Fraud Uncovered in U.S. Government’s Claim that Vaccines do not Cause Autism – Will Congress and DOJ Act?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and Rolf Hazlehurst, the father of a vaccine-injured child have petitioned Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate the conduct of two DOJ attorneys, Vincent Matanoski and Lynn Ricciardella. The two attorneys represented the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), otherwise known as the “Vaccine Court”, in the Omnibus Autism Proceedings (OAP), which ruled that vaccines do not cause autism. The alleged actions of the two attorneys in the OAP were fraudulent and obstructed justice. Kennedy and Hazlehurst allege that Matanoski and Ricciardella acted together to intentionally misrepresent the opinion of one of their own witnesses, Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, to conceal evidence of his true opinion from the Special Masters who presided in the “Vaccine Court” and the petitioners who were seeking justice and compensation. The evidence that Matanoski and Ricciardella concealed was a report authored by Dr. Zimmerman showing how vaccines may cause autism in a subset of children with underlying mitochondrial issues. After Dr. Zimmerman submitted his report, the DOJ attorney informed Dr. Zimmerman that he would no longer be needed as a witness. Zimmerman’s full opinion was devastating to the government’s case. Simply stated, it was now entirely possible that the government would lose thousands of the OAP cases. The cost could be into the billions and the fund that compensated the vaccine injured would be bankrupted. Even worse, the government’s claim that vaccines are “safe and effective” would evaporate and the claim that “vaccines don’t cause autism” would be debunked.

Why was the Dangerous and Contagious FluMist Vaccine Approved by the CDC?

In February 2018, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to re-recommend the live virus nasal spray influenza vaccine, FluMist, for the 2018-19 “flu season” after a two-year hiatus. The live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) is popular, particularly with children, since it is sprayed up the nose and does not require a needle for administration. The ACIP voted against recommending the quadrivalent FluMist for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 influenza seasons due to the vaccine’s ineffectiveness in protecting against the H1N1 strain (Influenza A). It is important to note that there are cases reported in the medical literature that FluMist has resulted in shedding and transmission of vaccine strain influenza virus. Despite the fact that the efficacy and effectiveness of this vaccine is unknown, Cynthia Pellegrini, senior vice president of public policy and government affairs for March of Dimes stated, “This vaccine is better than not being vaccinated and there are kids who will not be vaccinated without this option…” The assumption that using FluMist is better than not being vaccinated given the lack of data on the efficacy is not rational because it is not based on scientific evidence.

Financial Incentives for Doctors to Vaccinate as Many Children as Possible – Keep Patients on Statins

There are monetary awards for doctors and other mainstream medical practitioners who maintain high levels of compliance for prescription drugs (including vaccines), and doctors’ visits. These incentives to get more patients into their offices and to receive as many vaccines and prescription drugs as possible come from the insurance industry. The busier a doctor, pediatrician, or clinic is to maintain quotas for vaccinations and drugs, the more insurance awards them with kickbacks. Despite the ostensible stated reason of ensuring a high level of healthcare, this practice can lead to more health problems due to known side effects of these pharmaceutical products. Educating patients on prevention, such as learning how to eat healthy and avoiding environmental toxins, provides no financial benefits to medical professionals.

Legislative Update on Battle to Oppose Mandatory Vaccines in Each State

The corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media, along with Big Pharma and the U.S. Government, would like the public to believe that the "science is settled" when it comes to vaccines, and that all vaccines are safe and effective. They spend a great deal of effort to try to convince the public that this is the only view held by medical doctors and scientists. This message to the public, however, is not true, and can be properly called "propaganda." As we have previously written, there are a variety of opinions and viewpoints regarding the science of vaccines among medical doctors and researchers. The extremist view regarding vaccines, and not the one necessarily held by most doctors and scientists, is the view that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary. Propaganda is used to try and achieve their agenda, which is a form of medical tyranny by taking away people's choice to refuse vaccines for themselves or their children. Fortunately, the National Vaccine Information Center has volunteers in all 50 states opposing legislative efforts to impose mandatory vaccines and take away informed consent and the freedom to refuse medical treatments like vaccines. They have successfully mobilized the American public through grassroots efforts to oppose most of these bills that have been proposed in recent years. The following is their 2018 annual report. To keep up to date on what is going on in your state regarding vaccine laws, be sure to sign up for their portal on their website.

The Pertussis Vaccine and Children Brain Damage: America’s Dark Vaccine History

It is a primitive bacterial vaccine licensed in 1914. It has not been given to babies in America for 20 years. It is the vaccine that had brain damaged so many children and caused so many vaccine injury lawsuits that Big Pharma used it to blackmail Congress into giving vaccine manufacturers a partial product liability shield in 1986, which the U.S. Supreme Court made even bigger in 2011. I’m talking about whole cell pertussis vaccine in DPT, a crude brew of whole B. pertussis bacteria heated and washed with formaldehyde but still full of neurotoxic aluminum and mercury along with shock-inducing endotoxin, as well as brain damaging bioactive pertussis toxin, a toxin so lethal that researchers use it to deliberately induce acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in lab animals. Whole cell pertussis vaccine: the most reactive vaccine still given to infants and children in developing countries because it costs drug companies just pennies to make a dose of it.

U.S. Zika Vaccine Trial: A Vaccine Looking for a Disease to Cure – Natural Immunity has Already Eliminated the Zika Virus

The experimental Zika vaccine is a controversial DNA vaccine, never before used in humans. An earlier NIH attempt to develop a West Nile DNA vaccine was aborted. But the unexpected happened; the virus has disappeared. The adults who had been infected recovered without treatment—and they have gained the advantage of lifetime immunity. Zika no longer poses a health problem for humans. In 2017, when “new cases have dropped to a trickle throughout the Americas” Sanofi pulled the plug on its Zika vaccine. Dr. Fauci acknowledges that: “Right now, there are no infections, and certainly not enough to even think about an efficacy signal at this point”. Science Magazine, notes: “Further complicating the trial, many people throughout Latin America and the Caribbean have already been infected with Zika and recovered, which has left them immune to the virus and hence ineligible for vaccine trials.” To overcome “the problem” that Mother Nature resolved – NIAID officials and the researchers are intent on facilitating the continuation of the vaccine trial. They propose to intentionally infect people who may then spread the virus and create an epidemic that has receded. The motivating factors for completing the trial by resorting to unethical exposure of human subjects to potentially serious harm, is that a Zika vaccine will be brought to market – whether or not Zika poses a threat. The trial is about protecting the financial investment, career advancement for the researchers, and launching yet another profit generating vaccine.

Vaccine Awareness Week: National Vaccine Information Center Calls on Health Officials to Protect Babies in U.S. from Toxic DPT Vaccine

During the Ninth Annual Vaccine Awareness Week co-sponsored by the non-profit charity National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and Dr. Joseph Mercola, NVIC is calling on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to protect newborns from being subjected to the risks of an old and crude whole cell pertussis vaccine in DPT that has not been given to babies in America for 20 years. During this year’s Vaccine Awareness Week, NVIC is also releasing a 2018 Annual Report on U.S. State Vaccine Legislation: Breakdown, Trends and Predictions. The report is an analysis of which state legislatures passed bills that affected vaccine exemptions or added new vaccine mandates, enrolled citizens in electronic vaccine tracking registries, approved vaccine promotion programs in daycares and schools or enacted other vaccine-related legislation. NVIC reports that for the third year in a row, exemptions in vaccine laws remained stable with no losses in any state. Vaccine Awareness Week Sept. 23-30, 2018 was launched with an article and video reviewing the risks and failures of influenza vaccines and will include an article on fast tracking and marketing of vaccines, such as Gardasil (HPV) vaccine, by federal health agencies. Saturday will feature online viewing of excerpts from the international award winning HPV vaccine documentary, Sacrificial Virgins.

After 20 Month Old Son Dies from Vaccines Professional Fighter with Nurse Wife Put Up Billboards as Warning

Nick Catone is a professional MMA martial arts fighter, and his wife, Marjorie Catone, is a registered nurse who works in an intensive care unit at a local hospital where they live. 17 days after their 20 month old healthy and active son, Nicholas, was vaccinated with the DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) vaccine, his parents found him dead in his bed one morning. In an interview with Del Bigtree, Marjorie comments about how her nursing education never trained her in the possible adverse reactions to vaccines, and she never bothered to check the ingredients of the vaccine, even though as a wife of a professional MMA fighter and mother she was meticulous to check ingredient lists of foods to make sure her family was eating healthy. The autopsy report of their son listed the cause of death as "sudden unexplained" (SIDS) and "natural," as medical authorities apparently refused to consider their son's vaccines as a contributing factor to his death, and they allegedly did not conduct a thorough exam during the autopsy. Nick and Marjorie now want to warn others about the dangers of vaccines, so that parents can be informed before making a decision to vaccinate their children, before it is too late and they find themselves in the same situation as they are, grieving over the death of their formerly healthy child. They are putting up billboards in several states in an effort to educate the public on the risks of vaccines.

Vaccine Safety Untested on Pregnant Women, But Big Pharma Not Liable for Vaccine Injuries to Unborn Children and Pregnant Mothers

We are here today because in 2016, Congress amended the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act to add vaccines recommended by the CDC for routine administration to pregnant women to the Vaccine Injury Table. Congressional action was required to do it because the 1986 Act was not about vaccines recommended for adults or unborn babies developing in the womb. As stated in multiple congressional hearings between 1982 and 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was created by Congress for one purpose: to protect the availability and lower the costs of federally recommended vaccines for children that are state mandated for school attendance. Although this NPRM requests public comment on how the addition of this new maternal vaccination category should be formatted on the Vaccine Injury Table, the public is hampered from making informed comments because of knowledge gaps about the safety and effectiveness of administering vaccines to pregnant women and potential negative health outcomes for the unborn child developing in the womb. Various package inserts for these vaccines contain warnings such as “it is not known whether the vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity;” and “there are no adequate and well controlled studies in pregnant women;” and “available data on the vaccine administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine associated risks in pregnant women;” and “the vaccine should be given to pregnant women only if clearly needed.” There is no single vaccine-related issue of more concern to Americans than protection of this internationally recognized human right for pregnant women, parents of minor children and adults of all ages, who are too often being threatened and sanctioned if they do not agree to receive all government recommended and mandated vaccines for which the pharmaceutical industry has had no product liability since 2011.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Demands the Office of the Inspector General and Congress Investigate Fraud in Vaccine Court by Denying Autism Vaccine Injuries

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), and Rolf Hazlehurst, parent of a vaccine-injured child, petitioned the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Inspector General (OIG), and the Senate and House Judiciary Committees today to investigate actions taken by federal personnel during the “Vaccine Court” Omnibus Autism Proceedings (OAP). Recently discovered evidence provided by Kennedy and Hazlehurst details obstruction of justice and appallingly consequential fraud by two DOJ lawyers who represented the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2007. These actions led to a denial of justice and compensation for over 5,000 families who filed claims of vaccine injury leading to autism in their children. The fraud by the two DOJ attorneys directly influenced the 2011 Bruesewitz v. Wyeth Supreme Court decision which all but shut the door forever for families seeking redress for vaccine injury in the civil court system. Since this miscarriage of justice, roughly one million children have been diagnosed with autism. An unknown percentage of these cases are the result of vaccine injury.