Is W.H.O. Director Tedros a Terrorist? Global Ties to Bill Gates, Clinton Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China and Genocide
In a just a few weeks time, the fate of the entire planet seems to have been placed under the command of the World Health Organization and its leader, Tedros Gherbreyesus. But over the last few days his handling of the coronavirus crisis and his relationships with China have put the chairman of the organization under heavy fire, with many calling for his resignation. During one of the many Covid-19 press conferences at the White House, Dr. Fauci showed all his appreciation for Tedros Ghebreyesus, the new hero: "Tedros is really an outstanding person. I've known him from the time that he was the minister of Health in Ethiopia. The WHO has done very well under his leadership." So who is this man who supposedly has our destiny in his hands? Ghebreyesus' political career began at the politburo of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPFL), a terrorist organization of the Tigray minority ethnic group (6% of the Ethiopian population), listed in the U.S. Homeland Security Global Terrorism Database for a series of kidnappings, bombings and armed robberies. It is now obvious that the WHO and its leaders have a pandemic response agenda that has more to do with global government and world leadership than health. Bill Gates seems to be leading the initiative with the CEPI fund to hasten the production of vaccines. He is pushing his global governance agenda with his army of devoted health experts, such as the members of the Coronavirus Response Task Force, Fauci and Birx, who are long-time close partners of the Global Fund AIDS campaign. And with their Beijing ties, it is no wonder that Fauci refused to answer the press who asked his opinion on Tedros praising China. The chairman of the World Health Organization is serving Africa on a silver plate to the new leaders of a corporate - communist inspired - global government. Tedros, you are unmasked.