TONS of Vitamin C Arrive in Wuhan China

We can all agree that 50 tons of vitamin C pretty much qualifies as a megadose. We can also likely agree that trucking 50 tons of vitamin C, straight into Wuhan, full in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, qualifies as news. The news media are not reporting this, or any other, significantly positive megavitamin news. We are so used to being lied to that the truth is like a diamond in a five-and-dime store: you can't believe it is real because it is mixed in with the fakes. News of nutrition-centered treatment of COVID-19 has been branded "fake news" and "false information." I say that what is "false" and "fake" is the deliberate omission of any news of health-saving, life-saving measures already underway to help the people of China and the rest of our planet.

Do We Need $2.5 BILLION for Coronavirus Vaccine? What Happened to the $2 BILLION Spent on the Zika Vaccine?

The White House is asking Congress for AT LEAST $2.5 billion in emergency funds, in part, to develop a vaccine for the Coronavirus outbreak. Before we give any governmental agency AT LEAST $2.5 billion dollars we should know how it is going to be spent. Recall the Zika scare from 2016. At that time we were being told by the US governmental agencies (FDA, CDC, and HHS) that somehow a relatively benign virus that has been around for nearly 100 years was suddenly causing birth defects in the form of small-headed babies. Congress ended up giving the CDC over $1 billion dollars to develop a Zika vaccine. Here we are 4 years later and…no Zika vaccine and no more reports of small-headed Zika infections. The reason there are no more reports is because Zika did not cause the problem in the first place. Zika is still occurring around the world and we are still surviving—without an epidemic of small-headed babies. The CDC should be the last governmental organization trusted with AT LEAST $2.5 billion dollars to study COVID-19. The CDC has consistently lied and hid data that shows our kids are suffering adverse effects from receiving too many vaccines. The CDC is the same organization that refuses to complete a study comparing children fully vaccinated against those unvaccinated. That study would provide the final answer to whether too many vaccines are harming our children.  The CDC was tasked with that study decades ago and has the available data available, and yet…we still have no study.

Will the Citizens of Maine Become the First to Overturn a Mandatory Vaccine Law by Popular Vote?

On May 24, 2019, Maine’s House of Representatives passed a bill (LD798) removing religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions to block Maine residents from getting an education in a public, private, parochial or trade school or enrolling in educational courses online. The bill was strongly opposed by grassroots health freedom groups and passed the state Senate by only one vote.  Unless it is vetoed by Maine voters in a ballot vote on Mar. 3, 2020, the new law will go into effect on Sept. 1, 2021. Mainers for Health and Parental Rights, a political action committee (PAC), filed paperwork with the state for a veto ballot referendum that would overturn the vaccine exemption repeal. In September 2019, the campaign filed 95,871 raw signatures, of which 79,056 were valid, exceeding the minimum of 63,067 signatures needed. On October 17, 2019, Maine Secretary of State Dunlap announced that the veto referendum qualified to appear on the ballot at the statewide election on March 3, 2020.

More Vitamin C Studies Approved in China to Fight Coronavirus: Therapy Censored in U.S.

On January 27, 2020 we published a press release from Orthomolecular Medicine News Service regarding Vitamin C and its use in treating the Coronavirus. It soon went viral on Facebook, until Facebook labeled it as "Fake News." Facebook partners with a website called "Lead Stories" to discredit news stories they do not want becoming popular on Facebook. Health Impact News is a popular target of "Lead Stories." Since we published this news release in January, however, several hospitals in China have begun to conduct trials on intravenous Vitamin C therapy, so it is hardly "Fake News" as Facebook is claiming. In fact, Facebook is the one guilty of promoting "Fake News" by erroneously claiming there is no proof that Vitamin C can help combat the Coronavirus, when in fact clinical research trials are well underway in China with ample evidence that should be shared with the public, and not suppressed, simply because U.S. sources in bed with Big Pharma do not want the public to have this information. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service editor Andrew Saul has just published an updated report, and he notes: "The World Health Organization (WHO) has, literally, met with Google and Facebook and other media giants to stop the spread of what they declare to be wrong information. Physician-directed, hospital-based administration of intravenous vitamin C has been marginalized or discredited. Scientific debate over COVID-19 appears to not be allowed. Ironically, Facebook, blocking any significant users' sharing of the news of approved vitamin therapy research, is itself blocked in China by the Chinese government. As for the internet, yes, China has it. And yes, it is censored. But, significantly, the Chinese government has not blocked this real news on how intravenous vitamin C will save lives in the COVID-19 epidemic." Hence, the news about Vitamin C therapy helping with the Coronavirus outbreak is found mostly in Chinese language websites, endorsed by the Communist China Government's controlled media, but mostly banned in the English language social media platforms like Facebook, or censored from Google search results.

U.S. Marines and Navy Prepare to Execute Pandemic Plan As Questions Resurface About Coronavirus Origin

Responding to the coronavirus outbreak in China, where tens of thousands of citizens suspected of being infected with coronavirus (COVID-2019) have been detained and involuntarily taken to quarantine camps, on Feb. 1, 2020 an executive order was issued by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, directing the U.S. Northern Command to implement the DoD’s Global Campaign Plan for Pandemic and Infectious Diseases. On Feb. 12, 2020, orders were sent to the U.S. Marine Corps and Navy directing “geographic combatant commanders to execute their pandemic plans in response to the NCOV outbreak.” The U.S. Marine Corps directive told combat commanders to “review, update and validate existing disease containment plans and policies in order to implement procedures for response, isolation, quarantine, restriction of movement and community-based intervention” and to “become familiar with authority to declare a public health emergency, restrict movement, quarantine and isolate [and[ coordinate with Federal, State, local, and military treatment facilities and public health emergency officials…” The U.S. Navy directive stated, “DoD will continue to follow CDC guidance and comply with local public health authorities during this outbreak.” The scope of the mission of the U.S. Marines and U.S. Navy’s involvement in implementing the DoD’s Global Campaign Plan for Pandemic and Infectious Diseases in a civilian population is not clear as that Plan does not appear to have been publicly released by DoD. In general, however, the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) prohibits the carte blanche use of military forces in civilian law enforcement in the U.S.

South Dakota First State to Propose Bill Outlawing Mandatory Vaccinations for School Attendance

While most state legislatures are bowing to the Big Pharma lobby and proposing bills to remove exemptions to childhood vaccines and make them mandatory as a requirement for school attendance, a newly proposed bill in South Dakota moves in the opposite direction. House Bill 1235 has been introduced to prohibit schools from discriminating against any person for refusing to accept unwanted medical intervention, including vaccines. House Bill 1235 states that: "No child entering public or nonpublic school, or a public or nonpublic early childhood program in this state, may be required to receive any immunization or medical procedure for enrollment or entry. The Department of Health may recommend any immunization for school entry but may not require them. No school may use any coercive means to require immunization. It is a Class 1 misdemeanor for any educational institution, medical provider, or person to compel another to submit to immunization." The bill’s prime sponsor is District 21 state Rep. Lee Qualm, R-Platte.

Coronavirus: Who is Controlling the Information? Are Potential Government Actions More Dangerous than the Actual Virus?

Is the current coronavirus "pandemic" really threatening modern civilization as we know it, or is it being hyped to appear much worse than it really is? To answer this question, it depends on where you get your information, and how you interpret that information. Anyone who has lived in the U.S. much for the past 10 years or so has seen a familiar path that the fear surrounding coronavirus is taking. We saw the same fear being propagated this past summer (2019) over an alleged new "measles outbreak" that was used to justify massive government intervention, targeted primarily against those who were not vaccinated with the alleged fraudulent MMR vaccine. New York City went so far as to ban unvaccinated children from appearing in public places this past summer.  And yet, no one died from the measles, and other infectious diseases that were NOT labeled as "outbreaks" or "epidemics," and yet infected a far higher percentages of people, such as whooping cough that DOES cause death, did not get the same media attention. Merck pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of the MMR vaccine, saw sales soar as a result of the publicized "measles outbreak." Other diseases that were promoted by fear-based corporate media outlets in recent years include: Ebola, Zika, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and many others. And yet, here we are today at the beginning of 2020 with no history of massive casualties in the U.S. due to these "outbreaks." Sharyl Attkisson is an Emmy Award winning independent news reporter who just recently recorded a podcast titled: Coronavirus: Who is controlling the information?

New Illinois Bill Would Require 6th Graders in Public, Private, and Religious Schools to Get the Gardasil HPV Vaccine

A new proposed bill would require some Illinois students to get the HPV vaccine. The bill was filed by Rep. Robyn Gabel, D-Evanston, on Feb. 11. HB 4870 amends the Communicable Disease Prevention Act. A synopsis for the bill states, "the Department of Public Health shall adopt a rule requiring students, upon entering the sixth grade of any public, private, or parochial school, to receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and requiring confirmation that the student has completed the series of HPV vaccinations upon entering the ninth grade of any public, private, or parochial school. Provides that the Department shall adopt the rule in time to allow students to receive the vaccination before the start of the school year beginning in 2022. Effective January 1, 2021."

Maryland Bills Would Allow Doctors to Vaccinate Minors without Parental Consent and Against Parents’ Objections

Two new Maryland bills: HB87 sponsored by Delegate Marc Korman and companion bill SB135 sponsored by Senator Brian Feldman, would allow minor children to consent to vaccination without parental consent. HB87 and SB135 authorize a health care provider to administer vaccines to minor children 16 years and older after obtaining “consent” of the minor child, even when the parent of the minor child objects to the immunization. Parents are not required to be notified when their child has been vaccinated. HB87 has been scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, February 12, at 1:00 p.m. in the Health & Government Operations Committee. SB135 has been scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday, February 18 at 1:00 p.m. in the Senate Finance Committee.

Former CDC Head and Merck’s Current Vaccine Division President Julie Gerberding Sells $9.1 Million in Merck Pharmaceutical Shares as Gardasil Vaccine Gets Bad Press

SEC filings reveal that Merck’s Vaccine Division President Julie Gerberding sold over half her Merck shares in January for $9.1 Million. That transaction followed a spate of bad news for Merck’s flagship Gardasil vaccine. Last month, Cancer Research UK announced an alarming 54% rise in cervical cancer among 24-29-year-olds, the first generation to receive the HPV jabs. The following day, the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine published a withering critique of Gardasil’s crooked clinical trials, “It is still uncertain whether human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination prevents cervical cancer as trials were not designed to detect this outcome.” As Gerberding knows, those trials revealed that Gardasil dramatically RAISES (by+44.6%) the risk of cervical cancer among women with a current infection or those previously exposed to HPV. Merck is now fighting existential fraud lawsuits on both the MMR and Gardasil vaccines, that threaten licensing for those key products. Fat rats are always the first to jump ship.

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky Testimony: Unvaccinated Children Are the Healthiest Children I Have Ever Seen

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky is a pediatrician trained at NYU School of Medicine, and did his residency at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York. He recently spoke at a forum on vaccines in Connecticut, discussing the repeal of the religious exemption for childhood vaccines. Dr. Palevsky spent the first nine years of his career working in emergency rooms running a neonatal intensive care unit. Once he began his private practice, he began to hear: "... not dozens, not hundreds, but thousands of stories from parents who took a very healthy child into their doctor's office, and then found that their child lost much of their health. Whether it was their speech, whether it was seizures, whether it was death, whether it was asthma, allergies, eczema - whether it was autism, whether it was learning disabilities, whether it was inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune diseases. And every one of those parents were told it had nothing to do with the vaccine." Today, he has viewed the outcomes of families who do not vaccinate their children for over 20 years. And he states: "They are the healthiest children I have ever seen."

Dr. Brownstein: Corona Virus is Nothing New – Here’s What to Do

I am sure you aware of the corona virus infection that is causing concern around the world. The symptoms of corona virus initially mimic the flu—fever, headache, cough, fatigue and muscle aches. Corona virus is nothing new. It has been with us for a long time. Conventional medicine has little to offer to prevent or treat corona virus infections other than washing your hands–I agree with that one. It is time for you to take the initiative and learn what other therapies are out there. Your conventional doctor simply has no effective tools in his/her toolkit for this.

Did Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Predict Coronavirus Outbreak? Will There be an Internet Blackout to Control Information?

In this report we take an inside look at Event 201, which took place in NYC on October 18 2019. Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This is extremely fascinating because this pandemic simulation exercise of coronavirus took place about 6 weeks before the first illness from the coronavirus was actually reported in Wuhan China! That is one hell of a coincidence if you believe in that sort of thing. Another fascinating connection, is the fact that not only did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation participate in and help set up the pandemic simulation of a coronavirus outbreak, but they just so happen to fund the group who owns the patent to the deadly coronavirus and are already working on a vaccine to solve the current crisis. Again an incredible coincidence… In this report you will see footage from inside the event as the members of the emergency epidemic board in this simulation, which consists of representatives from major banks, the UN, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johnson and Johnson, logistical powerhouses, the media as well as officials from China and America’s CDC just to name a few. This simulation also includes news reports that were fabricated just for this exercise, please keep that in mind because they are eerily similar to reports we are currently seeing regarding this real world coronavirus outbreak.

Study: No Evidence the HPV Vaccine Prevents Cervical Cancer – 54% Increase in Cervical Cancer in British 25 to 29-Year-Olds

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines hit the global marketplace in the mid-2000s. From the start, public health agencies enthusiastically promoted HPV vaccination as the “best way to protect [young people] against certain types of cancer later in life.” However, a blistering new study by British researchers—and new data showing that cervical cancer rates are surging in British 25- to 29-year-olds—raise numerous questions about officials’ inflated claims. The study’s results indicate, instead, that the jury is still out on whether HPV vaccination is effective. The question is far from academic because, prior to Britain’s introduction of HPV vaccination in 2008, cervical cancer rates had been trending sharply downward. In fact, between the late 1980s and mid-2000s, cervical cancer rates halved. Now, Britain’s leading cancer research charity (Cancer Research UK) reports a steep 54% rise in cervical cancer in one of the very age groups that first received the vaccine.

25-Year-Old California Man Vaccine Injured as Infant Weeps as His Mother Tells His Story

25-year-old Dillon Corder, along with his father and mother, were recently interviewed by Polly Tommey on the VAXXED II tour bus in California. Dillon speaks with difficulty as a result of his vaccine injuries suffered as an infant, and during the course of the interview he asked his mother, Elizabeth Corder, to read something he wrote about his life growing up as a vaccine-injured child. "Hi, my name is Dillon. From day one, I've had physical therapy, speech therapy, and OT (occupational therapy.) It was hard growing up. I didn't have many friends. It was hard to make friends because of my speech problem. When people cannot understand me they ask 'what' a million times and I get frustrated. As I got older, I had thoughts of suicide, and I was often depressed because things in my life were taken from me. When the other 15-year-olds were learning to drive, it was something I could not do, and still cannot do. When I asked girls out they always said 'no.' Sometimes I am angry at my parents, because why didn't they know? I know it's not really their fault, because they just didn't know. But it still makes me mad that they were not informed by the doctors. So much has been taken from me. I'm 25 now. How will I find a wife and have a family or kids to be happy in life? I just want people to know to get educated before they make this decision, because if someone gets injured, it's for lifetime." The tragic story of the Corder family in California happened in the late 1990s. Today, things are much different in California. The doctors who treated Dillon back in the 1990s and recommended that his parents stop vaccinating him, would probably be breaking the law today in California if they offered the same advice. With the most repressive childhood vaccine laws in the nation, what will happen to California when all of these vaccine-injured children become disabled adults? California already has the worst homeless problem of any other state in the U.S. Where will all of these vaccine-injured children go when they become adults, as the medical community refuses to acknowledge that their disabilities are due to vaccine injuries?

“He was Murdered” – 13 Month Old Infant Dies 14 Hours After Receiving the Flu Shot

Krystle Cordingley says her son Corbyn died 14 hours after receiving the flu shot. Krystle claims that the hospital tried to cover up what happened, and doctors said his death following vaccination was a coincidence. Finally, she reports, one honest MD said, yes, it was the vaccine that caused the severe damage to Corbyn's brain stem.

Are Mandatory Vaccines Coming to Your State? Feds & Big Pharma Push to Force States to Mandate ALL CDC Recommended Vaccines

As vaccine-related bills are being introduced into state legislatures this month, a bill (HB1090) has been proposed in the Virginia legislature to require school children to receive every dose of all current and future vaccines added to the recommended childhood vaccine schedule by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) appointed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). It removes legal authority from the state Board of Health to make recommendations to the General Assembly, the Joint Commission on Health Care and the Governor for revision of the list of vaccines required for school children and effectively transfers that authority to an unelected federal advisory committee. In what is a very transparent power grab by federal government officials that is sure to make pharmaceutical company stockholders smile, this type of proposed legislation could be coming soon to your state, too. Here is why automatically codifying federal vaccine use recommendations into state law threatens the integrity of representative government in our constitutional republic and is a threat to the public health and civil and human rights.

WHO’s Scientists Confirm Major Safety Problems with Vaccines

Rarely does the general public get to hear what vaccine scientists and public health officials really think about vaccines. Instead, the simplistic (and propagandistic) mantra aired ad infinitum for public consumption is that vaccines are “safe and effective”—full stop. As the transcripts from the secret Simpsonwood meeting revealed two decades ago, however, when the experts are among themselves, they tell a different story—and, as a new behind-closed-doors video powerfully reveals, they are still far from convinced of their own safety message.

U.S. Congressman Adam Schiff Sued by Physicians Group for Censoring Vaccine Debate

On Jan 15, 2020, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, along with Katarina Verrelli, on behalf of herself and others who seek access to vaccine information, filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Plaintiffs allege that Defendant Adam Schiff has abused government power and infringed on their free-speech rights. “Who appointed Congressman Adam Schiff as Censor-in-Chief?” asks AAPS General Counsel.  “No one did, and he should not be misusing his position to censor speech on the internet.” In February and March 2019, Rep. Schiff contacted Google, Facebook, and Amazon, to encourage them to de-platform or discredit what Schiff asserted to be inaccurate information on vaccines. He then posted the letters and press release on the website. Within 24 hours of Schiff’s letter to Amazon dated Mar 1, 2019, Amazon removed the popular videos Vaxxed and Shoot ’Em Up: the Truth About Vaccines from its platform for streaming videos, depriving members of the public of convenient access.

Whistleblower Doctor Claims Tamiflu Drug Fraud Bilked $1.5 Billion from Government to Stockpile Drug that is Ineffective in Stopping the Flu

Drug company Hoffmann-La Roche (OTCMKTS – RHHBY) bilked U.S. federal and state governments out of $1.5 billion by misrepresenting clinical studies and falsely claiming that its well-known influenza medicine Tamiflu was effective at containing potential pandemics, according to a recently unsealed whistleblower lawsuit. The lawsuit claims the drugmaker’s scheme involved publishing misleading articles falsely stating that Tamiflu reduces complications, severity, hospitalizations, mortality and transmission of influenza. The company then used those articles to aggressively market the drug to the government for pandemic use. Relying on the supposed truthfulness of Roche’s claims, federal and state governments spent about $1.5 billion to stockpile Tamiflu to combat influenza pandemics, according to the complaint.