Dr. Cammy Benton: CDC Admits There is No Science Behind the Annual Flu Vaccine

The VAXXED team recently interviewed Dr. Cammy Benton from North Carolina who is board certified in both Family Medicine and Functional Medicine. Dr. Benton no longer gives vaccinations. She states that it took her "a long time to wake up," but she learned a lot through her three children. The first two were fully vaccinated, but she stopped after 4 months with her third child. With her first child, Dr. Benton states that she waited two months after she was born to give the Hepatitis B shot. Most babies get it in the hospital the same day they are born. Benton explains how her first baby went from a very alert baby who made a lot of eye contact, to becoming less alert and fussy following the beginning of vaccines. When she finally figured out that her children were being damaged by vaccines, she became very angry towards herself and her profession, for not investigating vaccines prior to believing what she had been told about them, and administering them without question. Her own pediatrician had vaccinated her children with the flu vaccine behind her back, because she had stated she was against the flu vaccine. During the interview, Dr. Benton relates how the flu vaccine became mandated during her medical practice. She began to ask questions about the science behind the flu shot, and even asked a senior CDC official about it at an event. But she found no credible studies backing up the science behind the flu shot. When she called the CDC about it, she relates how the CDC admitted that they were not the ones mandating the flu vaccines (employers and public health officials are), and that she admitted there was no science confirming the effectiveness of the flu vaccine, it was simply "all we have" to combat the flu season. Dr. Benton then asked why hospitals were not requiring ALL medical personnel to wear face masks during the flu season, since the CDC was admitting the flu vaccine was not effective. At that point the person at the CDC hung up, and the next Monday Dr. Benton was presented with a four month severance pay. She states that this was the best "vacation" she could have received at that time, because she spent every day studying about vaccines. Dr. Benton finally came to the conclusion that the risks associated with the diseases that were being vaccinated against was not serious enough to risk the side effects of the vaccines.

Vaccine Injured Child Can’t Talk but Has Loud Message for President Trump

The VAXXED film crew is continuing their country-wide tour interviewing families affected by vaccine injuries and deaths. They recently interviewed a 10 year old boy Adam, who was developing normally prior to an adverse reaction to vaccines. While he cannot speak, Adam took advantage of his opportunity to communicate via a broadcast to Facebook, and by pointing to letters on a card spelled out a powerful message to President Trump. Watch for yourself what Adam has to say in this amazing video.

Pro-Vaccine Physician Examines Both Sides of Debate with Open Mind and Has Change of Heart

Dr. Mackenzie is now a plastic surgeon, but he formerly worked in the immunology division of the military overseeing vaccines. He was originally pro-vaccine because he had no idea that there were any physicians who questioned vaccines, not because he actually researched the matter. As he began to prepare to become a father, he decided to research vaccines further. He states in the interview that he had "no ax to grind" and "no skin in the game," and was therefore just looking for the truth. He read books by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Dr. Suzanne Humphries that questioned vaccines, as well as books that promoted vaccines, particularly by Dr. Paul Offit. Dr. Mackenzie states: "Any physician who will do their own research, and look at the science, both sides of this, and look where the biases are, and look at the bad epidemiology that is out there, will have a change of heart. That's assuming they don't have a lot at stake."

Pediatrician of 30 Years Believes Children Receive Too Many Vaccines – Sees Many “Vaccine-injured” Kids

The VAXXED film crew recently interviewed Dr. Franz from Orlando. Dr. Franz starts out the interview by stating that her story was very similar to everyone else the VAXXED film crew was interviewing, which is that in the beginning she was a "hard-core" believer in vaccines. However, when she first started her practice, the most vaccines anyone ever received in one visit was "two at a time." Even back then when the vaccine schedule had far fewer vaccines, Dr. Franz testifies that she saw "problems" early on. Kids on monitors, for example, had "increased alarms" causing her to deal with fever control and other symptoms. In the late 1980s when the vaccines increased, they wanted her to give more vaccines at one visit, like four or five, and she stated that she "had a problem with that." She decided that in her practice, they would continue to only give two at a time. But even at this reduced schedule, Dr. Franz stated that she began to see "truly vaccine-injured kids." "I can tell you today, having been in clinical practice for over 30 years, that the children I see today are sicker than they were when I was a resident."

Doctor and Professor of Medicine Speaks out Against Mandatory Vaccines

The VAXXED film crew recently interviewed Dr. Moss in West Virginia. Dr. Moss is a professor of medicine at West Virginia School of Medicine. He is also a nephrologist (kidney doctor). He has taught medical ethics for over 25 years. Dr. Moss acknowledges that he could potentially lose his job for speaking out against mandatory vaccines and consenting to be interviewed by the VAXXED film crew. Dr. Moss states that he knows 12 children with autism, including one of his neighbors. Both parents of the child who is his neighbor are physicians. So physicians are familiar with the fact that there are some children who meet all of their milestones and suddenly develop autism after receiving vaccines. Dr. Moss states that as someone who teaches medical ethics, he is very concerned that the public is not being informed about the dangers associated with vaccines. He references the Vaccine Court that compensates victims of vaccine injuries by more than $200 million a year, and that the flu vaccine is the biggest one being litigated in the Vaccine Court. He believes that anyone being vaccinated should be fully aware of the potential benefits and the risks.

NICU Nurse with 30 Years Experience Quits Over Premature Infants Being Harmed by Vaccines

The VAXXED film crew recently interviewed a nurse in California who has worked as a NICU nurse for nearly 30 years. She states in the interview that she is retiring early, because she can "no longer do what we were taught to do." She goes on to state that her philosophy on vaccines has changed, because she does not believe they are safe. She explains how it is routine to vaccinate premature infants, and that even though she brought in documentation, including medical journal studies, explaining that they should not be vaccinating these premature infants, that doctors will not change the procedure. So she decided to retire early, rather than continue harming these vulnerable babies.

The U.S. Centers For Disease Control – A History of Corruption

The recent controversy over the documentary "Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe," despite being attacked by so many who haven’t seen it, is bringing public attention to real life episodes of vaccine damaged children and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) whistleblower Dr. William Thompson’s attempt to reveal fraud in the CDC. But this accurate CDC episode reveals only one episode of hiding data to deal disinformation publicly that doesn’t support vaccine safety. There have been several other vaccine report cover-ups and other types of fraudulent activity in addition to the Dr. Thompson whistleblower episode. They all support the need to dismantle the bloated budgetary expanse of CDC headquarters and activities. The CDC’s financial waste was investigated in great detail by Senator Tom Coburn in 2007, unfortunately nothing substantial came of his work. The CDC keeps demanding and getting more funding. We’ll start from the most recent discovery of lies and cover-ups and work back chronologically to earlier episodes of CDC outright blatant deception and fraud that serve to protect various industries instead of the people that are harmed by pharmaceutical interventions, especially vaccines.

Confronting Vaccine Resistance: Brain Washing and Social Engineering of Medical Students

On November 21, 2016, Dr. Suzanne Humphries and New York University (NYU) law professor Mary Holland attended a meeting called "Confronting Vaccine Resistance: Strategies For Success" at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York, New York. The meeting's speakers were Senator Dr. Richard Pan, Dr. Paul Offit and Dorit Rubenstein Reiss - all proponents of mandatory vaccines. The speakers were primarily addressing medical students at NYU. Unfortunately, the medical students in attendance at this event apparently only heard the extremist view of mandatory vaccines, the view that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary. The students could have benefited greatly in an open dialog on this subject if Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Mary Holland had been allowed to participate. Dr. Humphries is a nephrologist (kidney doctor) who once administered vaccines in her practice, and has now come to the conclusion that vaccines are not the best solution to fight disease for anyone, and that doctors and medical students are not being taught all the science behind vaccines to make informed decisions for their patients. Law professor Mary Holland has lectured and written on the legal aspects of denying U.S. citizens the right to "informed consent" when it comes to a medical procedure like vaccines.

Advocates for Medical Freedom Declare #STANDWITHSEARS Day Regarding Dr. Sears and Vaccine Exemptions

Oregonians for Medical Freedom, a coalition of Oregon voters championing medical freedom and parental rights that helped defeat a similar Oregon bill to California’s SB 277, announced today that it is deeply troubled by the accusation of the Medical Board of California that Bob Sears, M.D., committed “gross negligence” by granting a medical vaccine exemption to a toddler whose renal and digestive systems went into failure after his two-month vaccinations and who went limp for 24 hours after his three-month shots. “Dr. Sears, by granting a medical exemption, may very well have saved a young child’s life while causing no harm to the public,” said Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D., a pediatrician who has over 13,000 children in his private practice in Portland, Oregon, Committee Chair of OFMF, ct o-author of the best-selling book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, and an outspoken champion of children’s health and informed consent. “As many remember during the SB 277 proceedings, Californians were publicly and repeatedly reassured by Senator Richard Pan, M.D. that doctors would not be under inappropriate scrutiny for providing medical exemptions from vaccines for at-risk patients. How much more at-risk can a child be than one who has suffered multiple adverse vaccine reactions?” Oregonians for Medical Freedom, on behalf of parents everywhere who believe that all medical procedures should remain a choice made between an informed and consenting parent and their doctor, declare Monday, September 12th, #StandWithSears Day. They are asking the Medical Board to close the case against Dr. Sears and respect the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship.

Texas Criminal District Attorney with Vaccine Injured Child Speaks Out: Vaccines Do Cause Autism

The film VAXXED continues to be shown in new cities across the U.S., with the film crew also traveling to these cities to sponsor Q&A sessions after the filming. Producer Del Bigtree states that the story of the CDC whistleblower and cover-up told in the film is "Bigger than Watergate." The film crew also films parents of vaccine damaged or vaccine killed children who turn out to view the film and tell their own stories. Each city they go to reveals incredible stories of families who have suffered from vaccines, and wish they had known more about the risks before agreeing with doctors who seldom, if ever, discuss the side effects and risks. The film crew was recently in San Antonio, Texas where they met Nico LaHood, the criminal District Attorney for San Antonio. Nico and his wife have vaccine injured children, and one of their sons developed autism after his 18 month old round of vaccines. Nico's job as a criminal prosecutor requires him to examine data and evidence to present in a court of law to a jury. He believes that the evidence that vaccines cause autism in many children is so strong, that he could prosecute the case before a jury and win. Of course, he cannot do that, because U.S. law gives total legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies for vaccine products, and they cannot be sued for injuries or deaths as a result of their vaccines.

2 Month Old Baby Dies 12 Hours After Receiving 8 Vaccines – Pediatrician Denies Link

As the film VAXXED continues to be shown in new cities across the U.S., parents of vaccine damaged or vaccine killed children are turning out to see the film, and the VAXXED film crew often interviews them to record their stories. In the interview above, obviously in the lobby of a theater, one young couple speaks about how their healthy 3 month old baby died 12 hours after receiving 8 vaccines in one visit to their pediatrician. When the infant was pronounced dead at the hospital, and the parents mentioned during the investigation how the baby had received 8 vaccines that day, no one at the hospital allegedly investigated further to look for a vaccine connection. They talked to their pediatrician the next day, and she refused to link the death to vaccines, instead calling it SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). The medical professionals would not even report the death to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), the government database to report vaccine injuries and deaths. It was the coroner who reported it to VAERS: "We got a lot more help from him (the coroner) than we got from our own pediatrician."

Resistance to Vaccine Medical Tyranny Growing in the U.S. as VAXXED Film Gains Wider Audience

It has been nearly two years since a top scientist at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) came forward as a whistleblower, revealing fraud in a top published research paper that has been used to refute any connection between vaccines and autism. The mainstream media, controlled by Big Pharma advertising, ignored this story, and hoped it would fade away quietly. Likewise, members of Congress, for the most part, have not taken action in the public's best interest and called hearings about the alleged fraud. In spite of the fact that Dr. William Thompson supplied documents and an affidavit to Congress via Florida Congressman Bill Posey, no action has been taken for almost two years. This issue, however, is not fading away, but gaining momentum to the point that doctors, parents, and community leaders, among others, are becoming outraged. If Congress does not act soon, this anger is simply going to continue to boil until it explodes into something ugly.

VAXXED Film Opens in Washington D.C. – Will Lawmakers View It?

The controversial film VAXXED, which has been censored at certain film festivals across the United States, recently opened at the Angelika Pop Up theater in Washington, D.C. The film is produced by Del Bigtree, a medical journalist and the past producer of the popular daytime show "The Doctors." Mr. Bigtree states that when he learned about the top scientist whistleblower at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), that he knew this was the biggest story of his life, and that this was “bigger than Watergate.” Since the 2004 study that supposedly proved there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism was published by the CDC, more than one million children have been diagnosed with autism, and now one of the study’s authors at the CDC has revealed that data was concealed that actually showed there was indeed a link between the vaccine and autism in some children. There will be Q&As on Tuesday, May 24th and Wednesday, May 25th following the 5:45pm and 7:45pm shows at the Angelika Pop Up theater in Washington, D.C. with producers Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey and director Dr. Andrew Wakefield available to take questions. This is a perfect opportunity for members of Congress to view the film for themselves, since it has been mostly censored in mainstream media.

California Medical Doctor and State Senator Runs from Office to Avoid Vaccine Discussion

The controversial new film VAXXED opened recently in Sacramento, the state capitol of California. The film's producer, Del Bigtree, along with other members of the film, decided to stop by and try to talk to some of the California State legislators about the film, which is a documentary about the CDC whistleblower who admits that the CDC hid key data in a study that linked the MMR vaccine to autism. Last year, California became the first state in the U.S. to remove the religious and philosophical exemptions to childhood vaccines as a requirement for attending school. Senator and medical doctor Richard Pan was the sponsor of the bill, and has also received campaign funding from pharmaceutical companies according to public records. Del Bigtree stopped by Senator Pan's office to try and start a conversation regarding vaccine issues, since he was the sponsor of the bill that removed vaccine exemptions last year. As you can see in this video, he literally ran away from him in the capitol building avoiding any discussion on the topic.

Dr. Brian Hooker Exposes Fraud at the CDC – Congress Refuses to Hold Hearings

In what is perhaps one of the most in-depth public interviews ever recorded with Dr. Brian Hooker, who is featured in the recent film VAXXED which is creating major controversies in film festivals all across the U.S. as powerful vaccine special interest groups try to censor the film, Dr. Hooker reveals on the National Safe Child Show how his 10 year fight with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) resulted in one of the top vaccine scientists at the CDC contacting him to become a whistleblower regarding vaccine research fraud. Dr. William Thompson of the CDC was a co-author of a landmark vaccine research paper published in 2004 that supposedly proved that there was no correlation between the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella 3-combo vaccine (MMR) and autism. However, in phones calls between Dr. Thompson and Dr. Hooker in 2014 that were secretly recorded, Dr. Thompson revealed that the CDC deliberately hid and destroyed data that showed there was in fact a link between the MMR vaccine and autism among certain groups of children. After the phone conversations between Dr. Hooker and Dr. Thompson went public, Dr. Thompson hired a whistleblower attorney, and sent all of the data that he had retained showing the fraud to U.S. Representative Bill Posey. According to Dr. Hooker, Dr. Thompson was also deposed and filed an affidavit that Congressman Posey retains in his possession. Yet in spite of these revelations, not one Congressional committee chair has called a hearing to subpoena Dr. Thompson and investigate fraud at the CDC. In this interview with Dr. Hooker on the National Safe Child Show and Tammi Stefano, Dr. Hooker explains how he was harassed and opposed by the CDC as he spent over 10 years filing over 100 freedom of information acts (FOIAs) to recover raw data sets used to publish research on vaccines by the CDC. They even targeted his son, who was injured by the MMR vaccine and today has autism.

Arizona Cardiologist Speaks Out Against VAXXED Film Censorship

Vaxxed is a well made film that exposes fraud and cover-up at the Centers for Disease Control. A taped conversation with a lead CDC researcher, Dr. William Thompson, is the centerpiece of the movie. It is through Dr. Thompson that we learn about a 2004 study that found a 3-fold higher risk of autism in African-American boys. Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Dr. Brian Hooker provide excellent commentary and many parents of vaccine-injured children are interviewed. Their stories are gut-wrenching, to say the least. VAXXED was scheduled to be shown at two theaters in Arizona. One of those two was cancelled. Apparently there were complaints made by physicians and other pro-vaccine groups to the Harkins Corporation, the operator of these two theaters. We think this behavior is appalling and is obvious censorship.

CDC Whistleblower Scientist Given Huge Bonus and Asked to Rewrite Fraudulent Vaccine-Autism Study

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., issued a press release today clarifying some issues related to his past relationship to Dr. William Thompson of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Dr. Thompson originally contacted Dr. Hooker and confessed that the CDC had covered up data in a 2004 article published in the Journal of Pediatrics that linked the MMR vaccine to autism. When the phone conversations between Brian Hooker and William Thompson went public, Dr. Thompson hired a whistleblower attorney. However, in spite of the confessions of fraud at the CDC by Dr. Thompson, he retained his position at the CDC, and no committee chair in Congress dared to take on the pharmaceutical cartel and hold hearings on the matter. Dr. Thompson was never subpoenaed to be questioned about the alleged fraud at the CDC. Congressman Bill Posey was the lone voice in Congress calling for hearings, and he allegedly received documents from Dr. Thompson as well as an affidavit. Dr. Thompson appeared willing to testify, but only under oath before Congress. It never happened. With the recent popularity of the film VAXXED, which features the story of Dr. Thompson becoming a whistleblower and revealing fraud at the CDC, more information has come forward about just why it is believed Dr. Thompson retained his position at the CDC, and just how the CDC is going to handle this story, which for the most part has been censored in the mainstream media, but been on fire in the Alternative Media and Social Media. Dr. Brian Hooker made some comments at one of the Q & A sessions of the film's premiere in Manhattan recently, and today he issued a formal press release explaining the basis of those comments.

Producer of VAXXED Speaks Out: “This is Bigger than Watergate”

Del Bigtree, producer of the controversial film "VAXXED," recently appeared on the National Safe Child Show with Tammi Stefano in Los Angeles. Before taking on this film project together with Dr. Andrew Wakefield on the MMR vaccine fraud, Mr. Bigtree was the producer of the popular daytime medical show "The Doctors." Mr. Bigtree states that when he learned about the top scientist whistle blower at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), that he knew this was the biggest story of his life, and that this was "bigger than Watergate." Since the 2004 study that supposedly proved there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism was published by the CDC, more than one million children have been diagnosed with autism, and now one of the study's authors at the CDC has revealed that data was concealed that actually showed there was indeed a link between the vaccine and autism in some children. In the second half of the National Safe Child Show, Tammi Stefano interviewed Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., and investigative journalist and the author of several books, including "Your Baby Your Way" and "The Vaccine-Friendly Plan" that she co-authored with Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. Dr. Paul Thomas is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and he agrees with actor Robert De Niro that we need to learn the truth about vaccines, and that the science is anything but "settled." Dr. Thomas is not anti-vaccine, but delays or forgoes certain vaccines depending on the needs of the children in his practice. Margulis reveals in her interview that in her experience as a professional award-winning journalist, she has seen censorship in journalism on the vaccine topics. She attributes this phenomenon partly on the ignorance of journalists and their unwillingness to explore both sides of the debate. She believes many journalists erroneously believe that if the government states vaccines are safe, then it must be true. She reminds her colleagues in the media that traditionally the media's job has always been to question the government, and act as a "watch dog" over what the government was claiming.

Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas Agrees with Robert De Niro: “Let’s Find Out The Truth” About Vaccines

“As a parent with a child who has autism, I’m concerned,” Robert De Niro said on the Today Show on April 13. “I want to know the truth. I’m not anti-vaccine. I want safe vaccines.” De Niro got visibly upset as he spoke. Upset about the way the mainstream has shut down the conversation about vaccines and autism. Upset that he had to make the quick decision—which he seemed to say he now regrets—to pull the documentary Vaxxed from this year’s Tribeca Film Festival. And upset about his now 18-year-old son who has autism. “The vaccines are dangerous to certain people who are more susceptible, and nobody seems to want to address that. Or they say they’ve addressed it and it’s a closed issue,” De Niro said. “There’s more to this than meets the eye, believe me. There is something there that people aren’t addressing.” As a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician with over 11,000 children in my practice in Portland, Oregon, and a Cornell-educated science writer and Fulbright scholar who has been researching children’s health for over ten years, we agree with Robert De Niro: the question of whether vaccines are a contributing factor to the autism epidemic is anything but closed.

Robert De Niro Attacked for Asking Questions about Vaccines and Promoting Freedom of Speech

Academy Award winning actor Robert De Niro appeared on the Today Show to discuss the beginning of the Tribeca Film Festival. De Niro appeared with Tribeca co-founder Jane Rosenthal. De Niro defended his original decision to include the film "Vaxxed" in the film festival, which was later reversed, and encouraged everyone to see the film, as well as another film called "Trace Amounts." He expressed regret at having to exclude the film, but stated he did not want the Festival affected by the controversy. Jane Rosthenthal, the co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival, then made the shocking statement that the film was pulled from the film festival not because of pressure from sponsors, but because other film-makers threatened to pull out of the festival: "There weren't sponsors or donors that were threatening to pull out of the film festival, but these were film makers, and we're known for having amazing documentary films... It was our film makers that were pulling out." De Niro replied: "I find that amazing, and we're going to talk about that." In defense of the film industry and freedom of speech, De Niro went on to state: "All I wanted, was for the movie to be seen. People can make their own judgement, but you must see it."