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Editor - Health Impact News

NY Bill to Require HPV Gardasil Vaccine for Children to Enter School, Daycare

A concerned mom is warning about a New York bill that would require children to get the HPV vaccine before they could attend school. Under S298/A2912, a child would have to get the vaccine to be able to attend public school or daycare. “There’s definitely a large concern among the moms I know about this.” Laura Greenaway is a mom of two girls. She learned of the bill from posts on her Facebook feed, and now she wants to alert other moms. “It created concern and anxiety for me that this is not a decision that I can make for my own child,” Greenaway said. She doesn't believe kids should be required to be vaccinated against human papillomavirus across New York State, and Greenaway is not anti-vaccine. “My children are all up to date on other vaccines that are tried, tested and true. This is a newer vaccine with very alarming side effects,” she said.

Facebook Owner Admits to Congress that They are Censoring Vaccine Safety Information

Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg testified before the House Financial Services Committee in the U.S. Congress on October 23, 2019. One of the Representatives who questioned Mr. Zuckerberg was Florida Congressman Bill Posey. Congressman Posey asked Mr. Zuckerberg: "Mr. Zuckerberg, is Facebook able to assure us that it will support users fair and open discussions and communications related to the risk as well as the benefits of vaccinations?" Mr. Zuckerberg replied: "What we do, is we try to focus on misinformation that has the potential to lead to physical harm, or imminent harm. And that can include especially misleading health advice. If someone wants to post anti-vaccination content, or if they want to join a group where people are discussing that content, we don't prevent them from doing that. But what we do, is we don't go out of our way to make sure that our group recommendation systems try to show people or encourage people to join those groups. We discourage that."

People’s Veto of Government-Mandated Vaccine Law Officially Qualifies for March Ballot in Maine

We are thrilled to announce that we have officially made the ballot! The people of Maine will be voting yes in March to reject this overreaching and punitive law pushed through our legislature by Big Pharma! The Maine Secretary of State’s Office notified Mainers for Health and Parental Rights (MHPR) on Thursday that it has certified the petition to repeal the government-mandated vaccine law that was passed by the Maine legislature and will be placing it on the March ballot. According to the Secretary of State, the vote to repeal the law will be Question 1. LD798 was a hotly contested bill in the Maine legislature that ultimately passed by one vote. 85% of the testimony provided at the public hearing were Mainers who opposed the bill. The bill would eliminate the religious and philosophical exemptions for vaccines and would apply to preschool, K-12 students in public, private, parochial and online schools, higher education as well as daycare and healthcare employees.

HPV Vaccine Being Tested on 4-6 Year-Old Girls in Latin America

I have often feared that in the end babies and young children would be given the dangerous and increasingly unpopular HPV vaccines. I suspect that time is fast approaching. GlaxoSmithLine (GSK) the manufacturer of Cervarix has recently conducted a trial of its two valent HPV vaccine on healthy 4-6 year old female children in Latin America. The study involving girls from Colombia, Panama and Mexico was published in the current edition of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal.  These are little children and even if there was a valid reason to give this vaccine, the effect of the vaccine would have worn off well before they were sexually active. Gardasil was fast-tracked through the FDA, a process usually reserved for life threatening diseases to fill an unmet and urgent medical need. Improved living conditions had already reduced the incidence of cervical cancer significantly in Western countries. To think they could give it to small children and even babies is abhorrent.

Complete Human Genome DNA Found in Contaminated MMR Vaccine by Italian Researchers

Italian scientists from an organization called Corvelva have published results from their testing of the Priorix Tetra vaccine (Measles-Mumps-Rubella-Varicella - MMRV) produced by GlaxoSmithKline. Their report claims that DNA re-sequencing testing shows that the MMRV vaccine produced from cell line MRC-5 (of fetal origin) had an entire human genome with all the chromosomes of a male individual. "The human reference genome was found to be matched by 99.76% reads from vaccine DNA, that means nearly in all its entirety. The human fetal DNA presented in this vaccine is a single entire genome, that means the vaccine contains genomic DNA with all the chromosomes of a male individual (in fact MRC-5 originates from a male fetus)." The researchers claim that variants of this human genomic DNA that were found in the Priorix lot for the MMRV vaccine have been found in "genes involved in cancer."

Facebook Censors Trending Vitamin D Story to Protect Flu Vaccines Using Former CNN Reporter

The flu season is upon us, and Facebook is working hard to keep information from being shared on their platform educating people how to fight the flu using anything other than flu vaccines. A 2017 article written by Dr. Joseph Mercola that was republished on Health Impact News started going viral earlier this week: "Study: Vitamin D Is More Effective Than Flu Vaccine" When it had been shared on Facebook by about half a million people, it apparently kicked off a censorship alarm as being too popular to be allowed to have that many views. By mid-afternoon Friday we were alerted by some of our readers that they were being threatened by Facebook for "posting false claims" when they tried to share the story. Soon thereafter, traffic from Facebook leading to the story plummeted. By the CDC's own admission, the annual flu shot is seldom effective for the majority of the population, as they have to guess the correct flu strains each year. Also, as we report every three months when the DOJ issues their quarterly reports on vaccine injuries and death settlements in the Vaccine Court, the flu shot is the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S., accounting for the majority of vaccine death and injury settlements. Through August of 2019, the Government Vaccine Court has paid out over $206 million so far this year, and most of that is for the flu shot. I am not aware of even one single death due to overdosing on Vitamin D.

93,000 People in Maine Sign Petition to Veto New Vaccine Bill Taking Away Parental Rights

On Friday, September 18, 2019, Mainers for Health and Parental Rights held a press conference at the Capitol of Maine to announce they had obtained 93,000 signatures to support their grass-roots effort, Veto 798 Maine. According to their website, 798 is: "a bill that was pushed through the legislature despite overwhelming opposition from the citizens of Maine, and then quietly signed into law by Governor Mills in May of 2019. LD798 eliminates religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccination, prohibiting parents, staff and healthcare workers from exercising their right to decline one or more vaccines required by schools and employers. If Maine citizens do not comply with the new law, they face expulsion from all public, private, parochial and online schools and will be terminated from employment." To get the "Peoples Veto" on the ballot for March, 2020, they were required to obtain 64,000 signatures from Maine residents within 90 days, September 18th. With 800+ volunteers, they obtained over 93,000 signatures - nearly 7% of the population of Maine. The people of Maine will now apparently have the opportunity to vote and veto this law next March.

Forced Vaccination and Nonviolent Civil Disobedience

There they were, quietly standing with arms locked on a street next to the California state Capitol building on Monday, Sept. 9, 2019 and refusing to move: a grandmother and two young mothers. Carol, Lisa and Lauren were there with other parents to beg the California legislature to show mercy and allow enlightened doctors with a conscience to grant vaccine injured and vaccine vulnerable children a medical exemption to vaccination that cannot be taken away by government officials. Standing there with sadness and fear of the unknown in their eyes, they were surrounded by parents speaking words of comfort, while others shouted to the legislators inside to “oppose SB 276” and “you are not representing California for all.” Then someone started singing “Amazing Grace,” while mothers pushing strollers held their children in their arms and watched armed policemen from the California Highway Patrol form a circle around them. As I witnessed from Virginia on live video streaming the events unfolding in California 3,000 miles away, my heart was breaking for the pain and anxiety I could see in the faces of those women, who were taking an action that they never dreamed they would have to take. I knew that the love, which compels mothers to sacrifice everything to protect their children, outweighed their fear of what would happen to them if they did not move. And as the patrolmen gently approached and handcuffed mothers, who were courageously protesting an abusive law that would make all doctors agents of the state, I knew that the vaccine safety and informed consent movement launched in America in 1982 by parents of DPT vaccine injured children had entered a new era. The three mothers in California, who were arrested for refusing to move out of a street near a building where legislators were passing a law that will harm their children were the first, but will not be the last, to stand their ground against forced vaccination laws in America. The revolution to end medical tyranny and forced vaccination through civil disobedience has just begun. It is a peaceful revolution to restore respect for human rights and civil liberties, driven by the love that mothers and fathers have for their children, and it is long overdue.

September Government Report Shows $206 Million Paid so far in 2019 for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just concluded their third meeting of 2019 on September 6th. These quarterly meetings include a report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). The September 2019 report can be found here. The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. So far in 2019 the NVICP has paid out $206,295,187.00 in damages due to vaccine injuries and deaths. This is public information, but it is not covered in the corporate "mainstream" media. As far as we know, Health Impact News is the only media source that publishes these DOJ reports on vaccine injuries and deaths each quarter.  In fact, by publishing these government reports, we are accused of publishing "fake news," even though all the facts we are publishing here come from government-funded reports.

Award-Winning Pro-Vaccine California Pediatrician Appeals to Gov. Newsom to Preserve Doctor-Patient Relationship

Dear Governor Newsom, My name is Dr. Dane Fliedner, and I am a board certified, California-licensed pediatrician in Orange County. In addition to my medical training, I also hold a Master’s Degree in Public Health and at one point in my career was considering a career in Maternal-Child Public Health, interning at the OC Health Department and traveling to Sacramento with the local health officer to learn about the advocacy aspect of public health. I was one of the earliest recipients of Medical Board of California Service awards for my work in an under-served community. Since that time, I have also worked in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and have seen first-hand the devastation that severe bacterial infections can have on small children. I mention all of these things so that you are very clear that I am not against vaccines. I administer them daily in my pediatric practice and my own children are vaccinated and are not vaccine-injured. I know you are receiving many letters, including from physicians, but wanted to share an aspect of SB277 and now SB276/714 that you may not have considered—and that is the fact that these bills have created a climate of fear and anxiety. There are many physicians in practice that have been afraid to speak up for fear of retribution, of being targeted by the state, for public censure and loss of professional respect for speaking up regarding these laws—because that is what we often observe happening from what appears to be vindictive agendas by those in power against anyone who dares speak up.

California Pediatrician Appeals to Governor Newsom to do the Right Thing and Preserve the Doctor Patient Relationship

Dear Honorable Governor Newsom, I am a California-licensed, board-certified, Stanford-, NYU, & UCSF-trained pediatrician. I am not anti-vax. I administer vaccines in my pediatric practice. I believe that vaccines can be effective at reducing the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases for MOST children. I believe that vaccines are safe for MOST children. But not for all… I am not a “hysterical anti-vaxxer.” I am not the mother of a vaccine-injured child. I am not an unethical doctor selling “fake” medical exemptions. I am not a bureaucrat or a politician. I am a pediatrician in the trenches. And I am unashamedly, unabashedly, and unequivocally PRO-CHILD. I believe in public health, yet I care for individual children and families who sit across from me everyday, trusting that I am giving them valid, scientific, evidence-based information that will keep their individual baby safe and healthy, and believing that I am providing them with true informed consent. I am a pediatrician trying to do the best I can for the children in my practice. And the best is not simply repeating that vaccines are “safe and effective.” Because they’re not 100% safe. Because they’re not 100% effective. Because parents are asking questions. And because we, as primary care physicians, need to be able to practice the art and science of medicine to the best of our abilities, for the child sitting in front of us, without bureaucratic handcuffs and fear of retribution. SB 276 continues to place the decision regarding an individual child’s vaccine risk/benefit assessment and whether or not that child qualifies for a vaccine medical exemption in the hands of the government. As clearly stated by Andrew Kroger M.D., M.P.H., Communications and Education Branch of the Immunization Service Division of the CDC: “It would be inappropriate for anyone other than the treating provider to determine who should be allowed to get a medically-necessary exemption.”

California Dr: “Despicable, Dishonest, Double Standard and Lying Politicians” Pass Bill to End Medical Exemptions to Vaccines

California Bill SB 276 passed the State Senate on Wednesday (September 4, 2019) in the midst of fierce opposition from the public. SB 276 makes it nearly impossible for medical doctors to write exemptions for childhood vaccines for medical reasons. California Dr. Robert J. Rowen did not hold back when describing his feelings for the California Senate: "Despicable, Dishonest, Double Standard and Lying Politicians." All eyes are now on California Governor Gavin Newsom who needs to sign the bill to become law, or veto it. Will he follow the progressive liberal values he touts and stand up for the helpless, California's children, and the rights of parents and families to choose their own medical doctors to decide on vaccines, or will he become another pawn in Big Pharma's powerful political lobby machine?

Dr. Suzanne Humphries: How a $10 Billion Investment by Bill Gates Changed Vaccination Policy Worldwide

Dr. Suzanne Humphries gave a lecture in Denmark in 2015 titled: Manufactured Consent. She explains how "informed consent" today regarding vaccines is really "manufactured consent" as a unified voice presenting only what they want the public to know regarding vaccines was crafted in 2010 when the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation invested 10 billion dollars in global vaccination initiatives through the World Health Organization. From Dr. Humphries: "I spent a couple of years creating this video series. The corruption, mythology, and medical theory are broken down step-by-step in this series. It’s a very important video for today and it was anticipating the current climate that we are now living in. Please watch it carefully and share it."

No Shots No School Not True! School Districts Lying to Parents by Stating all Students Must be Fully Vaccinated when State Law Provides Exemptions

Health Freedom Idaho is reporting that school districts throughout Idaho are sending threatening letters to parents and falsely claiming that their children must be fully vaccinated or they will not be able to be enrolled in school. Idaho State law actually allows for vaccine exemptions for religious and medical reasons. (Source.) One concerned mom in Idaho writes: "I was registering my son for kindergarten today (his only partial year of public school before he will be homeschooled). I noticed this passage and the way it was worded when I was filling out his registration paperwork. I came with his vaccine exemption form in hand already filled out, which they accepted. I was really bothered by the fact that we have the right to waive vaccines, and yet they write to parents that by law they have to have their vaccinations. This is wrong. They should say something like, 'It is Idaho State Law that you must have complete immunization records or an Idaho School Immunization Exemption Form to register your child for school.' I listened to moms coming in worried that they didn’t have vaccination records and the school never gave them the option to waive. If it is our right to waive, why is this not disclosed as part of proper informed consent?"

Plan for Global Healthcare for All: Cheap Drugs Developed with “Virtual Clinical Trials” Revealed in Letter to Japanese Prime Minister

Here is a frightening letter that was discovered online today. It was addressed to the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and was sent from the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA). The letter was signed by the IFPMA Executive Committee which includes the CEOs of the USA’s Eli Lilly ($24 billion in revenue in 2018), Japan’s Daiichi Sankyo ($8 billion in revenue in 2018), Belgium’s UCB ($27 billion in revenue in 2018) and France’s Sanofi ($42 billion in revenue in 2018). The letter was endorsed by the 30 or so IFPMA members that attended the Tokyo meeting with Abe that followed. The representatives (mostly the CEOs) of the global pharmaceutical corporations pictured are listed at the bottom of the letter. One of the alarming goals clearly proposed by the IFPMA and clearly stated in the letter to Prime Minister Abe is to make use of public medical information databases, IoT technology and virtual clinical trials “to reduce drug development time and costs and improve the probability of success”. Big Pharma shows that the future implementation of a plethora of dangerous, poorly evaluated drugs and vaccines that will no longer make use of actual randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, long-term clinical trials – and just use the more efficient, more cost-effective “virtual,” computer-based “studies.” Brave New World.

New York Moves Closer to Becoming Nation’s First Vaccine Police State

The State of New York recently passed legislation removing the religious exemption to mandatory vaccines for children. Attorneys Michael H. Sussman and Robert F. Kennedy have filed a lawsuit to repeal the law, as 26,000 families in New York wait to see if their children can attend school. As of now, the only way to get an exemption to mandatory vaccines is to have a medical doctor write a medical exemption. Last week, the New York Department of Health published "Emergency Regulations" to "Prevent Medical Exemptions." So now, unelected bureaucrats will determine if doctors are qualified or not to write medical exemptions. By having the Department of Health declare an "emergency" and issue an order without passing legislation, the entire democratic process is bypassed, resulting in medical tyranny.

Oregon Pediatrician Responds to Critics – Explains How Much Money Pediatricians Make on Vaccines

Let us set the record straight. I am not anti-vaccine. I am absolutely pro-science and vaccine risk aware. One huge misconception, and I see the comments on this, is that pediatricians don't make money on vaccines or that they are not financially incentivized to vaccinate. There are profits from vaccine mark-ups and huge profits from vaccine administration fees. The average admin fee is about $35 per vaccine. For the 715 patients born into my practice who have refused to give any vaccines (each child would have had 28 vaccines by age 2 and over 60 vaccines in their childhood) amounting to income of $700,000 for the 2 years and $1.5 million over their childhood. Those are real dollars lost for Integrative Pediatrics. The money lost when considering that we serve over 15,000 patients, with most being selective about how they vaccinate would have driven most practices out of business. There are also built in incentives in many contracts with health plans. Vaccines are a quality measure (if your practice does not reach a bench mark in numbers vaccinated) you loose a % on all services provided to patients under that insurance contract. Is it any wonder most of my peers discharge patients from their practices who won't follow the CDC schedule? Often these patients are told to call Dr. Thomas (Integrative Pediatrics). Let us be clear. It is not a good business decision to allow families not to vaccinate or to permit selective vaccination. We at Integrative Pediatrics honor the law in Oregon that allows informed consent. Parents are still permitted in Oregon to make health care decisions for their children. Those who discharge these families deny them their legal right. They also profit greatly by limiting the numbers of non-vaccinating families or partially vaccinating families.

Vaccines are Religion, not Science

We hear all the time that “the science is clear: vaccines save lives.” But where is that science? If it exists, then why can nobody show it? Vaccines are a religion and vaccinations are a (barbaric) religious ritual. That means that any kind of mandatory vaccination law is unconstitutional. Some people might still play semantics and say that a belief system is not the same as a religion. But let’s look at the vaccine religion. – You are expected to go to preparation classes (prenatal check-ups) – You are expected to give birth in the temple (=hospital). – As soon as the baby is born you are confronted with the temple servants (doctors/nurses/midwives) who want to submit your baby to the standard ritual (two injections) – If you decline they usually will try to convince or coerce you – At set times after birth you need to bring your baby to another temple (doctor’s practice) for more rituals – If you don’t want to submit your baby to the rituals you can expect extremely negative reactions, which can become aggression and end up with you not being welcome in the temple anymore – If you lose the faith (or never join in the first place) you can expect social exclusion and often serious family trouble. Some grandparents even consider “saving their grandchildren” by bringing them to the temple themselves, without the parents permission. Vaccinations have almost every characteristic of a religion, so the desperate argument that a belief system doesn’t equal a religion doesn’t hold up.

Two Nurses Sentenced to Five Years for Manslaughter and Negligence in MMR Vaccine Deaths of Two Babies

Chief Justice of the Samoa Supreme Court Vui Clarence Nelson sentenced two nurses this week (August, 2019) convicted of negligence and manslaughter in the death of two infants who died immediately after receiving the MMR vaccine. Health Impact News reported on the original story in 2018 when it made headline news on TV1 in Samoa. What was so tragic about this story was that the parents of the second child who died had reportedly already learned about the first infant’s death a couple hours earlier and declined to have their child receive the same vaccine. They were coerced into receiving it anyway, and their child died almost immediately. Both nurses eventually pleaded guilty to manslaughter charges and charges of neglect, and their sentencing hearing was this past week. Justice Vui said that applicable nursing protocols required that further vaccinations at the hospital should have stopped following the death of a previously healthy baby. “It appears from the material the defendants did not recognise the possibility the problem was the vaccine," he said. The defendants told the Probation Office they concluded the baby was allergic to the vaccine. "They concluded without any evidence to support their theory; a conclusion plucked out of thin air," the Acting Chief Justice said. The second defendant, Leutogi, concluded that the child must have been suffering from a prior illness. Justice Vui characterised this as a “clearly callous observation unsupported by evidence". "If the child was sick, they should have not immunised the baby," he said.

Merck Continues to Make Hundreds of Millions on Measles Vaccine – 58% Increase After 2019 Measles “Outbreak”

Sales of Merck's measles vaccine, the MMR combo vaccine that also includes mumps and rubella, continues to soar as Merck reported this week that in the second quarter of 2019, sales for the measles vaccine were 58% higher than the year before, at $675 million. As CNBC reports: "Pharmaceutical giant Merck said Tuesday that high consumer demand for its measles vaccines, amid the largest U.S. outbreak in decades, helped boost sales in its second quarter. Sales of children’s vaccines, which includes the New Jersey-based company’s MMR vaccine, for measles, mumps and rubella, jumped 58% year over year to $675 million, Merck announced in its second-quarter earnings report Tuesday. Merck, which is the sole U.S. supplier of measles vaccines, said the strong growth was due in part to this year’s measles outbreak..." Is there any other sector of the U.S. economy that is more profitable than vaccines? Consider these facts: 1. The U.S. Government gave legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies in 1986, because Big Pharma threatened Congress by stating they would stop manufacturing and selling vaccines due to the many lawsuits brought against them for vaccine injuries. Vaccines have proliferated in the market place since 1986 as a result, with the CDC recommending up to 69 doses of vaccines to children before they reach the age of 18. 2. In most states, the CDC recommended vaccine schedule is required for children at attend school. 3. The U.S. Government owns several patents on vaccines, and the CDC is the largest purchaser of vaccines, using U.S. taxpayer funds to purchase more than $5 billion in vaccines each year. Is there any other market in the U.S. where there is virtually no liability for your products, the government requires you to purchase the product, and the government itself is the largest customer of those products? Also, most vaccines have only one manufacturer approved by the U.S. government for sale in the U.S., such as the MMR vaccine, creating a monopoly for that product. And if that is not enough to ensure business success, local health departments can pick and choose which illnesses should be classified as "outbreaks" which are then announced by the compliant corporate media, largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry, to boost sales of a vaccine even more.