HPV Vaccine Scam: NIH Scientist Exposes Corruption in Cancer and Vaccine Industries

Dr. Mahin Khatami has written a scathing commentary on the HPV vaccine that was published this month (December 2016) in the journal Clinical and Translational Medicine. The title is: "Safety concerns and hidden agenda behind HPV vaccines: another generation of drug-dependent society?" Dr. Khatami's bio is quite extensive, and as a retired professor and former program director at both the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Cancer Institute (NCI), her criticisms of both the cancer and vaccine industries cannot easily be written off as the work of a "quack," which is the standard response from the medical industry who seeks to discredit anyone who does not tow the party line.

Iowa Girl Faces Death: Life Destroyed by Gardasil Vaccine

The VAXXED film crew continues interviewing people who are vaccine damaged around the country. They were recently in Iowa, and interviewed the family of Sydney Weggen. Sydney states that before Gardasil she used to dance up to 5 hours every day, but now she does not dance at all. Sydney began to have appetite problems, not being able to eat much. She began to lose weight. She lost over 20 lbs. before her 12th birthday and became anemic. Doctors thought at this point it was a psychiatric problem, and not physical. The parents were told it was "all in her head." As her condition continued to deteriorate, blood work done suggested there was something physical going on, and she was referred to the university hospital to check for some autoimmune sickness, such as Crohn's Disease or Lupus. After being admitted to the University of Iowa Hospital, they ran further tests. Her right lung was found full of fluid. But the doctors could not figure out what the problem was, and so they waited for more specialists to look at her. As they waited, her weight dropped to only 66 lbs., and her parents realized that she was dying.

Gardasil Vaccine Given without Consent and Ruins Life of 14 Year Old Girl

The VAXXED film crew continues interviewing people who are vaccine damaged around the country. In this interview in Nebraska, 14 year old Savannah Snyder is interviewed along with her mother Sarah. Savannah talks about her experiences in receiving her 7th grade required vaccines. Her mother Sarah explains that she only gave permission for Savannah to receive the required vaccines. Gardasil, the HPV vaccine, is an optional vaccine. Sarah explains that she had been warned about this vaccine and wanted to investigate it further. But Savannah was given the Gardasil vaccine anyway, without their original knowledge. She immediately started suffering some side effects, such as a headache, almost fainting, and skin rashes breaking out. She soon developed pneumonia and other infections. As time went on, things got worse. She started experiencing seizures, including grand mal seizures. She was hospitalized many times for severe pain. Her mother tearfully explains that Savannah would wake up in the middle of the night and state that she was dying. Like many other parents of children with Gardasil injuries, Sarah relates how they had little support, and that most people just thought it was all in Savannah's head. But after a trip to the Mayo clinic, Savannah was diagnosed with POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), a known side effect of Gardasil that affects the heart. Savannah explains that before the Gardasil shot, she was very active and athletic. She was in the process of joining a gym. Now, she has difficulties speaking and walking and needs a feeding tube.

After 3 Years of Suffering 19 Year Old Girl Dies from Gardasil Vaccine Injuries

In this video filmed by the VAXXED film team, a tearful mother tells the story of the biggest decision she ever made and will regret the rest of her life, when she allowed her teen-aged daughter Kate, a tall and accomplished student athlete at the time, to receive the Gardasil HPV vaccine. Her health began to decline, and the last 3 years of her life she suffered in terrible pain and had to be on a feeding tube. She tragically died at the age of 19.

Retracted Paper Linking HPV Vaccine to Behavioral Issues Republished

A retracted study linking the vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) to behavioral problems in mice has been republished by a different journal. In February, the journal Vaccine temporarily removed the study without explanation, and told the authors the editor had asked for further review. Later that month, Vaccine retracted the paper, citing “serious concerns regarding the scientific soundness of the article,” and “seriously flawed” methodology. In July, another journal — Immunologic Research — republished the paper.

Is There Objective Science to Justify HPV Vaccine Programs?

Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, earlier this year delivered a lecture at the 4th International Symposium on Vaccines, in Leipzig, Germany. The title of her session was: Is There Objective Evidence That the Current HPV Vaccination Programs are not Justified? Dr. Tomljenovic asks: what is the evidence, if any, that the HPV vaccine prevents cervical cancer and, therefore, can offer long-term benefits? Those perceived benefits have to justify the severe adverse reactions to the vaccines, which include postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), Primary Ovarian Failure, among many other autoimmune disorders. What the clinical trials for HPV have shown is that they can prevent some portion of lesions caused by HPV-16 and -18 viruses. And so, obviously, it was deduced from that it’s likely that the vaccine would prevent cervical cancer. The issue is, can someone make such a leap making such a conclusion?

Flawed HPV Vaccine Safety Statement Revealed in Leaked E-Mails

In chaos theory, there is a familiar metaphor known as the “butterfly effect” that suggests small changes in initial conditions (the flapping of a butterfly’s wings) can result in large differences in a later state (the pattern of a hurricane). In the area of vaccine safety, we’ve seen this play out time and again; most recently, when the misrepresentation of study data on minute components of HPV vaccines, presented before a small gathering in Tokyo in 2014, resulted in a worldwide safety proclamation upon which physicians are now basing their vaccination recommendations – and young girls are suffering. In an open letter to the head of the World Health Organization, Dr. Sing Hang Lee, MD, the director of the Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory in Milford, Connecticut, claims members of the WHO’s Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) deliberately manipulated scientific data relating to the safety of HPV vaccines Gardasil® and Cervarix®. The letter states that the emails, obtained via a Freedom of Information request, clearly demonstrate members of the GAVCS, the CDC and the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare knew before the February 26, 2014 Tokyo public hearing that one of their own experts showed scientific evidence that HPV vaccination does increase cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor (TNF), particularly at the injection site compared to other vaccines.

Study: Aluminum Exposure During Puberty Disrupts Hormonal Development

On September 28, 2016 the Daily Mail Online reported that scientists in Reading had discovered a possible link between antiperspirants and breast cancer. To my knowledge, this is the first time that a report has mentioned that the use of these products containing aluminum in prepubescent and teenage children may not only be a risk for breast cancer, but also disrupts their hormonal development and is linked to other health problems.

HPV Vaccines in China: What constitutes a Trade Secret?

Why did citizens of China have to petition their government for access to clinical trial data currently available via multiple national and international government sponsored internet sites? Why is information regarding HPV vaccines which is open for public view throughout most of the world deemed a ‘trade secret’ in China? These questions are particularly relevant when you consider the heated controversy surrounding HPV vaccination programs in so many countries around the world. Is it possible that Director Bi Jing-quan, leader of China’s State Bureau of Food & Drug Administration knows information contained in clinical trial data would reveal substantial safety concerns surrounding HPV vaccines? Does Director Bi Jing-quan think the citizens of China would be eager to use HPV vaccines if they knew the true rate of adverse events is not known because no inert placebos were used during clinical trials? Is that one of the reasons HPV vaccine clinical trial data is a ‘trade secret’ in China?

Dr. Sin Hang Lee recommends China postpone HPV vaccinations

China’s population consists of approximately 143 million females age 9-25. If human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine manufacturers can convince the Chinese government to vaccinate every woman in this age group with 3 doses of HPV vaccine via a Publicly Funded Program as proposed by two of their paid consultants, the revenue generated could amount to over $64 billion USD (using price of HPV vaccines sold in the USA at $150/dose). This staggering amount of money would provide an enormous impact to their bottom line. But the question is at what cost?