Could we soon see riots breaking out across the U.S. in major urban areas, as we saw in the summer of 2020, or even worse?
With the dramatic influx of migrants crossing the U.S. border from Mexico for the past many months with many of them being transported to large cities, not only are riots and civil unrest likely, they are almost inevitable due to U.S. government policy that is funding this crisis.
An independent reporter known as “Sav Says” has just published a video report about the migrant crisis in New York City, where she reports that 50% of the hotels in NYC are now filled with migrants.
She interviewed a whistleblower from one of these hotels, the ROW NYC, which is just one block away from Times Square, and currently houses over 5000 migrants in rooms that used to rent out for $500 a night.
Watch this shocking 14-minute report.
This is a very disturbing report. These migrants are afforded more rights and privileges than U.S. citizens, including the right to refuse vaccines before they are boarded at the hotel, and the whistleblower stated that most of these migrants do refuse the vaccines.
But all of their medical needs are supplied for free at local hospitals, as is their transportation. The whistleblower stated that 2-3 babies a week are being born in the hotel, and they are offered free car seats and cribs.
Besides a free hotel room, they get free housekeeping and laundry services, and three free meals a day.
The condition of this big NYC hotel, as reported by the whistleblower, is horrible, and characterized by drunken orgies and minors being left alone for sometimes days.
The whistleblower also stated that the infrastructure of the hotel is deteriorating and that the hotel is in danger of collapsing. But city officials are too afraid to evacuate the migrants:
“It’s been flat out said by every agency in that hotel that they are just waiting for it to collapse. But the city does not want to start the process of getting them out because it is 5000 people.
So its either going to start a riot, or during the riot its going to collapse the hotel, because they don’t want to leave the hotel. They love the location. Who wouldn’t love living free next to Times Square?
Everybody who is staying in the hotel is in this chat group, so the minute you try to move not just one floor, the minute you try to move one room, they’re going to put it in the chat, and the word is going to spread through the whole hotel.
And they’re not going to go quietly, they’re not going to go calmly or peacefully. The City of New York does not know how to handle any of this.”
This situation does not only exist in NYC, but all across the U.S. in almost every major city.
What do you think is going to happen when the banks fail and the economy crashes, and when not only these freebies stop for the migrants, but when people who are not migrants cannot even access their own cash in their bank accounts, and the ATMs stop functioning?
I personally would not want to be in any major city when that happens…