Virginia Has Provided the Nation with the Template for Mandatory Vaccines: Democracy Sacrificed for Medical Tyranny

Virginia has now provided the nation with a blueprint on how to mandate a COVID vaccine, or any vaccine for that matter, even if the public is 100% against it. Hand over the decision to unelected medical authorities, and let them make the decision, even if it is not supported by the electorate, for the sake of the "greater good." These unelected medical authorities exist in pretty much every community across the United States as members of the local "Board of Health." These "Board of Health" medical authorities have been granted almost unlimited power to dictate medical intervention against the will of the public, and even against the will of elected officials. These tyrannical medical authorities along with their cronies in politics (in Virginia, Governor Ralph Northam, himself a medical doctor, appointed the members of the Board of Health) continue the false narrative that they know what is best for the community, and that opposition to vaccines comes from uninformed parents, completely ignoring the fact that many of these parents are themselves medical doctors, scientists, attorneys and other professionals in the community. If these medical tyrants even acknowledge the fact that these parents represent children damaged or killed by vaccines, their response is similar to what Virginia legislator Dawn Adams, a PhD nurse practitioner, stated publicly: "We have to do the best job we have for the most people [and this] sometimes results in unintended consequences, and that is a tragedy and [an] across-the-board reality in medical care." So what do you say Americans? Are you going to comply with medical tyranny and potentially sacrifice the health, and maybe even the death, of your children on a fast-tracked COVID vaccine for "the greater good"?

Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination

Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vaccination ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control of global health policy. Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems to be fueled by a conviction to save the world with technology. Promising his share of $450 million of $1.2 billion to eradicate Polio, Gates took control of India’s National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) which mandated up to 50 doses (Table 1) of polio vaccines through overlapping immunization programs to children before the age of five. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously. In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that manufactures vaccines, and additionally is donating $50 million to 12 pharmaceutical companies to speed up development of a coronavirus vaccine. In his recent media appearances, Gates appears confident that the Covid-19 crisis will now give him the opportunity to force his dictatorial vaccine programs on American children.

When Doctors Become Law Enforcement: Forced Vaccines for All Children Regardless of Medical Conditions

Witnessing in their own words on the National Vaccine Information Center’s Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall at, the suffering of people being abused by medical doctors enforcing one-size-fits-all vaccine policies is being revealed. Americans from all walks of life are describing the trauma of being threatened, coerced and punished by doctors violating the informed consent ethic, who have abandoned the precautionary principle of “First, do no harm” and are behaving more like prison guards than compassionate healers. When doctors and legislators are taught to consider individuals unable to get vaccinated without being harmed as expendable, and treat people defending informed consent rights like public enemy Number One, the practice of medicine and public health lawmaking has lost its way and become a prescription for prejudice, discrimination and abuse. Does the thought of going to the doctor or taking your child to a pediatrician fill you with anxiety or even fear because your doctor refuses to listen to you, makes you feel stupid and doesn’t seem to care about your child’s individual health needs? Are you concerned that your doctor will threaten or deny you or your child medical care if you decline even one of the dozens of doses of vaccines that government health officials tell your doctor to give to every patient? You are not alone. If the politically powerful Pharma-led forced vaccination lobby gets its way, all personal belief vaccine exemptions will be stripped from public health laws. Doctors employed by state health departments will be given the authority to deny vaccine vulnerable children a school education if a doctor in private practice has granted a medical exemption to vaccination for a reason that is not approved by the federal government. The goal is to force all doctors to become agents of the state without the power to depart from government policy, even if implementing government policy will increase the risk of injury or death for an individual.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Publishes Censored Response to Kennedy Family’s Criticisms on Vaccine Safety Which Exposes Industry Corruption

In early May 2019, Politico Magazine published an article written by three of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s relatives, criticizing his advocacy for safe vaccines. After numerous requests, Politico magazine has refused to publish his response. So he has published it himself: Three of my Kennedy relatives recently published an article criticizing my advocacy for safe vaccines. I love my family and sympathize with their anxieties when I call out government officials for corruption. The Kennedys have a long, close, and continuing relationship with public health agencies so it is understandably difficult for us to believe that powerful regulators would lie about vaccines. “All issues are simple,” the saw goes, “until you study them.” I’ve arrived at my skepticism after 15 years spent researching and litigating this issue. I have watched financial conflicts and institutional self-interest transform key sectors of our public health bureaucracies into appendages of the very pharmaceutical companies that Congress charged them to regulate. My uncle and my father argued that in a free and open society, the response to difficult questions should never be to shut down debate. What we need is science, not censorship. I am not anti-vax. I am pro-safety and pro-science. I want robust, transparent safety studies and independent regulators. These do not seem like the kind of radical demands that should divide our party or our families. As Americans and Kennedys, we ought to be able to have a civil, science-based debate about these legitimate concerns.

Statistics Link Rise of “Vaccine-preventable” Diseases to Increased Vaccination Rates

As mass hysteria regarding the so-called ‘measles epidemic’ appears to be breaking out around the world, we need to ask ourselves whether or not this perceived epidemic is as bad as the corporate mainstream media has painted it. If it is, then are the vaccinations manufactured to protect our children against the measles and other illnesses really working? During our research, we discovered that, despite many countries around the world mandating vaccines, there has been a substantial rise in the numbers of ‘vaccine preventable’ diseases being reported. In fact, statistics show that measles outbreaks are higher in countries where the MMR vaccine is mandated, than in countries where the MMR is only encouraged, but not mandated.

Who Will Take a Stand Against Forced Vaccination and Fight for Medical Freedom in the U.S.?

Every July Americans celebrate the day in 1776 when we declared our independence from a monarchy and began to create a Constitutional Democratic Republic to secure liberty and justice for all. Today, we are witnessing the erosion of core values that our constitutional democracy was founded upon. One example is a public campaign led by the medical establishment to demonize and discriminate against anyone opposing zero tolerance vaccine laws that violate human rights in the name of public health. There are only two laws that require American citizens to risk their lives. The first is a federal law, the military draft, which requires all healthy male adults to risk their lives in a war declared by the government to protect national security. Adults objecting to a war for religious beliefs or conscience can obtain a conscientious objection exemption without being punished. The second is a state law requiring all healthy children to risk their lives in a war that doctors declared on microbes two centuries ago. However, unlike adults who are not punished for following their conscience and refusing to fight in a war to protect national security, parents can be punished for following their conscience and refusing to risk their children’s lives in a war to theoretically protect the public health. State sanctions include segregation and loss of the unvaccinated child’s right to a school education or permitting pediatricians to deny medical care to children if their parents refuse one or more government recommended vaccinations. The forced vaccination lobby backed by industry and medical trade is already making plans to double down and target multiple states in 2019 for removal of religious and conscientious belief exemptions, while also placing further restrictions on medical exemptions to vaccination. Will you stand up and defend vaccine freedom in America?

Vaccine Extremist Pediatricians Want Child Protective Services to Remove Children from Parents Who Object to Vaccines

Pediatricians who hold the most extreme views on vaccines (ALL people should be vaccinated with ALL vaccines ALL the time by force if necessary) are starting to publicly call for children who are not vaccinated with all recommended vaccines to be removed from their parents by reporting the parents to Child Protective Services. Similar to what happened in 2015 when the media and pro-vaccine extremists used the California Disneyland measles outbreak as an excuse to attack parents with children not vaccinated as the cause, so the most recent call to punish parents who choose not to vaccinate is using a supposed outbreak of measles in Minnesota to justify such severe actions. As we saw in 2015, the Disneyland measles outbreak was completely blown out of proportion by the mainstream media who did not accurately report on the facts. For example, many of those who contracted measles at Disneyland were already vaccinated against measles, and the "outbreak" (90 cases) was hardly significant, as similar outbreaks have occurred throughout the U.S. the past 30 years, and among a highly vaccinated population. What we saw in 2015 was a rash of proposed state bills to mandate vaccines, using the Disneyland measles "outbreak" as an excuse. Most of those bills were defeated in local state legislatures, and that trend has continued to 2017. The public, overwhelmingly, does NOT want the state forcing parents to vaccinate their children. With legislative efforts to force vaccines upon the public failing across the country, is the new strategy to have doctors start reporting parents who delay or refuse certain vaccines to local Child Protective Services (CPS) for "medical neglect"?

Mass Protests in Italy Highlight Global Vaccination Agenda and the Resistance Movement

June 2017 saw the biggest public demonstrations against forced vaccination held in Europe since the Victorian era, as tens of thousands of Italians of all ages marched for vaccine freedom of choice in Rome, Florence, Milan, Bologna, Turin, Cagliani and other cities. They marched in opposition to a May 19 decree endorsed by the government’s Health Minister and President mandating that school children receive multiple doses of 12 vaccines or be prohibited from attending school with fines of up to $7500 euro (about $9,700) assessed to non-compliant parents. Parents leading the 35-year old vaccine safety and informed consent movement in America stand in solidarity with the parents in Italy, France, Germany, U.K. and many other countries in Europe, who are leading a defense for the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking, including vaccine risk taking. Hold your elected officials accountable for their actions at the polls. Have faith, stay strong and do not back down. You inspire us to do the same.

Medical Freedom at Risk in 2017 as Many States Seek Laws for Mandatory Vaccines

In 2015 and 2016, NVIC monitored over 200 vaccine-related bills introduced in more than 40 state legislatures, including 31 bills in 21 states that tried to restrict of eliminate vaccine exemptions. With tens of thousands of Americans actively using the online NVIC Advocacy Portal, NVIC led a grassroots effort of concerned citizens and supportive parental rights and health freedom groups to educate legislators with well-referenced information about diseases and vaccines. Forced vaccination bills were defeated in 29 out of 31 states, including in Virginia, where NVIC is headquartered. By February 2017, vaccine legislation had been introduced in 30 states that threaten vaccine freedom of choice, including bills in eight states to restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions in Arkansas (withdrawn), Connecticut, Iowa, Minnesota, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Texas. Freedom. It is a human right to exercise freedom of thought, speech, conscience and religious belief. But, when it comes to vaccination, those basic human freedoms are being taken away in America, one state at a time.

The CDC Military-like Vaccine Extremist Program to Vaccinate Every Child in America

With military precision, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced at an Aug. 27, 2015 press conference that national vaccination rates among young children in the U.S. continue to be very high but that more must be done to tag and track down children without every government recommended vaccine and publicly shame schools that fail to maintain a 95% plus vaccine coverage rate. Government health officials partnering with industry have declared war on citizens exercising freedom of thought, speech and conscience, who question the safety and effectiveness of government vaccine policies and defend the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking. Military strategies employed to win wars view casualties as necessary losses. Unfortunately, it appears that those waging the “take no prisoners” culture war view both the vaccine injured and human and civil rights as necessary losses.

U.S. Government Withholds Vaccine Injury Data: Rolls Out “Vaccine Confidence Plan” Instead

NVIC regularly monitors meetings held by federal vaccine advisory committees, including the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) and the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC). In recent years, information about compensated vaccine injury claims published in the VICP Data and Statistics Report has changed - but not for the better. This report prepared by DHHS officials continues to provide limited insight into vaccine injury and death awards, despite the fact that federal law states the public has a right to additional information, much of which is presented in bits and pieces during ACCV meetings. While DHHS gives some of this information to the ACCV on a quarterly basis, the information is not as meaningful as it could be because of the way it is presented in ACCV meetings and on the VICP’s website. There is no ability for the public, or the ACCV for that matter, to connect the dots between vaccine injuries compensated by vaccine and condition over time, or to determine the reasons and any associated trends on why petitions are dismissed and claimants are denied compensation.