Experimental COVID Vaccine Trials Expanded: Children as Young as 6 to be Injected in Trials in Israel

The University of Oxford plans to test its AstraZeneca-produced COVID-19 vaccine on children for the first time, it was announced on Saturday. The trial seeks to recruit 300 volunteers between the ages of 6 and 17, with up to 240 receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and the remainder a control meningitis vaccine. The trial will begin this month at the university and additional sites in London, Southampton and Bristol, Sky News reported. Andrew Pollard, chief researcher on the Oxford vaccine trial, says that while most children don’t get severely ill from COVID-19, “it is important to establish the safety and immune response to the vaccine in children and young people as some children may benefit from vaccination.’’ Other drug companies are also testing the COVID-19 vaccines in children. Pfizer, whose vaccine has already been authorized for use in people 16 and older, began testing its shot in children as young as 12 in October. Moderna in December began testing its vaccine on children as young as 12. Pollard said the Oxford trial should help policymakers decide whether at some point in the future they want to extend mass vaccination programs to children as they seek to ensure schools are safe and combat the spread of the virus in the wider population. “For most children, for themselves, COVID is really not a big problem…,’’ Pollard told The Associated Press. “However, it is certainly possible that wider use to try and curb the progress of the pandemic might be considered in the future, so here we’re just trying to establish the data that would support that if indeed policymakers wanted to go in that direction.”

17 Year Old Laura: Another Life Ruined by the Gardasil Vaccine

Gardasil: I thought I did enough research – I was wrong. My daughter Laura has just turned 17 and is without doubt another girl whose life is ruined as a result of the HPV vaccine Gardasil.

Did 2014 Mark the Collapse of the Vaccine Establishment?

The vaccine establishment is desperate. The ghosts of their fraudulent science, manipulated research, misleading propaganda across mainstream media and in the blogosphere are returning to haunt them. The pro-vaccine pundits are rapidly losing credibility as increasing numbers of parents and young adults educate themselves about vaccine efficacy and their health risks. If it were left for an open scientific debate between pro-vaccinators and those opposing vaccines, the former would not have sound science on their side. It is time for a national debate to end vaccine madness. As further research emerges, as the vaccine paradigm is further stripped away, future generations will be looking back upon vaccination as a barbaric, primitive practice.

Forced Quarantines have Started: Pasadena Woman Resists Forced Vaccination

ABC 7 News in Los Angeles is reporting that federal health officials want to force a 26-year-old grad student, whose younger sister was one of the confirmed cases of measles caught recently at Disneyland, into a quarantine. Ylsa Tellez does not have the measles, and is not sick. So why do health officials want to force her into quarantine? Because she is not vaccinated against the measles. She could reportedly avoid the quarantine if she gets the vaccine. Lost in all the discussions you will read or listen to in the mainstream media regarding measles outbreaks is that there is no clear science proving that the vaccine actually prevents these outbreaks, or that the measles vaccine "wiped out" the disease. We applaud Ylsa Tellez and her refusal to give in to "Health Authorities" who have tremendous conflicts of interest in their incestuous relationships with drug manufacturers who distribute vaccines. U.S. law today protects vaccine manufacturers from being sued in civil court, and the U.S. government is the largest purchaser of vaccines, as they could never survive in a free market economy. These same drug companies were being sued so often for vaccine damages that they blackmailed Congress in 1986 and threatened to stop manufacturing vaccines completely if they were not given legal immunity. Congress willingly obliged, and the Supreme Court has upheld that law. The only recourse left to the public is to resist the removal of our Constitutional and civil rights.

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm

Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth. Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49. Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden’s research, we became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life’s work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone.

Vaccines Will be Made from Human Cancer Tumors

The method of producing vaccines using cells that are derived directly from human cancer tumors has been approved even though the vaccines may induce cancer in recipients. This method is cheaper and faster than breeding animals for the culture media – and human cancer tumors are readily available. At a meeting of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in September 2012, the transcript of the discussion which led to approval is open to the public. The health authorities and vaccine manufacturers revealed their uncertainty regarding the safety of vaccines made from cancer tumors. Some of the incredible statements from the meeting are quoted here.

How Journalists are Censored from Covering Both Sides of the Vaccine Debate

Investigative reporter Jennifer Margulis has asked Health Impact News to re-publish a book review she recently wrote, which was published by The Washington Independent Review of Books. She reports that it was among the top five most read reviews for October 2014 which the Washington Independent Review of Books publicized in a second article. Then the editor pulled the review off their website. Why? Citing a supposed "conflict of interest" that Margulis states was cleared by the editors prior to publication, Margulis states the real reason she believes it was censored was because: I “express outrage that newborn infants are routinely vaccinated for hep B” and I wonder why I was encouraged to vaccinate my daughter “against a disease she had no chance of catching.”

The Vaccine Autism Cover-up: How One Doctor’s Career was Destroyed for Telling the Truth

In what is perhaps the biggest news event of the year (that the mainstream media does not want to cover), the full ramifications of Dr. William Thompson of the CDC coming forward as a whistleblower to confess that the CDC has covered up data linking vaccines to autism are yet to be seen. However, while blame and (hopefully) criminal complaints more than likely await many people who participated in this cover-up, there is one man who deserves honor, and to whom the mainstream media owes a huge apology to: Dr. Andrew Wakefield.

Will India be First Country to Revoke Marketing Licenses for HPV Vaccines?

A petition currently before the Supreme Court of India alleges that the Drugs Controller of India issued licenses for Gardasil and Cervarix without adequate research on safety as directed by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare. Petition number 558/2012, filed by Kalpana Mehta, Nalini Bhanot and V. Rukmini Rao, seeks to resolve this and several other issues by asking the Supreme Court of India to rescind the licenses for marketing and administration of HPV vaccines, make provisions to identify and treat any girls left with chronic health problems and/or autoimmune disorders after their participation in HPV vaccine trials, blacklist the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), and allow no other foreign agencies to have a field presence in India. Will India be the first country in the world to revoke the marketing licenses for Gardasil and Cervarix? Will the Supreme Court of India move to protect the health and welfare of their young citizens, or the interests of the HPV vaccine manufacturers? Will PATH and similar agencies be banned from operating in India? Will the victims of adverse reactions to HPV vaccines be located and treated? We can only hope these questions will be answered when the final hearing will take place.

No Shots, No School, Not True! Exemptions Available in All 50 States

It is back to school time, and along with that comes the push to vaccinate all school children. However, vaccines carry great risks and dangers. The U.S. government pays out millions of dollars to compensate vaccine injuries and deaths each year. We reported just this week about the tragic sudden death of a 12-year-old girl in Waukesha, Wisconsin, who died just hours after a Gardasil vaccine. As a parent, you need to research both sides of the vaccine debate so you can make an informed decision. You may be told that your child cannot attend school if they are not vaccinated, but this is not true. In spite of efforts of the Pro-Pharma lobby to take away parental choice when it comes to vaccines, all 50 U.S. states still offer vaccine exemptions. However, school officials and pediatricians who are pro-vaccine may either withhold this information from you, or even lie outright about it. The decision as to whether or not your child should receive any specific vaccine is a serious matter, so take some time to research each vaccine required for your child and know the risks. Then understand your state's laws when it comes to vaccine exemptions.

Gardasil Vaccine: Spain Joins Growing List of Countries to File Criminal Complaints

Spain now joins a growing list of countries where criminal lawsuits have been filed against manufacturers of the HPV vaccine, which includes France, India, Japan, and many more. In the United States, however, you cannot sue the manufacturers of vaccines, as they are protected from civil criminal prosecution. As a result, marketing efforts to increase the sale and distribution of the HPV vaccine are increasing.

Lawsuits For HPV Vaccine Damages Begin in Spain

Spain joins the growing list of countries where lawsuits are rolling in for damages caused by the HPV vaccine. The vaccine remains on the market in the U.S. and profits from legal immunity to lawsuits.

Herd Immunity in Vaccinated Populations has been Repeatedly Shown to be a Myth

Mass vaccination advocates rely on ‘herd immunity’ to make their case. But it doesn’t exist. Herd immunity sounds fine in theory. But as Stanford’s Dr. Obukhanych concluded, “As with any garbage in-garbage out type of theory, the expectations of the herd-immunity theory are bound to fail in the real world.”

Supreme Court in India to Rule on Merck Fraud Regarding HPV Vaccine Deaths

Around the world legal problems regarding the HPV vaccine continue to multiply for Merck, yet this news is mostly censored out of the mainstream media. With multiple lawsuits pending in France over injuries due to the Gardasil HPV vaccine, one former Merck doctor in France even came out and stated that Gardasil will become "the greatest medical scandal of all time." In contrast, here in the U.S. any mainstream journalist that dares to suggest there are problems with the Gardasil vaccine puts their career on the line. Just ask Katie Couric, who dared to interview the mother of a young woman who died from the Gardasil vaccine. She was forced to issue an apology and have the assistant Surgeon General appear on her show to assure everyone the vaccine was safe. What is not revealed in the mainstream media, however, is that the U.S. government holds patents on Gardasil and also earns royalties from the sale of the vaccine. In the meantime, countries around the world are taking action to stop the carnage resulting from the HPV vaccine. Perhaps the most high-profile case you will never read about in the U.S. mainstream media is an upcoming Supreme Court hearing in India with a ruling due next month (August 2014). Merck has been charged with fraud and causing the death of young girls in India with vaccine trials due to the development of the HPV vaccine, sponsored by the U.S. organization PATH, with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Last year (2013), we published a report from Christina England on a 43-page document produced by the Indian Parliament accusing the U.S. group, PATH, of committing illegal and improper activities in support of commercial interests in the development of the HPV vaccine in India, which led to the deaths of several young Indian girls. A few weeks later, Anita Jain, the India Editor of the British Medical Journal, published her own comments on the ethical violations conducted in India in the development of Gardasil, and questioned the wisdom of rolling out the Gardasil vaccine to the entire country, citing safety and efficacy concerns. Now, the India Supreme Court will decide on the case. But will the U.S. mainstream media even cover this story? So far, they have not.

CDC Lists 131 Causes of Death For A Child but Omits Vaccines

There are 130 official ways for an infant to die. These official categories of death, sanctioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), are published in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). When a baby dies, coroners must choose from among these 130 categories. The official causes of death listed in the ICD include nearly every imaginable — and tragic — possibility. However, there is NO category for infant deaths caused by vaccines. This is odd because the federal government is aware that vaccines permanently disable and kill some babies — the very reason Congress established a "death and disability" tax on childhood vaccines more than 25 years ago when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). When vaccine-related deaths are hidden within the death tables, parents are denied the ability to ascertain honest vaccine risk-to-benefit ratios, and true informed consent to vaccinations is not possible. When families are urged to vaccinate their children without access to accurate data on vaccine-related deaths, their human rights have been violated. Medical health authorities, pediatricians, and the vaccine industry then become criminal accomplices to each infant death caused by vaccines — even when vaccines are not officially acknowledged as the cause of death. Finding ways to increase vaccine safety, providing families with true informed consent, and preserving human rights must be the top priorities.

Local Health Department Lies to Parents: Refuses to Provide Vaccine Exemptions Required by Law

The medical system's attempt to remove all vaccine exemptions in states around the U.S. is troublesome enough, but there is growing evidence that where laws currently exist for vaccine exemptions, that the public is being denied their legal rights to apply those exemptions. Megan of LivingWhole.org reports how a parent in Missouri contacted her this week stating that a local health department had informed them that “the state wouldn’t allow them to pass out exemption cards anymore.” Not only was this illegal, it was an outright lie as Megan explains after contacting the Health Department at the State Capital. Every vaccine currently approved by the FDA and recommended in the childhood vaccine schedule has side effects and warnings listed in the package insert, and the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out billions of dollars in damages due to vaccine injuries since the program was started in the 1980s to grant pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from damages due to vaccines. If doctors, health departments, and other medical officials were actually following the law, and following the advice printed on vaccine inserts in regards to monitoring those most at risk for vaccine injuries, the medical exemptions alone would be astronomical in this country. But that would be a huge financial drain to Big Pharma. So what is happening instead? The medical system is fighting for 100% vaccination rates for "the greater good," and sacrificing the lives of those who will have vaccine injuries or deaths due to adverse reactions by attempting to remove all vaccine exemptions, whether medical or religious. Every state currently offers vaccine exemptions. Know your rights, know the law, and don't be intimidated. May Megan's example below be a warning to everyone that you may need to take a stand and fight for your rights if you do not want to become another vaccine damaged statistic allowed for "the greater good."

Are Consumers Warned About the Flu Shot’s Side Effects?

If you were contemplating purchasing a dietary supplement or some new food product, and found out that during trials carried out in developing that product that there were 249 "serious adverse events" including 23 deaths out of 3,833 participants, would you still purchase that product? Yet that is exactly what happens every time someone gets a "routine" flu shot.

Criminal Activities of Vaccine Producers Increase in 2014

It has been about four years now since the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1986 preventing consumers from suing pharmaceutical companies for damages due to vaccines. Prior to 1986, it was not profitable for most pharmaceutical companies to manufacture vaccines due to sheer volume of lawsuits resulting from damages. So the pharmaceutical industry basically blackmailed Congress by stating they would stop manufacturing vaccines altogether unless they had legal immunity from vaccine-injured people suing them. Congress obliged, and the Supreme Court upheld the law after a couple of decades of challenges. Now, with free license to dump as many new vaccines into the market place as they choose, the amount and rates of vaccines in the U.S. have exploded. So too have the criminal activities of vaccine producers.

Mumps Vaccine Proves Ineffective as Outbreaks Among Fully Vaccinated Increase

Americans are vaccinated against mumps through the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) shot, which is also one of the more dangerous vaccinations. But in the early 2000s, researchers began to notice an alarming pattern: those vaccinated against mumps were still becoming ill with it—at alarming rates. This worrisome trend is accelerating: in April 2014, the New Jersey Department of Health warned of an outbreak of mumps at the Stevens Institute of Technology. Eight cases of mumps were confirmed—yet all of those infected had been fully vaccinated with two documented doses of the MMR shot. What’s going on here? Is the vaccine losing its efficacy—or was it never effective in the first place? Instead of acknowledging the vaccine’s problems, the CDC and mainstream media blame people who don’t vaccinate.

Cover-up Scandal: CDC’s Vaccine Research Exposed as Flawed and Falsified

Just months after U.S. Congressman Bill Posey compared the Center for Disease Control (CDC)’s vaccine safety studies to the SEC’s Bernie Madoff scandal, malfeasance in the CDC’s studies of thimerosal-containing vaccines has, for the first time, been documented in peer-reviewed scientific literature. Dr. Boyd Haley, international expert in mercury toxicity and a co-author of the recently published paper said “There is no doubt that authorities in the CDC have initiated and participated in a cover-up of vaccine-induced damage from thimerosal to our children----and this I consider criminal. The paper, "Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance in Research Purporting to Show Thimerosal in Vaccines is Safe," was published on June 6 and contains eight pages of evidence that the CDC has had knowledge of the vaccine preservative’s neurological risks, yet continues to cover them up.