Pro Vaccine Studies Used by Media and Government Have Conflict of Interest and are Easily Debunked

Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD, PE, has helped us expose the shortcomings in commonly cited pro-vaccine studies that argue against a vaccine/autism link. Action Alert! This week, ANH-USA is releasing a white paper in conjunction with Dr. Brian Hooker, scientific advisor for Focus for Health. The paper critically examines twelve studies that are commonly cited by the media and government agencies as irrefutable proof that vaccines are safe and do not cause autism. As you will see, many of these studies prove nothing of the sort, and are riddled with conflicts of interest.

Tribute to the Late Dr. Bradstreet: Beloved Scientific Pioneer in Healing Autism

The late Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet was a much beloved physician-pioneer. His revolutionary methods and passionate vision to cure autism have inspired those who knew him to continue the work, to ripple outwards and continue positively touching the lives of the autism community with the same dedication to a cure that he lived for until his tragic death last year. Hailed by his daughter as a hero—one whose sacrificial labor of love saved thousands of people over the course of his two decade long fight to cure those suffering from autism—it is clear from the impassioned voices of each one who paid Dr. Bradstreet tribute that those who knew him and loved him are committed to taking up the torch and continuing to fight for those afflicted with autism. His daughter, Elizabeth, declared: "My goal is to carry out my dad’s legacy and be a hero like him by spreading the message of hope for a cure to all who are affected by this awful epidemic we call autism. I hope that you always remember that God makes all things beautiful in His perfect timing, and to never give up. While my dad may not be here with us physically, his spirit lives on in those who loved him most and that is what empowers us to be a true hero for autism.”

Medical Cannabis is Healing Autism

The subject of autism and its causes is getting more attention due to the documentary Vaxxed. It's like a continual road show going from city to city with its crew of key personnel conducting panel discussions after showings. That's great and sorely needed. But there's little awareness promoted for treating autism among the vaccine damaged. The Cannabis Summit revealed several medical practitioners of different stripes who are willing and able to use cannabis in their practices. One of them was Dr. Bogner who presented on the topic “New Frontier on Autism Spectrum Disorder Recovery: Medical Marijuana."

NBC Chief Bob Wright: Both Obama and Bush Killed Proposals to Improve Vaccine Safety

In his new book, The Wright Stuff: From NBC to Autism Speaks, former head of NBC Universal Bob Wright weighs in on vaccines and autism. According to a review by Accuracy in Media, Wright reveals that both the Obama and Bush administrations killed proposals to improve vaccine safety. This political interference in the effort to produce the safest vaccines possible adds to my own first hand knowledge of multiple Congressional hearings about vaccine safety and links to autism that have been scheduled, but then cancelled under pressure from the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry is able to wield inordinate pressure in the news media through its advertising relationships; in government and politics through its business relationships, donations and revolving door; and in universities and scientific research communities through its funding and contributions.

Medical Cannabis Gets Green-Light for Autism Treatment and Research

In January 2016, Hillary Clinton unveiled an autism initiative that was focused on bringing greater awareness to the epidemic. Clinton, who has received more pharmaceutical industry money than any leading political figure in the United States, wants “to ensure that all children, and in particular children from underserved backgrounds, can get screened for autism.” Reading between the political red tape and double speak, Clinton and the pharmaceutical industry are looking to create a funnel to drive millions affected by the autism spectrum into the drug company’s arms. There is a lot of buzz these days coming from the political and medical hot potato that is medical cannabis (marijuana). Many states are wrestling with current legislation, desperate not to give full control of this plant’s healing powers over to the people without high taxes and tracking systems. Two major events have just occurred within the last week. First, Pennsylvania is moving to become the first state to list autism as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana. If Pennsylvania’s SB3 becomes law, it will legally protect doctors who want to prescribe medical marijuana. In addition, the law would give parents and their children access to a powerful medical tool that would be covered by insurance. The second major event that is currently in the works is the world’s first official crowdfunded medical marijuana study at Colorado State University. Headed by Thorsten Rudroff, director of Colorado State University’s (CSU) Integrative Neurophysiology Lab, the study aims to conduct tests on at least 20 MS patients in northern Colorado who already are using medical marijuana and compare them with members of a control group of the same size who do not.

New Study Dispels Myth that Better Diagnosis is Responsible for Increase in Autism

In October 2015, researchers David Geier, Janet Kern, Brian Hooker, Lisa Sykes, and Mark Geier published a paper titled A Prospective Longitudinal Assessment of Medical Records for Diagnostic Substitution among Subjects Diagnosed with a Pervasive Developmental Disorder in the United States. The aim of their study, supported by the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute, was to investigate whether or not better diagnostic testing was responsible for the ever-increasing numbers of children being diagnosed with persuasive developmental disorder (PDD), autism, cerebral palsy (CP) and mental retardation (MR). For many years, governments around the world have claimed that better diagnosis of autism is responsible for the rise in the condition. However, many professionals disagree and have stated that the increase directly corresponds to the rise in the number of vaccinations being added to the vaccine schedule. To discover whether or not better diagnosis could be responsible for the increase, David Geier and his team investigated the theory by using StatsDirect software and examining medical records for subjects within the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD).

Study Concludes Rise in Autism Not Due to Better Diagnosis

A new study recently published in Frontiers in Pediatrics provides evidence challenging one of the biggest myths about the autism epidemic among children, which is that “better diagnosis” is entirely responsible for the substantial increase in the diagnosis of cases of autism and pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) over the past three decades. The study, “A prospective Longitudinal Assessment of Medical Records for Diagnostic Substitution among Subjects Diagnosed with a Pervasive Developmental Disorder in the United States,” independently analyzed Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) data that has been extremely difficult to obtain from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services until recently. As we head into this political season where it appears autism will be a topic of some discussion, hopefully this very important study will add context to the information we get from the media reporting on the autism epidemic.

What the News Isn’t Saying About Vaccine-Autism Studies

A new study this week found no link between vaccines and autism. It instantly made headlines on TV news and popular media everywhere. Many billed it as the final word, “once again,” disproving the notion that vaccines could have anything to do with autism. What you didn’t learn on the news was that the study was from a consulting firm that listsmajor vaccine makers among its clients: The Lewin Group. That potential conflict of interest was not disclosed in the paper published in The New England Journal of Medicine; the study authors simply declare “The Lewin Group operates with editorial independence.” When the popular press, bloggers and medical pundits uncritically promote a study like The Lewin Group’s, it must confound researchers like Lucija Tomljenovic, Catherine DeSoto, Robert Hitlan, Christopher Shaw, Helen Ratajczak, Boyd Haley, Carolyn Gallagher, Melody Goodman, M.I. Kawashti, O.R. Amin, N.G. Rowehy, T. Minami, Laura Hewitson, Brian Lopresti, Carol Stott, Scott Mason, Jaime Tomko, Bernard Rimland, Woody McGinnis, K. Shandley and D.W. Austin. They are just a few of the many scientists whose peer-reviewed, published works have found possible links between vaccines and autism. But unlike The Lewin Group’s study, their research has not been endorsed and promoted by the government and, therefore, has not been widely reported in the media. In fact, news reports, blogs and “medical experts” routinely claim no such studies exist.

How Homeopathy is Healing Autism

We know that autism can be healed, because we have seen the evidence of recovered lives. We know how autistic children feel, because recovered autistic children have been able to tell us how it felt. They have been able to describe their experiences after their lives were restored to normal through homeopathy. The Houston Homeopathy Method has freed over 100 children from their autism. These children have experienced complete recovery. The Houston Homeopathy Method has also given relief from the most severe symptoms of autism to countless other children who are now able to live pain free lives with much improved social skills.

Healing from Vaccine Injuries through Homeopathy

There are treatments that can heal vaccine damage, but few physicians in the conventional medical care system know about them, since vaccine injuries are usually denied as the cause of any illness. Some parents with autistic children report that homeopathy has completely reversed their children’s autism and healed other serious health conditions caused by vaccines. This article explains how homeopathic remedies can bring about healing for many types of vaccine injuries. Homeopathy is not the only treatment that has helped children and adults recover from vaccine damage, but it is the one that is the focus of this article. I will describe how homeopathy can bring about a true cure for the harm that vaccines have caused to children and adults. The National Vaccine Information Center states a very sobering fact about vaccines: “Every vaccine recommended for use by government and doctors has been associated with hospitalizations, injuries and deaths. There is no guarantee that a particular vaccine will be safe to give to a particular individual and will not result in permanent injury or death.”

Can You Trust What the Government Tells You About Vaccines?

On February 10, 2015, there was a Congressional hearing "on the link between recent outbreaks of diseases such as measles, and some parents' decision not to vaccinate their children." This was not a Congressional Hearing where both sides of the vaccine debate were presented. Only one side was presented, the government and pharmaceutical side. Can we trust the CDC when they say, "vaccines don't cause autism" as they spend over $4.5 billion a year in purchasing vaccines from pharmaceutical companies?

Dr. Brownstein, M.D. – Human DNA From Fetal Cells in Measles Vaccine Could be Linked to Increase in Autism

The MMR vaccine (MMR ProQuad) contains aborted fetal lung tissue. This original fetus was aborted due to maternal psychiatric reasons in September, 1966. The MMR2 vaccine contains aborted fetal lung tissue of a 3-month old human female. These fetal cells are used because the human cells can be used to grow the measles virus. There is concern that the increase in autism that has occurred may be due to the introduction of human DNA–from fetal cells–in the MMR and chicken pox vaccines. A scientific review from Dr. Helen Ratajczak, a former scientist at a pharmaceutical firm, reviewed the body of published research since autism was first described in 1943. Dr. Ratajczak stated, “What I have published is highly concentrated on hypersensitivity. The body’s immune system is being thrown out of balance..” by the increasing number of vaccines given in a short period of time. She also felt that the introduction of human DNA contained in vaccines has markedly increased the risk of developing autism. Presently, human tissue is used in 23 vaccines. Dr. Ratajczak feels that the increased spike in autism may be related to the introduction of human DNA into the MMR and chicken pox vaccines.

U.S. Media Blackout: Italian Courts Rule Vaccines Cause Autism

Both these Italian court decisions break new ground in the roiling debate over vaccines and autism. These courts, like all courts, are intended to function as impartial, unbiased decision makers. The courts’ decisions are striking because they not only find a vaccine-autism causal link, but they also overrule the decisions of Italy’s Ministry of Health. And taken together, the court decisions found that both the MMR and a hexavalent thimerosal- and aluminum-containing vaccine can trigger autism.

Broccoli Sprouts Improve Autism and the Microbiome

A recent study hit the news about a supplement derived from broccoli sprouts, called Sulforaphane, showing that negative Autism behaviors were eliminated quite a bit by many who ingested it.

How the Government has Earned $3.5 BILLION from the Claim that Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism

Few among the American public truly understand just how huge the U.S. vaccine market is. Not only do drug companies reap huge profits from vaccines, so too does the U.S. government. For example, did you know that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has accumulated $3.5 BILLION in vaccine tax revenue which is currently "sitting" in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund? This trust fund was established in 1988 "to compensate vaccine-related injury or death claims for covered vaccines." The money in this fund comes from a $0.75 excise tax on vaccines recommended by the CDC. So why does this Trust Fund have such a high balance, instead of paying medical expenses to families with vaccine damaged children? Probably because the government has decided that vaccines do not cause autism, the most common claim filed in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program since its inception in 1986.

CDC’s Purchase of $4 Billion of Vaccines a Conflict of Interest in Overseeing Vaccine Safety

Do you trust the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to oversee vaccine safety, when they have an annual budget of over $4 billion to purchase vaccines from drug companies? In 2015, they want to increase that amount by another half a billion dollars. Dr. Brian Hooker says the CDC should not be trusted to oversee vaccine safety, and after 10 years of fighting legal battles with the CDC via Freedom of Information requests to secure raw data on vaccine safety studies, he now has solid evidence to back up his claim of fraud within the CDC. In a shocking news story that rocked the online world but was almost totally ignored by the mainstream media in 2014, senior vaccine scientist Dr. William Thompson was revealed as a whistleblower within the CDC, admitting that the CDC had withheld information from a key study in 2004 that supposedly showed that the MMR childhood vaccine was safe. The CDC was forced to issue a response, and Dr. Hooker has now shown that the CDC response is clearly trying to cover up ethical lapses and explain away key data that was omitted from their original study. This data which was hidden from the public for more than 10 years was not favorable towards their own bias and what they wanted the public to believe about vaccines and autism. Dr. Hooker has clearly shown that the CDC has a conflict of interest, and cannot be trusted with research on vaccine safety when it is spending more than $4 billion of taxpayer funds to purchase vaccines from drug manufacturers. So what's next? Will this fraud within the CDC be allowed to continue? There are reports that there are other whistleblowers within the CDC that would like to come forward, but are too fearful at this point. Dr. William Thompson is now represented by one of the top whistleblower attorneys in the nation, and has reportedly turned over more than 1000 documents to Congressman Bill Posey. The pharmaceutical industry is the richest and most powerful political lobby in the world, however. Will there be enough members of Congress to come forward and oppose them? Does the American public even care enough about this issue to take action and threaten lawmakers who refuse to act and remove vaccine safety oversight from the CDC? Will they demand that taxpayer funds NOT be increased by over a half billion dollars next year to fund the purchase of more vaccines that are produced by pharmaceutical companies who are convicted criminals, and whose products have not been proven safe? More:

Former Staff Lead on Original Congressional Investigation Looking at Vaccine Injuries Speaks Out on CDC Fraud

Beth Clay was the staff lead on the original House Oversight Committee’s investigation looking into concerns about vaccine injuries in 1999. Working in Congress, she had a genuine desire to find the truth and find solutions regarding the rapidly increasing autism rates. What she found during her time in Congress, however, shocked her. So the recent revelations of Dr. Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, are not really "news" to her. Sadly, a government agency withholding information about a link between vaccines and autism is representative of the kind of fraud she too observed during her years in Congress. She has decided to speak out on the fraud she observed during her years in Congress.

CDC Director of Immunization Safety Admits Bias and Withholding Data Linking Vaccines to Autism

In what is quickly becoming one of the largest news stories in our lifetime, things are just getting worse for the CDC and their cover-up of data linking vaccines to autism. Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson has posted a recorded phone call she just had with Dr. Frank DeStefano, the CDC Director of Immunization Safety. Dr. DeStefano was a co-author with CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson on a 2004 study that originally was put forward as research showing there was no link between vaccines and autism. Dr. Thompson has come forward and revealed that data was withheld from the public that showed an increased risk of autism in certain populations, specifically African American boys. The CDC has already made a public announcement admitting that they did withhold some data. Dr. DeStefano has publicly stated that while he will reveal the data again, but that he is standing by the original study. A new audio recording of a conversation he just had with independent investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson has just been posted on the Internet. In this interview, Dr. DeStefano, who is not a whistle-blower, has come out with his own confession of bias and way of interpreting data so that it does not have to be shared with the public if it is not favorable with what they want to communicate regarding vaccines. Dr. DeSefano and the CDC is being forced to answer questions like this (which unfortunately the mainstream media as of yet are NOT asking) because his co-author on the study, Dr. William Thompson, has hired one of the top whistleblower attorney's in the nation so that he can come forward and reveal all the data the CDC has been hiding in regards to vaccines and autism.

CDC Whistleblower: Mercury in Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women Linked to Autism

Today, the Autism Media Channel released a short video where CDC whistle-blower Dr. William Thompson states, in a phone call to Dr. Brian Hooker, that injecting mercury into pregnant women creates a "clear and present danger" to the unborn child. Thimerosal, a form of mercury used as a preservative in vaccines, was removed from most childhood vaccines a few years ago, but is still in the annual flu shot, which is recommended for pregnant women. Dr. Thompson, in the video below, insists that this mercury in vaccines causes "tics" in children, and these tics are 4 times more prevalent in kids with autism. "Tics" are defined on the CDC website as: "Tics are sudden twitches, movements, or sounds that people do repeatedly. People who have tics cannot stop their body from doing these things. For example, a person with a motor tic might keep blinking over and over again. Or, a person with a vocal tic might make a grunting sound unwillingly." Watch the short 1 minute video.

CDC Responds: Admits Omitting Vaccine Data Linking Vaccines to Higher Rates of Autism

While the mainstream media continues to ignore what is becoming the biggest news event of the year, the CDC is scrambling to respond to damaging data that they were forced to release earlier this year clearly showing they had data linking vaccines to autism that they hid from the public. This issue can longer be hidden since one of the top researchers within the CDC, who co-authored several of the studies that supposedly showed no link between vaccines and autism, has decided to become a whistle-blower. He has yet to make an official statement, and it is thought that his attorney is seeking official whistle-blower status before he does so. The CDC, on the other hand, has responded to Dr. Brian Hooker's newly published study reanalyzing a 2004 CDC study that excluded data showing a significant increase in autism among African American boys who were vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. They supplied a response to the Next News Network, admitting they excluded certain data, and the reasons for doing so. Next News interviewed Dr. Hooker to discuss the CDC response. Dr. Hooker, through a 10-year legal battle with the CDC and hundreds of Freedom of Information requests, finally received the entire data sets from the CDC after Congressman Bill Posey stepped in to put pressure on them to release it. We also now know that Dr. Hooker was in contact for more than a year with an insider in the CDC who has become a whistle-blower, which undoubtedly applied pressure on the CDC to obey the law and release the data. In this interview, Dr. Hooker states that the CDC is lying in their response, and the reason they are doing so is to protect the reputation of the MMR vaccine. He also points out that the CDC purchases $4 billion of vaccines from the vaccine industry every year, and are the last ones who should be trusted to do studies on vaccine safety due to their huge conflict of interest.