                                              Maybe you didn’t overhear someone else saying it. Maybe you said it yourself. One of the most common excuses that people use for prepper procrastination is the unsuitability of where they currently live.

                                                                                              This is the kind of thinking that will get people killed.

                                                                                              Even if your situation is less than ideal, you have to get prepped.

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                                                                                                Biden: "President Trump and I agree" on COVID Booster Shots - FEMA and Troops Deployed to Increase Vaccination Rates

                                                                                                President Biden spoke from the White House today to try and convince all Americans to “get vaccinated” to protect themselves from the dreaded “Omicron COVID-19 virus.”

                                                                                                As has been his practice from the beginning, he started out by lying to the American people by stating that 400,000 Americans have now died from COVID this year, and that almost all of them were “unvaccinated.”

                                                                                                The CDC’s own statistics show that tens of thousands of people have died, and hundreds of thousands have been hospitalized, following COVID-19 shots, so how can they then look at the American public in the eye and lie by stating that almost all the deaths associated with COVID-19 are among the unvaccinated?

                                                                                                The people who have been fooled into taking these deadly shots are the ones filling the hospitals right now, and numerous whistleblowers from among healthcare workers working inside these hospitals have confirmed this.

                                                                                                So the push right now is to get as many people as possible injected with booster shots, and President Biden stated in his address today that he and former President Donald Trump are in agreement on this.

                                                                                                Biden also announced today that he was sending 1000 troops to hospitals across the country to get ready for the massive deaths and injuries that they will blame on “Omicron,” but in reality will be due to massive vaccination campaigns for the booster shots.

                                                                                                In addition to the troops being sent to “overwhelmed hospitals,” Biden announced that FEMA will be deploying “10,000 new vaccination sites” with new “pop-up” clinics around the country.

                                                                                                I suspect many of these “pop-up” clinics will be hosted in churches and run by Christian organizations, and there will undoubtedly be many of these “pop-up” clinics in elementary schools as well, as Biden urged parents to get their children injected with the bioweapon shots, and proudly announced that there have now been 6 million children between the ages of 5 and 11 injected.

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                                                                                                  School District in New York Sends out Email Warning Parents of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Students Grades K-12

                                                                                                  Eastport-South Manor Central School District (ESM) in Suffolk County, New York sent out an email to all parents informing them about the new physician in their district. The new hiring was part of the new regulations regarding Sudden Cardiac Arrest of students Grades K- 12.

                                                                                                  The Gateway Pundit obtained a copy of the email where the ESM stated that there’s a new regulation where all districts are now required to ensure that nurses and coaches can address the treatment and monitoring of students who exhibit signs and symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest.

                                                                                                  In addition, districts are required to make sure that all staff are aware of the warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest and what to do if a person experiences sudden cardiac arrest, the email continued.

                                                                                                  A concerned parent reached out to The Gateway Pundit saying that the email is very suspicious, considering New York is very close to mandating the COVID shot for students to attend school.

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                                                                                                    Trump Attacks His Own Supporters for Not Endorsing His COVID-19 Vaccines - Republicans "Opposing" Vaccine Mandates Own Stock in Pfizer, Moderna, J&J

                                                                                                    In an effort to obviously continue the blockbuster sales of COVID-19 shots and get more people to take the booster shots since the original doses no longer work, Anthony Fauci was interviewed on CNBC this weekend and stated that he wanted the definition of “vaccinated” to now mean only those people who have been injected with the original doses, and the current booster shot.

                                                                                                    This would, of course, swell the number of people in the United States considered “unvaccinated” considerably, just after news reports surfaced over the weekend that the CDC had “underestimated” the number of unvaccinated people in the U.S. by “millions.”

                                                                                                    President Trump also appeared in public this weekend with Bill O’Reilly to help Big Pharma push their booster shots, declaring, along with Bill O’Reilly, that he was fully vaccinated and had received his booster shot.

                                                                                                    He pleaded with his supporters to join him in “taking credit” for rolling out the COVID-19 shots in 2020, and stated that those who did not agree with his position on the COVID-19 shots were “playing right into their hands” by letting the Democrats and the Biden Administration take all the credit for them.

                                                                                                    When Trump asked his audience if they agreed with him, which would be basically asking them to “take credit” for what is now tens of thousands of deaths and nearly 1 million adverse events following the COVID-19 shots, which is more deaths and injuries than following all FDA-approved vaccines for the past 31 years, the crowd cheered.

                                                                                                    When he announced that he had taken a COVID-19 booster shot, you can hear some boos in the background, which drew the ire of the former President who tried to belittle them by stating that they were just a “tiny group” who did not agree with him.

                                                                                                    Trump seemingly is able to maintain this cult-like following from even those who consider themselves anti-vaxxers by always throwing in the phrase “but it should be your choice, they should not be mandated,” which then somehow makes his position on the bioweapons killing and maiming people OK with his followers.

                                                                                                    This is the great deception that is currently being used by the Republican Party to try and make themselves look like they are opposed to Big Pharma: just oppose the vaccine mandates.

                                                                                                    However, a recent report published by Business Insider reveals that many Republican lawmakers who state they oppose vaccine “mandates” actually own stock in the pharmaceutical companies producing the vaccines, and are profiting from them.

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                                                                                                      In Times of Distress Who Can You Turn to for Comfort?

                                                                                                      In a recent article I wrote about the need for those of us who know the truth to “stand firm” against the forces of evil, and tell other people the good news that the end will come when Jesus restores everything, defeating Satan and handing the Kingdom over to the Father.

                                                                                                      I wrote:

                                                                                                      “And living by these truths makes us enemies of the world system currently ruled by Satan, which means any beliefs we have that make us think we deserve an easy and carefree life, is a lie from Satan himself.

                                                                                                      The true believer who lives by these truths is ALWAYS a persecuted believer who has to endure great hardship. It has always been that way, and it always will be, until the final end where Christ returns.”

                                                                                                      Does this mean that as we watch the world around us descend into chaos, where many have already suffered or died due to the eugenic practices of the medical mafia and the vaccine cult, and where many more may die and suffer in the days ahead, that we are to just expect that our lives will be filled with stress, anxiety, and extreme sorrow and pain with no hope for relief in this life?

                                                                                                      No. For the person who truly believes and knows Jesus Christ, we are promised great comfort while we endure extreme sorrow and hardships in this life, and that is what I want to look at in this article.

                                                                                                      In his second letter to the believers living in the city of Corinth contained in the Bible, Paul wrote:

                                                                                                      “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

                                                                                                      For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.”

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                                                                                                        The CDC Caught in their Own Lies: The Unvaccinated in the U.S. for COVID-19 is "Millions" More than Originally Reported

                                                                                                        For almost a year now I have been stating that the CDC has been lying to the public about the COVID-19 shots, using their own data from VAERS to prove it.

                                                                                                        Now the corporate media is reporting the same thing: the CDC’s statistics on COVID-19 “vaccines,” in this case the total amount of people in the U.S. who are “vaccinated” with a COVID-19 shot, have been overstated by “millions.”

                                                                                                        Yahoo News reports:

                                                                                                        “The U.S. government has overcounted the number of Americans who are at least partly vaccinated against the coronavirus, Bloomberg reports.

                                                                                                        Why it matters: Millions more people than initially thought are unprotected as coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths are rising across the country.

                                                                                                        Three states — Illinois, Pennsylvania and West Virginia — found enough over-counting of first shots to indicate millions of unvaccinated people had mistakenly been counted as having received a dose.”

                                                                                                        What’s especially interesting is that the corporate news report quoted two state officials who admitted that the data from the CDC was worthless.

                                                                                                        James Garrow, a spokesperson for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, which has worked with the state to blend data sets for a more accurate view of vaccination trends, said “we don’t have any faith in the numbers on the CDC website, and we never refer to them.”

                                                                                                        “The truth is, we have no idea,” said Clay Marsh, West Virginia’s Covid czar.

                                                                                                        This news comes out the day following a report published by The Exposé that the UK Government was lying about the number of unvaccinated and that instead of 5 million unvaccinated in the UK, they now admit that it is 23.5 million who have refused the jab, over 40% of their population.

                                                                                                        This cannot all be a “coincidence,” so we need to ask the question: Why are they suddenly admitting this?

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                                                                                                          Pfizer Starts Injecting 3rd Dose of Experimental COVID Shot into Infants and Children as Omicron Pushes Sales to $50 BILLION+

                                                                                                          Pfizer is back in the news again today.

                                                                                                          Article 1: “Pfizer plans to test a third dose of its COVID vaccine on infants and young children”

                                                                                                          Excerpts: Pfizer-BioNTech announced Friday that they will expand ongoing clinical trials of their COVID-19 vaccine in children to include a third dose for participants as young as 6 months old.

                                                                                                          Testing a third dose will cause a delay in submission of data to regulators to authorize use in the U.S. In the fall, Pfizer’s CEO said the company expected to have data for this age group by the end of 2021. Now, the company says that they would expect to file results in the “first half of 2022” if trials are successful.

                                                                                                          The companies said two doses did not produce a robust immune response in kids 2 to 5 years old.

                                                                                                          Article 2: “Pfizer’s peak COVID sales now pegged at $50B-plus, with vaccine still hauling in $25B by 2027: analysts”

                                                                                                          Excerpts: A confluence of new developments has shifted the landscape for COVID-19 drugs.

                                                                                                          Consider the omicron variant and others presumably to follow, which could extend the pandemic. Then there’s the ineffectiveness of Regeneron and Eli Lilly antibody treatments against the new strain—and the declining potential of Merck & Co.’s oral antiviral to treat COVID-19.

                                                                                                          Add these factors together and what do you have?

                                                                                                          Mammoth sales ahead for Pfizer’s COVID-19 franchise…

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                                                                                                            UK Government Caught Lying: 23.5 Million People in England Have NOT had a Single Dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine

                                                                                                            For months the British public have been deceived with tales that there are just 5 million people in the United Kingdom who have refused to take up the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine. But today we can reveal that this is a lie.

                                                                                                            It is a complete fabrication that has no doubt been used to make those who have refused the jab feel as if they are part of a minority, because an official UK Government report proves that in England alone there are approximately 23.5 million people who have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

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                                                                                                              Operation Omicron: The Globalists are Preparing for Mass Murder in the Weeks Ahead

                                                                                                              If you are among those who have not succumbed to the psychological warfare that has been inflicted upon the world through the “war against the COVID-19 virus” and remain unvaccinated with a healthy heart and sound mind, get ready for the next phase of this “war” against the “virus,” as Operation Omicron is about to be unleashed, and there are going to be massive casualties, all blamed on you and me, the unvaccinated.

                                                                                                              The script has been written, and the message has been delivered this week by the usual puppet spokespeople to the public.

                                                                                                              If you want to protect yourself from this “Omicron” variant, do the exact opposite of what the Globalists tell you, because those who will die and suffer crippling injuries, will be the ones who rush out and get their shots, and NOT the unvaccinated.

                                                                                                              Whatever this “omicron” is, the main way you will get it is through a needle injecting it into you.

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                                                                                                                CDC Admits COVID-19 Shots Causing Heart Disease but Won't Stop the Injections - Does Pfizer Now Control the CDC and FDA?

                                                                                                                The United States CDC updated their “Adverse Events” page on COVID-19 shots today where they admit that there are now 1,908 reported cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID-19 shots among young people below the age of 30.

                                                                                                                This compares to, on the same page, 57 cases of “Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)” and 278 cases of “Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)” for all age groups, not just those under the age of 30.

                                                                                                                As we have reported in the past, the CDC typically uses “selective bias” when reporting these “adverse events” to make the numbers look much lower than they actually are.

                                                                                                                But with the cases of heart disease now skyrocketing, even with their selective bias it can be clearly seen that we are dealing with a very high number of these injuries showing that their assertion that these side effects of heart disease are “rare” is completely absurd.

                                                                                                                When we include all the other cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in their own data within VAERS for young people under the age of 30, the number is actually 3,262 cases.

                                                                                                                When we remove the age limit of 30 years old, the cases of carditis skyrocket up to 12,855 cases.

                                                                                                                For another comparison, and again using THEIR DATA from VAERS, if we look at cases of heart disease following all non-COVID vaccines, which include the flu shots, all the childhood vaccines in the CDC schedule, and every other non-COVID vaccine currently being distributed in the U.S. for the same time period (since last December when the COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization), we find 125 cases.

                                                                                                                12,855 cases of heart disease following COVID-19 experimental shots for the past year, compared to 125 cases of heart disease following all FDA-approved vaccines for the past year.

                                                                                                                And the CDC calls this “rare”?

                                                                                                                This is the government data from the CDC and FDA, and it is under-reported, according to experts, by a factor of between 20X to 41X or more.

                                                                                                                Why are these shots still on the market killing and crippling people with heart disease?

                                                                                                                There can only be one explanation. Pfizer now controls the FDA and CDC, and I would go so far as to say they control the United States, including deciding who gets elected to approve their products.

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                                                                                                                  32,649 Deaths 3,003,296 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions as Young, Previously Healthy People Continue to Suffer

                                                                                                                  The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 32,649 fatalities, and 3,003,296 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.

                                                                                                                  A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries.

                                                                                                                  The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.)

                                                                                                                  So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured following COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here.

                                                                                                                  In putting some names and faces to these cold, hard statistics, we report on a college basketball star who was pressured to take the Pfizer shot and now has heart disease and his career is over, before it even started, not to mention that his life span may also be significantly reduced because of the experimental shot.

                                                                                                                  We also have a report from an attorney in Australia who states that he has a “long list” of children injured by the COVID-19 shots and is seeking a class action lawsuit, as he discusses one of his clients, a 12-year-old boy who can no longer walk, being confined to a wheelchair, after taking the Pfizer shot.

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                                                                                                                    Have You Prepared for the Imminent Stock Market Crash?

                                                                                                                    So here we are: every box of a bubble top about to burst with unimaginable force is ticked. Traders sporting gray streaks in their ponytails know from experience that every bubble pops, and all the endless analysis after the fact boils down to: things changed.

                                                                                                                    Timing is everything in a crash: as Thomas Hobbes is reputed to have observed, “Hell is the truth seen too late.” Well said, T.H.: when the market goes bidless, it’s too late to preserve capital, never mind all those life-changing gains.

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                                                                                                                      310 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 177 Dead, After COVID Shot

                                                                                                                      It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID shot. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID shot, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.

                                                                                                                      The so-called health professionals running the COVID shot programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID shot is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”

                                                                                                                      So in response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021 after receiving one or more COVID shots.

                                                                                                                      Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening after the first COVID vaccinations.

                                                                                                                      The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a heart attack. Many of those die – about 50%.

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                                                                                                                        Hospital Tries to Medically Kidnap Children Given Ivermectin by Parents

                                                                                                                        The medical mafia and their reign of terror continues in the United States.

                                                                                                                        A very disturbing video from a woman in New Hampshire has emerged where she recorded hospital personnel and child social service agents trying to hunt down a father who reported he was giving his children Ivermectin.

                                                                                                                        There is allegedly a court order issued to remove the children from the custody of their father.

                                                                                                                        Today in the United States it is perfectly acceptable to abuse your child and attempt to murder them by injecting them with an experimental gene altering shot that is not even approved by the FDA, but if you give your child a drug that IS approved by the FDA with a safety track record of over 30 years, they will take away your children because they want to inject them with a COVID-19 shot instead.

                                                                                                                        Also, Attorney Aaron Siri, a Vaccine Injury attorney who is currently suing the FDA, has reported that the FDA is now seizing orders of Ivermectin coming into the U.S.

                                                                                                                        The medical mafia and their cartel just won’t allow any competition for their bioweapon COVID-19 shots, and they will do everything they can to try and destroy you and your family, including kidnapping your children, to make you comply.

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                                                                                                                          Vitamin C: Nature's Super Medicine That Cures Disease and Threatens Big Pharma Profits

                                                                                                                          When the “COVID Pandemic” began in China in 2020, which we now know was just a politicized version of the annual flu infections, doctors in China immediately began using Vitamin C to quickly cure people.

                                                                                                                          American doctors also began using Vitamin C therapy with great success in treating “COVID.” They were so successful, that some were arrested and others were forced to take down their websites.

                                                                                                                          Health Impact News was also attacked by the Facebook “Fact Checkers” that tried to discredit our reporting on this topic.

                                                                                                                          If you search Health Impact News for “vitamin c,” you will get 397 results, and some amazing articles on just how powerful this natural medicine is.

                                                                                                                          The most comprehensive article and video presentation is one done by Dr. Suzanne Humphries in 2014, and I am going to reproduce the article we did on that presentation, and we have also re-uploaded her video to our Bitchute channel.

                                                                                                                          The most potent form is through IV drips, but most hospitals will not allow it. I personally use a liposomal version of Vitamin C, as it allows me to take much higher doses without disturbing my stomach, as ascorbic acid can irritate your stomach. A buffered version can help, but I do better with the liposomal version (and no, I do NOT sell Vitamin C).

                                                                                                                          When news first broke in early 2020 on the success in treating coronavirus patients in China, all forms of Vitamin C became hard to find. The ascorbic acid powders can be stored indefinitely, so stocking up on this would be wise.