Cardiologist: Measles AND Mumps Infections Could Save Millions of Lives

Reading that title is sure to shock many people. After all, who would make such a claim, let alone a cardiologist. Here is the proof to back it up. A study from 2015 in the journal Atherosclerosis found that men had 29% fewer heart attacks and 17% fewer strokes if they had a history of childhood measles and mumps. Women suffered less events as well, but not to the same extent. According to the CDC, an estimated 790,000 heart attacks occur in the U.S. every year. So according to data from the JACC study in 2015, there could be 229,000 LESS heart attacks per YEAR if these people had measles AND mumps as children. Measles and mumps appear to reduce stroke risk as well. 135,000 less people would suffer from a stroke PER YEAR if all of these people had measles AND mumps as children. Scientists are not studying benefits of childhood infections. Doing so would be career suicide. There is not much money to be found in health, only in sickness and pharmaceuticals.

Why Aren’t Mumps Outbreaks Considered “Epidemic” When There are Thousands More Cases of Mumps than Measles?

The mainstream media (MSM) would have you believe that we have a national emergency on our hands. You would think that tens of thousands must be infected and dying from measles. Well, you would think wrong. According to the CDC, from January 1 to April 11, 2019 there have been 555 cases of measles across the US. I don’t think we have a national emergency on our hands with measles, but we may have one with mumps. Mumps is part of the MMR—measles, mumps, and rubella–vaccine. You might think that the MMR vaccine is very effective against preventing infection from mumps. Well, you would only think that if you have not been reading about the problems with the mumps part of the MMR vaccine. And, it is hard to read about it since the MSM does not cover it. What the MSM fails to tell you is that Merck, part of the Big Pharma vaccine cartel, has been in Federal Court since 2010 on fraud charges in conjunction with the mumps vaccine. From January 1 to March 29, 2019, there have been 426 mumps infections reported to the CDC. In 2016-2017 there were nearly 12,000 cases reported. For comparison, in 2016-2017, there were 206 cases of measles reported to the CDC. The MMR vaccine should have never been approved. It was never properly tested against a placebo just like nearly every other vaccine on the market. There were concerns that combining three live virus vaccines (measles, mumps, and rubella) together might cause an increase in adverse effects. There are thousands of reports of adverse effects from the MMR vaccine. Why anyone would think that combining three live virus vaccines together in one shot is safe is beyond me.

Measles and Mumps Protect Against Heart Attack and Stroke

Breaking news. Measles and mumps protect against heart attack and stroke! Could the mass vaccination program of the U.S. lead to an explosion of heart attacks? Myocardial infarctions are already the leading cause of death in the world today. The situation could get much worse. A prestigious journal reported that men who had measles and mumps as children suffered 29% less heart attacks and 17% less strokes! Women with a history of both infections had a 17% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and 21% lower risk of stroke. The journal Atherosclerosis recently published these shocking findings in the June 2015 issue.

Doctors Agree: Ineffective Vaccine Responsible for Hockey League Mumps Epidemic

Past generations of professional hockey players were never at risk of mumps outbreaks. Today's players are, and tomorrow's will be, along with adults generally. These outbreaks -- which the media portray as coming out of the blue -- don't surprise anyone in medical circles who has been paying attention. Mumps outbreaks among adults have long been predicted by public health experts. Ironically, the mumps vaccine itself makes these outbreaks inevitable.

Mumps Vaccine Proves Ineffective as Outbreaks Among Fully Vaccinated Increase

Americans are vaccinated against mumps through the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) shot, which is also one of the more dangerous vaccinations. But in the early 2000s, researchers began to notice an alarming pattern: those vaccinated against mumps were still becoming ill with it—at alarming rates. This worrisome trend is accelerating: in April 2014, the New Jersey Department of Health warned of an outbreak of mumps at the Stevens Institute of Technology. Eight cases of mumps were confirmed—yet all of those infected had been fully vaccinated with two documented doses of the MMR shot. What’s going on here? Is the vaccine losing its efficacy—or was it never effective in the first place? Instead of acknowledging the vaccine’s problems, the CDC and mainstream media blame people who don’t vaccinate.

MMR Vaccination’s Abject Failure in Measles and Mumps

Those who suggest that the unvaccinated are responsible for people with weak immune systems ignore the fact that even the vaccinated succumb to the diseases. They ignore the fact that their vaunted herd immunity has never been shown to work. It’s nothing but a theory, and the goal posts for it keep getting pushed farther out. They presume to have the ethical right to force the risk of harm on some to protect others. But they never explain why those others are more deserving of protection than the innocent child who is sacrificed on the altar of herd immunity.

Mumps Vaccine Failure: Mumps Outbreaks in 2013 Among Vaccinated

Did you know that as of May 18, 2013, there have been 202 cases of mumps in the US? Where is the media frenzy? The hysteria? The call from the Health Department and outrage over vaccination rates? There is none.

Vaccinated Population Contracting and Spreading Disease They were Vaccinated For

By Dr. Mercola

Recently published research in the New England Journal of Medicine1 investigated the reasons behind, and potential solutions, for mumps outbreaks reported to the CDC […]

Are Vaccines Creating Superbugs?

by SaneVax
[SaneVax: A research team from the University of Georgia is working on the development of a new vaccine for mumps because there are […]