Spain High Court Rules HPV Vaccine Caused Death of Young Woman

The High Court of Justice of Asturias- Spain (TSJA) has condemned the Asturian Health System for the death of Andrea, a young Spanish girl who died in September 2012 after getting the second shot of the HPV vaccine. The Court recognizes the bad practice of the hospitals of Jove and Cabueñes since they did not diagnose the pathology before the second shot of the vaccine was supplied which caused the death of the young woman. Andrea was a young woman with a medical history of mild episodes of bronchial asthma. When she got the first shot of the HPV vaccine on July 23, 2012, she became sick with a headache and breathing difficulty. Although she suffered from a severe asthmatic exacerbation, she got the second shot on August 23, 2012, with a sudden worsening. As a result of this, she suffered severe dyspnea and seizures only 12 hours after receiving the vaccine. She was moved to the Maternal and Child Hospital of the HUCA where she remained in the Pediatric Intensity Care Unit until she died on 8 September.

Baby’s Health Rapidly Declines After Receiving 13 Vaccines at One Time – Mom Accused of Abuse for Disagreeing with Doctors

A young Georgia mother had no idea that a routine trip to the pediatrician's office for her son's 1 year check-up would change her son's life forever, and leave her fighting the state for custody of her own son. When the nurse-practitioner told her that her son was a little behind on his shots and they would need to catch up, Durenda Whitehead didn't question the need for the vaccines. She did, however, question the safety of giving 13 vaccines at once. Durenda's pediatrician assured her that it was fine: "I can give up to 20 at one time." She said that they told her at the pediatrician's office to give him some Tylenol, and to "play extra hard with him when he gets home." Over the next few days, Durenda reports that KJ was sleeping much more than usual, only waking to eat. She describes his rapid decline: "I noticed my son didn't attempt to follow me as usual and he started to cry. I called his name so he would come to me, but his cry only got louder. When I came back in the room to see why he wasn't coming, he leaned his body forward and reached for me... He had this 'help me' look in his eyes while he continued to cry." However, Durenda soon learned that doctors are reluctant to look at vaccines as a cause of harm, and she soon found herself in the hospital being confronted with law enforcement taking away her son because she dared to disagree with a doctor.

H.R. 1313 Bill Would Require Medical Procedures Like Vaccines as Requirement for Employment

Please immediately contact your Congressional Representative and 2 U.S. Senators to OPPOSE H.R 1313 Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act. This bill is sponsored by Rep. Foxx, Virginia [R-NC-5]. It is attempting to coerce employees into employer disease prevention wellness programs. Section 3 (a) 2 refers to “workplace wellness programs and programs of health promotion or disease prevention offered by an employer.” The words disease prevention are concerning since not everyone agrees with the use of vaccines to prevent disease.

Conference Exposes Health Impact of Aluminum: Today’s Most Prevalent Environmental Toxin

Every other year, for more than two decades, a small group of 70 or so scientists have been meeting at different locales across the globe to discuss their speciality: aluminum and its effects on living things. The science of a metal used in industries from airplane manufacturing to food packaging may sound tedious, but this three-day Keele meeting (named for Keele University in the United Kingdom where it originated) produces a treasure trove of valuable information about the health impact of aluminium exposure. It’s a conference of the latest science that the $186 billion aluminum industry denies and public health agencies pretend does not exist. The 12th Annual Keele Meeting on Aluminum last week in Vancouver, Canada, sponsored by the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute, was no exception. Scientists from 16 countries discussed the latest research about how aluminum impacts plants, animals and humans. We inhale it in pollution, consume it in processed foods, slather it on in toiletries and inject it into ourselves and our babies in vaccines. Neurotoxic aluminium, according to increasing amount of scientific evidence, may stay in the body where it breaches protective barriers, induces wildly oxidative processes and fires inflammation, disrupts genetic transcription, impairs metabolism, accumulates in brain and breasts and testes, is linked to cancer, infertility, Alzheimer’s disease and anxious, aggressive and autistic behaviour.

Will Refusing Vaccines Soon Lead to CPS Kidnapping Your Children for “Medical Neglect”?

Amidst the ever changing, controversial white waters of vaccine safety, parents who choose natural immunity are being targeted by certain members of the medical, legal and public health communities as being guilty of medical neglect. As readers of Health Impact News' website are fully aware, "medical neglect" is a broad term frequently used against parents who dare to disagree with doctors over the healthcare of their children, and can result in Child Protective Services (CPS) taking the children away from their families by force. The latest example of this usurping of parental rights, which is being pushed and orchestrated by vaccine extremists who insist on pushing a one-size-fits-all approach to immunity, appears in the February edition of ​the ​American Journal of Public​ Health, in an article entitled "Parental Refusal of Childhood Vaccines and Medical Neglect Laws.” The paper, authored by Efthimios Parasidis, JD, M.BE, and Douglas J. Opel, MD, MPH, sets out to examine court cases where vaccine refusal is categorized as "medical neglect" under child welfare laws.

Study: Reducing Herbicide Glyphosate in Diet Reduces Autism Symptoms

A few years ago, Dr. Stephanie Senneff of MIT made a prediction that by 2025, half of American children will be born with autism, or at least different individual aspects of the autism disorder spectrum. Yes, she mentioned the toxins in vaccines that are forced into infants, but also included another toxin, glyphosate. Dr. Seneff and her partner Dr. Anthony Samsel claim there is a harmful synergism of glyphosate from foods with the toxic ingredients of vaccines that are accelerating the rise of autism spectrum disorders, whether diagnosed as learning or language deficits, hyperactivity, seizures, or the classic complete withdrawal from all social stimulus. In a recently published study, three triplets, two boys considered autistic and a third female with seizure issues and learning disorders, were tested for glyphosate initially and again after a period of organic food only as their diets. The results were interestingly expected. As their glyphosate levels dropped their autistic conditions diminished accordingly.

Medical Doctor Responds to Minnesota School Board’s Decision to Ban Under-Vaccinated Students from Attending School

In recent days, I have been in communication with several journalists who have been writing about issues that pertain to an issue in which I have some expertise: the alleged safety and efficacy of the huge number of neurotoxin-containing vaccines that are rather cavalierly administered to babies as young as 1 day, 2 months, 4 months and 6 months, ages in which their blood-brain barriers, their immune systems and their mitochondria are at their most immature and most vulnerable to toxins. Recently there has been information in the news about Rochester, Minnesota’s school board. They have decreed, probably with the advice and blessings of the Mayo Clinic, that they will be banning from school attendance the couple hundred “under-immunized or un-immunized” students (according to CDC recommendations) until they receive their shots or get clearance from a physician or a parent attesting to their philosophical or religious objections to the shots. The school board has somehow deemed these students to be an existential threat to the immunized students on the basis of the un-proven theory of “herd immunity.” I count myself among a group of whistle-blowing scientists who have seen through the massive Big Pharma-generated dis-information campaign that is designed to push more and more costly vaccines onto an unsuspecting public. (270 new ones are in Big Pharma’s pipeline.) The campaign is also designed to discredit skeptics of that dis-information agenda – not to mention the multitudes of vaccine-injured and vaccine-disabled (and dead) children and families that their neurotoxic vaccine have damaged. Because I “saw something,” I felt obligated to “say something” publicly.

Tennessee Mom Gives Birth to Premature Twins 3 Times – Surviving Babies Medically Kidnapped for Research?

The story of Nashville, Tennessee, mother Tamika Seagraves and her children is one of tragedy upon tragedy. Tamika has been pregnant 3 times, and in each case, she gave birth to premature twins, a boy and a girl every time. The first set of twins, Zayden and his sister Ziria were micro-preemies, born at just 24 weeks. Though Ziria grew stronger and eventually went home, Zayden never went home. He only survived 13 days. Two years later, Jordan and Jaliyah were born at 35 weeks. When Jordan passed away at just under two months of age, his mother began questioning, looking at vaccines and the vitamin K shot. At the same time, Child Protective Services began questioning and looking at HER. Jordan's autopsy stated that the cause of his death could not be determined, but DCS (Department of Children's Services) has blamed Tamika. Instead of closing out the case when the autopsy report came back, DCS stepped in and seized custody of Jordan's twin sister Jaliyah. According to court documents, DCS has accused Tamika of demonstrating "erratic behaviors" because she refuses vaccinations, stopped a medication for her child out of concerns for its side effects, "tried to have Jaliyah seen by a holistic chiropractor as opposed to a pediatrician." On December 5, 2016, Tamika gave birth again to another set of twins. When they were 4 weeks old, DCS seized both of them as well. All Tamika wants is to have her children back home and to be able to grieve the loss of her two sons. She wonders if her children are being used for medical research because of the unusual circumstances of their births - against incredible odds - 3 sets of twins, all premature, all boy/girl sets, the only children born to an African American mother, with 2 of the boys dying as infants?

Missouri Laws to Ban Mercury and Foreign DNA in Vaccines

In January 2017, State Representative Lynn Morris introduced HB 331 in the Missouri House of Representatives prohibiting vaccines containing mercury or other metals used for preservation or any other purpose from being administered to a child or adult in a public health clinic in Missouri. If passed, the legislation would take effect on Aug. 28, 2018. A second bill, HB 332, introduced by Rep. Morris, seeks to restrict the use of certain vaccines containing foreign human DNA. It requires that chicken pox and shingles vaccines administered to patients in public health clinics must not contain foreign human DNA contaminates. The two bills are in response to public concerns regarding vaccine safety. Vaccine mandates and policies at the state level are generally based on the vaccine schedule and guidelines recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease and Control Prevention’s (CDC). HB 331 and HB 332 aim to invalidate the CDC’s recommendations of vaccines that include mercury and other toxic substances. Although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains that “All forms of mercury are quite toxic, and each form exhibits different health effects,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to minimize the dangers of mercury in vaccines. The FDA admits that thimerosal (a mercury based preservative) is still being used in vaccines in varying amounts.

Medical Freedom at Risk in 2017 as Many States Seek Laws for Mandatory Vaccines

In 2015 and 2016, NVIC monitored over 200 vaccine-related bills introduced in more than 40 state legislatures, including 31 bills in 21 states that tried to restrict of eliminate vaccine exemptions. With tens of thousands of Americans actively using the online NVIC Advocacy Portal, NVIC led a grassroots effort of concerned citizens and supportive parental rights and health freedom groups to educate legislators with well-referenced information about diseases and vaccines. Forced vaccination bills were defeated in 29 out of 31 states, including in Virginia, where NVIC is headquartered. By February 2017, vaccine legislation had been introduced in 30 states that threaten vaccine freedom of choice, including bills in eight states to restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions in Arkansas (withdrawn), Connecticut, Iowa, Minnesota, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Texas. Freedom. It is a human right to exercise freedom of thought, speech, conscience and religious belief. But, when it comes to vaccination, those basic human freedoms are being taken away in America, one state at a time.

30 States Move to Enact Vaccine Bills Including Tracking and Mandatory Vaccines

We have only finished the first full month of the 2017 legislative session, and already we are tracking 103 vaccine related bills across 30 states on the NVIC Advocacy Portal. To put the sheer volume of bills in perspective, we tracked a total of 106 bills in the entire legislative session last year. If you live in one of the following states, there are already vaccine bills filed that can affect your right to refuse vaccines or have your privacy violated by being listed in a database as opposing vaccines: AR, AZ, CT, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, ME, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, VA, and WA. The following states are priority opposition alert states as they now have bills to restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions: AR (withdrawn), CT, IA, MN, NY, OK, PA, and TX. The following states are priority support alert states as they now have bills to add or expand vaccine exemptions: HI, IA, MS (died), NJ, NY, OK, RI, and TX.

The Vaccine Science is Unsettled

The foundation of scientific research on human health is the clinical study, and the strength and reliability of conclusions reached is a direct reflection of the study methods used in that research. If the trial design is sound and the research methods followed with integrity, the results will be robust. If not, the results are going to remain open to question and interpretation. One of the most widely repeated phrases bandied about by those who maintain that vaccines very rarely, if ever, cause injury and death is, “the science on vaccines is settled.” Aside from how absurd it is to insist that any science is ever completely settled, such a statement presupposes that vaccine safety and efficacy studies have been rigorous and exhaustive and that their conclusions, therefore, are reliable and authoritative. It would be great if that were the case. Sadly, it is not.

24 States With Vaccine Bills Restricting Rights and Tracking Vaccine Status

We are edging closer towards the end of the first month of the 2017 legislative session, and we have been busy because your state legislators have been busy. Many new bills have been filed since our last national email update. If you live in one of the following states, there are already vaccine bills filed that can affect your rights: AR, AZ, CT, HI, IA, IN, KS, KY, ME, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, TX, and VA.

As New State Legislative Sessions Begin, Renewed Efforts to Increase Mandatory Vaccines

2017 has started off with a bang. We are only about one week into legislative sessions across the country and so much is happening. New State vaccine legislation is being introduced daily - all over the country. Here's the status of State bills throughout the US as of 1/17/17.

Are Vaccinations Safe for Children with Allergies?

In 2010, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) published a paper titled Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Food Allergy in the United States. The paper described how the NIAID had joined forces with 30 professional organizations, federal agencies and patient advocacy groups to set guidelines for the management and safety of patients suffering from food allergies. One of the sections highlighted was a section titled Vaccinations in Patients with Egg Allergies. The authors wrote: "In Summary: Patients who have generated IgE antibodies to an allergen are at risk for anaphylaxis with systemic exposure to that allergen. Thus, patients who have IgE-mediated egg allergy are at risk for anaphylaxis if injected with vaccines containing egg 17 protein." The CDC appears to be completely unaware of the NIAID guidelines. The advice that they give to patients with an allergy to eggs is the polar opposite to the advice given in the NIAID guidelines.

Why Are Nurses and Healthcare Workers Across the U.S. Refusing Mandatory Flu Vaccines?

In this investigative report by Claire Dwoskin, the founder of the Childrens Medical Safety Research Institute, we learn what the true motivations are behind hospital policies that mandate the annual flu shot for healthcare workers. As nurses who have lost their jobs for refusing the flu vaccine are beginning to win legal battles across the U.S., Ms. Dwoskin reveals that these mandatory flu vaccine policies are based not on the vaccine efficacy or safety, but on financial incentives. One owner of 5 hospitals even reveals that he himself will never get the flu shot again after a negative reaction, and that employee absenteeism increases after administering the flu shots, and yet he keeps the mandatory flu vaccination policy in place for financial reasons. Even more troubling is the report that some pediatricians are now secretly administering the flu vaccine to children without parental consent.

New California Proposed Bill to Increase Government Seizure of Children from Families?

You may be familiar with the phrase “as California goes, so goes the nation." California’s legislative innovations are increasingly becoming harbingers of medical tyranny over children and their families. California Senator Dr. Richard Pan pushed through the mandatory vaccine law SB 277 last year with financial backing from vaccine manufacturers to ban children from public and private schools unless most of the CDC vaccine schedule was completed. Previous allowable vaccination exemptions are no longer allowed, except for medical exemptions. However, one prestigious California pediatrician is being threatened with losing his license to practice for issuing a medical exemption to vaccines to one of his patients. Could this be the State's method of shutting down doctors who dare to write vaccine exemptions, so that soon not even medical exemptions will be readily available to those who need them? Other such state bills mandating vaccines and removing exemptions were easily defeated across the U.S. in 2015, due to public outcry. Yet even though the public outcry was probably the loudest in California in opposition to SB 277, it somehow still passed. California became the first state to remove religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccines. Two other states, Mississippi and West Virginia, have never had such exemptions, and their yearly health statistics on children are consistently among the worst in the United States. Will the health of California's children now decline due to mandated increases in vaccination rates? Now that same state senator, Dr. Pan, is introducing new legislation, SB 18, that allows the state to assume total ownership of a child’s well being, as defined by state and medical bureaucratic “experts.”

The U.S. Centers For Disease Control – A History of Corruption

The recent controversy over the documentary "Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe," despite being attacked by so many who haven’t seen it, is bringing public attention to real life episodes of vaccine damaged children and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) whistleblower Dr. William Thompson’s attempt to reveal fraud in the CDC. But this accurate CDC episode reveals only one episode of hiding data to deal disinformation publicly that doesn’t support vaccine safety. There have been several other vaccine report cover-ups and other types of fraudulent activity in addition to the Dr. Thompson whistleblower episode. They all support the need to dismantle the bloated budgetary expanse of CDC headquarters and activities. The CDC’s financial waste was investigated in great detail by Senator Tom Coburn in 2007, unfortunately nothing substantial came of his work. The CDC keeps demanding and getting more funding. We’ll start from the most recent discovery of lies and cover-ups and work back chronologically to earlier episodes of CDC outright blatant deception and fraud that serve to protect various industries instead of the people that are harmed by pharmaceutical interventions, especially vaccines.

Vaccinations Confer Autoimmune Diseases Without Toxic Additives

More and more vanishing vaccination exemptions from the medical monopoly’s control of state governments insist on pushing the world’s largest vaccination schedule onto children and infants while hiding vaccine injuries. Unfortunately, most parents don't realize the risk factors ignored by mainstream media until they are permanently disabled or until a child dies after being vaccinated. Many concerned parents have focused on “greening” vaccines, ensuring there are no toxic additives such as thimerosal (mercury), aluminum, and the several other additives that shouldn't be injected into human or animal blood and tissue. The thinking was that perhaps the intense vaccination schedules and annual flu shot campaigns would be justifiable methods of conferring the disinformation dogma of “herd immunity.” But they're wrong. At best they’re exchanging imagined infectious disease protection for autoimmune diseases, according to a study published in Japan that looked at antigens only, independent of adjuncts or preservatives.

Nurse Vaccinated During Pregnancy with Flu Shot Accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome

Nurses in both the U.S. and the U.K. are coming under increased pressure to get the flu shot as a condition of employment. One nurse regrets her decision to receive the flu shot while she was pregnant. Her child was born with serious medical conditions, and upon admitting him to the hospital she was accused of abusing her child, as was the child's father. They were later both cleared of any wrongdoing, but they lost custody of their son.