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Victory for Toronto Nurses: Rationale for Nurses Who Refuse Flu Vaccine to Wear Masks “Insufficient, Inadequate, and Completely Unpersuasive”

The Ontario Nurses' Association has won a major victory over St. Michael's Hospital and eight other Toronto-area hospitals, as labour arbitrator William Kaplan wrote in a 53-page decision that forcing unvaccinated nurses to wear surgical masks during the flu season is a policy that is "insufficient, inadequate, and completely unpersuasive.” The hospital failed to prove that nurses who didn't have flu symptoms were a significant source of infection and therefore would be required to wear masks if they weren't inoculated, Mr. Kaplan said in his decision. Mr. Kaplan also heard an expert, Lisa Brosseau, a professor of environmental and occupational health sciences, testify that surgical masks fit poorly and aren't an effective form of protection. The arbitrator said it was illogical to force nurses who aren't immunized to be masked when St. Michael’s isn't as strict with unvaccinated visitors. "If masking is truly effective as source control, how can it be that they too are not required to mask? The answer to this question reveals that the masking part of the policy is, as one St. Michael’s witness admitted, 'weak,' ” Mr. Kaplan wrote.

U.S. Government Pays Out Millions to Flu Shot Victims Killed or Paralyzed by Influenza Vaccine

Flu season is in full swing, and once again reports are coming in that formerly healthy people are suffering serious harm or even dying from taking the flu shot. The fact that the annual flu shot is deadly and dangerous is not a fact even in dispute. But these facts are seldom, if ever, communicated to the American public before marketing the flu shot to the entire population, including those most vulnerable such as young babies and sick seniors, as the flu shot is marketed in retail pharmacy stores across the nation as if they are just as safe as buying a candy bar or pack of gum. As you will see here, the Department of Justice report on compensated cases for vaccine injuries and deaths in the U.S. Vaccine Court, submitted each three months to the federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, shows that millions of dollars are being spent for injuries and deaths due to the flu shot. As far as I know, Health Impact News is the only news source publishing this government data on compensated cases due to vaccine injuries and deaths. The December 6, 2018 meeting just concluded, and Government attorney Catharine Reeves reported that there were 144 settlements for vaccine injuries and deaths the past 3 months, and 89 of those cases were listed in her report. Of those 89 cases compensated, 77 were for injuries and one death caused by the flu shot, making the flu shot the most dangerous vaccine in the United States, by far.

Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital to Deny Medical Services to Unvaccinated Children

Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, has notified parents that if their children are not vaccinated, or if they follow an alternative vaccination schedule, that they will be denied medical services. They also notified parents that they will not honor Florida State law that allows for religious exemptions to vaccines.

N.Y. Health Department Orders All Unvaccinated School Children to Miss 21 Days of School Over Measles “Outbreak”

The Rockland County Health Department in the State of New York has notified schools that students who are not vaccinated for measles cannot attend school for 21 days, due to a "measles outbreak" where 33 cases have allegedly been confirmed in the county. This directive includes those who have legal vaccine exemptions for either medical or religious reasons. Parents and members of the community are, of course, outraged at this tyrannical action being conducted by the Health Department, which is run by unelected medical professionals and administers "free" MMR vaccines purchased by the CDC (with U.S. taxpayer funds). When these "outbreaks" of measles occur, and action is taken to target those who are not vaccinated, many facts are left out in educating the public regarding the truth about measles and the measles vaccine. So here are the facts about measles and the measles vaccine, all of which are easily verified by anyone with an Internet connection. 1. There is NO measles vaccine. Only a 3-combo vaccine that includes measles (MMR). 2. Merck, the Manufacturer of the MMR Vaccine, is Being Sued in Court for FRAUD. 3. The MMR Vaccine is Linked to Autism. 4. More People Die from the Measles Vaccine than from Measles. 5. Measles Rates were Declining Long Before the Vaccine was Introduced.

‘Unprecedented’ Sales for Merck’s Gardasil Vaccine as They Seek World Domination for HPV Vaccines

Merck's Gardasil vaccine saw a 55% increase over last year’s third quarter, netting $1.05 billion in global sales for the third quarter of 2018. Thanks to worldwide sales, the Gardasil vaccine has become the top money maker for Merck. FiercePharma, the marketing trade publication for vaccine manufacturers, reports that Merck’s Gardasil has been propelling the pharma giant’s vaccine unit in recent quarters, and that doesn't look like it'll be changing. The company sees more growth ahead thanks to an “unprecedented increase in worldwide demand” for HPV vaccines, an executive said. Addressing the vaccine's performance on a recent conference call, Merck’s president of global human health Adam Schechter said the company is “seeing unprecedented increase in worldwide demand for the HPV vaccines.” He said global demand has “doubled in the last year alone.” Meanwhile, the carnage left behind from mass Gardasil vaccination programs continues to get world-wide exposure, as doctors, scientists, and victims look for ways to oppose mass Gardasil vaccination programs. A recent gathering in Ireland at an IFICA conference brought together many world leaders to discuss the Gardasil problem, and another meeting is scheduled in the U.S. in 2019 during the Autism One conference, at the 4th Annual International HPV Vaccine Education Symposium.

FDA Decision to Approve Gardasil Vaccine for Adults Will Likely Increase Cervical Cancer Rates

The HPV vaccine was just approved for adults, despite Merck’s concerning research data. The FDA made its determination in the face of substantial evidence of the dangers of the HPV vaccine and the existence of safer alternatives. For women who have already been exposed to certain strains of the HPV virus, vaccination can actually increase the risk of precancerous lesions by 44.6%. That’s right: if you are already infected with HPV, getting vaccinated could increase your risk of getting cancer. To put this in perspective, 79 million Americans are thought to be infected with HPV, and about 14 million are newly infected each year, making HPV the most common sexually transmitted infection. Often there are no symptoms. The CDC says that “HPV is so common that almost every person who is sexually active will get HPV at some time in their life.” A large, government-backed push to get more people vaccinated for HPV could actually increase many people’s risk of getting cancer.

Parents, Scientists and Doctors from Around the World Gather to Discuss How to Handle Increasing HPV Vaccine Injuries

Earlier this year (2018) parents, scientists and doctors from all over the world gathered in Ireland at an IFICA conference to discuss the future of the HPV vaccine injured. The theme was "Working Together." The Ireland Government HSE (Health Service Executive) was invited to send representatives to attend, but they refused the opportunity to speak or listen to the world-renowned experts who attended. Instead, the HSE claims that the HPV vaccine is "100% safe" and labeled parents of HPV vaccine injured children as "Emotional Terrorists." As a result, victims suffering from Gardasil vaccine injuries in Ireland cannot get treatment, and must travel outside of the country to find medical help for their injuries.

FDA Approves Dangerous Gardasil Vaccine for Adults in the U.S.

Following a June, 2018 “Priority Review” by the FDA to approve Merck's Gardasil 9 vaccine to be expanded to women and men, ages 27 to 45, after 10 years of the FDA denying Merck's request to expand the Gardasil market to adults, the FDA approved Gardasil 9 to be expanded to adults, aged 27 to 45, on October 8, 2018. Granting approval to a vaccine after a "Priority Review" by the FDA in only 3 months is a "fast nod" according to FiercePharma, the market trade publication of the pharmaceutical industry. Merck did not even have to supply any new trials or data to get the vaccine approved for adults, in spite of the fact that the FDA denied their request for 10 years on the older Gardasil vaccine. According to FiercePharma: "Because Gardasil 9 and sister shot Gardasil are manufactured similarly, the FDA based the Gardasil 9 decision on results from a study of its predecessor." The study the FDA relied upon to approve Gardasil 9 for adults, was considered insufficient for 10 years as the FDA denied Merck approval to market the vaccine to adults: "Back in 2008, after agreeing to a faster review in the age group, the FDA decided against Merck’s case for an additional Gardasil approval in females 27 to 45. The agency in 2009 issued a second complete response letter for that application, demanding Merck to provide longer-term efficacy data in the age group. That set of data apparently didn’t turn things around for Merck. In both Gardasil’s and Gardasil 9’s current labels, information about a study on 3,253 women, 27 through 45 years of age, states that there was “no statistically significant efficacy” demonstrated by the vaccine in preventing high-grade cervical lesions or cervical cancer." Yet somehow, that same study is now deemed to be sufficient to approve Gardasil 9 for adults.

Why was the Dangerous and Contagious FluMist Vaccine Approved by the CDC?

In February 2018, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to re-recommend the live virus nasal spray influenza vaccine, FluMist, for the 2018-19 “flu season” after a two-year hiatus. The live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) is popular, particularly with children, since it is sprayed up the nose and does not require a needle for administration. The ACIP voted against recommending the quadrivalent FluMist for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 influenza seasons due to the vaccine’s ineffectiveness in protecting against the H1N1 strain (Influenza A). It is important to note that there are cases reported in the medical literature that FluMist has resulted in shedding and transmission of vaccine strain influenza virus. Despite the fact that the efficacy and effectiveness of this vaccine is unknown, Cynthia Pellegrini, senior vice president of public policy and government affairs for March of Dimes stated, “This vaccine is better than not being vaccinated and there are kids who will not be vaccinated without this option…” The assumption that using FluMist is better than not being vaccinated given the lack of data on the efficacy is not rational because it is not based on scientific evidence.

U.S. Zika Vaccine Trial: A Vaccine Looking for a Disease to Cure – Natural Immunity has Already Eliminated the Zika Virus

The experimental Zika vaccine is a controversial DNA vaccine, never before used in humans. An earlier NIH attempt to develop a West Nile DNA vaccine was aborted. But the unexpected happened; the virus has disappeared. The adults who had been infected recovered without treatment—and they have gained the advantage of lifetime immunity. Zika no longer poses a health problem for humans. In 2017, when “new cases have dropped to a trickle throughout the Americas” Sanofi pulled the plug on its Zika vaccine. Dr. Fauci acknowledges that: “Right now, there are no infections, and certainly not enough to even think about an efficacy signal at this point”. Science Magazine, notes: “Further complicating the trial, many people throughout Latin America and the Caribbean have already been infected with Zika and recovered, which has left them immune to the virus and hence ineligible for vaccine trials.” To overcome “the problem” that Mother Nature resolved – NIAID officials and the researchers are intent on facilitating the continuation of the vaccine trial. They propose to intentionally infect people who may then spread the virus and create an epidemic that has receded. The motivating factors for completing the trial by resorting to unethical exposure of human subjects to potentially serious harm, is that a Zika vaccine will be brought to market – whether or not Zika poses a threat. The trial is about protecting the financial investment, career advancement for the researchers, and launching yet another profit generating vaccine.

Vaccine Awareness Week: National Vaccine Information Center Calls on Health Officials to Protect Babies in U.S. from Toxic DPT Vaccine

During the Ninth Annual Vaccine Awareness Week co-sponsored by the non-profit charity National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and Dr. Joseph Mercola, NVIC is calling on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to protect newborns from being subjected to the risks of an old and crude whole cell pertussis vaccine in DPT that has not been given to babies in America for 20 years. During this year’s Vaccine Awareness Week, NVIC is also releasing a 2018 Annual Report on U.S. State Vaccine Legislation: Breakdown, Trends and Predictions. The report is an analysis of which state legislatures passed bills that affected vaccine exemptions or added new vaccine mandates, enrolled citizens in electronic vaccine tracking registries, approved vaccine promotion programs in daycares and schools or enacted other vaccine-related legislation. NVIC reports that for the third year in a row, exemptions in vaccine laws remained stable with no losses in any state. Vaccine Awareness Week Sept. 23-30, 2018 was launched with an article and video reviewing the risks and failures of influenza vaccines and will include an article on fast tracking and marketing of vaccines, such as Gardasil (HPV) vaccine, by federal health agencies. Saturday will feature online viewing of excerpts from the international award winning HPV vaccine documentary, Sacrificial Virgins.

After 20 Month Old Son Dies from Vaccines Professional Fighter with Nurse Wife Put Up Billboards as Warning

Nick Catone is a professional MMA martial arts fighter, and his wife, Marjorie Catone, is a registered nurse who works in an intensive care unit at a local hospital where they live. 17 days after their 20 month old healthy and active son, Nicholas, was vaccinated with the DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) vaccine, his parents found him dead in his bed one morning. In an interview with Del Bigtree, Marjorie comments about how her nursing education never trained her in the possible adverse reactions to vaccines, and she never bothered to check the ingredients of the vaccine, even though as a wife of a professional MMA fighter and mother she was meticulous to check ingredient lists of foods to make sure her family was eating healthy. The autopsy report of their son listed the cause of death as "sudden unexplained" (SIDS) and "natural," as medical authorities apparently refused to consider their son's vaccines as a contributing factor to his death, and they allegedly did not conduct a thorough exam during the autopsy. Nick and Marjorie now want to warn others about the dangers of vaccines, so that parents can be informed before making a decision to vaccinate their children, before it is too late and they find themselves in the same situation as they are, grieving over the death of their formerly healthy child. They are putting up billboards in several states in an effort to educate the public on the risks of vaccines.

Illinois Teen Dies Three Weeks After Being Injected with HPV Gardasil Vaccine

Christopher Bunch, 14 years old, died on Aug. 14, 2018 of complications from a rare neurological disease called Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM). The teenager began experiencing symptoms, including headaches, nausea and vomiting, on Aug. 6. He spent much of the next two days sleeping. Christopher had apparently received the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine Gardasil three weeks prior to his death. ADEM is a reported side effect of Gardasil. It is listed in the Gardasil package insert.

Michigan Department of Health Tracking Student Vaccination Status in Violation of Federal Law

The group Michigan for Vaccine Choice has sent a letter to parents in Michigan informing them that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) are violating federal law (FERPA) by transferring private medical records about minor children, without the consent of their parents, regarding each student's vaccination status into a vaccine tracking database.

Should the CDC Oversee Vaccine Safety When They Purchase Over $5 Billion of Vaccines from Big Pharma?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is tasked by the U.S. Government with overseeing vaccine safety. They claim on their website: "The United States’ long-standing vaccine safety program closely and constantly monitors the safety of vaccines. A critical part of the program, CDC’s Immunization Safety Office identifies possible vaccine side effects and conducts studies to determine whether health problems are caused by vaccines. Data show that the current U.S. vaccine supply is the safest in history." However, the CDC is the largest purchaser of vaccines in the world, and their budget to purchase vaccines from pharmaceutical companies was over $5.1 BILLION in 2018, and is set to increase to over $5.4 BILLION in 2019. Can we trust the CDC to oversee vaccine safety with such a blatant conflict of interest?

Get Your Flu Shot? DOJ Report From Vaccine Court Reveals Flu Shot is Most Dangerous Vaccine in U.S.

The 2018 push for the flu shot is now in full swing. Pharmacies are advertising enticing offers, including free flu shots with discounts on other products (CVS), and the opportunity to give a free flu shot to children in Africa (Walgreens). These retail outlets offer no-wait shots, making it appear to be as easy as purchasing candy or tissue paper in your visit to your local drug store. What these retail outlets will most likely fail to mention, however, is that according to the Department of Justice's quarterly reports listing compensations for injuries and deaths due to vaccines from the Vaccine Court, the flu shot is the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S. with crippling and fatal side effects. How many people taking advantage of "free" flu shots will know that there is a long list of debilitating side effects from the flu shot, as compensated by the U.S. Government in the federal Vaccine Court? These side effects include (among others): GBS - Guillain–Barré syndrome is a rapid-onset muscle weakness caused by the immune system damaging the peripheral nervous system. TM - Transverse myelitis is an inflammation of both sides of one section of the spinal cord. This neurological disorder often damages the insulating material covering nerve cell fibers (myelin). ADEM - Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, or acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, is a rare autoimmune disease marked by a sudden, widespread attack of inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. CIDP - Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy is a neurological disorder -- a condition that targets your body's nerves. MS - Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. SIRVA - SIRVA stands for “Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration.” SIRVA can lead to intense, prolonged pain, limited range of motion, and shoulder-related injuries such as Adhesive Capsulitis or Frozen Shoulder Syndrome. Myasthenia gravis is a long-term neuromuscular disease that leads to varying degrees of skeletal muscle weakness. Peripheral Neuropathy is damage to or disease affecting nerves, which may impair sensation, movement, gland or organ function, or other aspects of health, depending on the type of nerve affected. DEATH by the flu vaccine. All of these debilitating side effects were reported as being compensated in recent DOJ reports.

Japan has the Lowest Infant Mortality Rate Following Ban on Mandatory Vaccinations

Fact: Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate following ban on mandatory vaccinations, and they urge other countries to follow this firm stance. The citizens of Japan are statistically proven to be the healthiest and longest-living people in the world. The country also has the lowest infant mortality rate on the planet. It may come as no surprise to many that the Japanese Government banned a number of vaccines that are currently mandatory in the United States and has strict regulations in place for other Big Pharma drugs and vaccines in general. Japan’s anti-vax policies have long been criticised by vaccine pushers in the US who claim that vaccinating the public “promotes health.” However, Japanese people live longer, healthier lives than Americans, with babies born in the US twice as likely to die in infancy than those born in Japan. It’s clear to see that Western nations have a lot to learn from the Japanese when it comes to their approach to vaccinations and issues facing public health. The Japanese are vaccine sceptics, to put it simply, and due to adverse reactions suffered by Japanese children, have banned many vaccines. The Japanese are well educated on the dangers of over-vaccinating their children and oppose the use of multi-shot vaccinations such as the MMR vaccine. Following a record number of children developing adverse reactions, including meningitis, loss of limbs, and even sudden death, the Japanese government banned the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine from its vaccination program, despite facing serious opposition from Big Pharma.

Lawsuits Mount Against Shingles Vaccine

Drugwatch.com is reporting that Merck's shingles vaccine, Zostavax, is facing several lawsuits for causing shingles, the very thing the vaccine is supposed to protect against. Eighteen people from across the country filed one of the first Zostavax lawsuits in New Jersey. The lawsuit alleges the vaccine caused people to develop shingles. The outbreak led to hospitalization and chronic nerve pain called post-herpetic neuralgia. “Merck knew or should have known that its product caused viral infection and was therefore not safe,” the suit said. Jane Boda filed one of the early lawsuits in Wisconsin in May 2018. The lawsuit claims Zostavax gave Boda shingles. She says she suffered chronic nerve damage as a result.

Whistleblower Accuses CDC of Manipulating Shingles Data with Chickenpox Vaccine

The controversy over varicella vaccine safety and mandates has raged since its introduction in the U.S. nearly 25 years ago. When it was licensed in 1995, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) questioned the strength of the scientific evidence for safety and effectiveness used by CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to make a universal use recommendation and argued the vaccine should not be mandated because, in part, universal use of the vaccine could drive chickenpox into older children and adults and raise the risks for shingles later in life. Gary S. Goldman, PhD served for eight years as Research Analyst for the Varicella Active Surveillance Project (VASP) in a cooperative project with the CDC. In March 2018, Dr. Gary S. Goldman published an article in Annals of Clinical Pathology, “The US Universal Varicella Vaccination Program: CDC Censorship of Adverse Public Health Consequences.” In that article he provided evidence to support his allegation that CDC officials manipulated varicella data to affirm the CDC’s support for chickenpox vaccine mandates that that will require a lifetime of expensive vaccine boosters. In what Goldman described as a deliberate “attempt to quash the unwanted outcomes in the years following 2000,” he said it became apparent that the methods for interpretation of data were flawed, skewing CDC and VASP conclusions in favor of the varicella mass vaccination program.

Pro-Vaccine Maryland Parent Outraged over Corruption in Mass Gardasil Vaccination Policies

Maryland parent Josh Mazer is a pro-vaccine parent. He has stated: "A properly administered, robust vaccine policy is instrumental in promoting the public welfare." (We disagree on this point.) However, there is one vaccine he does not promote, and after the local health department started promoting this vaccine to 12 and 13-year-old children without parental consent or knowledge, he decided to do some investigating behind this large public campaign of mass vaccination. The vaccine in question is Merck's HPV vaccine Gardasil, which is well-known to the readers of Health Impact News, but less so among the general public. Mazer was notified of the policy earlier this year (2018) by a "a career public school nurse" who told him that she was "being forced" to market Gardasil to 11 and 12-year-old kids at her school. Mazer decided to investigate why this was being presented as a "public health crisis," but none of the local health department officials gave him any useful facts or information to justify the mass HPV vaccine campaign. So he filed a Public Information Act request with the local government Prevention and Health Promotion Administration. He learned the state health department received $91.6 million just since 2012 from pharma funded non-profits to promote the HPV vaccine in Maryland. Bingo. Welcome to our world, Mr. Mazer.