Will Californians Allow Medical Tyranny to Rule through Forced Vaccination? What to do Next

The California Legislature passed and on June 29, 2015 Governor Jerry Brown signed California Senate Bill 277 into law. The law, which does not take effect until July 1, 2016, removes the personal belief vaccine exemption for children attending daycare and public and private schools. Against the backdrop of the rest of the United States, California stands alone in the minority. Out of the 11 states that had bills filed to remove either the personal belief/conscientious/philosophical or religious exemptions during the 2015 legislative cycle [CA, MD, ME, NC, OK, OR, PA, RI, TX, VT and WA], California was the only state where the legislature passed a bill leaving only the medical exemption.

California Now Wants to be First State to Mandate Adult Vaccines – Criminal Penalties for those Who Refuse

In a brazen act of medical tyranny, California recently became the first state in the U.S. to remove religious exemptions to those opposing vaccines for their children. The bill now signed into law, SB277, faces legal hurdles in court next. Now, legislators in California want to pass the "first US adult vaccine mandate with NO personal exemptions and CRIMINAL penalties for failure to comply." SB 792, would eliminate an adult’s right to exempt themselves from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure. Will California soon become a medical police state?

Drug Companies Donated Millions to California Lawmakers Before Vaccine Bill SB277 was Drafted

The Sacramento Bee is reporting this week what the alternative media has been reporting for months: California State lawmakers supporting bill SB277 to remove all parental exemptions to vaccines have direct financial ties to the makers of vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies and their trade groups gave more than $2 million to current members of the Legislature in 2013-2014, about 2 percent of the total raised, records show. Nine of the top 20 recipients are either legislative leaders or serve on either the Assembly or Senate health committees. Receiving more than $95,000, the top recipient of industry campaign cash is Sen. Richard Pan, a Sacramento Democrat and doctor who is carrying the vaccine bill. In addition, the industry donated more than $500,000 to outside campaign spending groups that helped elect some current members last year. Pharmaceutical companies also spent nearly $3 million more during the 2013-2014 legislative session lobbying the Legislature, the governor, the state pharmacists’ board and other agencies, according to state filings.

California Entertainment Industry Leads Nation on Vaccine Choice – Why are They not Speaking out on SB277?

Wealthy, educated parents in southern California who are in the heart of the entertainment industry, from Malibu to Hollywood, lead the nation in rates of personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations among students in some of the wealthiest private schools in the country. However, if SB277 becomes law, that choice will be taken away. Why aren't more entertainment leaders and public figures speaking out against medical tyranny in California? Only Mississippi and West Virginia have no parental exemptions in place for vaccine choice. Has anybody checked the rankings of these two states in children health categories? Do California parents really want to mimic health policies in these two states? Mississippi has the highest childhood vaccination rates in the country, but also lead the country in infant mortality rates, ranking dead last. One high profile California resident has made his position on vaccines known: Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Are Silicon Valley billionaires influencing public policy on forced vaccinations?

Vaccines: The Battle for Informed Consent to Medical Procedures

As we have previously published, the current vaccine debate in America is not a debate between extremists positions, pitting extremist anti-vaccine doctors (doctors who do not give any vaccines at all) against extremist pro-vaccine doctors (all vaccines are good, and should be given to all people, all the time, by force if necessary.) Most medical professionals do not hold either of these extreme positions, but fall somewhere in between. No matter what your views are on the vaccine continuum, and whether you lean towards pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, everyone should be concerned about giving up our rights to "informed consent" to medical procedures. If we give up this basic human right for "the greater good" of society on vaccines, where will it end? How will our country be any different than Nazi Germany and the atrocities committed by German doctors that horrified the world, and was the center of prosecution in the Nuremberg Trials? Is the American public going to allow a handful of politicians tied into the most extreme view of the vaccine debate set policy for all the citizens of the United States? Norma Erickson of SaneVax.org addresses the subject of "informed consent" and the dangers represented by proposed California vaccine bill SB277.

Parents, Vaccinations, and the Power of the State

Replacing the sacred parental right to responsibly decide a child's vaccination need with an authoritarian mandate merely creates an illusion of a nation willing to protect fundamental freedoms. Such a course inevitably erodes essential foundations of good governance. Those who came before us built our constitutional democratic republic upon the foundations of faith, family, and freedom. The self-evident inviolable standard that parents are best equipped to make decisions in the best interests of their children is not subject to the morally relative utilitarian whim of shifting governmental regime preferences. Government is supposed to protect a parent's freedom, not seize it and exercise it for them.

California Wants to be First State to Classify Unvaccinated Adults who Work with Children as Criminals

SB 792, would eliminate an adult's right to exempt themselves from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure. This bill would make California the first state to require mandated vaccinations for all childcare workers, including all private and public school early childhood education programs (Headstart, Private preK and preschools), family daycares, and daycare centers. ALL employed adults must be up-to-date on each vaccine listed on CDC's adult immunization schedule (except HPV) or be denied employment. To work with children in these situations without complying with the full CDC recommended vaccine schedule would become a criminal act.

Has California Sold Out to Big Pharma to Lead the Nation in Medical Tyranny?

Dr. Richard Pan of California is the author of one of the most tyrannical bills currently being proposed in the U.S. to take away the right to informed consent for a medical procedure. SB277 is a proposed California bill that would remove all personal belief exemptions to vaccines and prevent children from attending school unless they are fully vaccinated. A hearing on SB277 was held at the State Capital on April 15, 2015. The support was overwhelming opposed to the bill, with only 53 people present supporting the bill, and 743 present opposing it. The Senate Education committee did not take a vote on the bill that day, as several members of the committee had reservations about it. A vote was put off until April 22nd, one week later. At the April 22 meeting, after 13 minutes of discussion, the committee passed the bill by a vote of 7 to 2. What happened? How could the committee pass a bill with so much opposition from their constituents?

Top California Pediatricians: Don’t Dictate Vaccines to Parents

The mainstream media and the U.S. Government would like everyone in the world to think that medical doctors are unanimous in their beliefs regarding vaccines. But that is hardly the case. The fact is that medical doctors who question vaccines and see positive results in their clinical practice by delaying or eliminating vaccines are routinely censored in the mainstream media. Here we bring you a very informative interview by Mother Jones editor Kiera Butler with Dr. Stacia Kenet Lansman, the founder of Pediatric Alternatives in Marin County, California. The pediatricians in this California practice suggest that families delay certain childhood immunizations, and forego others entirely.

Find A Compassionate Doctor To Help You Prevent Vaccine Injuries

by Barbara Loe Fisher
National Vaccine Information Center

Ever since the first vaccines – smallpox and rabies vaccines – one of the most serious complications of […]

CA Vaccine Bill Legislates "Freedom Only With Permission"

by Dr. Tim O’ Shea
CA Bill 2109
“This bill, if passed, would require parents to obtain the signature of a “health care practitioner” for a personal […]

California Lawmaker Ridicules Parents over Vaccine Choice

The Canary Party

Dr. Pan Does Not Believe Parents Accounts Of Mistreatment On Vaccine Decisions!

Have you ever been harassed, bullied or kicked out of a […]

The California Whooping Cough Cover Up

By Dr. Mercola

2011 was the first year in more than two decades during which […]




It is hard to believe, but the California Legislature has done […]