Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker?

It’s never been done before. The first-of-its-kind study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated American homeschooled children shows who is really ailing…and parents should be worried. Something is wrong with America’s children. They are sick – allergic, asthmatic, anxious, autoimmune, autistic, hyperactive, distracted and learning disabled. Thirty-two million American children – a full 43% of them – suffer from at least one of 20 chronic illnesses not including obesity. Fast food, bad genes, too much TV, video games, pesticides, plastics – name the environmental factor and it has been implicated in the surge of sickness, although none adequately explains the scale or scope of the epidemic. There is one exposure, however, that has evaded the search, despite that children have received it by direct injection in steadily accumulating doses far beyond anything past generations ever saw: 50 doses of 14 vaccines by age six, 69 doses of 16 pharmaceutical vaccines containing powerfully immune-altering ingredients by age 18. We’re assured vaccines are “safe and effective” even though public health officials acknowledge they sometimes have serious side-effects including death and despite the troubling fact that no long-term study of their effects on overall health has ever been conducted. Remarkably, not a single published study has ever compared vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids to see who is healthier years after the shots. Until now.

Medical Ethics Journal Condemns Cover-up of HPV Vaccine Adverse Reactions

Once again, we must turn to sources outside the U.S. to get an honest perspective on the Gardasil HPV vaccine controversy. One doctor who formerly worked for the vaccine manufacturer Merck predicted that Gardasil would become "the greatest medical scandal of all time." You won't read any of this in the U.S. corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media, however. The only view allowed is that there is no controversy regarding the HPV vaccine, and any journalist that dares to question this view will be viciously attacked and probably lose their career. A recently published article in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics highlights the medical ethics that were violated in bringing this vaccine to market. As a result, many young people today are being permanently disabled or even dying from the adverse reactions to this vaccine.

Is University of California Vaccine Policy Preventing Top Talent from Admission to State Schools?

High school senior Madeline Scott was so excited when she received the acceptance text from UC Berkeley that she called her mother immediately. “I got into UC Berkeley,” she gushed. The euphoria didn’t last. When her mother, Tammy Rae Scott, signed onto the Berkeley admissions website, she learned about an apparent University of California policy requiring that incoming students be vaccinated for measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis and meningitis. They also must undergo screening for tuberculosis. Madeline hasn’t had an immunization since age 3 when she had an adverse reaction to the MMR shot for measles, mumps and rubella, her mother said. “If I chose to attend Berkeley, I would have to catch up on 17 years worth of vaccinations,” said Madeline Scott, who lives in Arcata. “I feel that Berkeley is infringing on my right to refuse medical procedures.”

The Scandalous LA County Measles Vaccine Experiment: Is the Unsuspecting Public Still Being Used in Secret Vaccine Trials?

This spring will mark the 27th anniversary of one of the cruelest and most deceptive acts the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has ever conducted. In partnership with Kaiser Permanente Health System and Los Angeles County Public Health Service, an experimental measles vaccine was given to approximately 1,500 inner city minority children in Los Angeles County. Most of these children were six months of age. The planning for this inoculation program started in 1989 with the vaccination campaign commencing in June 1990. This program came to a halt in October 1991. The measles vaccine was administered mainly to African-American children in an attempt to curb the measles outbreak in LA County at that time. The parents were not told that the measles vaccine was experimental, and it was not approved for use in the US. These children from LA County were the guinea pigs, the living test tubes of the research world. Yet the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) were telling the parents the vaccine was being used in other countries. What was not explained was the fact that the vaccine used in Los Angeles was not the lower titers used in other countries but rather a super charged high-titers E-Z vaccine. And it was experimental.

A Childhood Vaccine for Obesity?

There are a lot of weird vaccines being developed and we’ve mentioned a few of them. But the vaccine most deserving of our first TVR Golden Fleece award is the one for obesity—the so-called “Flab Jab.” So exactly what is the leading experimental obesity vaccine candidate designed to do? It injects a modified form of the peptide protein molecule somatostatin that “suppresses growth hormones that boost metabolism and cause weight loss.” An obesity vaccine is the perfect example of the absurd direction in which the vaccine industry is going because there is no oversight on or breaks applied to scientists and public health officials driving the runaway vaccine train. With nearly one billion dollars appropriated by Congress to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) in charge of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), just how much of that money is going to fund research and development of ill conceived vaccines that are not really vaccines at all? We are pleased to present the first TVR Golden Fleece award to the obesity vaccine. What a numbskull idea.

Study: Children Vaccinated with DTP/OPV have 10-fold Increase Risk of Death

A 2017 study in Africa compared a DTP/OPV (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, oral polio) vaccinated group of children to an unvaccinated group. The authors found there was a 10-fold increase risk in death in the vaccinated group that received only the DPT shot, as compared to the unvaccinated group. If the children also received the OPV vaccine, there was a 5-fold higher death rate. All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased by 112% after the introduction of these vaccines. Folks, I have been asking the Centers for Disease Control to do a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study in the U.S. for many years. That study would answer the question whether vaccines are safe or not. If unvaccinated children are as sick as vaccinated children it would rule out vaccines as causing the epidemic of illnesses our children are suffering including asthma, cancer, autoimmune diseases and autism. But, the CDC refuses to do a study like this. Why would the CDC refuse to do a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study? After seeing what happened to the poor children in Africa, the CDC, which owns vaccine patents and receives hundreds of millions of dollars in vaccine sales, can’t risk a negative outcome study.

Tucker Carlson on Fox News Dares to Cover the Vaccine Debate – Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Tucker Carlson of Fox News recently interviewed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to discuss vaccine safety. Carlson says to Kennedy: "I don't think you're crazy. You're not anti-vaccine. You vaccinate your own children. I think you ought to be allowed to ask legitimate questions without being attacked."

Microbiome Online Summit to Explore how Microbiome Orchestrates, Regulates and Heals Your Body

Your greatest ally in health is your microbiome — the trillions of bacteria that are the control center of your health! During the online Microbiome Summit from May 8th through May 15th, you will learn the lessons and methodologies of microbiome medicine, and how it could improve your health, longevity, vitality and assist with unresolved problems! The Microbiome Medicine Summit will explore how the microbiome orchestrates, regulates and can heal your body. It reveals the latest discoveries about a wide variety of health problems, and how the microbiome can help you heal at a deep level.

NVIC Now Monitoring 173 Vaccine Bills in 40 States

We are three months into the 2017 state legislative sessions and our NVIC Advocacy Team has already tracked 173 vaccine related bills across 40 states and two federal bills on the NVIC Advocacy Portal. We have added 39 new bills since our last update at the end of February. Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana and Michigan are five new states that have bills introduced for the first time this session! If you live in one of the following states, there have been bills filed that can affect your rights: AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, and WV (states in bold have bills that are still active and need your action and states not bolded have bills that have already passed or died.) The following states are priority OPPOSITION alert states as they now have active bills to restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions: CT, MN, NY, PA, RI, and TX. The following states are priority SUPPORT alert states as they now have active bills to add or expand vaccine exemptions: CO, MI, NJ, NY, OK, OR, RI, TN, TX, and WA. Please log in to and click on your state team tab to see what is happening in your state and what you can do to help. If there is no immediate emergency action alert information posted, scroll down and look at the “bill information” section for all bills in your state, our position, updated status, current requested action, and links to more information.

Dr. Brownstein: Chickenpox Vaccine Risk Too High – Vaccine Should Never Have Occurred

When I was a child, nearly everybody became ill with chickenpox. Like nearly all kids, when I became ill with it, I stayed home from school about a week and fully recovered. All that changed in 1995, when the FDA licensed and approved the live attenuated chickenpox (varicella) vaccine in persons aged >12 months. After the vaccine began to be used by most children, the incidence of chickenpox rapidly declined. However, due to continual outbreaks of chickenpox, a second dose of the chickenpox vaccine was added to the childhood immunization schedule in 2006. Is the chickenpox vaccine effective at significantly lowering the incidence of chickenpox? Yes. Due to the vaccine, there is a significantly lowered incidence of chickenpox. However, the most important question to ask is, “Has the chickenpox vaccine (along with the other 70 doses of vaccines given) improved the lives of our children and the rest of the population? The answer to that question is easy: No.

Last Chance! FREE Replay Weekend for Truth About Vaccines Docuseries

The 7-part documentary, The Truth About Vaccines, was a huge success. Hundreds of thousands of people tuned in to hear an all-star lineup of doctors, scientists, and other health experts discuss the truth about vaccines that the U.S. government and the pharmaceutical funded mainstream media refuse to cover. This weekend, on Saturday, April 22nd, and Sunday, April 23rd, the entire documentary will be re-broadcast for FREE online viewing! The documentary producers and hosts, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, will also be hosting a Q&A session throughout the weekend addressing many of the questions that have come in during the series.

The Vaccine Revolution for Truth

We are gathered in our nation’s Capitol representing many thousands of Americans and their families, who cannot be here today because they are sick or caring for someone who is sick. We are here for families and physicians living in fear they will be discriminated against and punished if they speak honestly in their communities about what they know to be true. We have come to defend freedom of thought, speech, and conscience, the inalienable natural rights that unite us, regardless of where we live, the color of our skin, the faith that sustains us, or the philosophies that define us. We are calling on the government to do its job and protect the people’s health - instead of protecting profit-making industries doing business with government and manipulating information released by the mainstream media. We are advocating for the right to know the truth about the safety of the food we eat, the water we drink, the drugs doctors prescribe and the vaccines Americans are forced to get to attend school, and receive medical care, and hold a job. And we are here to witness the suffering of our children, who have no voice and have no choice except the one that we, their mothers and fathers, give to them. We want government officials to explain to us why our country, which spends the most on healthcare and has one of the highest child vaccination rates in the world, is crippled by a chronic disease and disability epidemic that costs more than two trillion dollars a year and has created the sickest child and young adult population in America’s history.

Toddler Permanently Brain Damaged by a Mystery Combination Vaccination That Her Parents Did Not Consent To

On May 17, 1993, Mr. and Mrs. Marchant took their daughter, Jodie, to the doctor for her 14-month checkup. Jodie was fit and healthy and meeting all her milestones, so her parents agreed for her to be vaccinated with the MMR vaccination, a decision that will haunt them forever. Mr. Marchant explained to us what happened the moment that Jodie received her vaccination: "Jodie let out a high-pitched scream and appeared to be in a state of shock. Her eyes became vacant as if in a trance and she appeared to lose interest in eating and refused all food and we had to resort to giving her milkshakes. Jodie did not recognize anyone for a long time. Note, in 1997, her then-GP was able to confirm that Jodie was okay prior to vaccination and this confirms the records were available when the GP INSPECTED THEM. Jodie stopped movement and would sit on the sofa rocking with eyes rolling and stopped talking." It appears that instead of receiving the MMR vaccine, as agreed, Jodie received a mystery vaccination. If what her parents are saying is true and Jodie did only receive one shot on the day she was vaccinated, then we need to consider whether or not Jodie’s doctor decided to mix several vaccinations into one syringe without her parents’ knowledge or consent. Whilst the majority of us would consider this to be not only unethical but also highly unlikely, remarkably, it is a possibility because, in 2013, the Globe and Mail reported that a pediatrician from Halifax was found guilty of doing the unthinkable.

Spain High Court Rules HPV Vaccine Caused Death of Young Woman

The High Court of Justice of Asturias- Spain (TSJA) has condemned the Asturian Health System for the death of Andrea, a young Spanish girl who died in September 2012 after getting the second shot of the HPV vaccine. The Court recognizes the bad practice of the hospitals of Jove and Cabueñes since they did not diagnose the pathology before the second shot of the vaccine was supplied which caused the death of the young woman. Andrea was a young woman with a medical history of mild episodes of bronchial asthma. When she got the first shot of the HPV vaccine on July 23, 2012, she became sick with a headache and breathing difficulty. Although she suffered from a severe asthmatic exacerbation, she got the second shot on August 23, 2012, with a sudden worsening. As a result of this, she suffered severe dyspnea and seizures only 12 hours after receiving the vaccine. She was moved to the Maternal and Child Hospital of the HUCA where she remained in the Pediatric Intensity Care Unit until she died on 8 September.

Baby’s Health Rapidly Declines After Receiving 13 Vaccines at One Time – Mom Accused of Abuse for Disagreeing with Doctors

A young Georgia mother had no idea that a routine trip to the pediatrician's office for her son's 1 year check-up would change her son's life forever, and leave her fighting the state for custody of her own son. When the nurse-practitioner told her that her son was a little behind on his shots and they would need to catch up, Durenda Whitehead didn't question the need for the vaccines. She did, however, question the safety of giving 13 vaccines at once. Durenda's pediatrician assured her that it was fine: "I can give up to 20 at one time." She said that they told her at the pediatrician's office to give him some Tylenol, and to "play extra hard with him when he gets home." Over the next few days, Durenda reports that KJ was sleeping much more than usual, only waking to eat. She describes his rapid decline: "I noticed my son didn't attempt to follow me as usual and he started to cry. I called his name so he would come to me, but his cry only got louder. When I came back in the room to see why he wasn't coming, he leaned his body forward and reached for me... He had this 'help me' look in his eyes while he continued to cry." However, Durenda soon learned that doctors are reluctant to look at vaccines as a cause of harm, and she soon found herself in the hospital being confronted with law enforcement taking away her son because she dared to disagree with a doctor.

How a Fugitive’s Fraudulent Study is Behind the “Science is Settled” Claim that Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism

Did you know there is a fugitive from the U.S. Justice Department thriving openly in Denmark who created a fraudulent study used to eliminate autism claims from vaccines? His name is Poul Thorsen, and he is a psychiatrist who was contracted by the CDC to perform the notorious “Danish Study.” The Danish Study, published in 2003 by the journal Pediatrics asserted that autism rates in Denmark rose dramatically after mercury was no longer used in vaccines for children in the Netherlands, thus “proving” that there is no association with thimerosal (mercury) in vaccines to autism. The Danish Study became a major study quoted by the FDA, the IOM (The National Institute of Medicine) now renamed the National Academy of Medicine, and the CDC to “disprove” the dangers of thimerosal in vaccines and the MMR even without thimerosal. It became the cornerstone of all media and public denial of autism from vaccines. Even worse, it served as the legal basis for dismissing over 5,000 autism claims in The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program or “Vaccine Court” in 2010, and totally removing autism claims from vaccine injuries completely.

Truth About Vaccines Docu-series with All-star Lineup Begins Today – FREE Viewing to the Public

The much anticipated Truth About Vaccines docu-series begins today, Wednesday, April 12th. Featuring an all-star lineup of speakers, this series promises to be one of the epic events of 2017 in the vaccine movement, following up on the success of the film VAXXED in 2016. In a filmed preview, VAXXED co-producers Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey, two of the featured speakers, talk about the importance of long-term scientific studies when looking at vaccine safety. In this educational 7-episode docu-series these topics will be covered: *THE HISTORY OF VACCINES* Vaccination programs are given credit for eradicating some of the most devastating illnesses of the past, but they’re no longer immune to a controversy of their own. *VACCINE RISKS and SAFETY CONCERNS* Concerns about vaccine injuries, mercury toxicity, and autism have increased substantially in recent years, and public debate is once again heating up. *FULL LIST of OPTIONS and ALTERNATIVES* You don’t have to pro- or anti-vaccine anymore. New options are available to guard against serious illness, based on your unique situation and risk factors.

Healthy People 2020 Initiative to Seek Mandatory Vaccines for Adults

Ty Bollinger interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Toni Bark about forced vaccinations for adults and the "Healthy People 2020" initiative in this short preview of one of the sessions in the upcoming Truth About Vaccines Docuseries starting this week.

Autism Symptoms in Pets Rise as Pet Vaccination Rates Rise

Just as the incidence of Autism-Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) has risen alarmingly in children over the last half century, there is evidence that similar behavioral disorders have been observed in pets, most widely reported among pet dogs. From paralysis to seizures, and from immune-mediated hemolytic anemia to injection-site fibrosarcomas, adverse reactions to vaccination are not uncommon in pets. Often attributable to annual vaccinations that some veterinarians consider totally unnecessary, vaccine reactions also may lead to allergies, skin problems, behavioral changes, and autoimmune diseases. Some of the most common behavioral changes are associated with the rabies vaccine, which is the only vaccine federally mandated for pets and must be re-administered at least every three years if not annually, depending on how the vaccine is labeled.

Board Certified Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas Discusses the Problems with the CDC Vaccine Schedule

On April 12th the new 7-part Docu-series The Truth About Vaccines will air online FREE for all who register to view it. This series will feature over 60 leading experts in the field, including physicians, scientists, and researchers. In this preview, Ty Bollinger interviews Dr. Paul Thomas and Jennifer Margulis, PhD. to discuss the CDC vaccine schedule. They are two of the speakers that will make presentations in The Truth About Vaccines. Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. was born in Portland Oregon, and grew up in Southern Africa. He has a masters degree in biology, an M.D. from Dartmouth Medical School, and completed his pediatric residency at the University of California, San Diego. He is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and also carries board certifications in Addiction Medicine and Integrative Holistic Medicine. He started the Pediatric After-hours Clinic (now Pediatric ER) at Emanuel Children’s Hospital, where he also taught medical students and residents from 1988-1993. Dr. Thomas is obviously knowledgeable in the area of immunization, as a practicing pediatrician and currently one of the few actual board-certified fellows of the American Academy of Pediatrics residing in the State of Oregon. Ty Bollinger, the producer of the Docu-series The Truth About Vaccines, shows us that he is willing to present all sides of the current vaccine debate. Most doctors today are neither 100% anti-vaccine nor 100% pro-vaccine, but somewhere in between. Dr. Thomas is not anti-vaccine. He states in this interview that about 95% of his patients are vaccinated. However, Dr. Thomas does not follow the CDC vaccine schedule. He states that he does not want to follow the entire CDC schedule for all of his patients. Dr. Paul has stated publicly in the past that out of his 1000 child patients, he has seen no new cases of autism by following a customized vaccination schedule, while his pediatrician peers nationally who follow the CDC vaccine schedule are seeing about 1 out of 50 children diagnosed with autism.