Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead

The corporate media narrative that unvaccinated people are filling up the hospitals and dying from COVID is quickly falling apart, perhaps faster than they even expected. WXYZ TV Channel 7 in Detroit asked their viewers on their Facebook Page last Friday to direct message them if they lost a loved one due to COVID-19 if they refused to get one of the COVID-19 vaccines. This is a clear indication that they are getting desperate to find these stories, and are having a difficult time finding them.  I don't know if they got any such stories through direct messaging, but the post on their Facebook Page, as of the time of publication today, had received over 182,000 comments, and they seem to be all comments of those who have lost loved ones after receiving a COVID shot, and comments asking them why they are not covering that story. I paged through many dozens of the comments, and did not see a single one stating that they lost someone to COVID after refusing a COVID-19 shot. People who have been silenced and censored on Facebook and other Big Tech platforms took advantage of the opportunity to share their stories instead. It is amazing that Facebook left these up, but after so many had commented, it would probably have been an even bigger story if they had taken down the post and comments. I wonder what WXYZ will do now? Will they do what most corporate media companies do, fueled by almost unlimited resources from their billionaire Wall Street owners who are almost all connected to the pharmaceutical industry, and just go out and hire actors instead to do the story and make them up?

The Holocaust in Israel Exposed in Leaked Zoom Call with Pfizer Scientist Admitting that Israelis are Laboratory for Pfizer COVID Shot

Israeli TV recently exposed a leaked Zoom call with Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist, Dr. Philip Dormitzer, who stated that because Pfizer had an exclusive agreement with the Israeli Minister of Health to use only Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccines exclusively, Israel was the laboratory of the world, and that by looking at the high percentage of Israel's population that is now vaccinated, they can predict what will happen in the U.S. a couple of months later. An Israeli doctor was also interviewed on Israeli TV recently stating that the vaccine is not working, as 90% of the hospitalizations are among those fully vaccinated, and many of them are seriously injured.

24,526 Deaths 2,317,495 Injuries Following COVID Shots Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 24,526 fatalities, and 2,317,495 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured following COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here.

Loyalty to Christ Must Surpass Loyalty to Family: “I Did not Come to Bring Peace, but a Sword” – Jesus

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law-- a man's enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." - Jesus (Matthew 10:34-38) Loyalty to Jesus Christ must exceed loyalty to our own family members. This is not a popular teaching in the modern day corporate Christian Church, but the words of Jesus recorded in the Bible are very clear on this matter, as this passage in Matthew chapter 10 clearly shows. Luke's gospel records even stronger language from Jesus: "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26-27) It is easy to see how watered down modern Corporate Christianity has become, as their leaders so willingly obey the State today, urging their members to submit to government authority and line up to get the COVID shots, often times right there in their own churches where they get government kickbacks for injecting people with these Satanic injections. Many of the corporate churches are now becoming COVID-19 vaccine clinics, and if you yourself do not want to take the shots, or do not want your children to take them, the time has now come to leave Corporate Christianity. To remain in Corporate Christianity today, is to risk losing your children if you have children and have no intention of forcing them to take a COVID-19 shot.

Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease After COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined – CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It

Data released by the U.S. Government in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) continues to show just how deadly the experimental COVID shots are on teenagers and young people. I did another analysis looking at deaths and injuries in the 12 to 19-year-old age group following experimental COVID shots after the most recent update to VAERS this past Friday, and compared that data to all other vaccines that this age group receives before they leave high-school. VAERS is reporting that for ages 12 through 19 (I choose to start with age 12 because that is the youngest age that the COVID injections are currently authorized to be injected), there have been 31 deaths, 181 permanent disabilities, 3,679 ER visits, 1,655 hospitalizations, 331 life threatening events, and 748 reports of heart inflammation (all forms of "carditis"). From all of the vaccines that include every non-COVID shot that 12 to 19 year-olds have received this year so far, there have been 4 deaths, 12 permanent disabilities, 78 ER visits, 36 hospitalizations, and 14 life threatening events during the same time period as the COVID-19 shots were administered. As you can see, COVID-19 shots given to our teenagers have 7.75 X more deaths, 15 X more disabilities, 47 X more ER visits, and 46 X more hospitalizations than all other FDA-approved vaccines COMBINED that these teenagers are receiving. This week I also included all cases of "carditis," inflammation of the heart, since we have seen so many reports of injuries and deaths in this age group related to inflammation of the heart, or "enlarged heart." This age group has already recorded 748 cases of all forms of carditis, while cases filed of carditis following all other FDA approved vaccines for the same time period is only 15. That is 50 X more cases of heart inflammation being recorded for this age group after COVID-19 shots, than all other FDA approved vaccines combined. And the FDA and the CDC know about it. That's what makes this a criminal issue. This is a national tragedy! Where is the outrage? Where are the protests and lawsuits to STOP these schools from injecting these children?? All 50 Governors are complicit with assault, battery, and murder for the tragic loss of these children's lives, because they have done NOTHING to stop these injections in their state, whether Red or Blue. And any day now, the criminal FDA and CDC is going to give authorization to these deadly shots to be injected into children from age 6 months to 11-years-old.

We are Living Through the Greatest Scam and Cover-up in Human History – Are You Prepared for What Comes Next?

This week the Biden administration did something that no other president in the history of the United States has ever done before: issue a federal mandate requiring people to get a "vaccine" as a condition for employment. Prior to this week, vaccine laws and mandates have always been a state issue. It is important to note that this is an executive order, and not a law. It is highly unlikely that the administration could ever get such a law passed through Congress. However, I think it would be foolish to expect that this will be overturned by the courts. Some courts may, but the Supreme Court is firmly under the control of the corporate billionaires and bankers who actually run this country. Almost everything about the COVID-19 Plandemic has been illegal, from requiring people to wear masks, to lock downs, to approving novel new drugs and vaccines for a sickness that has multiple FDA approved drugs already on the market that are effective in treating the symptoms related to COVID-19. What we are witnessing and living through today is the greatest scam in the history of the human race, which is now also morphing into the biggest cover-up, as vaccine injured people who have taken the experimental gene therapy shots are filling our hospitals, while the government and media lie to the American public and blame it on the unvaccinated. However, the worst is yet to come.

Did Vaccines Really Eliminate Polio? COVID-19 Shots Linked to Guillain-Barré Syndrome – Common Side Effect of Vaccines that Resembles Polio

FiercePharma, the pharmaceutical's trade publication, reported yesterday that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was adding Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) as a side effect to the AstraZeneca COVID-19 shot. This comes two months after the FDA issued a similar warning for GBS on the Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 shots. The FDA and CDC claim that GBS is "rare." However, based on years of statistics on vaccine injuries, especially for the flu shot, the evidence suggests that it is not that "rare" at all. GBS is almost always diagnosed based on the symptoms, and it shares the same symptoms of several other illnesses, including Transverse Myelitis (another common vaccine side effect), Acute Flaccid Myelitis, and Polio. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, for example, was originally thought to be afflicted with Polio which gave him permanent paralysis and forced him into a wheel chair, but in recent times many people believe he actually had GBS. So what about COVID-19 shots? GBS is now acknowledged as a side effect for at least 2 of them, but since it shares symptoms that are almost identical to other labeled illnesses, how many injuries are we seeing with "Polio-like" symptoms? If you search the VAERS database for adverse reactions to all the current COVID-19 shots, you won't find much for "polio." After all, we eliminated Polio through vaccination, right? How about if we search for GBS, Transverse Myelitis, Acute Flaccid Myelitis? I ran those searches, and the results are in this article. So after reviewing the data regarding GBS, and other disease names that exhibit similar symptoms to GBS, the question that begs to be answered is: Was Polio really eliminated by vaccines? Or did they just simply rename the symptoms to make it look like Polio was eradicated? Because Polio is always referred to as the "Gold Standard" example of how vaccines eliminated one of the worst viruses of the 20th Century.

Vaccine Injuries from COVID-19 Shots Fill Hospitals as U.S. Government Lies and Claims a “Pandemic of Unvaccinated”

The battle lines over mandatory COVID-19 vaccines are now going full steam ahead in the U.S. as the Biden Administration is announcing today that all federal employees must now get a COVID-19 shot as a condition for employment, and that they are eliminating the testing opt-out. The argument that only COVID-19 shots will end the endless "pandemic" and the lie that hospitals are over 90% full of unvaccinated people are being used as justification for mandatory mass vaccination. It doesn't take much research on one's own to bypass the corporate media and find out that they are lying, and that there are numerous reports that the exact opposite situation is now happening in the U.S. and around the world, which is that the hospitals are full of people who have already been vaccinated with COVID-19 shots and that the ones who have survived are now filling our hospitals. This is evident from the last release of data into the government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database, which as of last Friday shows that following COVID-19 shots, there have been 13,911 deaths, 18,098 permanent disabilities, 76,160 ER visits, 56,912 hospitalizations, 2,933,377 injury symptoms, and 14,327 life threatening events. And just this past week, the Toronto Sun ran a story reporting that more than 100 Ontario youth were sent to the hospital for vaccine-related heart problems. Here is a video report I put together with testimony from nurses, a doctor, and an occupational therapist explaining what they are currently seeing in the hospitals, so you can hear it yourself from the frontline workers.

Jesus Repeatedly Broke the Law and Told Others to do the Same Thing – The Biblical Basis for Righteous Resistance

Jesus was a lawbreaker. During the days he lived, only "priests" were legally allowed to heal anyone, or declare someone as "healed." So when Jesus began his public ministry and arrived on the scene, he started healing everyone in defiance of the "health laws" of the day. He also continually broke the laws on the "Sabbath," when no one was supposed to work. And as we see from John chapter 5, he told others to break the law also. Jesus knew that these laws were preventing people from being healed, and so he disregarded them. Things are no different today. "Health" is legally defined by medical authorities empowered by the pharmaceutical industry, and government "health" agencies such as the FDA and CDC are the only legal entities allowed to treat and "heal" people. But the entire system is not a "health" system. It is a medical system that enriches those who produce and sell pharmaceutical products. The current Satanic medical system has become more evil than ever before due to COVID protocols that are now forced on patients for economic gain, where real cures are banned. You couldn't pay me to walk into a hospital today. I would prefer to die in my home if my time is up, than to visit one of these killing centers and pay them money to harm or kill me. Jesus is still in the healing business today, and I have trusted him for decades now, long before COVID, and have not purchased health insurance for over 25 years. Those who have trusted and enslaved themselves to the medical system their whole lives, are paying a very hefty price today for their faith in that system, a system that is threatening their jobs, threatening their ability to participate in society, and threatening their very lives.

200,000 Unvaccinated Military Members Denied Temporary Restraining Order as Commanders Threaten Those who Refuse COVID-19 Vaccines

Several military members told Health Impact News today that their commanders are coercing members of their unit to get the COVID-19 shot TODAY (September 7, 2021) or face the consequences of disobeying a direct order. One member stated that when they went by the local pharmacy in a drug store, there were many military members lined up to get the shots today, fearful of the consequences if they don't. And this is in spite of the fact that military officials are saying publicly that service members still have 2 to 3 months to comply, according to Military.com. On August 17, 2021, two military members filed a lawsuit in federal court in the State of Colorado, claiming that they represented 200,000 service members who were not vaccinated for COVID-19, but that they had previously contracted COVID-19 and recovered, and that therefore there was no need to be vaccinated against COVID-19, as they had "natural immunity." On August 24, 2021, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a Memorandum which stated: "I therefore direct the Secretaries of the Military Departments to immediately begin full vaccination of all members of the  armed Forces under DoD authority on active duty or in the Ready Reserve, including the National Guard, who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19." So on August 31, 2021, Todd Callender, counsel for military Plaintiffs, filed a motion for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to stop this directive from being enforced, which was heard by Judge Raymond P. Moore, who then denied the TRO on September 1, 2021. The Plaintiffs had expert testimony from an affidavit by Dr. Peter McCullough, stating that “people who have the naturally created antibodies resulting from contracting and recovering from the Virus” should not be vaccinated because “it will do more harm than good.” Judge Moore rejected his testimony and the evidence provided by the plaintiffs, because it was contrary to what the CDC states. Again, to expect relief from COVID-19 vaccine mandates from the judiciary is just not reasonable. The system is rigged. The judiciary works for Wall Street Billionaires and Bankers, not for the public. Mass non-compliance is what is needed now.

Besides Fetal Deaths, Breastfeeding Babies are Dying and becoming Sick following Mothers’ COVID Shots

Back in April this year we published a video commentary by ReallyGraceful where she reported that many mothers who were nursing their babies had their breast milk dry up after taking a COVID shot. As more and more data is entered into the government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), we are now seeing cases where babies that are breastfed are suffering adverse reactions to the COVID shots that their mothers are taking. The shots have not yet been authorized for infants, although such an authorization is expected any day now. I ran a search in the VAERS database to see how many reports have been filed with mothers who are breastfeeding babies with adverse effects seen in their nursing infants, and came up with 94 cases, including 2 deaths where blood clots were observed in the infants, for the past 9 months since the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization. By way of contrast, I searched for adverse reactions with breastfeeding mothers for the previous 5 years prior to the COVID-19 shots, and in 5 years only 5 cases were reported to VAERS of negative reactions of breastfeeding mothers in their babies, with ZERO deaths, after ALL non-COVID vaccines. There have also now been 1,490 recorded fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections of pregnant women for the past 9 months. By way of contrast, I searched for fetal deaths following ALL vaccines for the past 5 years before COVID injections were authorized in December 2020, and there were a total of 398 fetal deaths following all vaccinations for the past 5 years (minus one month - December 2020). That's an average of 7 deaths per month pre-COVID, and 165 deaths per month following COVID shots. 25 X more fetal deaths following COVID shots than fetal deaths following all vaccines for the past 5 years. Looks like a eugenics population reduction plan to me, based on the CDC's own government data.

Military Members are Dying and Suffering Crippling Effects from COVID Vaccinations

Several military families are claiming to have been affected by the COVID shots. They range from members in the earlier phases of their careers, to those retired. This article will focus on six of them, two of which are deaths. Dr. Lee Merritt, a former surgeon in the United States Navy and who served 9 years as a Navy physician and surgeon where she also studied bioweapons, has stated that there are now many reports of tumors and over 80 cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), which has a 5 year mortality rate of around 66%, following the COVID-19 shots given to the military. "With the vaccine program we've ostensibly killed more of our young active duty people than COVID did."

Crisis in America: Millions of Veteran Nurses are Resigning or Being Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandates

The Pharma-funded corporate media would like the public to believe that nurses who refuse to be forced to take an experimental shot as a condition for employment are a small minority. But are they? What is going to happen this Fall if the United States loses 50% or more of their nursing staffs? And who else is in the best position to evaluate the effectiveness or harm caused by the COVID shots, if not the nurses who treat those who are vaccinated in our nation's hospitals? If you got sick or injured and needed hospital care, who would you rather be treated by: healthcare workers who stand on principles even if it means losing their careers, or healthcare workers who know the truth but are willing to look the other way and follow standard protocols, no matter how harmful or ineffective, just so they can keep collecting their paychecks? Here is the other side of the story from the nurses themselves in this video. Their voices are being censored. Do your part to make sure their voices are heard. Share this video. It is literally a life and death issue.

CDC: Teens Injected with COVID Shots have 7.5 X More Deaths, 15 X More Disabilities, 44 X More Hospitalizations than All FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021

The CDC did another data dump into their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database today. As of August 27, 2021 there have been 13,911 deaths, 2,933,377 injury symptoms, 18,098 permanent disabilities, 76,160 ER visits, 56,912 hospitalizations, and 14,327 life threatening events recorded following experimental COVID-19 "vaccinations." There have now been more than twice as many deaths recorded following COVID-19 shots during the past 9 months since the COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization, than deaths recorded following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years. From January 1, 1991 to November 30, 2020, the last month before the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization, there were only a total of 6,068 deaths recorded (mostly infant babies) following ALL vaccines. And yet, the CDC continues to push everyone to get a COVID-19 shot. There have also now been 1,490 recorded fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections of pregnant women. By way of contrast, I performed the same search in the VAERS database for fetal deaths due to the flu shots, and for 2021 so far there are ZERO. For last year, 2020, there were 16 fetal deaths following flu shots. And yet, the CDC continues to recommend that pregnant women get a COVID-19 shot. Also, a search of the most recent VAERS data shows that COVID-19 shots given to our teenagers have 7.5 X more deaths, 15 X more disabilities, and 44 X more hospitalizations than all other FDA-approved vaccines COMBINED that these teenagers are receiving. And yet not only does the CDC and FDA continue to promote them for teenagers, they are set to approve the COVID-19 shots for infants and children next.

23,252 Deaths 2,189,537 Injuries Following COVID Shots Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 23,252 fatalities, and 2,189,537 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured following COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here.

COVID Shots Are Killing and Crippling Teens in Record Numbers – Young Children Are Next

COVID-19 "vaccines" are killing and destroying the lives of many teens. This is the true "pandemic" facing our society now, as we are seeing a record number of injuries and deaths in people so young, and previously healthy, after taking one of the COVID-19 shots. The FDA and CDC's own statistics in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database actually implicate them in their crimes against humanity, and yet most people are still sleeping and deluded by the Big Pharma-funded corporate media which continues to lie to the American people on a daily basis. There have been 3000 more cases, more deaths, more hospitalizations, and more life threatening events in the past 9 months among our teens, than there have been for the previous 5 years for ALL vaccines. And now the push is to authorize the COVID shots for children between the ages of 6 months and 11 years old, and this authorization is expected any day now. As we previously reported earlier this week, there are now more deaths recorded in VAERS following COVID shots for the past 9 months than for the past 30 years following ALL vaccines. And for the past 30 years, prior to the authorization of the COVID shots, which age group do you think has suffered the most from vaccines based on the VAERS report? Over 56% of the 6,076 recorded deaths following vaccination for the previous 30 years prior to COVID were among infants below the age of 3, according the government. And not a single one of these babies who died had the cause of death documented as "vaccines" on their death certificate, because the CDC does not have any category that lists "vaccines" as a cause of death, so they were listed as SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) instead. And this is the next age group that they are going to start injecting with COVID-19 mRNA injections with spike proteins. Do you still think reducing the world's population to "save the earth" via the use of vaccines is a "conspiracy theory"? Eugenics is alive and well in the U.S. today.

Hospitals Now #1 Cause of Death: Medical Kidnapping the Norm as Patients are Sacrificed on the Altar of COVID

Dr. Amandha Vollmer is a Naturopathic doctor based out of Canada, but provides education and and counseling for people outside of Canada as well, including the U.S. which I imagine is where most of her clients reside. She published a video this week about the experiences of several of her clients being medically kidnapped in hospitals, and forced on to COVID protocols against their will, resulting in some of them dying. Dr. Vollmer uses natural treatments to cure people, and is an expert on dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), having written a book about it. She also started a website last year called "The Big Virus Hoax." This is not the first time we are hearing about patients being murdered by COVID protocols, as this is now being reported all over the Internet while the Pharma-owned corporate media continues to promote the official COVID narrative that all these people are dying from COVID. We can now safely conclude that hospitals and their financially incentivized COVID protocols are the #1 cause of deaths in the U.S. This is not as big of a revelation as one may think, since the medical system itself admitted back in 2013 that hospital errors were the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S., just after cancer and heart disease, long before COVID arrived.

People in the 21st Century Have Forgotten How to Resist Tyranny – Here’s a History Lesson from the Civil Rights Movement

As more and more people around the world finally start to wake up and understand that the "war against the virus" has been a plan from the beginning for tyrants to seize control of society and implement a medical police state that controls every aspect of our lives and enslaves us, they are beginning to venture out of their homes and take to the streets in protest. But protesting alone is not going to push back tyranny. As I watch video clips shot from people's cell phones during many of these protests, mostly outside the U.S. at this point as most Americans are still asleep, what I am seeing is a modern population who knows something is wrong and is trying to do something about it, but don't know how. When thugs who call themselves "police" gang up and beat the crap out of someone to make an example out of them, the crowds who are there just watch and video record it, even if they outnumber the police in some cases by more than 10 to one. History shows us that to fight tyranny and seek freedom from the tyrants, you have to be willing to count the cost, and sacrifice your own comfort and safety, even if it costs you your life. Because the alternative is slavery. And that is the choice that is facing nearly all citizens around the world today: do you want to live as slaves and allow the government to control every aspect of your life, or is freedom worth the price to put your own life on the line, both for you, your children, and future generations? Ranting on social media and accumulating "likes," starting petitions and getting lots of people to sign them, or filing lawsuits against the tyrants to try and make them do the right thing, is not going to work. And history bears this out as well. This is not a call to arms, although it may come to that. History shows that passive resistance to tyranny can be very effective, if enough people come together to resist the tyrants. In this article I want to highlight the historic protest march from Selma, Alabama, to Montgomery in 1965, as it has many lessons for us today.

Official U.S. Government Stats on COVID Vaccines: 13,627 Deaths 2,826,646 Injuries 1,429 Fetal Deaths in Pregnant Women

According to the most recent stats released by the CDC this past Friday, August 27, 2021, their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded more than twice as many deaths following COVID-19 shots during the past 8 and a half months, than deaths recorded following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years. This has to be the most censored information in the U.S. right now, even though these statistics come directly from official government statistics. They have now recorded 13,627 deaths, 2,826,646 injuries, and 1,429 fetal deaths from pregnant women who took a COVID shot. They also report 17,794 permanent disabilities, 74,369 emergency room visits, 55,821 hospitalizations, and 14,104 life threatening events. And all of this has happened in just over 8 months. From January 1, 1991 to November 30, 2020, the last month before the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization, there were only a total of 6,068 deaths recorded (mostly infant babies) following ALL vaccines. I have literally received about 50 emails from people DEMANDING that I change the text on several of our articles that reported the FDA has now given full approval to the Pfizer/BioNTech shots, stating that I am wrong, and that the FDA did not actually approve this shot. No, I am not wrong, and no, I am not going to change our articles. YOU are wrong.

Aussies Hoping for a Repeat of 1979 Truckie Blockade when the Government Backed Down to Truckers’ Demands

The stakes are much higher this time, but Aussies are hoping that a planned trucker blockade that is beginning Monday, August 30th, demanding "a guarantee from federal and state governments that there will be no mandated vaccine, and that no person, company or business can force anyone to get a vaccine to work, or go about their daily life in general,” will be as successful as the 1979 Truckie Blockade where truckers demanded an end to high road taxes. In the end, the government backed down and met all the truckers' demands. They became a legend in Australia for standing up against the government, and songs were even composed about them. Many truck drivers have gone on social media to talk about the blockade to take back Australia from medical tyranny over COVID and mandatory COVID vaccines that are about to be launched as this article is being published. A video report I put together last week has already been viewed by over a quarter of a million people on the Health Impact News network. Earlier today popular truckie Tony Fulton, co-creator of trucking app Truckwiz and the Facebook page Tones Truckin’ Stories, also made a statement, announcing that he was joining the protest. And apparently it is not only truckers who will be joining the protest. Police officers, doctors, politicians and "high ranking barristers" are reportedly going to join as well.