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Editor - Health Impact News

Are Front-line Emergency Room Doctors the Key to Identifying Vaccine Injuries and Reporting Them?

Are front-line emergency room doctors the key to identifying vaccine injuries and reporting them? At least one ER doctor thinks so. David Denton Davis MD, a former Emergency Physician, claims neither our Centers for Disease Control (CDC) nor our Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has requested help from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) in identifying illnesses and deaths occurring hours, days and weeks following childhood vaccinations. In his soon-to-be-published book “Who Can Parents Trust? Vaccines: Avoidable and Unsafe," he claims the vast majority of serious vaccine related illnesses coming into Emergency rooms will continue to go unrecognized, unless nurses and physicians ask the last vaccination date (LVD). He believes during the past thirty years several million serious Adverse Events (AE's), including deaths presenting nationwide to more than 5,000 Emergency rooms have never been recognized, documented or submitted for investigation, in accordance with our National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). All suspicions of a vaccine related adverse event are required by law to be submitted using our Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Sadly, he goes on, very few Emergency Physicians or Nurses have received any NCVIA or VAERS education. As a charter member of ACEP, Dr. Davis served on the Board of Directors during the creation of Emergency Medicine (EM) as a specialty. He admits his own reporting failures were due to a lack of vaccine education. Dr. Davis states he is concerned many pediatricians know, but are not reporting illnesses following vaccinations, for financial reasons. Although neither makers nor physicians are liable for vaccine damage, the ultimate truth for safety was made contingent on investigating physician, parent or third party VAERS submissions. With only a very small percentage being reported, no one can honestly say vaccines are safe.

French Oncologist Analysis of Gardasil Vaccine Finds Higher Rates of Cervical Cancer Associated with High Vaccination Rates

A medical doctor in France, Dr. Gérard Delépine, an oncologist, has published an analysis of the HPV vaccine Gardasil on the independent news site, Agora Vox, showing how increased rates of Gardasil vaccinations are actually correlated with a higher rate of cervical cancer. The analysis was published as an Open letter to parliamentarians, and to all citizens, in response to a recent meeting between French President Emmanuel Macron and "thirty leaders of the world's largest pharmaceutical groups," and to the call among some politicians to make the HPV vaccine Gardasil mandatory in France. Using statistics from several countries, Dr. Delépine shows that cervical cancer was decreasing in all these countries due to the implementation of regular pap smears. However, in some countries where mass Gardasil vaccination took place, the incidence of cervical cancer actually increased.

HPV Vaccine Scandal Affects Cochrane Biased Review as Critics Speak Out in BMJ

In May 2018, Cochrane, the research organization that bills itself as the “international gold standard for high quality, trusted information,” released a flattering review of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. The Cochrane review methodology involves pulling together data from clinical trials and reviewing the assembled evidence in what is supposed to be a standardized, systematic and neutral manner. In June, we reported that Cochrane’s sources of funding—agencies and foundations that are unwilling to brook any questions about vaccine safety—raise reasonable doubts about Cochrane’s conflicts of interest and ability to remain independent from its funders’ agendas. Now, researchers affiliated with one of Cochrane’s regional member centers (the Nordic Cochrane Centre) and with the Oxford-based Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (OCEBM) have come out with an exhaustive critique of Cochrane’s HPV review, published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. Not mincing their words, the authors state: "We believe that the Cochrane [HPV vaccine] review does not meet the standards for Cochrane reviews or the needs of the citizens or healthcare providers that consult Cochrane reviews to make ‘Informed decisions,’ which…is part of Cochrane’s motto." The Nordic and OCEBM authors make many solid arguments about the Cochrane reviewers’ omissions and errors, including the reviewers’ inexplicable characterization of the higher death rate in the HPV group as “a chance occurrence.”

Lawfirm Announces $101 Million Measles Vaccine Settlement for Infant that Suffered Brain Injury

The lawfirm of Maglio Christopher & Toale, P.A. announced earlier this month (July, 2018) that they had negotiated a $101 million dollar settlement for an infant who suffered a severe reaction to the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine. A one-year-old healthy baby girl, who was already walking and climbing, received vaccinations for Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR), Hepatitis A, Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib), Prevnar (pneumonia), and Varicella (chickenpox) on February 13, 2013. That evening, the mother noticed the baby was irritable and feverish. After a call to the pediatrician, the doctor advised Mom to give her Tylenol and Benadryl. The fever continued for several days, and on the evening before the baby’s scheduled pediatrician visit, the baby began having severe seizures. She was rushed to the emergency room. She went into cardiac and respiratory arrest, and doctors placed her on a ventilator. The seizures and cardiac arrest left the baby with a severe brain injury, encephalopathy, cortical vision impairment, truncal hypotonia (low muscle tone), and kidney failure. After months of treatment at the hospital, the baby finally went home, but her disabilities required specialized medical care and supervision around the clock for the rest of her life. The $101 million dollar settlement will pay for the child’s constant high-level medical care for the rest of her life. The family received a lump sum of $1 million dollars to cover the immediate costs of medical bills and expenses. The rest will be paid out through an annuity over the child’s lifetime. Don't expect to read this story in the Big Pharma-sponsored corporate "mainstream" media, where the official doctrine is that vaccines are "safe and effective."

Gardasil Vaccine Legal Victory: Canada Federal Court Rules to Release Clinical Trial Data to American Researcher

CBC News and the British Medical Journal (BMJ) are reporting that Professor Peter Doshi has won a major legal victory against pharmaceutical companies trying to hide clinical trial data from the public due to "confidential agreements" for 5 pharmaceutical products. Doshi sued Health Canada to release clinical trial data submitted to Health Canada by the manufacturers of the HPV vaccines Gardasil, Gardasil 9 and Cervarix, and the anti-viral flu medications, Tamiflu and Relenza. A Canadian Federal Court judge ordered Health Canada to release the pharmaceutical clinical trial data, undercutting the Canadian government's attempts to keep the information confidential. As far as I can determine, this landmark court ruling out of Canada has been completely censored in the U.S. corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media. This appears to be a brilliant legal strategy by Doshi and his attorneys, since they had little to no chance of obtaining this clinical trial data from any court in the U.S., where pharmaceutical companies enjoy legal immunity from most lawsuits. The importance of receiving this data, particularly on Merck's Gardasil vaccine, cannot be overstated. As we have reported many times here at Health Impact News, the entire medical approval process to bring the HPV vaccine into the U.S. market is full of scandals and cover-ups, which has resulted in the injuries and deaths of many young people, particularly young women aged 12 to 26, many of whom can no longer bear children due to the vaccine making them infertile. "I hope my case sets a precedent and allows researchers, clinicians, and the public easy access to clinical trial data," Doshi reportedly stated in an email to CBC News. "Regulators shouldn't have a monopoly on judging the risks and benefits of medicines or hinder others from doing the same via confidentiality agreements."

HHS Sued for Not Upholding Vaccine Safety Testing Mandated by Law

In 2017, Health Impact News reported that the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), supported by 55 organizations, representing over 5 million people, had taken the unprecedented step of serving a notice to Mr. Don Wright, M.D., M.P.H., who was the acting secretary of the Health and Human Services (HHS) department at the time, stating that HHS had failed in their duty to conduct the proper scientific research required to demonstrate vaccine safety as was required by law, and that they should take immediate action to remedy this negligence. Last week (July, 2018), Del Bigtree interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on his program HighWire, announcing that they had filed a lawsuit against HHS for violating U.S. law on vaccine safety, and won.

Hundreds of HPV Vaccine Victims Take to the Streets in Dublin to Protest – 2 Girls Suffer Seizures During Protest

Hundreds of HPV vaccine-injured people took to the streets to protest at Leinster House, Dublin, on July 9th, 2018, while Professor Ian Frazier, one of the co-inventors of the vaccine, gave a speech next door at the Royal College of Physicians. During the protest, 3 Gardasil vaccine victims took ill, with 2 of them having seizures. Both of the girls suffering seizures had to be taken to the hospital. The following video was taken of the protest, and towards the end of the video you can see one of the girls having a seizure. This protest has been mostly censored in the "mainstream" corporate-sponsored media.

Samoa Seizes All MMR Vaccines After Two Infants Die Minutes After Receiving the Vaccine

TV1 in Samoa is reporting that two infants have died within minutes of receiving the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. "Tala Fou brings you breaking news on the death of two young children both aged 1-year-old from the villages of Safotu and Sasina in Savaii. Both children died within minutes of being vaccinated with the MMR vacine at Safotu Hospital on Friday morning the 6th of July. Our News Reporter Alisa Faamaoni met with both families in Savaii today. The parents of the first child Marietta and Samuelu Tuisuesue of Sasina explained in detail to Tala Fou that within three minutes of their 1-year-old daughter Lannacallystah Samuelu being injected with the MMR vacine by a nurse she was dead." What is so tragic, and has this island nation in such an uproar, is that the parents of the second child who died had reportedly already learned about the first infant's death a couple hours earlier and declined to have their child receive the same MMR vaccine. The mother reports that the nurse administered the vaccine against her consent, leading to the child's immediate death upon receiving the vaccine.

World Health Organization’s New Lax Vaccine Safety Policy Leads to More Child Deaths by Vaccines

Two leading pediatricians in India have published a critique of the World Health Organization's (WHO) newly revised manual on the classification of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI). The doctors claim that the new guidelines are too lax, resulting in more children dying from adverse reactions to vaccines, with no accountability for the vaccine manufacturers to produce safer vaccines. In the U.S., pharmaceutical companies manufacturing vaccines cannot be sued due to faulty vaccines, which allows them to put as many vaccines into the market as they want, with no repercussions if the vaccine proves to be faulty or have a high injury and death rate. Victims must sue the U.S. government and top DOJ attorneys who protect the drug companies. This move by the WHO may very well be an attempt to protect drug companies manufacturing vaccines by preventing lawsuits in the rest of the world for faulty vaccines. According to the report of these two doctors, the consequence of India adopting WHO's new classification can be seen from the causality assessment of 132 serious AEFI cases uploaded on the website of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Of the total AEFI cases, 54 babies died and 78 survived, "but not even one death was classified as vaccine-related. Nearly all the deaths were simply classified as unclassifiable or coincidental."

Japanese Attorneys Representing HPV Vaccine Victims Urge Government to Ban HPV Vaccines

In a recent press release commemorating the 5-year anniversary of the Japanese Government suspending its recommendation of the HPV vaccine, the National Attorneys Association for the HPV Vaccines Lawsuits called upon the Japanese Government to ban the HPV vaccine completely. This is the type of news that is routinely censored in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media in the United States. The fact that there is a national organization of attorneys litigating against one specific vaccine and the injuries it is causing, is itself newsworthy. The vaccine manufacturers who are being sued in Japan, GlaxoSmithKline PLC and Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., enjoy 100% legal immunity in the United States, due to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act. We must look outside of the U.S., therefore, to learn about just how devastating Gardasil and the HPV vaccine is, as the National Association for the HPV Vaccines Lawsuits reports: "Compared to other routine vaccinations, an average of over seven times the number of serious adverse effects per one million HPV vaccinations have been reported, and the number of disability certifications by the Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System is almost ten times higher."

California Pediatrician Bob Sears Breaks Silence on Medical Board Opposition to Vaccine Exemptions

Two years ago we covered the story about Dr. Bob Sears in California who faced discipline by the California state Medical Board after he wrote a medical exemption for vaccines on behalf of a 2-year-old patient who experienced adverse reactions from earlier vaccines. This action taken against Dr. Sears happened after the new law in California, SB277, went into effect removing religious and philosophical exemptions for vaccines. After the passage of SB277 in 2015, only a doctor can issue an exemption for vaccines for medical reasons. Dr. Bob Sears is internationally renown for his stance on parental rights and informed consent, and although he is not anti-vaccine, he does believe that a one-size-fits-all approach to vaccines is misguided, and that the medical needs of his patients need to be taken into consideration regarding vaccines and the spacing of vaccines. Therefore, the attack on Dr. Sears was generally seen as a political move in California to try and intimidate him and other doctors who write medical exemptions for vaccines for their patients, which is perfectly legal, even after the passage of SB277. California lawmakers are heavily lobbied and influenced by Big Pharma, which would like to see all vaccines mandated for everyone, regardless of medical conditions. Dr. Sears has broken his silence after 2 years, and he has revealed that there are several other cases the California Medical Board is looking into regarding his medical practice.

Merck Receives FDA Priority Review to Expand Dangerous Gardasil Vaccine to Women and Men Ages 27 to 45

Gardasil vaccine manufacturer, Merck, announced earlier this month (June, 2018) that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted them a "Priority Review" to approve the dangerous and controversial Gardasil 9 vaccine to women and men, ages 27 to 45. The Gardasil vaccine is currently approved for girls and boys, ages 9 through 26. The request by Merck to expand its market to women and men, ages 27 to 45, and the FDA's approval to grant it a Priority Review by October 6, 2018, follows 10 years after the FDA struck down a similar request to expand the older version of Gardasil to the same age group. Besides the hundreds of stories of young women being injured or even killed by the Gardasil vaccine, as well as the lawsuits mounting in countries outside the U.S., the published data regarding Gardasil just keeps getting worse. Will the FDA consider these studies in determining if Gardasil should be expanded to a larger population? Shouldn't the FDA instead be determining if Gardasil should even stay in the market, as other countries are beginning to ask?

Vaccine Damaged Autistic Child Starts Healing After Ozone Treatment

I just got a video of the child I mentioned in my last post. He has severe autism. He is the son of a respected board certified physician who has declared with 100% certainty that his beloved son was vaccine injured. He, like any parent, would move heaven and earth for his child. He has given permission to share. Two days ago the child had his fourth ozone treatment in our office. As usual, we had to restrain him. But strange, the high pitched cries were absent. We had already been told that a few days before, in his sleep, he was actually talking sentences, though the parents could not make out the words. This was new. He has also been taking supplements to reduce his high levels of aluminum documented by lab in his system. The video you see here is also showing quite new behavior. In the doctor’s words, “He was actually processing how to ride the scooter. It was the first time I’ve ever seen that in him. In the past he’d get frustrated. This time he moved the scooter backwards and time he accomplished riding it. He was smiling and was happy, also a first. He was playful. He was smiling. This has never happened before. A few days ago he was talking in his sleep, he was engaging in a conversation while sleeping. This was also a first. I am just to impressed and thankful to God, and to you and Dr. Su and your staff. You care.” I told the doctor that a case like this means more to us that most any other case. This child still has a life to live.

U.S. Government Continues to Pay Millions in Vaccine Injuries and Death Settlements

The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just concluded their second meeting of 2018 on June 15th. These quarterly meetings include a report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. Drug manufacturers in the vaccine market can now create as many new vaccines as they desire, with no risk of being sued if their product causes injury or death. This has resulted in a huge increase of vaccines entering the market, and the U.S. government, through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), is the largest purchaser of these vaccines, spending in excess of $4 billion taxpayer dollars each year to purchase these vaccines. If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, you must sue the federal government in this special vaccine court. Many cases are litigated for years before a settlement is reached. As far as we know, Health Impact News is the only media source that publishes these reports each quarter. Past reports can be found here. The June 15, 2018 report states that 263 petitions were filed during the 3-month time period between 2/16/18 – 5/15/18, with 147 cases being adjudicated, and 113 cases compensated. But for some reason, the DOJ report only lists 68 of the settlements, leading one to wonder why only these particular cases were listed. These 68 cases, specify the vaccine, the injury, and the amount of time the case was pending before settlement. 53 of the 68 cases were for injuries (and one death) due to the flu vaccine, making the annual flu shot the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S., by far.

Study: HPV Gardasil Vaccine Linked to Decline in Fertility Rates in U.S. Women Aged 25–29

A major study has just been published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health looking at declining fertility rates among eight million U.S. women aged 25 to 29 during a 7-year period. The title of study, published by Gayle DeLong, Ph.D., from the Department of Economics and Finance, Baruch College/City University of New York, is "A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25–29 who received a human papillomavirus vaccine injection." From the abstract: "This study analyzed information gathered in National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which represented 8 million 25-to-29-year-old women residing in the United States between 2007 and 2014. Approximately 60% of women who did not receive the HPV vaccine had been pregnant at least once, whereas only 35% of women who were exposed to the vaccine had conceived. Using logistic regression to analyze the data, the probability of having been pregnant was estimated for females who received an HPV vaccine compared with females who did not receive the shot. Results suggest that females who received the HPV shot were less likely to have ever been pregnant than women in the same age group who did not receive the shot. If 100% of females in this study had received the HPV vaccine, data suggest the number of women having ever conceived would have fallen by 2 million."

Study: Vitamin D Effective in Preventing Flu Only Among Non-vaccinated Population

Numerous peer-reviewed published studies have linked an increase in Vitamin D uptake with a decrease in influenza infection during the flu seasons. The logic is easy to understand: winter brings shorter days with less sunlight, when influenza is most prevalent, while influenza outbreaks are rare during the summer months with increased exposure to sunlight. However, other studies have also been published which seem contradictory, showing little to no association of uptake in Vitamin D with a decrease in flu infections. These studies have, obviously, been highlighted more by the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media in their efforts to market the annual flu vaccine. A study published from researchers in Japan may have unraveled this seeming paradox. In their conclusion, they admit that overall the statistics did not significantly lower the risk of influenza through Vitamin D supplementation, except for one sub-group - those who had NOT received a flu vaccine. They wrote: "In a subgroup of participants without vaccination, vitamin D sufficiency (≥30 ng/mL) was associated with a significantly lower risk of influenza (odds ratio 0.14; 95% confidence interval 0.03-0.74)." Could this be the reason why there are seemingly contradicting results from studies looking at Vitamin D levels and rates of influenza? Could the flu vaccine itself be preventing the body's own immune system from benefiting with higher levels of Vitamin D to naturally fight off flu infections?

Court Overturns Decision by Pennsylvania Medical Center to Terminate Nurse Over Refusal of Vaccine

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Pennsylvania has overturned a lower court's decision to dismiss a nurse's lawsuit against Mount Nittany Medical Center for discriminating against her when she supplied a doctor's exemption to a mandatory tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis vaccine as a condition for continued employment, but was nevertheless terminated from employment for refusing to receive the vaccine. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) also appeared as amicus in the Third Circuit Court in support of Nurse Ruggiero and her claim for discrimination. The case will now go back to District Court in Pennsylvania, where Nurse Ruggiero will attempt to sue and collect damages for a wrongful termination of employment based on refusing a mandatory vaccine for medical reasons.

FBI Turns Against Anti-Vaccine Doctor After She Reports Death Threats

Earlier this year (January, 2018) Health Impact News reported that Dr. Suzanne Humphries had received gruesome death threats, most likely because of her public views against mandatory vaccines and exposing the dangers of vaccines, which are routinely hidden in the corporate media. Dr. Humphries went public with these death threats in a public livestream video broadcast with Polly Tommey, the co-producer of the film VAXXED, on the VAXXED Facebook Page. The video soon went viral and received over half a million views. These threats were reported to the FBI, but now Natural News is reporting that instead of investigating the threats, they started a criminal investigation against Dr. Humphries, accusing her of being behind the death threats herself.

Gardasil HPV Vaccine Acceptance into China Creates Instant Billionaires

Last month (May, 2018) we published a report from the vaccine marketing trade publication, Fierce Pharma, that Merck's sales this year were beating financial forecasts, primarily due to its entrance into the China market for its top-selling Gardasil HPV vaccine. Fierce Pharma reported at that time that the Gardasil vaccine was fast-tracked for approval into the China market: "Late last month, the Chinese FDA granted Gardasil 9 a conditional approval only nine days into a review." Now, Fierce Pharma is reporting that Gardasil's acceptance into the China market has produced instant billionaires.

Attorney Who Represents Vaccine Injuries Claims there is no Science Linking Vaccines to Any “Spectrum Disorder”

Attorney Howard Gold of Gold Lawfirm commented on a Health Impact News article published on Vaccine Impact: Vaccinated versus Unvaccinated Study of Mice Links Hepatitis B Vaccine to Autism. Gold represents vaccine victims who suffer injuries due to vaccines before the federal vaccine court. In fact, he states on his website: "Gold Law Firm, LLC. handles no other types of litigation, period." So what was his comment on our article about a peer-reviewed study published in China linking the Hepatitis B vaccine to brain injuries like autism, which the mainstream media never covered? His comment: "The reason why the media does not comment on this story is because there is no scientific basis for it. Vaccine injuries are real, but they are rare. There is no science that supports the contention that ANY vaccine causes a spectrum disorder." If you or your children are injured by vaccines, is this the kind of attorney you would like representing you?