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Editor - Health Impact News

Former Merck Scientist Explains Why He Doesn’t Vaccinate His Children Due to Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies

Del Bigtree, producer of the film VAXXED, and host of the weekly show HighWire, interviewed Jorge Araujo, a scientist who worked for the pharmaceutical company Merck as a lead supervisor on vaccine sterile quality this week. Araujo's wife is a nurse, and they didn't even question the science behind vaccines until they were expecting their first child, when Araujo's wife began asking him questions about vaccines. Araujo relates that as he began to ask questions about vaccine efficacy and safety, the answers were not there. His research showed him that the robust science and quality controls present in regular drug manufacturing did not seem to be present with vaccine manufacturing. So he and his wife decided not vaccinate their children, and today they are all "super healthy." Araujo states that he is not alone in his skepticism regarding the lack of science and quality controls for vaccine manufacture, and that other scientists he knows who worked for Merck are also deciding not to vaccinate their children.

The Medical Journals’ Sell-Out: Big Pharma Buys Advertising and Decides What Gets Published – Anything Negative About Vaccines Not Allowed

The vaccine industry and its government and scientific partners routinely block meaningful science and fabricate misleading studies about vaccines. They could not do so, however, without having enticed medical journals into a mutually beneficial bargain. Pharmaceutical companies supply journals with needed income, and in return, journals play a key role in suppressing studies that raise critical questions about vaccine risks—which would endanger profits. This concerted campaign to prevent dissemination of vaccine content that does not toe the party line will make it harder than ever for American families to do their due diligence with regard to vaccine risks and benefits.

Former FDA Commissioner Gottlieb Joins Pfizer: World’s Largest Pharmaceutical Company and Second Largest Manufacturer of Vaccines

Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD has joined the board of directors of Pfizer, Inc.—the world’s largest pharmaceutical company and second largest manufacturer of vaccines. Pfizer, which posted total revenues of $53.7 billion in 2018, announced Dr. Gottlieb’s election to the board on June 27, 2019. Dr. Gottlieb, who led the FDA from May 11, 2017 to Apr. 5, 2019, has also been appointed to the Regulatory and Compliance Committee and the Science and Technology Committee of Pfizer’s board. As FDA Commissioner, Dr. Gottlieb often expressed strong opinions about the safety and mandatory use of vaccines. He has said he does not believe there is a need for further scientific research into reported vaccine side effects, such as the development of regressive autism in previously healthy children after vaccination. He was also outspoken this year about his belief that children attending school with vaccine exemptions are to blame for measles outbreaks and the federal government should intervene if states do not restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions.

Mother, Therapist, Educator, Paralegal, Advocate and Vaccine Court Victim Speaks Out on How Vaccine-Autism Denial Destroys Families

In 2002, I was a young, ambitious 24-year-old finishing graduate school as a credentialed teacher, marriage and family therapist, and behavior analyst. Like all good moms, I took my healthy, talking, responsive, playful son Dominic into the doctors for his routine vaccine shots at 15 months old. That night I watched in heart-wrenching fear as my son developed a 105 fever, uncontrollable screaming, dizziness, diarrhea, and seizures. The following days as Dominic became lethargic, unable to eat, ridden with a rash, and struggled with his breathing, my panic grew uncontrollable. I took Dominic back to the doctors demanding to know what the vaccines had done to him, but more importantly, how we could help him. They said there was no correlation between the vaccines he received that day and his newly developed symptoms. I was told I was paranoid, and we were referred to psychiatry.

California Bill to Remove Medical Doctor Exemptions Halted in Assembly Committee – For Now

SB 276 was heard in the Assembly Appropriations Committee today, July 10, 2019. Due to the exorbitant costs, it was sent to the Suspense File. Typically this is where a bill goes to die. However, SB 276 could be removed from the Suspense File on August 31st and continue to move during this session. It would have to pass the Assembly Floor before going back to the Senate for a Concurrence vote on the Assembly amendments and pass the Senate once more before hitting Newsom's desk for his signature or veto.

Government’s Own Pro-vaccine Medical Expert Admits There is a Vaccine-Autism Link That is Being Covered Up

Earlier this year (2019) investigative independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson ran a report on Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, a world-renowned pediatric neurologist whom the U.S. Government used in 2007 to testify in the U.S. Vaccine Court that vaccines did not cause autism. However, Dr. Zimmerman also stated in an affidavit that vaccines can cause autism in a certain subset of children, but that testimony was suppressed. He goes on to say that the government went on to misrepresent his opinion in vaccine court and cover up what he had told them. Watch the investigative report by Sharyl Attkisson.

FBI Called Upon to Investigate NY Corruption in Removing Vaccine Religious Exemptions

Kevin Barry of First Freedoms is calling upon the FBI to investigate potential fraud committed in the New York Assembly Committee on Health meeting that considered whether or not to bring a bill to the full Assembly Floor that would remove religious exemptions for childhood vaccines. He has published a video filmed during the meeting that shows the committee did not have enough votes to bring the bill to the full Assembly Floor, and that Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, who is not part of the Committee on Health, called over one Assemblyman who voted "no," Nader Sayegh, and convinced him to change his vote. Without this change of vote, the bill would have died and never come to the full Assembly Floor for a vote. As a result, the bill did make it to the floor, and 20 million New Yorkers who had a religious exemption to vaccines lost that exemption.

California Dr. Bob Sears Exposes How Good Doctors Fear State Medical Board and SB 276 Regarding Vaccine Medical Exemptions

California pediatrician Dr. Bob Sears recently testified at the California State Assembly hearing considering SB 276, which would prevent doctors from writing medical exemptions to childhood vaccines without the approval of California State health officials, appointed by politicians. Dr. Sears pointed out that the passage of this bill would cause many doctors to stop writing medical exemptions for vaccines out of fear of what the California State Medical board may do to them, such as take away their license to practice medicine, or come under disciplinary action. Dr. Sears should know, because that is exactly what happened to him. A disgruntled spouse in a custody case who wanted to administer several vaccines over the objection the other parent reported Dr. Sears to the California State Medical Board, which proceeded to put Dr. Sears on probation. This was in spite of the fact that the judge over the custody case agreed with Dr. Sears that there were valid medical reasons to not fully vaccinate the infant in question, who was suffering neurological disorders. This action resulted in Dr. Sears having to pay over $20,000 a year in probation fees, and even though he has never had a single malpractice case, his malpractice insurance doubled, and he lost insurance contracts that allowed him to serve 500 military families, and now he can no longer provide service to these families.

Parents Risk Losing Children to CPS in NY if They Fail to Comply with Mandatory Vaccines

As we reported last week, on June 13, 2019, the New York legislature quickly pushed a bill (A2371) to repeal the religious exemption to vaccination through both the Assembly and Senate in one day with no public hearings. The unprecedented legislative coup, which cut the citizens of New York out of participating in the law making process, culminated in the Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo immediately signing the bill into law. Soon after this bill passed in New York, some parents apparently received letters from their children's school districts informing them of the new law, and that any child who previously had a religious exemption to vaccines now needed to comply and get caught up on their vaccinations. One of these letters, from Deer Park, New York, was posted on Facebook and quickly circulated, where James Cummings, the Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, let parents know that failure to comply and vaccinate their children would result in being reported to Child Protective Services (CPS). CPS workers routinely seize children from parents who do not comply with medical directives. Today, you can lose your children to CPS for simply wanting to obtain a second opinion from a different doctor for medical treatments for your children. These children are very often taken out of their homes and put into foster care, where the vast majority of them are abused. Foster care is a billion dollar industry, and it is the main source of the United States' very large, and very real, problem of child sex trafficking. We have documented these cases of "medical kidnapping" for almost 5 years now on our MedicalKidnap.com website. It would appear that State Legislators and governors imposing strict mandatory vaccination laws have now found another pipeline of putting children into this very lucrative foster care system to access federal funds, where corruption is the norm.

Government Report: $160 Million Paid So Far in 2019 for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just concluded their second meeting of 2019 on June 6th. These quarterly meetings include a report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. Drug manufacturers in the vaccine market can now create as many new vaccines as they desire, with no risk of being sued if their product causes injury or death. This has resulted in a huge increase of vaccines entering the market, and the U.S. government, through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), is the largest purchaser of these vaccines, spending in excess of $5 billion taxpayer dollars each year to purchase these vaccines. The CDC’s annual budget of $5 BILLION to purchase vaccines from pharmaceutical companies with American taxpayer funds, and the NVICP law which gives legal immunity to the pharmaceutical industry for injuries and deaths due to vaccines, are facts that are routinely censored and withheld from the public in the corporate-sponsored “mainstream” media, as well as in government legislative hearings that seek to mandate vaccines by force. If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, you must sue the federal government and go up against their attorneys in this special vaccine court. As far as we know, Health Impact News is the only media source that publishes these DOJ reports on vaccine injuries and deaths each quarter. Past reports can be found here. The June 6, 2019 report states that 287 petitions were filed during the 3-month time period between 2/16/19 – 5/15/19, with 191 cases being adjudicated and 144 cases compensated. The June, 2019 DOJ report only lists 78 of these settlements for vaccine injuries and deaths, and 57 of those were for damages caused by the flu vaccine. The total amount of damages paid out by the U.S. Government so far in 2019 for vaccine injuries and deaths is over $160 MILLION.

Nurses Plead Guilty to Manslaughter over 2 Babies Who Died from Forced MMR Vaccines

News sources out of New Zealand are reporting that two nurses in Samoa, facing charges over the deaths of two babies who died shortly after receiving the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, have pleaded guilty to manslaughter. One defendant, Luse Emo Tauvale, has admitted to three charges of obstruction of justice and two of negligence and manslaughter, while Leutogi Te'o has pleaded guilty to one charge of manslaughter. Health Impact News reported on the original story in 2018 when it made headline news on TV1 in Samoa. "Tala Fou brings you breaking news on the death of two young children both aged 1-year-old from the villages of Safotu and Sasina in Savaii. Both children died within minutes of being vaccinated with the MMR vacine at Safotu Hospital on Friday morning the 6th of July." What was so tragic about this story was that the parents of the second child who died had reportedly already learned about the first infant’s death a couple hours earlier and declined to have their child receive the same vaccine. The mother reported that the nurse administered the MMR vaccine against her consent, leading to the child’s immediate death upon receiving the vaccine.

California Doctor Fights Subpoena to Hand Over Patient Medical Records for Vaccine Exemptions

Dr. Kenneth Stoller has filed a lawsuit to stop the San Francisco City Attorney’s attempt to obtain the medical records and genetic information of his vaccine exemption patients. The basis of the City Attorney’s subpoena, which was served and widely reported in the media on May 8th, is a purported public nuisance investigation about Dr. Stoller’s practice of writing medical exemptions for children who do not meet the strict CDC (Centers for Disease Control) vaccine contraindications. We believe that there is no real investigation. Rather, the City Attorney’s press conference announcing the subpoena was intended to create public support for SB 276, which would remove medical vaccine exemption decision making from physicians and place it in the hands of state or local public health officials.

California Governor Not Supportive of Proposed Bill to Restrict Medical Doctors from Writing Vaccine Exemptions

The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that California Governor Gavin Newsom has doubts about proposed bill SB 276, which would restrict medical doctors from writing vaccine exemptions and require all medical exemptions for vaccines to be approved by the state Department of Public Health. SB 276 recently passed the full Senate by a vote of 24 YES to 10 NO and the bill will now go to the California Assembly. The Chronicle is reporting that Governor Newsom supports the doctor-patient relationship more than "bureaucratic relationships." “I like doctor-patient relationships. Bureaucratic relationships are more challenging for me,” Newsom told reporters at the California Democratic Party convention in San Francisco. “I’m a parent. I don’t want someone that the governor appointed to make a decision for my family.” The Chronicle reports that while the Governor did not explicitly say he would veto SB276, he cast "serious doubts on its prospects should it reach his desk." “With respect, as a father of four that goes through this on a consistent basis, that’s just something we need to pause and think about,” Newsom said. “I believe in immunizations. However, I do legitimately have concerns about a bureaucrat making a decision that is very personal.”

Unvaccinated Population Called Upon to Participate in Vaccinated versus Unvaccinated Legal Study

Hello, my name is Joy Garner. I am the founder of The Control Group, thecontrolgroup.org. We are now conducting the largest-ever epidemiological health study of unvaccinated people in preparation for a federal lawsuit to end all vaccine mandates Nationwide. We are NOT asking for money. We need ACTION. Even a few minutes of time WILL make a huge difference. UNvaccinated people are the EVIDENCE big pharma is desperately trying to eliminate with their vaccine mandates, SO THAT the cause can never been fully proven. We MUST collect as much evidence as possible while we still can. Once they criminalize unvaccinated people, everyone will go into hiding and we will not be ABLE to collect this data, not even with "anonymous" participants. Our surveys CAN currently be completed anonymously. We already have plenty of "sample" witnesses who are looking forward to testifying about the good health of their unvaccinated children. But this matter is URGENT. If we wait, NOBODY will be willing to testify or even be willing to fill out an anonymous health survey, for fear of potential prosecution.

Vaccine Rights Attorney Sent Back to Jail a Third Time for Refusing to Breach Attorney-Client Privilege

After a hearing at Wake County Courthouse on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, Attorney Alan Phillips was was ordered back to jail for a third time, and his license was suspended for at least until his next hearing on June 24, 2019. The judge can do this up to a cumulative year in jail. So this harassment of Attorney Phillips could continue for a long time. Alan has been already been jailed on Thursday, May 9, 2019, and on and Monday, April 29, 2019, for 48 hours each, for “contempt of court” after he refused to breach attorney client privilege. The North Carolina State Bar is demanding that Phillips turn over years of privileged client files in a retaliatory fishing expedition lawsuit, after he filed a complaint against the bar for alleged misconduct; the Bar internally dismissed Phillips’ complaint and a subsequent follow-up complaint. Incidentally, OAMF filed a complaint that was also internally dismissed. Alan has done nothing illegal, the NC State Bar has not provided the court any evidence of wrongdoing on Alan’s part, and this entire lawsuit is a fishing expedition to try and discover some wrongdoing on Alan’s part in an effort to silence him and/or retaliate against him for filing a complaint against the Bar. Alan Phillips, J.D. is a nationally recognized expert and presenter on vaccine policy and law, and is the nation’s only attorney whose practice is focused solely on vaccine exemptions and legislative activism.

Woman Injured by Flu Vaccine Obtains $2.49 Million Settlement from U.S. Government

The Knutson and Casey Law Firm in Minnesota recently published a Press Release about one of their clients who received a $2.49 million settlement from the U.S. Government Vaccine Court due to injuries related to the annual flu shot. "A woman who was injured after receiving a flu vaccine has been compensated by U.S. Vaccine Court for her injuries, totaling $2.49 million. 39 year-old Cheron Golding received the flu vaccination in October of 2013 and was subsequently diagnosed with transverse myelitis as a result of the vaccination. She suffered from paralysis, loss of vision, and other complex injuries. She was hospitalized for several months. The Vaccine Court reviewed the matter, along with the U.S. Justice Department who defends the cases, and a settlement was reached for her injuries that included future payments for needed care."

New Research: High HPV Cancer Rates Linked to High Gardasil Vaccination Rates – “Exactly the Opposite of what we Expected”

Last year (2018) we reported on the research of French oncologist Dr. Gérard Delépine, who published an analysis of the HPV vaccine Gardasil showing how increased rates of Gardasil vaccinations are actually correlated with a higher rate of cervical cancer. Now, researchers at the University of South Alabama are observing the same link of increased Gardasil vaccination rates with an increased rate of HPV related cervical cancers in Alabama. The researchers and medical doctors commented that this was a "surprising discovery" and that it was "exactly the opposite of what we expected." It is highly unlikely this will be reported in any of the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media sources.

Killing 20 Babies a Year and Infecting Tens of Thousands: Measles? No – Whooping Cough – Spread by Vaccinated

According to the CDC, since 2010, between 15,000 and 50,000 cases are reported each year in the United States,and up to 20 babies die each year from it. Are they talking about the measles? No, they are talking about whooping cough, and it is being spread by those who have been vaccinated for it with the pertussis vaccine. All across the U.S. the corporate media, funded in a large part by the pharmaceutical industry, is telling the American public that we are currently facing a "measles outbreak" of epidemic proportions. This "outbreak" currently stands at 839 measles cases nationwide as of May 10, 2019, according to the CDC, and ZERO reported deaths. This "outbreak" has been used as an excuse to blame parents of unvaccinated children, and to justify health officials to invoke "state of emergency" actions that allow health authorities to ban unvaccinated children from public places and schools, and to fine parents up to $2000.00 a day if they refuse to vaccinate their children with the MMR vaccine. And yet, other infectious diseases are affecting exponentially more people than the measles and far worse, without being classified as a "state of emergency."

Merck Sees “Unprecedented” Growth in Gardasil Vaccine – Over $3 Billion in Sales in 2018 with Expansion into China

Vaccine manufacturer Merck & Co. has reported earnings from its Gardasil HPV vaccine for 2018 at $3.15 billion, far above the previous year sales of $2.31 billion. First quart of 2019 sales of the Gardasil vaccine have soared 31% to $838 million for the first three months of 2019. Executives from the company have stated that these sales of the Gardasil vaccine are "unprecedented," and the company plans to spend over $1 billion to expand its Gardasil vaccine production. Much of this growth of the Gardasil vaccine market is due to Merck's expansion into China. While many other countries, like Japan, are pulling back on their recommendations for the Gardasil vaccines due to the sheer volume of reported Gardasil vaccine injuries, and the resulting lawsuits in those countries against Merck and its distributors, something that is not possible in the United States due to the legal immunity vaccine makers enjoy, China is running full speed ahead to introduce the Gardasil vaccine to its population.

FDA Approves Faulty Dengue Vaccine that Harmed 100,000 Children in the Philippines, Killing Some, and Prompted Lawsuits

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration just approved one of the most sought after vaccines in recent decades. It's the world's first vaccine to prevent dengue fever — a disease so painful that its nickname is "breakbone fever." The vaccine, called Dengvaxia, is aimed at helping children in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories where dengue is a problem. But this vaccine has a dark — and deadly — history. One that has led to criminal charges in the Philippines, and sparked national panic. "In total, the deaths of about 600 children who received Dengvaxia are under investigation by the Public Attorney's Office, " the South China Morning Post reported last month.