Video: New York Releases New Nuclear Attack PSA - What Does this Mean?
New York City Emergency Management released a new nuclear attack public service announcement today. American Military News reports:
“The grim video begins with an animated depiction of New York City after a nuclear explosion, including piles of rubble and sirens blaring.
So there’s been a nuclear attack. Don’t ask me how or why, just know that the big one has hit. Ok? So, what do we do? There are three important steps that I want you to remember, the video’s host states. Step one: get inside, fast. You, your friends, your family … get inside. And, no, staying in the car is not an option. You need to get into a building and move away from the windows.”
So what does this mean? Why are they disseminating this PSA in New York City at this time?
The most logical reason would be that someone believes that NYC is being targeted for a nuclear missile strike. But sending a nuclear missile into NYC would be pure suicide for whatever country would do such a thing, as the U.S. would most certainly retaliate.
Targeting a major civilian population area also does not make much military sense, because if any country would be foolish enough to risk a first strike against the U.S., chances are they would target military bases and our naval ships, seeking to destroy places where nukes are kept to reduce the chances of retaliation.
Given the current political climate and the constant use of fear to keep the public in a never-ending state of terror so that they gladly accept government solutions that sacrifice freedom for slavery, the more reasonable explanation is to keep New Yorkers (and the rest of the country) in a perpetual state of being afraid of the next “big thing.”
Could we be looking at “false flag” attacks on American soil that are actually orchestrated by our own government, who will then turn around and blame some foreign entity, such as Russia, in order to justify more government actions to keep people at home and off the streets as they did during the COVID plandemic?