New York State Assembly Introduces Bill Mandating COVID-19 Vaccine

New Yorkers will no longer get to decide if they will receive a COVID-19 vaccine if a bill calling for a mandatory vaccine gets approved. New York State Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, a Democrat who represents New York’s 67th Assembly District, quietly introduced a bill on Dec. 4 that would require “COVID-19 vaccine to be administered in accordance with the department of health’s COVID-19 vaccination administration program and mandates vaccination in certain situations.” Every New Yorker, except those medically exempt, are required to receive the vaccine if the state’s vaccination efforts do not achieve “sufficient immunity from COVID-19.” Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, described the legislation as inappropriate. “It is inappropriate for public health officials and state legislators to be introducing legislation that mandates use of an experimental vaccine being considered for release under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA),” Fisher told The Epoch Times in an email. “Until a COVID-19 vaccine is formally licensed by the FDA and recommended for use by certain populations by the CDC, it remains an experimental vaccine,” she said. “This kind of bill sends the wrong message to the public.” The National Vaccine Information Center is a nonprofit organization that publishes “information on diseases and vaccine science, policy, law and the ethical principle of informed consent.”

Enough is Enough? Over 16 New York School Districts Oppose Mandatory Vaccines for Gardasil and the Flu

SHU Public Radio is reporting that a growing number of school districts in Long Island are opposing legislation to add more mandatory school vaccinations. "One bill requires children be immunized against the human papilloma virus, or HPV, a sexually transmitted disease that can cause cancer. Another bill mandates flu shots. Southampton schools wrote to state health committee members to kill the measures when they reconvene in January. The district says the requirements are an “erosion of parental rights.” At least 16 other Suffolk County school districts have written similar letters. They say children are not at risk of HPV infection while at school, so the requirement would be inappropriate. They also question the overall effectiveness of flu vaccines."

New York Vaccine Police State: Proposed Mandatory Gardasil Vaccine to Target Homeschoolers?

Given recent legislative actions in New York, as well as proposed new ones, to remove any exemptions to vaccines and mandate that all children must be vaccinated, the idea of New York becoming a vaccine police state is no longer a theory or warning. It is happening in full public view, thanks to what one lawmaker refers to as "the corruption in Albany." A new proposed bill in New York would mandate the HPV Gardasil vaccine as a requirement for school attendance, both private and public, including daycare. Parents who no longer can enroll their children in schools, whether public or private, due to the loss of religious and medical exemptions to vaccines, are apparently turning to homeschool education as their only option left to educate their children. But a lawmaker from Warsaw, Assemblyman David DiPietro, has stated that lawmakers are planning on outlawing homeschooling, because they want to be able to vaccinate the children in the schools, without parental approval or knowledge.

New York Judge Re-Admits Expelled Disabled Student Missing Single Vaccination

A New York State court granted a temporary restraining order, re-admitting disabled student Ameer Hamideh to school at the CHC Learning Center here, according to Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) which supported Ameer's case. Nine-year old Ameer became an unwilling national story when he was expelled from school at CHC in October because he lacked a single mandatory vaccine for school attendance. Ameer has numerous neurological impairments, including cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and a seizure disorder. He has received all vaccinations required to attend school, with the exception of a fifth dose of a pertussis (whooping cough) Tdap vaccine. Ameer was expelled even after his life-long treating pediatric neurologist submitted a medical exemption to the school. He was expelled because the New York State Department of Health opined that the medical exemption should be denied. Because of Ameer's previous severe reaction to the DTaP vaccine—most recently a grand mal seizure that sent him, uncontrollably screaming, to the hospital—his parents Ali and Orooba Hamideh followed the advice of Ameer's physician to not give him an additional dose. ICAN took up the family's cause and turned its team of attorneys to the case, which pointed out—among other things—New York state law allows any doctor to provide a valid medical exemption, and does not provide the Department of Health the authority to overrule that exemption.

NY Bill to Require HPV Gardasil Vaccine for Children to Enter School, Daycare

A concerned mom is warning about a New York bill that would require children to get the HPV vaccine before they could attend school. Under S298/A2912, a child would have to get the vaccine to be able to attend public school or daycare. “There’s definitely a large concern among the moms I know about this.” Laura Greenaway is a mom of two girls. She learned of the bill from posts on her Facebook feed, and now she wants to alert other moms. “It created concern and anxiety for me that this is not a decision that I can make for my own child,” Greenaway said. She doesn't believe kids should be required to be vaccinated against human papillomavirus across New York State, and Greenaway is not anti-vaccine. “My children are all up to date on other vaccines that are tried, tested and true. This is a newer vaccine with very alarming side effects,” she said.

Disabled Child with Doctor’s Medical Exemption to Vaccines Denied an Education in New York Under New Law

New York and California are two states that revised their laws this year regarding mandatory vaccines as a requirement for school admissions. A medical doctor's exemption for vaccines for medical reasons is no longer accepted in these states. Instead, public health officials, politicians, basically now make those decisions. Predictably, many medically fragile children who cannot receive vaccines for medical reasons are now being denied an education, which appears to be a clear violation of the American Disabilities Act. The Vaccine Reaction reports on one case out of Buffalo, New York, where a 9-year-old boy with cerebral palsy and with a medical exemption for vaccines from his neurologist has been kicked out of school because he is not fully vaccinated.

New York Moves Closer to Becoming Nation’s First Vaccine Police State

The State of New York recently passed legislation removing the religious exemption to mandatory vaccines for children. Attorneys Michael H. Sussman and Robert F. Kennedy have filed a lawsuit to repeal the law, as 26,000 families in New York wait to see if their children can attend school. As of now, the only way to get an exemption to mandatory vaccines is to have a medical doctor write a medical exemption. Last week, the New York Department of Health published "Emergency Regulations" to "Prevent Medical Exemptions." So now, unelected bureaucrats will determine if doctors are qualified or not to write medical exemptions. By having the Department of Health declare an "emergency" and issue an order without passing legislation, the entire democratic process is bypassed, resulting in medical tyranny.

NY Lawsuit to Repeal Denial of Religious Exemptions to Vaccines Starts – 26,000 Families Wait to See if Children Can Start School

On July 10, attorneys Sussman and Kennedy filed a lawsuit in New York State (NYS) Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of the legislature’s repeal of the religious exemption to vaccination. Suing on behalf of 55 NYS families who held lawful religious exemptions, Sussman and Kennedy requested that the court enjoin the repeal temporarily, preliminarily and permanently. The Honorable Denise Hartman, Supreme Court judge, will hear oral argument Wednesday, August 14th. With school only three weeks away, plaintiffs present their case that on June 13, 2019, NYS halted more than fifty years of lawful religious exemptions from vaccination for those with genuine and sincerely-held religious beliefs. The law, which became effective immediately, threw more than 26,000 NYS families into chaos, barring their children from school and daycare.

Families Sue New York State to Stop the Repeal of the Religious Exemption to Vaccines

Attorneys Sussman and Kennedy filed a lawsuit in New York State (NYS) Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of the NYS legislature’s June 13, 2019 repeal of the religious exemption to vaccination, Public Health Law Section 2164(9). The plaintiffs, 55 NYS families who held lawful religious exemptions, request that the court enjoin the enactment of the repeal temporarily, preliminarily and permanently. The plaintiffs are of diverse religious faiths, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. As a result of the repeal, these families can no longer educate their children in any schools or camps in New York without violating their religious faith. The parents who bring the suit seek to represent thousands of other families likewise affected by the repeal. Kennedy, Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense, stated, “Religious rights are fundamental. It is unconstitutional for the state to deprive people of such important rights when religious animus has played a key role. To enact such harsh legislation without any legislative fact-finding, and with the legislators’ open display of prejudice towards religious beliefs different than their own, is simply un-American; it is essential that we fight this.”

FBI Called Upon to Investigate NY Corruption in Removing Vaccine Religious Exemptions

Kevin Barry of First Freedoms is calling upon the FBI to investigate potential fraud committed in the New York Assembly Committee on Health meeting that considered whether or not to bring a bill to the full Assembly Floor that would remove religious exemptions for childhood vaccines. He has published a video filmed during the meeting that shows the committee did not have enough votes to bring the bill to the full Assembly Floor, and that Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, who is not part of the Committee on Health, called over one Assemblyman who voted "no," Nader Sayegh, and convinced him to change his vote. Without this change of vote, the bill would have died and never come to the full Assembly Floor for a vote. As a result, the bill did make it to the floor, and 20 million New Yorkers who had a religious exemption to vaccines lost that exemption.

Parents Risk Losing Children to CPS in NY if They Fail to Comply with Mandatory Vaccines

As we reported last week, on June 13, 2019, the New York legislature quickly pushed a bill (A2371) to repeal the religious exemption to vaccination through both the Assembly and Senate in one day with no public hearings. The unprecedented legislative coup, which cut the citizens of New York out of participating in the law making process, culminated in the Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo immediately signing the bill into law. Soon after this bill passed in New York, some parents apparently received letters from their children's school districts informing them of the new law, and that any child who previously had a religious exemption to vaccines now needed to comply and get caught up on their vaccinations. One of these letters, from Deer Park, New York, was posted on Facebook and quickly circulated, where James Cummings, the Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, let parents know that failure to comply and vaccinate their children would result in being reported to Child Protective Services (CPS). CPS workers routinely seize children from parents who do not comply with medical directives. Today, you can lose your children to CPS for simply wanting to obtain a second opinion from a different doctor for medical treatments for your children. These children are very often taken out of their homes and put into foster care, where the vast majority of them are abused. Foster care is a billion dollar industry, and it is the main source of the United States' very large, and very real, problem of child sex trafficking. We have documented these cases of "medical kidnapping" for almost 5 years now on our website. It would appear that State Legislators and governors imposing strict mandatory vaccination laws have now found another pipeline of putting children into this very lucrative foster care system to access federal funds, where corruption is the norm.

New York Quickly Removes Religious Vaccine Exemptions with No Public Hearings

On June 13, 2019, the New York legislature quickly pushed a bill (A2371) to repeal the religious exemption to vaccination through both the Assembly and Senate in one day with no public hearings. The unprecedented legislative coup, which cut the citizens of New York out of participating in the law making process, culminated in the Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo immediately signing the bill into law. “This new law, which was rammed through the New York legislature in one day without public participation in the democratic process violates the human right to hold religious and spiritual beliefs that honor and protect bodily integrity,” said Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-founder and President of the National Vaccine Information Center. “When a government has to resort to forcing parents to choose between violating their religious beliefs and conscience or giving their children a school education, that government has chosen to rule by fear and coercion and will lose the respect and trust of the people.” About 24,000 children in New York currently attend school with a religious exemption to vaccination (0.8 percent of all students). Those children now will have to immediately get all state mandate vaccines according to the schedule published by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices or be home schooled next school year. Some families have said they will have to move out of the state because their children are already vaccine injured or have brain and immune system disorders that do not qualify for medical exemptions under narrow federal vaccine use guidelines.

NYC Sends “Disease Detectives” In Jewish Neighborhoods Looking for Unvaccinated – Attorneys Prepare Lawsuits

A day after New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a state of emergency over measles outbreaks in Jewish communities of Brooklyn, and ordered forced vaccinations of everyone not yet vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, the Washington Post is reporting that the Health Department has sent "disease detectives" into the community to force compliance: "On Wednesday, the city sent 15 to 20 disease detectives into the community, some with Yiddish interpreters, a day after Mayor Bill de Blasio’s vow to quash the outbreak with $1,000 fines and misdemeanor charges for anyone in certain areas who refuses to be immunized. The workers, wearing blue Health Department jackets, conducted interviews in the homes of people who may have been exposed to the dangerous, highly contagious virus and checked the immunization records of all those they may have had contact with. Others pored over records for the same information at a federally funded health clinic in the heart of the community." John Marshall, chairman of emergency medicine at Maimonides Medical Center, is reportedly threatening to call the police on parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. The Washington Post reported: "Marshall said he threatened to call police on parents who were refusing to send a feverish child to the hospital in an ambulance for fear the authorities would learn all their children were unvaccinated. 'The ones who are so vehemently anti-vaccination, I don’t know how to convince them,' said Edward Chapnick, director of Maimonides’s infectious disease division." The Mayor and the Health Department are assuming that by declaring a state of emergency over recent measles "outbreaks," that they have the legal authority to suspend certain laws in place protecting the rights of residents of NYC to opt out of vaccines due to religious beliefs, and HIPAA privacy laws which would prevent them from pulling up medical records of children to see if they have been vaccinated or not. In the meantime, attorneys are saying that they will file a lawsuit challenging the emergency order by Friday. Attorney Michael Sussman, who successfully represented parents in Rockland County, New York last week and convinced the state Supreme Court to overturn the County's ban on unvaccinated children, is one of the attorneys planning to file a lawsuit in New York City.

BREAKING: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Orders Forced Vaccinations in Brooklyn

Just days after the New York Supreme Court struck down a ban on unvaccinated children in Rockland County, New York, after declaring a state of emergency over a measles outbreak, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has taken even more drastic actions in certain Jewish populated neighborhoods in Brooklyn, ordering forced vaccinations for measles. “There’s no question that vaccines are safe, effective and life-saving,” de Blasio said. “I urge everyone, especially those in affected areas, to get their MMR vaccines to protect their children, families and communities.” There have been no reported deaths due to measles anywhere in the United States this year. The Mayor's order goes beyond what Rockland County Supervisor Ed Day ordered, and includes EVERYONE who is unvaccinated within zip codes 11205, 11206, 11221 and 11249 which are part of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, to be vaccinated within 48 hours.

BREAKING: Rockland County NY Becomes America’s First Vaccine Police State – Bans Unvaccinated Children from Public Places – Health Dept. Goes Door to Door

Rockland County Executive Ed Day held a press conference earlier today to announce that he had declared a "state of emergency" regarding the New York state county's 153 cases of measles over a 6-month period, and placed a ban on all children under the age of 18 from appearing in any public area, which includes schools, malls and places of worship. Mr. Day said that this was the "first such effort of this kind nationally." The emergency ban is clearly targeted towards parents of unvaccinated children, as Mr. Day stated: "Parents will be held accountable if they are found to be in violation of this state of emergency act. And the focus of this effort is on the parents of these children. We are urging them once again, now with the authority of law, to get your children vaccinated." Mr. Day tried to downplay fears of police checkpoints and random checks for vaccination status, but he also stated that any parent found to be not in compliance with the emergency order would be referred to the district attorney's office for possible prosecution. "If we have a situation where it comes to our attention that a parent is willingly, knowingly, not allowing a child to be vaccinated, under the emergency order, it will be referred into the district attorney." The Rockland County Health Department, who recommended the emergency ban, has reportedly been going door to door and calling homes within the community in an effort to deal with the measles "epidemic."

Is New York Becoming a Vaccine Police State?

New York City has mandated that all preschool children must receive a flu shot. The National Vaccine Information Center is tracking this mandate as well as other proposed vaccine legislation in New York, which includes a proposed law to mandate the Gardasil HPV vaccine. Stay in touch through the NVIC Advocacy Portal on the progress of these bills, or other bills in your home state.

Victory for Medical Choice as New York Supreme Court Reverses Mandatory Flu Vaccine Rule

With little public discussion, the New York Board of Health unanimously passed the Vaccine Powers Rule in 2013. The rule required New York City children attending a day care center or aged 6 months to 59 months to be given a yearly flu vaccination. For a moment, it appeared that children would be excluded from class if they didn’t receive the flu vaccine for the first time in the State’s history. California’s Senate Bill 277, signed into law in 2015, took things further by requiring all students to be up-to-date with all vaccines to receive an education in the state. On December 16th, 2015, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Manuel Mendez ruled on behalf of The Supreme Court of the State of New York to end the mandatory flu vaccine rule. Mendez said in his decision that the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene “lacked the statutory authority” to mandate the influenza vaccines because they are not required under state law.

Moms Sue NYC Over Mandatory Flu Vaccinations

Five Manhattan and Brooklyn mothers with children in preschool are suing the city over its policy of mandatory flu vaccinations. The parents — ranging from a single mom in an East Harlem housing project to an investment banker in the Flatiron District — claim a 2013 rule passed by the city’s Health Department under Bloomberg is illegal because it was not voted on by state lawmakers. “I am also disturbed that I cannot express my dissent to my elected representatives in the New York Legislature as I understand they never voted ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for this flu dictate and I don’t know who I can hold responsible for foisting this mandate onto me,” gripes one of the moms, Clemence Rasigni, who works for Merrill Lynch.

United States Tracks Children to Push Gardasil Vaccine – Rest of the World Becoming Skeptical

The United States continues to carelessly move forward with the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Meanwhile, due to its endless damage, the shot is the center of criminal lawsuits in Spain, India, France, Japan and many other countries. In the UK, the HPV vaccination push has 8,228 official reports of side-effects, almost more than all other vaccine reports combined. Dr. Dalbergue, a former pharmaceutical industry physician with Gardasil manufacturer Merck gave a 2014 interview stating that: “Gardasil is useless and costs a fortune” as well as predicting “Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times…” Ignoring data and worldwide protest, Departments of Health within the U.S. are now sending letters to parents advising them to submit their children to HPV vaccinations. With no prior announcement, parental consent given, or notice, the states of New York and Indiana have tracked HPV vaccine non-compliers and are now hassling them with physical letters.

NY Bill Would Give Children The Right To Consent To Vaccines Without Parental Consent

by Alan Phillips, J.D.

New York’s A343[1] and S384, if enacted into law, will give children the right to consent to HPV and Hep B […]