Dr. Brian Hooker Addresses Protest Crowd in N.Y. as Former CDC Director Who Approved Gardasil Vaccine is Named “Woman of the Year”

As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, former CDC director, Dr. Julie Gerberding, has been referred to as either "one of the most evil people in medicine today" or the Healthcare Businesswomen's "Woman of the Year." A crowd gathered in New York City to protest the Healthcare Businesswomen's award, and Dr. Brian Hooker, who has spent many years of his life uncovering corruption at the CDC, addressed the crowd. He talked about the conversations he had with CDC whistleblower, Dr. Willliam Thompson, who worked with Dr. Gerberding during the years she served as the Director of the CDC, when the Gardasil vaccine was approved.

Study: Increased Rates of Cervical Cancer in Sweden Linked to Increase in HPV Vaccinations

A new study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics examined cervical cancer rates among women in Sweden and discovered a link between increased cervical cancer rates among women aged 20-49 during a two-year period between 2014 and 2015, corresponding to increased HPV vaccination rates in this population group, years earlier, when mass HPV vaccinations started in Sweden. Women above the age of 50, during this two-year period, saw no significant cervical cancer increase, as they probably would not have been vaccinated with the HPV vaccine. Since the study casts doubt on the efficacy of the HPV vaccine, and, in fact, links the vaccine to increased cancer rates, it is highly unlikely you will read about this in the U.S. corporate-sponsored media, where nothing negative about the blockbuster HPV Gardasil vaccine is allowed.

Global Joint Statement from 5 Nations Meeting in Japan Exposes Injuries and Discrimination Against HPV Vaccine Victims

The dangers of the Gardasil HPV vaccine are routinely censored in the U.S., where the official medical and government position on the vaccine is that it is "safe and effective." Enjoying legal immunity in the U.S. for any harm suffered as a result of the Gardasil vaccine, Merck and the U.S. government are seeking to increase the market for the vaccine. News outside the U.S., however, is very different. Some governments, such as Japan, no longer recommend the vaccine, and there are lawsuits suing for damages resulting from the HPV vaccines in numerous countries. In March of 2018 an international symposium was held at the University of Tokyo and attended by representatives from the UK, Ireland, Japan, Colombia and Spain to discuss the needs of victims who have suffered, and in some cases died, as a result of the HPV vaccine. They discussed both the medical and legal needs of HPV vaccine victims. Representatives from these 5 nations, which include scientists and medical professionals, have issued a joint "Global Statement" regarding the victims of HPV vaccines that you are not likely to read in the U.S. corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media. In this "Global Statement," experts from these 5 nations are calling to "Suspend recommendation of HPV vaccines for routine immunization, until a safer system is established ensuring that serious side effects are avoided," and to "refrain from actions that discriminate against, or slander HPV vaccine victims." We republish the press release and Global Statement in full here at Health Impact News.

Merck Fighting Fraud Lawsuits in U.S. Courts on MMR and Gardasil Vaccines

Pharmaceutical giant, Merck, is facing charges of fraud in lawsuits filed in U.S. courts regarding their vaccine products. This is important information for the public to know, given the fact that the ever-growing vaccine market is expected to exceed $70 billion within the next few years, and that many states are trying to pass legislation to mandate vaccines without informed consent, all in the name of "the greater good" for public health. Federal government agencies tasked with protecting public health, along with the corporate "mainstream" media, which reportedly receives up to 70% of its advertising revenue from pharmaceutical companies, continue to censor any negative information regarding vaccines that could affect sales. And since one cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for damages or deaths due to vaccines in the United States, where they enjoy legal immunity, it is rare that a pharmaceutical company faces a day in court related to corruption or fraud for bad vaccine products. Therefore, one needs to turn to either the alternative media such as Health Impact News, or the foreign media outside the U.S., to learn about the dangers of vaccines, and the corruption behind many of them. There are currently two major federal lawsuits against Merck that are being litigated in U.S. courts: a whistleblower lawsuit from former Merck scientists claiming fraud regarding the MMR vaccine, which has been in the courts for eight years now, and a lawsuit against the Gardasil vaccine claiming fraud from a 16-year-old girl who allegedly suffered Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) after receiving the Gardasil vaccine.

Rhode Island Legislators Propose Bill to Remove Mandated Gardasil Vaccine as Rhode Island Leads Nation in Gardasil Vaccine Rates

The Gardasil HPV vaccine is currently not one of the vaccines on the CDC schedule for vaccines required for school-aged children. However, in the state of Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Department of Public Health has mandated that the Gardasil HPV vaccine must be given to 7th graders in both public and private schools. Lawmakers such as Sherry Roberts believe that the Department of Public Health has overstepped their bounds by mandating a vaccine that is designed to fight a virus not transmitted by air, but only by sexual contact, and that the decision on whether or not to receive the vaccine should be with parents. Roberts and others have introduced a bill to allow informed consent for the Gardasil HPV vaccine, rather than mandate it for everyone. One pediatrician from Rhode Island, who claims to represent all pediatricians in Rhode Island and opposes Roberts' bill to allow parental consent to the vaccine rather than mandating it by force, stated that he was "too busy" to allow "informed consent" to vaccines. He also lamented how he would be unable to vaccinate children if their parents did not approve, and clearly stated that his goal is to vaccinate as many children as possible. He states that among states nationwide, Rhode Island is the envy of the pro-vaccine pediatricians because they have the highest rates of Gardasil vaccination of any other state, due to the fact that the Rhode Island Department of Public Health mandates the vaccine for 7th graders.

Government Vaccine Court Concedes Death by Gardasil Vaccine Case After 8 Years

After a long 8-year legal battle with the government-run vaccine court, the U.S. Government has just conceded that the Gardasil vaccine killed 21 year old Christina Richelle Tarsell. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, a special "Vaccine Court" set up in 1988 as part of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 which gave legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies for injuries and deaths due to vaccines, will compensate the family of Christina from funds collected from taxes on vaccines sold, and the company who produces Gardasil, Merck, will suffer no consequences as a result. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is largely unknown to the public according to a 2014 report published by the Government Accountability Office, so there is no way to know how many other young women have been killed by the Gardasil vaccine. Christina Tarsell is believed to be the first victim of the Gardasil vaccine that the U.S. Government has conceded was a death resulting from the HPV vaccine.

New Documentary Reveals Gardasil HPV Vaccine Fraud

The Alliance for Natural Health, USA division, has just published a new documentary film on the HPV vaccine titled: Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype & Horror. The synopsis of the film states: "The pharmaceutical industry used faulty research, paid doctors and manipulated the media to push an unsafe vaccine onto the market. They used political pressure to force this vaccine onto the public, despite any demonstrable public threat. The result has been the devastation of many young girls’ lives. Through interviews with leading experts, victims, and our own analysis of the vaccines themselves, the Alliance for Natural Health uncovered a conspiracy of greed that is being perpetrated on families around the world."

Gardasil Vaccine Documentary “Sacrificial Virgins” Wins World Social Impact Award at Queens World Film Festival

Fresh from recent film festival success in Australia, the documentary Sacrificial Virgins scooped the prestigious Special Jury Prize for World Social Impact at the Queens World Film Festival in Queens, New York. Sacrificial Virgins writer and narrator Joan Shenton said: "It was a wonderfully proud moment for us all when Andi stepped up to receive the Special Jury Prize for the film work he directed. Our hope is that Sacrificial Virgins will have a tremendous social impact by helping to prevent countless girls and boys around the world from going through the torment endured by the young women we interviewed in the films. We do not want to see more young lives lost or ruined."

Merck and UAB Recruiting 16 to 26 Year Old Mothers Who Just Gave Birth to Enroll in Gardasil 9 Vaccine Trials

The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) in collaboration with Merck pharmaceutical company is planning to conduct Gardasil 9 vaccine trials on postpartum mothers between the ages of 16 to 26 immediately after giving birth at the UAB hospital. According to ClinicalTrials.gov, the desired outcome of this study is to have more young women vaccinated with the Gardasil vaccine, because they do not believe enough young women are being vaccinated: "Due to low HPV vaccine uptake in the US, innovative approaches to vaccinating vulnerable populations are necessary in order to maximize the cancer prevention potential of this vaccine." Previous studies on the Gardasil vaccine have shown that young women who are in the hospital due to giving birth are open to receiving the Gardasil vaccine, particularly Hispanic populations: "The puerperium is a time period when women are engaged in the healthcare system and have almost universal access to affordable health care. Two prior studies have shown that postpartum HPV vaccination is acceptable to patients, and high rates of vaccination were achieved in these primarily Hispanic populations." Merck and UAB want to test the vaccine on 16 to 26 year old postpartum mothers because "the immune response in young women is less robust than in adolescents," and because "no studies have examined immunogenicity in postpartum women specifically." Therefore, 16 to 26 year old young mothers who have just given birth at the UAB hospital will become test subjects of the Gardasil 9 vaccine. Will these young mothers in Alabama have sufficient information to make the decision to participate in these Gardasil vaccine trials just after giving birth? Will they understand the potential risks for harm, which includes heart disease (POTS), premature menopause (“Primary Ovarian Failure”) and a whole list of autoimmune disorders that have been hidden from the public but revealed by a 2017 study done in Mexico?

Gardasil Vaccine Documentary Series Sacrificial Virgins wins Australian Best of Festival Award

A documentary film trilogy, Sacrificial Virgins – which investigates widespread global concerns over the safety of the controversial HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix – was today doubly honoured with awards for investigative journalism at the Watchdog Film Festival, held in Brisbane, Australia. As well as the prestigious Best of the Festival award, Sacrificial Virgins won the Watchdog Spirit Award in recognition of the investigation “in search of truth and justice” by film-maker Joan Shenton and her colleagues, notably director Andi Reiss and film editor Ollie Richards. Festival founder and director James Hyams, himself an investigative journalist, said: "Joan Shenton's thorough, transnational investigation in search of truth and justice deserves recognition and thus the Watchdog Film Festival has awarded her and her team the Watchdog Spirit Award. Shenton's documentary Sacrificial Virgins questions the safety of the HPV vaccine by illustrating that many individuals correlate the onset of a disability or the death of their daughter with the vaccine. Shenton questions medical professionals about the methodology of the HPV clinical trials and develops a case that further scientific research needs to be conducted to alleviate growing concern about the risks and benefits of the HPV vaccine." Joan Shenton, who wrote and narrated Sacrificial Virgins, said: "For the investigative journalism in Sacrificial Virgins to be recognised in such a way by the Watchdog Film Festival is incredibly rewarding. Investigative film-making, often done in the shadow of powerful commercial and political concerns that don’t want you to be heard, can be lonely and sometimes a little frightening. Professional appreciation, especially of such a caliber, touches our hearts, not least when we are told the awards include Best of the Festival."

Teen Girl Develops Leukemia After Gardasil Vaccine – Life Back to Near Normal After Mother Gives Her Cannabis Oil

Hayley Willard was one of the first to receive a Gardasil vaccination at 15 years of age in Newfoundland, Canada in 2010. Up until then, she was a very active extroverted person who was actively involved in figure skating competitions. Her mother Dana explained that Hayley was a healthy, enthusiastic daughter until Gardasil came into her life, although she had minor short-lived adverse reaction from vaccinations before. But after her Gardasil shot she was showing signs of autoimmune issues. Her energy level decreased, she was easily fatigued and looking pale. Then she became sluggishly lethargic with low energy, began gaining weight, was having migraines, and other symptoms. She complained that she was not feeling right and beside herself. Her skating became erratic and she injured herself while practicing. Cysts were discovered in her ovaries, an area that was never an issue with Hayley before. She began having anxiety attacks that were unusual for her and inexplicable. None of the doctors would even imply that the Gardasil vaccine had anything to with her condition. They wanted to prescribe antidepressants instead. But Dana was intuitively suspicious and began researching on the side effects of Gardasil and other vaccines. She soon began realizing it wasn’t a coincidence that her health issues began immediately after Hayley’s HPV vaccination. Her immune system had been compromised severely. Many reported adverse events that Dana discovered from the HPV vaccine included what Hayley was experiencing, often even worse. But the worst event occurred in 2013 when Hayley was diagnosed with leukemia.

Florida Legislators Seek to Mandate Dangerous Gardasil Vaccine for School Children

The HPV Gardasil vaccine is a very dangerous and controversial vaccine, and world-wide many countries are now removing their recommendations for children to receive this vaccine. Currently, this vaccine is NOT part of the CDC required vaccinations for school children, so Florida legislators, for some reason, want to add this to the schedule of the many vaccines already required for school-age children. Health Impact News has documented many stories of young women who have had their lives destroyed by Gardasil, and some have died as well. Your action is needed to help stop the State of Florida from mandating HPV (human papillomavirus) Vaccines for all school children, girls and boys.

Texas Mom Blamed for Baby’s Accidental Gardasil Vaccine Injuries Fights to Get Medically Kidnapped Daughter Back

The Gardasil vaccine is not intended to be given to children under 9 years of age and has not been studied in babies. It is a vaccine developed for sexually active young women to prevent the humanpapilloma virus and cervical cancer. In recent years, it has been given to teen-age boys as well. It is perhaps the most controversial vaccine in America and around the world today. Yet when a 4 month old baby in Texas was mistakenly given the shot intended for her teenage brother, her mother has been blamed for causing the symptoms that followed. Everywhere Anita Vasquez turned for answers for little Aniya's condition, it seemed that no one she talked to was willing to make the obvious connection between the vaccine and her illness. In the effort to cover-up or deny any effects of the medical error, a family is being sacrificed. In a cruel twist of irony, the fact that Anita refuses to give up her quest for answers and the fact that she has medical knowledge (because she is a nurse by trade) is being viewed as "evidence" that she has Munchausen syndrome by proxy (or "factitious disorder") - a rare mental disorder by which someone, usually a parent, intentionally makes a child sick in order to gain attention. Baby Aniya was seized by Child Protective Services on May 2, 2017, and placed into foster care with strangers. Her big brother has struggled with blaming himself ever since. He loves his baby sister very much. In the latest development in their story, CPS social workers have cut off all of 14 year old Alfred's visits with Aniya. The Vasquez family just wants to be a family again, but CPS appears to be blaming everyone except the most likely culprit - the vaccine that she never should have received, the vaccine that she was mistakenly given right before her symptoms started.

Utah Teen Dies from Gardasil Vaccine Injuries

In 2016 we published the story of Colton Berrett, who received the Gardasil HPV vaccine at the age of 13 and became paralyzed from the neck down. We published his interview with the VAXXED film crew in Utah, where he appeared with this mother and siblings, and also his nurse. He had learned how to walk again and was seemingly on the road to recovery. It is with deep sympathy and sadness that Health Impact News has just learned that Colton has passed away.

America’s Vaccine Civil War: Will Negative News on Gardasil Turn the Tide in 2018?

In December of 2017 Slate magazine published a report on Gardasil from a Danish reporter titled: What the Gardasil Testing May Have Missed. Slate is part of the corporate mainstream media. Like other corporate media groups, Slate is religiously pro-vaccine, and spouts the mantra that "the science is settled" when it comes to vaccines, an obvious anti-science statement in itself which resembles religious belief more than anything "scientific." Here is an example of what you will read about vaccines on Slate: "There are two sides to almost every story, and sometimes we publish both of them. That’s true even for science. But three areas of science are beyond scientific debate even though they are still debated by a lot of people. Evolution and climate change are two. The other is vaccines." So if Slate has publicly stated in the past that the science of vaccines is settled and beyond debate, what was the purpose of this report published last month about Gardasil criticizing safety studies conducted during the approval process?

Merck Funded Study Reports Gardasil Vaccine 100% “Safe and Effective?”

It is a documented fact that since the introduction of the human papillomavirus vaccination (HPV) in 2006, there have been more reports of adverse reactions than with any other vaccine. According to the WHO VigiAccess database, as of December 11, 2017, 81,340 reports of adverse reactions have been filed. These include 36,062 reports of nervous system disorders; 2,241 cardiac disorders (including 35 cardiac arrests); 460 POTS; over 3,000 seizures or epilepsy; 8,124 syncope; and 342 deaths. Despite this evidence being recorded on the World Health Organization’s own database, according to a press release, published by EurekAlert - The Global Source for Science News, the HPV vaccine is virtually 100% safe and effective. The study and accompanying research were funded by Merck, the manufacturer of the vaccine.

Social Worker Who Questioned Gardasil Vaccine at Planned Parenthood Training Loses Job – Finds Potential Conflict of Interest Between PP and Gardasil

Last October (2017) Paul Haeder, a Portland-based social worker and journalist, contacted Health Impact News about his story regarding mandatory training by Planned Parenthood, where he anonymously wrote out a question about the negative aspects regarding the Gardasil vaccine, and then was told not to attend the rest of the training. He was later fired from his job at a non-profit social organization working with troubled youth. This led Mr. Haeder to investigate the possible links between Planned Parenthood, and the Gardasil vaccine. He has published his research and thoughts at Hormones Matter. Here are some excerpts from his investigations.

Social Worker Helping Troubled Teens Loses Job for Questioning Gardasil Vaccine During Planned Parenthood Required Training

A Portland-based social worker working for a non-profit organization has contacted Health Impact News about how he allegedly was terminated from his job after attending a required sex education class by Planned Parenthood in Seattle. Paul Haeder alleges that during the training, where class members were encouraged to write down questions and concerns anonymously, he was told not to come back to day two of the training and also told not to come back to work, because he wrote and submitted (anonymously) concerns about the Gardasil vaccine. He writes: "The creators and distributors of Gardasil are directly tied to my sacking from, get this, pennyante wage slaving job as a social worker. Imagine, Merck and Planned Parenthood, both having their hands on my future. The charge? I dared to voice some concerns (anonymous) that already have been voiced about this vaccine for 10 years on so many platforms, including by medical authorities, international science panels, and the individuals who are suffering disabilities directly associated with the vaccine."

Your Child NEEDS the HPV Vaccine: 13 Reasons Why the CDC is Right

13 Reasons Why The CDC is Right and Your Child Needs the HPV Vaccine 1. You don’t care that the HPV vaccine program was halted in Japan. The Japanese government stopped giving the Gardasil vaccine in 2013 after health officials recorded nearly 2,000 adverse reactions, according to the Tokyo Times. Too bad, so sad. Who cares? What do the Japanese know, anyway? Ah, right. Japanese health authorities recognized that the whole-cell pertussis vaccine was causing brain damage in healthy children and introduced a safer and equally as effective vaccine in 1981, a full SIXTEEN YEARS before American health officials paid real attention and recommended an acellular vaccine for widespread use in the United States… 2. The side effects of the HPV vaccine don’t concern you. Reported side effects from the Gardasil vaccine include fainting, seizures, brain damage, paralysis, speech problems, short-term memory loss, pancreatitis, and even death. But what’s a little death compared to preventing cervical cancer? 3. You don’t give two hoots about Shazel Zaman, the 13-year-old girl who started vomiting immediately following vaccination. Shazel Zaman was so dizzy and had such a severe headache that she ended up in the hospital. Shazel Zaman died five days after receiving the HPV vaccine at Derby High School in England. Just another unfortunate coincidence!

Facts About the Gardasil Vaccine: Teens Don’t Get Cervical Cancer

Despite no recorded outbreak of cervical cancer nor change in sexual behavioral risks among teenagers, Gardasil vaccine was studied for less than two years prior to its approval. This was particularly curious since the cancer the vaccine purports to prevent does not present itself for 20-30 years. And, while the drug was tested only on women aged 16-23 before it became the first licensed HPV vaccine in the United States, today it is recommended for boys and girls as young as 10 years old. Moreover, Gardasil was not tested on people with health problems nor in combination with all the other vaccines routinely administered to American adolescents, such as Tdap and meningococcal vaccines. Contrary to the ad campaign created by Merck that depicts tragic-looking teenagers asking their parents why they weren’t protected from getting cancer, there have been no reports of any teen contracting cervical cancer from HPV ever.