Obama Legacy: Medical Tyranny? New Order Issued for Detainment and Quarantines

Almost on the eve of the 2016 presidential election, outgoing president Barack Obama issued an executive order that is intended to coordinate all the world's health agencies in alignment with the CDC's intention to increase detainment and quarantining guidelines enforcement worldwide. This executive order is of grave concern for advocates of health freedom. It is called “Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats,” and it was signed and issued on November 4th, 2016. It seems innocuous at first glance, but one set of initials shows up often, GHSA. It stands for Global Health Security Agenda. This term first appeared in a CDC proposal in 2014, during the Disney measles outbreak. This proposal focused mostly on its “vaccine package.” It rested comfortably on the nationally orchestrated outcry against vaccination resistance. Some journalists even suggested jailing parents who did not have their children vaccinated.

After 3 Years of Suffering 19 Year Old Girl Dies from Gardasil Vaccine Injuries

In this video filmed by the VAXXED film team, a tearful mother tells the story of the biggest decision she ever made and will regret the rest of her life, when she allowed her teen-aged daughter Kate, a tall and accomplished student athlete at the time, to receive the Gardasil HPV vaccine. Her health began to decline, and the last 3 years of her life she suffered in terrible pain and had to be on a feeding tube. She tragically died at the age of 19.

Dr. Humphries: “Acute Flaccid Paralysis” Used to be Called “Polio”

There is a lot of talk in the past couple years about "flaccid paralysis" and some viruses going around maiming and killing children mainly in the western part of the USA. The thing left out of the acute flaccid paralysis conversation, is that it used to be called "polio" and thought to be caused by a virus called the polio virus, causing a syndrome named "poliomyelitis." The only problem is that different viruses and toxins can give the same results: poliomyelitis or flaccid paralysis. Many people think we have done away with polio and iron lungs. But we haven't. The iron lung is now a much more efficient and sophisticated machine called the endotracheal ventilator. If you think that what is going on today with EV D-68 or any other numbered enterovirus, is new, please know that it is just history repeating itself because the people in charge of so-called "public health" seem to be completely out to lunch or bought when it comes to seeing the reality. If the history of polio and vaccines interests you, please read one chapter out of my book, Dissolving Illusions, that has been made available to you for free.

A Book Too Dangerous To Read

The Library Journal, which librarians read to decide what books to buy for their collections, announced this week that libraries should not carry the new book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul’s Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health, From Pregnancy Through Your Child’s Teen Years, which I co-authored with Paul Thomas, M.D., a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician who has over 13,000 patients in his pediatric practice in Portland, Oregon. Don’t make this book available to library patrons. Don’t read this book. Don’t even have a conversation about safety issues with childhood vaccines. Instead, let’s just ignore the fact that the current rates of autism are at least 1 in 68, according to the CDC (possibly as high as 1 in 45, also according to CDC data), that there’s a growing body of very disturbing scientific evidence showing that acetaminophen (the main ingredient in Tylenol) is triggering autism, and that American children today are plagued with allergies, asthma, and other chronic diseases (like Type 1 juvenile diabetes and leaky gut syndrome) than ever before. But following Dr. Paul’s recommendations to feed a baby and small child a real food, whole foods diet, stop using Tylenol, and making judicious decisions about vaccination is too difficult?

A New Paradigm for Diagnosis and Treatment of Modern Chronic Illnesses

The persistent investigation of Dr. Mikovits into the cause and treatment of modern illnesses, along with a handful of other scientists and healthcare providers such as the late Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, M.D., is leading us toward a new understanding of modern illness and its treatment. Dr. Mikovits sees the bigger picture of health and illness that few scientists and healthcare providers have the courage to examine. She had great respect for the work of Dr. Bradstreet and his successful use of the new paradigm for treating difficult illnesses. Dr. Mikovits stated: "Dr. Bradstreet recognized that what we call autism is in fact an acquired immune deficiency. What we know of as autism is part of a collection of more than 60 diseases that is spiraling and increasing in our environment. It is acquired immune deficiency resulting from all the toxins, all the vaccines and other contaminants in our environment from these biologicals that in fact means that what we know of as autism spectrum disorder is an acquired immune deficiency."

Toxins, Vaccines, and a Strategy to Keep Kids Healthy

The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a classic case in point in applying the old saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” as there’s so much more to the book than the title. And if you’re a new mom, the information in this book will save you from sleepless nights and unnecessary late night phone calls to your pediatrician. The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is an easy-to-read book on how to raise a healthy child despite vaccines, so don’t expect to learn just about vaccines. Be ready to learn everything from what chemicals to avoid while pregnant to how to breastfeed to how to talk to your teenagers about alcohol and even intimacy. As a mom to grown children, I can see how this book can help new moms not to be overwhelmed while educating them so they can make informed decisions. I wish I had this book when I was an anxious new mom, along with other books I read. You can never learn enough when it comes to the health of your child.

Retracted Paper Linking HPV Vaccine to Behavioral Issues Republished

A retracted study linking the vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) to behavioral problems in mice has been republished by a different journal. In February, the journal Vaccine temporarily removed the study without explanation, and told the authors the editor had asked for further review. Later that month, Vaccine retracted the paper, citing “serious concerns regarding the scientific soundness of the article,” and “seriously flawed” methodology. In July, another journal — Immunologic Research — republished the paper.

Allergens in Vaccines Are Causing Life-Threatening Food Allergies

It would probably surprise few people to hear that food allergies are increasingly common in U.S. children and around the world. According to one public health website, food allergies in children aged 0-17 in the U.S. increased by 50% from 1997 to 2011. Although food allergies are now so widespread as to have become almost normalized, it is important to realize that millions of American children and adults suffer from severe rapid-onset allergic reactions that can be life-threatening. Foods represent the most common cause of anaphylaxis among children and adolescents. The United Kingdom has witnessed a 700% increase in hospital admissions for anaphylaxis and a 500% increase in admissions for food allergy since 1990. The question that few are asking is why life-threatening food allergies have become so alarmingly pervasive. A 2015 open access case report by Vinu Arumugham in the Journal of Developing Drugs, entitled “Evidence that Food Proteins in Vaccines Cause the Development of Food Allergies and Its Implications for Vaccine Policy,” persuasively argues that allergens in vaccines—and specifically food proteins—may be the elephant in the room.

CDC Admits Flu Shots Fail Half the Time

Americans have never been big fans of flu shots. During the 2009 “swine flu” influenza A pandemic, only about 40 percent of adults bothered to roll up their sleeves. In the 2014-2015 flu season, flu vaccine rates were still just 47 percent for adults but pediatricians had vaccinated 75 percent of children under two years old. Perhaps it is because parents are being thrown out of pediatricians’ offices if they don’t give their children every federally recommended vaccine—or maybe it is just because adults can talk about how they felt after getting vaccinated and infants and children under age two cannot. How many times has someone told you: “The year I got a flu shot is the only year I got sick” or maybe you learned that the hard way yourself after getting vaccinated. Doctors insist that just because we get sick with a fever, headache, body aches and a terrible cough that hangs on for weeks after getting vaccinated, it doesn’t mean the vaccine made us sick. They say it was just a “coincidence” because correlation does not equal causation. Well, that may be true some of the time, but earlier this year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted that flu shots don’t prevent influenza most of the time. In fact, studies show that a history of seasonal flu shots can even make people more susceptible to getting sick with a fever, headache, body aches and a terrible cough that hangs on for weeks

The Thyroid Connection Summit: Help for Your Thyroid from Top Alternative Health Experts

Dr. Amy Myers, M.D., a renowned leader in functional medicine and the New York Times bestselling author of The Autoimmune Solution and The Thyroid Connection is hosting The Thyroid Connection Online Summit from October 24-31. The Summit is FREE to anyone who registers. This Summit will feature top notch presentations on thyroid health from some of the biggest names in Alternative Health, information you are not likely to find in conventional medicine or the mainstream media. You are encouraged to join the Thyroid Connection Summit if you have Graves’, Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, cancer, nodules, cysts, are post-I-131 radiation or are post-thyroidectomy, or if your doctor says your labs are normal, yet you still have symptoms. The Thyroid Connection Summit will help you: Work with your doctor to get the right diagnosis/treatment, Address the root causes of thyroid dysfunction, Implement healthy dietary and lifestyle changes, Reclaim your health and vitality, And more! Tens of millions worldwide have some form of thyroid dysfunction, and 60% don’t know they have it or how it occurred. Attend the Thyroid Connection Summit online for FREE!

CDC Director Blocks Testimony by CDC Whistleblower in Vaccine Fraud Case

The World Mercury Project issued a press release this week stating that CDC director Dr. Tom Frieden has blocked CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson from being subpoenaed to testify in a medical malpractice suit in Tennessee. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is one of the attorneys representing a 16 year old boy who is claiming that his autism was caused by vaccine injuries. The press release states that William Acree, a Tennessee State Circuit Judge, had ordered the trial extended so that Dr. Thompson could be subpoenaed to testify. "Bryan Smith and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., both of Morgan & Morgan, sought to have Dr. Thompson testify to explain his charges that the CDC committed data manipulation in a series of studies that found no link between vaccines and autism. Dr. Thompson has publicly stated to Congressman William Posey and others that he and his colleagues in the CDC Vaccine Safety Branch were ordered to commit scientific fraud, destroy evidence and manipulate data to conceal the link between autism and vaccines."

Truth About Cancer Live Symposium Huge Success – FREE Replay This Weekend

In what was a star-studded event in Dallas last weekend, some of the biggest names in Alternative Health gathered all together in one place for the first time in a live Symposium event. Some of the top names in alternative health that delivered keynote presentations included: Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Jack & Heather Wolfson, and many others, including Mike Adams, Sayer Ji, and Robert Scott Bell, some of the biggest names in the alternative health media along with Dr. Mercola and Ty and Charlene Bollinger. For those that missed the live Symposium last weekend, they are replaying it and streaming it over the Internet again this weekend, starting tomorrow Friday October 21, 2016.

Is There Objective Science to Justify HPV Vaccine Programs?

Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, earlier this year delivered a lecture at the 4th International Symposium on Vaccines, in Leipzig, Germany. The title of her session was: Is There Objective Evidence That the Current HPV Vaccination Programs are not Justified? Dr. Tomljenovic asks: what is the evidence, if any, that the HPV vaccine prevents cervical cancer and, therefore, can offer long-term benefits? Those perceived benefits have to justify the severe adverse reactions to the vaccines, which include postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), Primary Ovarian Failure, among many other autoimmune disorders. What the clinical trials for HPV have shown is that they can prevent some portion of lesions caused by HPV-16 and -18 viruses. And so, obviously, it was deduced from that it’s likely that the vaccine would prevent cervical cancer. The issue is, can someone make such a leap making such a conclusion?

Fighting Vaccine Censorship: Why We Need to Ask Questions About Vaccines

Pharma companies and the media are not kind to those who publicly question the use of vaccines and the practices of their manufactures. Often people are either pounced on by the media, made to look paranoid or crazy, or unceremoniously and unsympathetically dismissed. However, this should not dissuade questioners from making their inquiries public. There are many good reasons why questions should be asked about vaccines. Fact: By law, drug companies cannot be sued when a child is harmed—or dies—from an adverse reaction to a vaccine. Fact: Vaccines are only safety tested individually, but they are administered in a variety of combinations and up to eight at a time. Fact: Because people react very differently to medications, for every medical condition, there are numerous drug treatment options – but not vaccines. Fact: All expectant mothers are screened for Hepatitis B, but newborns are required to be vaccinated for it, regardless.

Truth About Cancer Live Event Starts During October Pink Propaganda Scam

October has been dubbed Breast Cancer Awareness month. The American Cancer Society (ACS) and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure are the two most visible fund raising groups for the multi-billion dollar cancer industry. The American Cancer Society teamed with the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in 1985 to create October as the breast cancer awareness month. AstraZeneca is a major chemotherapy drug manufacturer. The pink ribbon and pinking commercial products gimmick comes from the Komen clan. A small percentage of sales with those “pinked” products goes to contributing toward cancer drug research. Komen's major fund raising efforts include running for the cure, walking for the cure, and other fund raising activities where participants pay for their involvement. The multi-billion dollar cancer industry has been growing for many years now, and it depends on more clients, and NOT finding a cure so new drugs can enter the market. As an alternative to the lucrative cancer drug industry, Ty and Charlene Bollinger's Truth About Cancer events have educated hundreds of thousands of people on real cancer cures, with free online articles and health summits with the world's leading authorities on true cancer research. Mainstream media will not publish this kind of life-saving information, as they are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical and cancer industry. For the first time ever, most of these leaders in the alternative health field are gathering in Dallas, Texas this weekend (Oct. 14-16) for a live-streamed symposium that is offered free to the public.

Childhood Vaccine Schedule: Where is the Science?

Americans have been carefully taught to fully trust the recommendations made by medical doctors and public health officials, and many do trust without questioning. After all, we expect and want to believe that the recommendations being made by the “medical experts” are evidence-based and thoroughly tested for safety. In the case of the childhood vaccine schedule recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the general assumption is that the safety of giving infants and children 49 doses of 14 vaccines between day of birth and age six has been thoroughly researched and proven safe. Many parents (and perhaps many pediatricians) would be surprised to learn there are a number of important unanswered questions about the number of vaccines, timing, the order and the ages at which recommended vaccines are given to babies and young children.

National Vaccine Information Center Urges Public to Help Stop CDC Police Powers

The United States is very close to becoming a police state and giving up our Constitutional rights to medical professionals. We already see clear signs of medical tyranny as the government and medical officials move towards universal mandatory vaccines for everyone. In this very important announcement, the National Vaccine Information Center is urging the public to strongly oppose these proposed expanded powers by the CDC.

Flawed HPV Vaccine Safety Statement Revealed in Leaked E-Mails

In chaos theory, there is a familiar metaphor known as the “butterfly effect” that suggests small changes in initial conditions (the flapping of a butterfly’s wings) can result in large differences in a later state (the pattern of a hurricane). In the area of vaccine safety, we’ve seen this play out time and again; most recently, when the misrepresentation of study data on minute components of HPV vaccines, presented before a small gathering in Tokyo in 2014, resulted in a worldwide safety proclamation upon which physicians are now basing their vaccination recommendations – and young girls are suffering. In an open letter to the head of the World Health Organization, Dr. Sing Hang Lee, MD, the director of the Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory in Milford, Connecticut, claims members of the WHO’s Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) deliberately manipulated scientific data relating to the safety of HPV vaccines Gardasil® and Cervarix®. The letter states that the emails, obtained via a Freedom of Information request, clearly demonstrate members of the GAVCS, the CDC and the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare knew before the February 26, 2014 Tokyo public hearing that one of their own experts showed scientific evidence that HPV vaccination does increase cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor (TNF), particularly at the injection site compared to other vaccines.

Study: Aluminum Exposure During Puberty Disrupts Hormonal Development

On September 28, 2016 the Daily Mail Online reported that scientists in Reading had discovered a possible link between antiperspirants and breast cancer. To my knowledge, this is the first time that a report has mentioned that the use of these products containing aluminum in prepubescent and teenage children may not only be a risk for breast cancer, but also disrupts their hormonal development and is linked to other health problems.

Mainstream News Media: Freedom of the Press or Controlled Propaganda?

The manipulation of the American mind has become a sophisticated science. Media controllers twist together half-truths, pictures of distorted reality, and outright lies so that we will trust the official reports of government, accept the claims and plans of corporations, and believe the work of scientists who do research on behalf of government agencies and corporations. This article will look at how mainstream media distorts the truth and manipulates public perception. It will look at how public relations agencies create fake organizations to simulate grassroots movements, and how government agencies and corporations manipulate and fabricate scientific research to advance their agendas. It will present 12 simple steps that you can use to break the power of propaganda and separate the lies from the truth.