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So far AdminM has created 1973 entries.

“Free Speech” Issue? Telegram Founder with More Than 100 Biological Children Accused of Protecting Child Sex Traffickers

The term "free speech" is used today, particularly in the mostly "right-wing" alternative media, as if its definition is universally understood. However, the term "free speech" is anything but understood the same way by everyone who uses it. The first thing to understand about "free speech" is that in its absolute form, it doesn't exist. Absolute and total "free speech" is not allowed by any country of the world today, and every country in the world today has laws that regulate and prohibit total "free speech." In the U.S., for example, as well as in most countries around the world, one does not have "free speech" to publish what is considered "pornography", or various types of sex crimes. There is no "free speech", for example, to publish a video of a pedophile raping a baby or young child. Imagine a world where there was unregulated, total "free speech" such as this. Likewise, lying in public or on a publicly accessible Internet platform where someone lies about another person, or even just gives false information, that results in that person suffering harm, is also illegal according to the laws of slander and libel speech, and the victim can sue the person practicing their "free speech" that caused them harm. When it was announced this past weekend that the tech billionaire Pavel Durov, the Telegram founder and CEO, was arrested in France, almost everyone in the alternative media, mainly on the Right, was quick to come to his defense and claim that this was an attack on "free speech". This was seen as a political move by France to squelch the speech of all those who had been kicked off social media platforms such as YouTube and found refuge on Telegram. But as we look at the allegations against Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, while it is true that one of his "crimes" mentioned is not restricting the "dangerous" speech of "far-right" extremists, that is hardly the only charge being made against him. Here is a report from cybernews.com: "As the founder of Telegram, Durov is accused of not cooperating with law enforcement regarding crimes such as child sexual abuse, drug trafficking, and fraud. The investigation reportedly also related to insufficient moderation, with Durov allegedly failing to take steps to limit criminal uses of Telegram." I, for one, am highly skeptical about the motives and actions of Big Tech Billionaires.

Big Food has Taken Over the USDA National Organic Program – Why I am no Longer Importing Certified Organic Food

Since the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed standards for organic foods to be certified as "organic" by the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP) in 2002, the quality of organic food sold in the U.S. has been rapidly declining, as the major food corporations that control most of the nation's food supply have continually applied pressure to the USDA to lower those organic standards so that they could capitalize on consumer demand for "certified organic" food, while still mass producing their food the same way they produce conventional (non-organic) foods. Unfortunately, things have only become worse here in 2024 for the USDA certified organic program, in terms of consolidating power for the industry for Corporate Big Food. When the United States was founded back in the 1700s, about 90% of the population was employed in agriculture. By the time of the Civil War under President Lincoln, that number had fallen to about 50%. Today, just a handful of companies produce our food, with less than 2% of the population employed in agriculture. In short, we are just one disaster away from our entire food chain collapsing. If you are among the tens of millions of people in the U.S. who rely on grocery store chains to purchase your food, and have never considered what you would do if the shelves of those stores went bare, then it is time you change your thinking and buying habits when it comes to food.

Innocent Children Continue to Die in the Nation’s Evil Foster Care Child Trafficking System

A tragic story was published this week in Albany, New York, where a 2-year-old child was forcibly removed from his family by the family police force known as "Child Protection Services" (CPS), even though there was no record or claims that the child and his brother, who was also removed, were ever abused. The 2-year-old child along with his brother were then placed into a State-licensed foster home, where one of the members of that home had formerly been investigated for child abuse. That member of the licensed foster home was Sarah Carter, the adult daughter of the licensed foster mother, who subsequently left the young toddler, 2-year-old Antonio, in a hot car for 4 hours where he died of hyperthermia, or overheating. What makes this story, which happens all too frequently, so tragic, is that Antonio had parents who loved him, and observed how he was being mistreated in the foster home he was placed in during the supervised visitation times with their son, who often showed up with bruises and cuts, and smelled like he had not been bathed for some time. This was reported to the caseworker, and other family members tried to gain custody of young Antonio, but to no avail. A caseworker assistant who transported Antonio and his brother back and forth between the foster home and the biological parents for visitation, noticed what was happening to Antonio in the foster home, and reported it to her superiors. As a result of her trying to step in and advocate for these two children, she was fired.

Whoever is (S)Elected as the Next U.S. President, Jeffrey Epstein will be the Real Winner

With political campaigns in full swing now as the Democrats are currently holding their convention in Chicago, it is important to remember that national politics in the United States is a closely scripted arm of the entertainment industry, and has almost no bearing on real life, and the issues facing Americans every day. The fact that more Americans don't recognize this yet, especially after the Great Coup of 2020 and the COVID Scam, shows how a powerful demonic enchantment still holds the minds and emotions of most Americans today, who foolishly believe that they can somehow change the fate of our nation by simply voting their favorite candidate into office, even while admitting that they are voting for the "lesser of two evils", and acknowledge that the elections are rigged. So if there is a winner declared in the November national elections in the United States, with the illusion that the winner was "chosen" by the "will of the people," the real winner will undoubtedly be Jeffery Epstein, the man who built today's political system by using blackmail, primarily through child sex trafficking, to control the richest people in the world who really run America. All three current major candidates (at the time of this writing) running for the office of the President of the United States, have strong connections to Epstein, and undoubtedly would not be in a position to take over the most powerful political office in the U.S. without those connections to Jeffrey Epstein. Limiting the public's choice to only being able to vote for those who were connected to and empowered by the Epstein child sex trafficking financial system, of course ensures that this Satanic system will continue. Epstein of course was a Satanic Jew, and linked to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, which also ensures that only those who support the Zionist cause can be elected to the office of the President of the United States.

Infanticide in Gaza: UN to Vaccinate Over Half a Million Children with Deadly Polio Vaccine Over Fake Polio “Outbreak”

In addition to the almost daily news of children being murdered in Gaza, such as an entire family, including six children, who were killed in Gaza over the weekend, this past week scary headlines appeared in both the corporate media as well as in the alternative media stating that there was a new outbreak of the polio virus among children in Gaza, after polio had been eradicated there for 25 years. When we view scary "news" stories like this that call for mass-vaccination campaigns among children, the first thing to do is examine the actual facts that are being reported over this "outbreak." So I went to the source of this reporting, which is the UN, and specifically UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), the largest purchaser and distributor of vaccines for children worldwide. Here's a summary of the facts from these two official news reports from the UN. In July, a total of 6 cases of a positive polio PCR test were found in sewage samples (fecal matter) at 6 locations. It was admitted that these cases were "vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2". This was the beginning of the "polio outbreak" that is now being reported, even though at the time these tests were conducted, there was not a single person being treated for polio, nor anyone showing any symptoms of polio. Nevertheless, it was declared an "outbreak" and plans were immediately put into effect to produce hundreds of thousands of doses of the oral polio vaccines. One month later, in August, "three children presenting with suspected acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), a common symptom of polio" was reported. That's it, 3 children, who did not even have a positive polio diagnosis, but only "symptoms" of polio, was all that was needed to determine that this was a deadly "outbreak" of polio and kick into gear the production of 1.6 million doses of the oral polio vaccine to give to children in Gaza. What the media fails to report, however, is that these "cases" of polio came from the oral polio vaccines themselves!

Arizona Man Sexually Abused by Foster Parents as a Child is Murdered at Age 21 – Pedophiles Continue to be Licensed Foster Parents Across the U.S.

We have some sad news to report to our Health Impact News readers who have followed our reporting on the hundreds of Medical Kidnapping stories we published between 2014 through 2019. One of the most horrific stories we have ever published and have been following since 2017, is the case of David Frodsham, who was arrested and convicted of running a child pornography and child sex trafficking operation out of his Arizona, State-licensed foster home in 2017. Most of our original articles centered around then 2-year-old Devani, who was repeatedly raped and trafficked in the Frodsham foster home, and then after David Frodsham was arrested by federal agents, she was placed into another foster home by a Christian agency, where her body was scalded by hot water in a bathtub, resulting in her losing two of her toes. That foster mother is also now serving a prison term. After David Frodsham's conviction, two of his adopted sons aged out of the system, and proceeded to sue the State of Arizona, as well as the Christian adoption agencies that allowed this house of horrors to operate for years, even after they tried to report the abuses that were happening in this State-approved foster home. Both boys, as well as others, were repeatedly raped and trafficked as they grew up in this foster home. One of those boys was Trevor Frodsham, who apparently was fostered or adopted by another couple for a while after he left the Frodsham home, as he apparently took on the name "Trevor Williams." Last year (2023), we reported how the State of Arizona and the Catholic Adoption agency who were both defendants, were petitioning the court to dismiss the case, claiming that they had "qualified immunity" in the case that prevented them from being tried in court. I looked up Trevor's case today in preparing to write this article, and it was settled in November of 2023, although the terms of the settlement were sealed by the court, and I was not able to see what the terms of the settlement were. But it doesn't matter, as several weeks ago (June 17th) Trevor was shot and murdered in Tucson while reportedly sitting in his car at an intersection. The alleged murderer, Jose K. Chavez, was arrested a few weeks later on July 8, 2024. No motive or details of the murder have been made known to public at this time. But the real tragedy of Trevor Frodsham's story and the house of horrors that raped and trafficked children while being sanctioned and licensed by the State and by Christian adoption agencies, is that the exact same thing is happening right now all across the nation, where Christians and the State conspire together to kidnap and traffick children.

Ukrainian Mercenary NATO Forces Invade Russia Targeting Civilian Populations – Russia Labels Invasion as “Terrorist Attack”

While most of the world has been holding their breath and waiting for an Iranian response to Israel's recent assassinations in Tehran and Beirut, a Ukrainian military group reported to consist of NATO mercenaries invaded Russia and drove into the Kursk region of Russia, where there were no military bases or military operations, and attacked civilian neighborhoods who obviously offered little to no resistance. Russia responded quickly to the surprise attacks, but apparently this was a carefully planned invasion with highly trained NATO para-military personnel. Russia is calling this a terrorist attack since the NATO armed forces only attacked civilians where there were initially no Russian troops or military operations. It is being reported that the mercenaries are mainly from Poland and Georgia. Russian forces reportedly captured one of the Ukrainian soldiers who stated that the mercenaries were communicating in English and Polish on military radios, and that his brigade was “made up of those who used to be in jail”. The captured soldier also claimed that his commander ordered them to shoot civilians, both those unarmed and those armed, and then loot their homes. U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal traveled to Ukraine and praised the surprise attacks on civilians in Kursk, and called for the U.S. to give Ukraine more weapons, including calling for retired F-16 pilots from NATO countries to join in and train these mercenaries on how to fly the recent arrival of U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets. Senator Graham also admitted that these forces are using American-made weapons that are providing jobs in the U.S. Russia has issued stern warnings about retaliation. As the leading member of BRICS this year, Russia may soon have more than just military options to strike back against NATO countries, as it was just announced a few weeks ago that BRICS will soon have a financial system similar to SWIFT, which would cut off financial transactions among BRICS nations, which includes China and Iran, from the U.S.-led SWIFT banking system. This could be the last straw in collapsing the U.S. and western financial systems.

U.S. is Sending America’s Children to Die in the Middle East Fighting a Religious War Defending Israeli Forces Who Proudly Rape Their Prisoners

World War III is now expanding in the Middle East, with a full blown battle all but certain in the days ahead, as the U.S. is deploying National Guard troops and rapidly deploying America's young men and women to the Middle East, where many of them are sure to die fighting a religious war as they defend Israel. States have been training and deploying National Guard troops to the Middle East since the beginning of this year, with the latest deployments this past week occurring in Oregon and Pennsylvania. Many of these National Guard members have never even been outside the U.S. before. In Oregon, the part-time soldiers are being told that deployment to the Middle East will enhance their careers. Americans are sending their children, or in some cases leaving their children behind, to fight a religious war that is based on the belief that Israel and the Jews are the "chosen people" and more valuable than people from other countries. America did not even start this war, but it has now developed into a full blown Middle Eastern war that far exceeds Israel fighting the Palestinian Hamas group, as the Israeli Zionists have continually provoked Iran to draw the U.S. into this conflict. And for this, Americans are willing to send their children, or leave their children, to potentially die defending an Israeli military that rapes and abuses their prisoners, and is proud about it. Israel has admitted to sodomizing Palestinian prisoners, and riots have occurred in Israel, not in protest of these demonic actions, but in defense of them, and in protest for punishing the criminals. Many in the West have tried to distance themselves from the actions of these Satanic Jews, but this is not anything new, as these actions have been happening for years, and are actually routine and part of their military policy.

There’s Just One Problem: AI Isn’t Intelligent, and That’s a Systemic Risk

The mythology of Technology has a special altar for AI, artificial intelligence, which is reverently worshiped as the source of astonishing cost reductions (as human labor is replaced by AI) and the limitless expansion of consumption and profits. AI is the blissful perfection of technology's natural advance to ever greater powers. The consensus holds that the advance of AI will lead to a utopia of essentially limitless control of Nature and a cornucopia of leisure and abundance. If we pull aside the mythology's curtain, we find that AI mimics human intelligence, and this mimicry is so enthralling that we take it as evidence of actual intelligence. But mimicry of intelligence isn't intelligence, and so while AI mimicry is a powerful tool, it isn't intelligent. If we boil off the mythology and hyperbole, we're left with another neofeudal structure: the wealthy will be served by humans, and the rest of us will be stuck with low-quality, error-prone AI service with no recourse. The promoters claim the mass culling of jobs will magically be offset by entire new industries created by AI, echoing the transition from farm labor to factory jobs. But the AI dragon will eat its own tail, for it creates few jobs or profits that can be taxed to pay people for not working (Universal Basic Income). Perhaps the most consequential limit to AI is that it will do nothing to reverse humanity's most pressing problems. It can't clean up the Great Pacific Trash Gyre, or limit the 450 million tons of mostly unrecycled plastic spewed every year, or reverse climate change, or clean low-Earth orbits of the thousands of high-velocity bits of dangerous detritus, or remake the highly profitable waste is growth Landfill Economy into a sustainable global system, or eliminate all the sources of what I term Anti-Progress. It will simply add new sources of systemic risk, waste and neofeudal exploitation.

Big Tech “Far-Right” Billionaires want to Eliminate Politicians and “Democracy” as They Believe They can Run the World Better by Themselves

I have frequently reported in my articles that politicians are not the main people who run the U.S., but that Wall St. billionaires and Silicon Valley billionaires do. Unlike publicly visible politicians who at least have the illusion of accountability, the billionaires who fund them usually do not. So it is a rare treat when I find an article like the one that The Information published in their Weekend publication that does just that, and exposes where a lot of the new "Far Right" ideology originates from that many Silicon Valley billionaires subscribe to. The article was written by Julia Black, and titled: "The Far-Right Guru Who Has Befriended Silicon Valley’s Extreme Factions". Judging by the comments submitted to the article so far, it appears that this article is sending shock waves among those in Tech. Featured in the article is one of Big Tech's own, J.D. Vance, who recently became Trump's Vice President choice, and how he has been influenced by Peter Thiel, who for years has followed the teachings of Curtis Yarvin, who believes "democracy" in the U.S. should be replaced by a "monarchy" instead. These new Big Tech "conservatives" use familiar terms with the Right, but with completely different meanings. So while "limited government" is a traditional, conservative and libertarian value, they take it even further by advocating NO government. Curtis Yarvin's idea of running America like a corporation began to influence Peter Thiel around 2007-2009. They began to see CEOs of Big Tech as "all-powerful rulers," even suggesting that Apple co-founder Steve Jobs should have been given "absolute power over the state of California." These ideas may seem outrageous and even "fringe", but they have made inroads into American politics for years now, including Steve Bannon, who served in Trump's first term.