Soaring Infertility Rates Linked to Vaccines

A plague is spreading silently across the globe. The young generation in America, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, Australia – in virtually every western country -- is afflicted by rapidly increasing rates of infertility. This spring, the United States reported its lowest birth rate in 30 years, despite an economic boom. Finland’s birth rate plummeted to a low not seen in 150 years. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently introduced a string of reforms aimed at stemming the country’s “deep demographic declines.” The government of Denmark introduced an ad campaign to encourage couples to “Do it for Denmark” and conceive on vacations, and Poland produced a campaign urging its citizens to “breed like rabbits.” The “population bomb” we were all endlessly warned about by environmentalists failed to blow, and instead, demographers have been trying to raise the alarm about the population implosion crisis unfolding across the West -- the graying of societies facing an unprecedented aging demographic in which there will be too few young to support the old. Most often, they blame social factors: young women embracing careers instead of motherhood, men shunning marriage and fatherhood, rising consumerism or couples choosing to delay raising a family until the economy settles. But there is another phenomenon that is rarely mentioned – the growing numbers of young people who are not childless by choice but who are incapable of bearing children. So, earlier this month, when an unprecedented study was released that looked at a database of more than eight million American women and singled out a whopping 25 percent increase in childlessness associated with one particular vaccine that young women have been taking for only a decade -- in tandem with a marked decline in fecundity -- you would have thought there would be significant interest from public health, the medical profession and the media, wouldn’t you?

Unable to Sue Big Pharma, Vaccine Injury Victims Now Being Denied Legal Counsel in Vaccine Court

How does the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) and the Federal Court of Claims deprive petitioners, who are seeking compensation for their injuries, the opportunity to seek and retain legal counsel? Very cleverly. But it takes some understanding of how legal representation in the program has evolved and more importantly, how fees are paid. Today, our government is shutting the door on those who have been injured or have died as a result of a vaccine.

Texas Mom Who is a Nurse Fights to Regain Custody of Daughter Taken Away After Gardasil Vaccine Injury

Social workers told a Texas mother that Monday was her last visit with her daughter. Aniya Blu Vasquez was medically kidnapped from her family after she became ill following a medical error in which her pediatrician injected her with the Gardasil 9 vaccine intended for her older brother. Aniya was just 4 months old at the time. A Texas court decided last month that the parental rights of her mother, Anita Vasquez, should be terminated, devastating the family and supporters alike. However, their story is not over. In a quirk of legalities, Anita Vasquez filed a Declaration of Recision of Signature/Contracts before the court was able to file the entry of judgement on the termination of parental rights. As a result, there will be another hearing on Monday, July 23, 2018, at the Victoria County Courthouse at 9 a.m. She says that there is substantial new evidence in her case that was not considered by the court. Anita asserts that the very basis upon which CPS seized custody of Aniya was fraudulent, and CPS knew it all along. Concerned citizens are rallying around the family that they believe is suffering a grave injustice.

Gardasil Vaccine Legal Victory: Canada Federal Court Rules to Release Clinical Trial Data to American Researcher

CBC News and the British Medical Journal (BMJ) are reporting that Professor Peter Doshi has won a major legal victory against pharmaceutical companies trying to hide clinical trial data from the public due to "confidential agreements" for 5 pharmaceutical products. Doshi sued Health Canada to release clinical trial data submitted to Health Canada by the manufacturers of the HPV vaccines Gardasil, Gardasil 9 and Cervarix, and the anti-viral flu medications, Tamiflu and Relenza. A Canadian Federal Court judge ordered Health Canada to release the pharmaceutical clinical trial data, undercutting the Canadian government's attempts to keep the information confidential. As far as I can determine, this landmark court ruling out of Canada has been completely censored in the U.S. corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media. This appears to be a brilliant legal strategy by Doshi and his attorneys, since they had little to no chance of obtaining this clinical trial data from any court in the U.S., where pharmaceutical companies enjoy legal immunity from most lawsuits. The importance of receiving this data, particularly on Merck's Gardasil vaccine, cannot be overstated. As we have reported many times here at Health Impact News, the entire medical approval process to bring the HPV vaccine into the U.S. market is full of scandals and cover-ups, which has resulted in the injuries and deaths of many young people, particularly young women aged 12 to 26, many of whom can no longer bear children due to the vaccine making them infertile. "I hope my case sets a precedent and allows researchers, clinicians, and the public easy access to clinical trial data," Doshi reportedly stated in an email to CBC News. "Regulators shouldn't have a monopoly on judging the risks and benefits of medicines or hinder others from doing the same via confidentiality agreements."

HHS Sued for Not Upholding Vaccine Safety Testing Mandated by Law

In 2017, Health Impact News reported that the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), supported by 55 organizations, representing over 5 million people, had taken the unprecedented step of serving a notice to Mr. Don Wright, M.D., M.P.H., who was the acting secretary of the Health and Human Services (HHS) department at the time, stating that HHS had failed in their duty to conduct the proper scientific research required to demonstrate vaccine safety as was required by law, and that they should take immediate action to remedy this negligence. Last week (July, 2018), Del Bigtree interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on his program HighWire, announcing that they had filed a lawsuit against HHS for violating U.S. law on vaccine safety, and won.

Hundreds of HPV Vaccine Victims Take to the Streets in Dublin to Protest – 2 Girls Suffer Seizures During Protest

Hundreds of HPV vaccine-injured people took to the streets to protest at Leinster House, Dublin, on July 9th, 2018, while Professor Ian Frazier, one of the co-inventors of the vaccine, gave a speech next door at the Royal College of Physicians. During the protest, 3 Gardasil vaccine victims took ill, with 2 of them having seizures. Both of the girls suffering seizures had to be taken to the hospital. The following video was taken of the protest, and towards the end of the video you can see one of the girls having a seizure. This protest has been mostly censored in the "mainstream" corporate-sponsored media.

Samoa Seizes All MMR Vaccines After Two Infants Die Minutes After Receiving the Vaccine

TV1 in Samoa is reporting that two infants have died within minutes of receiving the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. "Tala Fou brings you breaking news on the death of two young children both aged 1-year-old from the villages of Safotu and Sasina in Savaii. Both children died within minutes of being vaccinated with the MMR vacine at Safotu Hospital on Friday morning the 6th of July. Our News Reporter Alisa Faamaoni met with both families in Savaii today. The parents of the first child Marietta and Samuelu Tuisuesue of Sasina explained in detail to Tala Fou that within three minutes of their 1-year-old daughter Lannacallystah Samuelu being injected with the MMR vacine by a nurse she was dead." What is so tragic, and has this island nation in such an uproar, is that the parents of the second child who died had reportedly already learned about the first infant's death a couple hours earlier and declined to have their child receive the same MMR vaccine. The mother reports that the nurse administered the vaccine against her consent, leading to the child's immediate death upon receiving the vaccine.

Should Women be Given the Tdap Vaccine During Pregnancy?

A great debate is raging about whether we should have mandatory vaccination to prevent childhood illnesses. Mandatory vaccination would do away with a religious, ethical, or scientific disapproval of a vaccine. A study from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine reported that the Tdap vaccination during pregnancy reduced the occurrence of infantile pertussis. This study is a perfect example of why we need informed consent on the safety and efficacy of vaccines and why we should not have government mandates about vaccines. The researchers looked at infants admitted to the hospital with pertussis and compared two groups of pregnant women: one group who received the Tdap and the other group that did not. This study showed that the Tdap vaccine is 0.02% effective at preventing hospitalization from pertussis. In other words, the vaccine will not benefit 99.98% who take it. The Tdap vaccine contains a known neurotoxin (aluminum) and carcinogen (formadehyde). There are ZERO safety studies shown that it is safe to inject either substance into a human much less a pregnant human. When I was trained, I was taught to be very careful when prescribing any therapy for a pregnant woman. I was always taught to err on the side of caution. I think that was sage advice. Tdap for pregnant women? Give women the appropriate information and let them decide.

World Health Organization’s New Lax Vaccine Safety Policy Leads to More Child Deaths by Vaccines

Two leading pediatricians in India have published a critique of the World Health Organization's (WHO) newly revised manual on the classification of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI). The doctors claim that the new guidelines are too lax, resulting in more children dying from adverse reactions to vaccines, with no accountability for the vaccine manufacturers to produce safer vaccines. In the U.S., pharmaceutical companies manufacturing vaccines cannot be sued due to faulty vaccines, which allows them to put as many vaccines into the market as they want, with no repercussions if the vaccine proves to be faulty or have a high injury and death rate. Victims must sue the U.S. government and top DOJ attorneys who protect the drug companies. This move by the WHO may very well be an attempt to protect drug companies manufacturing vaccines by preventing lawsuits in the rest of the world for faulty vaccines. According to the report of these two doctors, the consequence of India adopting WHO's new classification can be seen from the causality assessment of 132 serious AEFI cases uploaded on the website of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Of the total AEFI cases, 54 babies died and 78 survived, "but not even one death was classified as vaccine-related. Nearly all the deaths were simply classified as unclassifiable or coincidental."

Japanese Attorneys Representing HPV Vaccine Victims Urge Government to Ban HPV Vaccines

In a recent press release commemorating the 5-year anniversary of the Japanese Government suspending its recommendation of the HPV vaccine, the National Attorneys Association for the HPV Vaccines Lawsuits called upon the Japanese Government to ban the HPV vaccine completely. This is the type of news that is routinely censored in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media in the United States. The fact that there is a national organization of attorneys litigating against one specific vaccine and the injuries it is causing, is itself newsworthy. The vaccine manufacturers who are being sued in Japan, GlaxoSmithKline PLC and Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., enjoy 100% legal immunity in the United States, due to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act. We must look outside of the U.S., therefore, to learn about just how devastating Gardasil and the HPV vaccine is, as the National Association for the HPV Vaccines Lawsuits reports: "Compared to other routine vaccinations, an average of over seven times the number of serious adverse effects per one million HPV vaccinations have been reported, and the number of disability certifications by the Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System is almost ten times higher."