Study: Combining Childhood Vaccines at One Visit Is Not Safe

Although health authorities including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claim that childhood vaccines are safe and recommend combining multiple vaccines during one visit, a review of data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows a dose-dependent association between the number of vaccines administered simultaneously and the likelihood of hospitalization or death for an adverse reaction. Additionally, younger age at the time of the adverse reaction is associated with a higher risk of hospitalization or death. Our study showed that infants who receive several vaccines concurrently, as recommended by CDC, are significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die when compared with infants who receive fewer vaccines simultaneously. It also showed that reported adverse effects were more likely to lead to hospitalization or death in younger infants. These findings are so troubling that we expected major media outlets in America to sound an alarm, calling for an immediate reevaluation of current preventive health care practices. But 4 years after publication of our study, this has not happened. Could it be because, according to Robert Kennedy, Jr., about 70% of advertising revenue on network news comes from drug companies? In fact, the president of a network news division admitted that he would fire a host who brought on a guest that led to loss of a pharmaceutical account. That may be why the mainstream media won’t give equal time to stories about problems with vaccine safety. The safety of CDC’s childhood vaccination schedule was never affirmed in clinical studies. Vaccines are administered to millions of infants every year, yet health authorities have no scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on all combinations of vaccines that infants are likely to receive. National vaccination campaigns must be supported by scientific evidence. No child should be subjected to a health policy that is not based on sound scientific principles and, in fact, has been shown to be potentially dangerous.

Tribute to the Late Dr. Bradstreet: Beloved Scientific Pioneer in Healing Autism

The late Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet was a much beloved physician-pioneer. His revolutionary methods and passionate vision to cure autism have inspired those who knew him to continue the work, to ripple outwards and continue positively touching the lives of the autism community with the same dedication to a cure that he lived for until his tragic death last year. Hailed by his daughter as a hero—one whose sacrificial labor of love saved thousands of people over the course of his two decade long fight to cure those suffering from autism—it is clear from the impassioned voices of each one who paid Dr. Bradstreet tribute that those who knew him and loved him are committed to taking up the torch and continuing to fight for those afflicted with autism. His daughter, Elizabeth, declared: "My goal is to carry out my dad’s legacy and be a hero like him by spreading the message of hope for a cure to all who are affected by this awful epidemic we call autism. I hope that you always remember that God makes all things beautiful in His perfect timing, and to never give up. While my dad may not be here with us physically, his spirit lives on in those who loved him most and that is what empowers us to be a true hero for autism.”

“Consult Your Doctor” on Vaccines? Medical Doctors Receive Little to No Training on Vaccines in Medical School

There exists a general belief among the public that medical doctors are “experts” with regard to vaccines. Newspaper and magazine articles and medical and public health websites frequently advise that, when it comes to vaccination, people should “consult your doctor.“ The counsel is the equivalent of the “ask your doctor” to which TV viewers have grown accustomed to hearing at the conclusion of advertisements for prescription drugs. The underlying assumption is that doctors have received considerable vaccine education and training when they attended medical school—so much, in fact, that they merit the public’s belief that they are indeed experts on the subject and that they can be trusted to provide accurate, scientifically based information. But is it right to assume that is true? Do medical school students learn a lot about vaccine science, history, and ethics?

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy – A False Diagnosis to Blame Parents for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths?

Over the years there has been a growing epidemic of parents claiming to have been falsely accused of Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP). Many of these parents state that they were only accused of suffering from the condition after they reported that they believed that their child had suffered a vaccine injury. MSBP is a diagnosis given to a parent or caregiver to describe certain aspects of their behaviour. This behaviour usually includes subjecting what appears to be a previously healthy child, to unnecessary painful tests or medical interventions, such as scans, x-rays and surgical procedures to gain the attention of the medical profession. In this investigative report, Christina England reveals that Professor Sir Roy Meadow was the first professional to use the term Munchausen syndrome by proxy in a paper published by The Lancet in 1977. Sir Roy Meadow has strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry and vaccines, and in 2005 he was found guilty of serious professional misconduct by the General Medical Council in the Sally Clark case, and lost his license to practice medicine. Sally Clark spent 3 and a half years in prison because of false testimony given at her trial by Sir Roy Meadow, where she was being accused of killing her two infant children.

European Medicines Agency Caves to Big Pharma – Brushes Aside HPV Vaccine Safety Issues

Apparently medical professionals, scientists, vaccine safety advocates and the general public are not satisified with the recent European Medicines Agency (EMA) conclusion regarding HPV vaccine safety. They are not willing to accept the fact that the written statement on HPV vaccine safety issued by the European Medicines Agency spent more time attempting to discredit those who filed medically documented questions than it did dealing with an honest evaluation of the safety concerns being raised around the world after Gardasil and Cervarix administration. Medical consumers are no longer willing to accept the word of purported experts unless it is backed up by sound science. Therefore, the following letter was just emailed to over 120 European Medicines Agency representatives with 446 signatures representing HPV vaccine survivors from over 30 countries requesting scientifically documented answers to the attached questions and an open public meeting with participants from both sides of the debate invited to discuss HPV vaccine safety.

NBC Chief Bob Wright: Both Obama and Bush Killed Proposals to Improve Vaccine Safety

In his new book, The Wright Stuff: From NBC to Autism Speaks, former head of NBC Universal Bob Wright weighs in on vaccines and autism. According to a review by Accuracy in Media, Wright reveals that both the Obama and Bush administrations killed proposals to improve vaccine safety. This political interference in the effort to produce the safest vaccines possible adds to my own first hand knowledge of multiple Congressional hearings about vaccine safety and links to autism that have been scheduled, but then cancelled under pressure from the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry is able to wield inordinate pressure in the news media through its advertising relationships; in government and politics through its business relationships, donations and revolving door; and in universities and scientific research communities through its funding and contributions.

Putin: Western Governments Are Enslaving Humanity Through Vaccines

An insider from the Ministry of Health in Russia has revealed that an explosive report is about to be presented to the Kremlin regarding the huge vaccination cover-up being perpetuated by the US government agencies and its regulatory bodies, which is having disastrous consequences around most of the world. It is understood President Putin personally requested the report. He instinctively mistrusts the vaccine agenda and wants the report to investigate the state of play regarding vaccines, Big Pharma, and Western governments, in order to formulate a solid, direct response that will stand his people in good stead for the future.

Avoid Having Your Children Medically Kidnapped by the Corrupt Cancer Industry – FREE Online Seminar!

The cancer treatment business in the United States is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world, generating well over 100 billion dollars of revenue. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the only organization authorized to approve medical treatments for cancer, and if your child has cancer and you do not like the choices available, such as toxic chemotherapy drugs, you face losing custody of your child to Child Protection Services for disagreeing with a doctor and the FDA approved cancer treatments. The cancer treatment business is seen as a huge growth market, and it depends on no cures for the market to continue to grow. At the beginning of the last century, one person in twenty would get cancer. In the 1940s it was one out of every sixteen people. In the 1970s it was one person out of ten. Today one person out of three gets cancer in the course of their life. The medical system's next huge market for cancer growth are vaccines. The first cancer vaccine approved for children was the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil. As Health Impact News has reported on its Vaccine Impact news site, many thousands of girls in the U.S. and around the world have reported that their lives have been destroyed by this cancer vaccine. The best way one can avoid having their child medically kidnapped is to avoid doctors and hospitals that do not respect parental rights, and seek out the true cancer cures that currently exist, many of them outside of the U.S. To learn more about effective cancer cures, and how to avoid the medical system, sign up for the FREE online summit that starts Tuesday, April 12th.

Time to Dispel Myths and Lies About Whooping Cough and Pertussis Vaccines

For the past decade, Americans have been subjected to dire warnings that B. pertussis whooping cough cases are on the rise and it is the fault of parents who don’t vaccinate their children. That myth actually goes back to the early 1980’s, when parents of DPT vaccine injured children in the U.S. were asking for a safer pertussis vaccine while, at the same time, discovering that whole cell pertussis vaccine in DPT shots did not prevent infection and vaccine immunity lasted for only two to five years. What’s old is new again. And it is time to dispel the myths and lies being told about pertussis and pertussis vaccines. FACT: Both the reactive whole cell DPT vaccine licensed 1949 and the less toxic acellular DTaP vaccine licensed in 1996 do not prevent infection or transmission, and only provide two to five years of temporary immunity at best; FACT: Millions of vaccinated children and adults are silently infected with pertussis in the U.S. every year and show few or no symptoms but spread whooping cough to vaccinated and unvaccinated children - without doctors identifying or reporting cases to the government; FACT: In response to mass pertussis vaccination campaigns beginning in the 1950s, the B. pertussis microbe evolved to evade both whole cell and acellular pertussis vaccines, creating new strains producing more toxin to suppress immune function and cause more serious disease.

Borax Being Added to Vaccines

The US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health declare sodium borate to be a dangerous poison. Side effects include: vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, blisters, collapse, coma, convulsions, drowsiness, fever, low blood pressure, decreased urine output, sloughing of the skin, and twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs, and feet. Sodium borate has also been banned in the US as a food additive. It is also an ingredient in some childhood vaccines. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) list sodium borate as an ingredient in four vaccines: Hepatitis A (Vaqta), HIB/Hepatits B (Comvax), and in two HPV vaccines (Gardasil and Gardasil 9). It’s astonishing that such a dangerous ingredient is added to vaccines. There are other toxic ingredients in vaccines as well—all “adjuvants”: aluminum, formaldehyde, and polysorbate 80, to name a few. So, sodium borate is considered a dangerous poison and is too toxic to be used as a food additive—but it’s perfectly safe to inject our children with it?