Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. – Vaccine Strain of Measles Virus Found in Measles Outbreaks

Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a practicing nephrologist (kidney physician). In this lecture, she addresses a study done in Croatia where a child who was vaccinated with the MMR vaccine was tested positive for the measles vaccine strain Schwarz eight days after vaccination. This was a significant finding, because the child's symptoms were thought to be similar to rubella, and without testing, the sickness would have been possibly mis-diagnosed as rubella, or the wild-type strain of measles the vaccine is designed to protect against. Since this study in 2010, others studies have also confirmed that those vaccinated with the MMR vaccine are susceptible to becoming infected with measles, the vaccine measles virus, and not the wild virus. Are health officials testing cases of measles in the current outbreak in the United States, to determine if the measles strain is the wild strain of the vaccine strain? Not likely, and it is not likely that the mainstream media "TV doctors" will even discuss this as they falsely vilify parents who choose not to administer the MMR vaccine to their children as the cause of these outbreaks. Some of these cases are confirmed to be among those who have received the MMR vaccine, and for those who have not been vaccinated, is it possible they were infected from those recently vaccinated when the vaccine was still "shedding," and that the vaccine-strain of measles was passed on from the vaccinated child to the unvaccinated child?

Dr. Michael Elice M.D. – Media Promoting Medical Harm to Our Children

As a board certified pediatrician, I took the same oath as all physicians, “to do no harm.” The latest media presentation of the measles outbreak at Disneyland as a result of unvaccinated children is very upsetting to me. We are being fed information that is essentially inaccurate by media journalists - none of whom have medical degrees - which may actually be promoting medical harm to our children. The latest reports blaming a failure of the measles vaccine on the unvaccinated population are not accurate, and in some reports, not true at all. In fact, over the past 30 years, there have been similar numbers of measles cases reported in various areas of the United States. Studies published in leading medical journals, such as the New England Journal of Medicine, American Journal of Epidemiology, American Journal of Public Health and others around the world have confirmed small numbers, 75-140 cases of measles annually. So why then is the latest statistic of over 90 cases of measles spread over 14 states, representing tens of millions of people being billed as an epidemic?

Dr. Lee Hieb M.D. – Vaccine Hysteria Could Spark Totalitarian Nightmare

Dr. Lee Hieb joins the growing ranks of doctors speaking out against forced vaccinations and the current hysteria in the mainstream media. Dr. Lee Hieb is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in spinal surgery. She is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Hieb's voice is a voice of reason and common sense on the current vaccine debate. Contrast this with most of the mainstream media today, heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry, which are parading doctors into their shows calling for mandatory vaccines by force, and the removal of all licenses to practice for doctors who disagree with them. Dr. Hieb correctly points out the logical conclusions to allowing government make medical decisions "for the good of society" which include injecting chemicals into our body. Dr. Hieb does not stop with her discussion of the medical ethics and political implications of government forced vaccinations, she goes on to address two crucial issues that you are unlikely to hear in the mainstream media: Are vaccines safe, and are they effective?

Parents Get $800K Over Warrantless Search and Removal of Homeschool Kids Who Were Not Vaccinated

KPCC reported this week that the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors will pay $800,000 to the parents of two children taken from their home by a Sheriff’s deputy and social workers with the Department of Children and Family Services, who did not obtain a warrant first. According to KPCC, the lawsuit states that the complaint used by DCFS centered around what the homeschooled family chose to feed their children, and for failing to vaccinate them: Social workers with the Department of Children and Family Services claimed the parents “created a detrimental and endangering home environment” for the children by failing to provide nourishing food and immunizations. The lawsuit describes the deputy mocking the parents for not immunizing their children based on religious beliefs and homeschooling them. It accuses him of coercing the parents into a search of their hotel room. “You could lose your kids forever,” he allegedly threatened.

Obama Grants Immunity to CDC Whistleblower on Measles Vaccine Link to Autism

After six months and nearly one billion tweets on Twitter, it took a media frenzy over a small measles outbreak in California at the beginning of 2015 to draw the attention of some in the national media to finally start reporting on the significance of the CDC Whistleblower story from the summer of 2014. Patrick Howley of The Daily Caller has reported that the Obama administration has granted whistleblower immunity to Dr. William Thompson, a senior epidemiologist at the CDC who co-authored and published research on the MMR vaccine for the CDC back in 2004. His decision to become a whistleblower and reveal data that was concealed by the CDC linking the MMR vaccine to autism among African American boys was revealed during the summer of 2014. In his report, Howley links to a letter published on the Natural News website from the summer of 2014 sent by Dr. Thompson to then-CDC director Dr. Julie Gerberding in February 2004, where he expressed his concerns to Dr. Gerberding about how the CDC was concealing data linking the measles MMR vaccine to autism. Howley points out that Gerberding is now an executive vice president at Merck, the pharmaceutical giant that is currently the sole manufacturer of the measles vaccine. Gerberding originally left the CDC to take the position of president of Merck's vaccine division.

Why is the Mainstream Media Ignoring Measles Vaccine Fraud Cases?

The measles outbreaks and measles vaccines are a hot topic of debate currently raging in both the mainstream and alternative media. However, it would appear that the mainstream media's reporting on this issue is leaving out some very important facts that for some reason they do not seem to want to report. Given the severity of the issue and the current rhetoric, which includes some in the mainstream media calling for criminal prosecution and incarceration against parents who refuse the measles vaccine, it is very important that all the facts involving the measles vaccine are revealed to the public. Unfortunately, one topic in the discussion about measles vaccines that the mainstream media is completely ignoring is the fact that whistleblowers have come forward to reveal massive fraud connected with the current measles vaccine.

Dr. Rowen: Measles Spread by those Vaccinated

Worried about measles? If you are vaccinated, you should be. If you are my age, and were lucky enough to get wild measles, you needn’t worry at all. Measles has been quite stubborn to be wiped out. In China, in one province, 99% of children are vaccinated but measles runs strong. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Clearly measles vaccine doesn’t work as advertised. In fact, in our own country, outbreak after outbreak has occurred in what has been called a fully vaccinated population. Vaccine immunity has been shown to wane with time. And sadly, current measles outbreaks are being blamed on parents who refuse to give immune damaging vaccines to their children, when Chinese and American data shows otherwise. You won’t hear the latter in the news though, but I will tell you!

ZERO U.S. Measles Deaths in 10 Years, but Over 100 Measles Vaccine Deaths Reported

With the measles and measles vaccine debate reaching a near frenzy on the Internet, it is always nice to throw some cold hard facts on the firestorm currently raging in the measles debate. So here are some easily verifiable facts regarding deaths due to measles in the United States for the past 10 years, and deaths due to measles vaccines during the same 10 year period: According to U.S. Government sources, there have been ZERO measles deaths during the past 10 years, but over 100 deaths reported due to the measles vaccine.

Arizona Cardiologist Responds to Critics Regarding Measles and Vaccines

I recently did an interview which was aired on NBC Phoenix. I was asked my opinion on vaccinations in response to the current measles outbreaks that have occurred at Disneyland in California. My reply has generated quite a bit of anger in thousands of people. There has also been a tremendous amount of support to my comments and opinions. In short, The Society Against Injecting Our Kids With Chemicals (TSAIOKWC for short) has a lot of followers. I want to address all this misguided anger and see if we can re-direct it where it belongs.

Healthy People Who Were Vaccinated for the Flu Continue to Die

More deaths among otherwise healthy people are being reported all across the United States among children and adults who received this year's flu vaccination. Here are a couple of the latest deaths being reported in local media stations. Do you know of other flu deaths this season among people who received the flu vaccine? If so, please share in the comments, so we can develop a list of reported flu deaths among those vaccinated.

Study: HPV Infections Not Necessary for Development of Cervical Cancer – Are HPV Vaccines Worthless?

The title of a paper recently published by McCormack et al in Molecular Cytogenetics says it all, ”Individual karyotypes at the origins of cervical carcinomas.” If the findings in this paper are true, a vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) is extremely unlikely to protect against cervical cancer.

Why are so Many Healthy People Dying from the Flu After Receiving the Flu Shot?

Another flu death of an otherwise healthy person after receiving the flu vaccine has been reported in Wisconsin. WISN in Wisconsin is reporting that 26-year-old Katherine McQuestion has died from flu complications, after she received the flu shot. Katherine was reportedly a newlywed, and was required to receive the flu shot as part of her employment. She was a radiology technician and worked at St. Catherine's Medical Center in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin according to WISN. McQuestion's mother said her daughter was healthy, beautiful and smart. She married in September, and her funeral was held on Tuesday.

Forced Quarantines have Started: Pasadena Woman Resists Forced Vaccination

ABC 7 News in Los Angeles is reporting that federal health officials want to force a 26-year-old grad student, whose younger sister was one of the confirmed cases of measles caught recently at Disneyland, into a quarantine. Ylsa Tellez does not have the measles, and is not sick. So why do health officials want to force her into quarantine? Because she is not vaccinated against the measles. She could reportedly avoid the quarantine if she gets the vaccine. Lost in all the discussions you will read or listen to in the mainstream media regarding measles outbreaks is that there is no clear science proving that the vaccine actually prevents these outbreaks, or that the measles vaccine "wiped out" the disease. We applaud Ylsa Tellez and her refusal to give in to "Health Authorities" who have tremendous conflicts of interest in their incestuous relationships with drug manufacturers who distribute vaccines. U.S. law today protects vaccine manufacturers from being sued in civil court, and the U.S. government is the largest purchaser of vaccines, as they could never survive in a free market economy. These same drug companies were being sued so often for vaccine damages that they blackmailed Congress in 1986 and threatened to stop manufacturing vaccines completely if they were not given legal immunity. Congress willingly obliged, and the Supreme Court has upheld that law. The only recourse left to the public is to resist the removal of our Constitutional and civil rights.

Washington: Vaccinate All Your Children with Flu Shot or We Will Take Your 2-Week Old Foster Baby

Foster families in Washington State are under a new mandate that everyone in their house needs a flu shot if they have foster kids under two years of age. If they don't comply, the children will be taken from them. This is in spite of the fact that the flu vaccine is both dangerous and largely ineffective. As KOMO News is reporting in Tacoma, at least one foster parent is fighting back, and refusing to comply, even if it means losing her 2-week old baby.

U.S. Media Blackout: Italian Courts Rule Vaccines Cause Autism

Both these Italian court decisions break new ground in the roiling debate over vaccines and autism. These courts, like all courts, are intended to function as impartial, unbiased decision makers. The courts’ decisions are striking because they not only find a vaccine-autism causal link, but they also overrule the decisions of Italy’s Ministry of Health. And taken together, the court decisions found that both the MMR and a hexavalent thimerosal- and aluminum-containing vaccine can trigger autism.

Could the Ineffective Flu Shot be Causing More Severe Flu Outbreaks, Including Deaths?

The CDC has already admitted that this year's influenza strain is not a good match for the current flu vaccine. And yet, as in previous years, the universal message given to the public from the government and mainstream media is to "get the flu shot anyway." But what if the flu shot itself is part of the problem? Is it possible that the financial investment in stockpiling flu vaccines each year creates a conflict of interest in this public health message encouraging everyone to get their flu shots, even when it is not a good match for the strains of flu currently making people sick? Could the flu shot itself be making people sick, and even causing deaths? Fox 4 News in Kansas City recently reported the story of a local woman who died from flu complications just after her 37th birthday. Her family reports that she was healthy, and that she was required to receive the flu shot because she was a nursing student.

Are Government Health Authorities Taking Away Your Choice to Refuse Vaccines?

Are Americans' freedom to choose what is injected into their body at risk in the United States today? Is it possible that the day is not far off when if you refuse a mandated vaccine at your place of employment, or refuse a mandated vaccine for your child, that you could come home one day to find your residence quarantined, restricting you from leaving your home or having visitors simply for exercising your right to refuse a medical treatment? There is compelling evidence that this is not some conspiracy prediction of a future Orwellian society, but something that is already in process in the United States of America. Many fear that a person's choice of accepting or refusing mandatory vaccines could restrict one's ability to travel in or out of the United States, one's ability to send their children to school, one's ability to continue working at their place of employment, or even one's ability to leave one's own privately owned home.

CDC Admits Flu Vaccine Does Not Work – Influenza Outbreak on Fully Vaccinated Navy Ship

Need proof that the seasonal flu vaccine is not effective? Look no further than the CDC's own publication admitting the fact: Influenza Outbreak in a Vaccinated Population. Earlier this year (2014) the CDC published a report documenting an influenza outbreak which occurred among fully vaccinated navy personnel aboard the USS Ardent, a U.S. Navy minesweeper moored in San Diego, California while conducting training. Surprisingly, the CDC admits this is a common occurrence.

“They’ve Been Robbed of Their Womanhood” – Local Milwaukee Media Covers Gardasil Vaccine Injuries

WITI Fox 6 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin interviewed sisters Maddie and Olivia Meylor and their mother this week, discussing their HPV vaccine injuries which left them unable to ever conceive and bear children.

As Enterovirus D68 Deaths Increase, Are Vaccine Contaminants to Blame?

Enterovirus D68 has received far less press coverage since the Ebola news (and now measles) exploded. However, this virus has killed 14 people so far, mostly small children. Enterovirus D68 causes respiratory problems and can cause "polio-like" paralysis. Enterovirus D68 is is affecting the lives of thousands of children, killing some and crippling others. Enteroviruses are not new in the U.S., so what is causing this particular virus to become so deadly? In this article I will share with you my research concerning Enterovirus D68, and how vaccine contaminants could very well be the missing piece of this puzzle as to why this virus has affected so many children. Sadly, while countries outside the U.S. are looking at vaccine contaminants and their effects on children who are paralyzed, that will never happen in the U.S., because the government aggressively protects the vaccine industry.