U.S. Media Blackout: Italian Courts Rule Vaccines Cause Autism

Both these Italian court decisions break new ground in the roiling debate over vaccines and autism. These courts, like all courts, are intended to function as impartial, unbiased decision makers. The courts’ decisions are striking because they not only find a vaccine-autism causal link, but they also overrule the decisions of Italy’s Ministry of Health. And taken together, the court decisions found that both the MMR and a hexavalent thimerosal- and aluminum-containing vaccine can trigger autism.

A History of Failed Flu Vaccines Repeats Itself in 2015

Here we are in the winter of 2015 and U.S. public health officials admit that the historically ineffective influenza vaccine is once again an epic fail. After decades of government propaganda trumpeting the benefits and minimizing the risks of annual flu shots, one-size-fits-all, cradle to the grave influenza vaccine recommendations should be revised. Flu shot mandates should be repealed and vaccine manufacturers held accountable for vaccine risks and failures in civil court.

Young Girl Loses Half Her Brain After MMR Vaccine

Anne Abbot of Ohio shares the story about her daughter's vaccine injury that caused her to lose half her brain at 2 years old. Her daughter was completely healthy prior to receiving her vaccines.

Is Shaken Baby Syndrome Often Misdiagnosed and Caused by Vaccine-Induced Rickets?

Since the conventional medical system ignores vaccine injuries and even denies they exist, very few physicians today know how to diagnose injuries and illnesses caused by vaccines. Yet, this ignorance in the medical system does not mean there is not solid scientific evidence showing some of the harmful effects of vaccines. One of the truly tragic situations we are seeing today among infants suffering from vaccine damage is the prevalence of vaccine-induced rickets. The typical characteristics of an infant suffering from vaccine-induced rickets are often misdiagnosed as being caused by parents abusing their babies by shaking them too hard. In these cases, the family suffers twice: first by the damage to their child caused by vaccines, and then by the medical and social welfare systems who blame the parents and take away their children. Christina England highlights this growing problem in today's society.

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Microvascular Damage

Dr. Andrew Moulden recognized that every dose of vaccine given to a person produced microvascular damage whether or not the person was aware of the damage or had debilitating symptoms at the time the vaccines were given. He courageously stepped out of the conventional box of medical diagnosis and treatment, and gave us a new way to look at modern neurodevelopmental illnesses and syndromes. This article will discuss Zeta potential and colloidal chemistry. These concepts will help us understand how vaccines cause damage and illness.

Could the Ineffective Flu Shot be Causing More Severe Flu Outbreaks, Including Deaths?

The CDC has already admitted that this year's influenza strain is not a good match for the current flu vaccine. And yet, as in previous years, the universal message given to the public from the government and mainstream media is to "get the flu shot anyway." But what if the flu shot itself is part of the problem? Is it possible that the financial investment in stockpiling flu vaccines each year creates a conflict of interest in this public health message encouraging everyone to get their flu shots, even when it is not a good match for the strains of flu currently making people sick? Could the flu shot itself be making people sick, and even causing deaths? Fox 4 News in Kansas City recently reported the story of a local woman who died from flu complications just after her 37th birthday. Her family reports that she was healthy, and that she was required to receive the flu shot because she was a nursing student.

2014 Top Stories: Medical Kidnappings, Vaccine Cover-ups, Glyphosate Food Contamination

2014 was a year that saw Health Impact News grow into a major network of health information in the Alternative Media. Two new websites were launched in 2014 due to reader demand: MedicalKidnap.com and VaccineImpact.com. Our top stories in 2014 were on the topics of Medical Kidnapping, Vaccine Cover-ups, and the contamination of our food supply by the herbicide glyphosate.

Michigan Health Authorities Take Away Vaccine Exemptions – Ohio Fights to Save Theirs

Just before Christmas, the powerful Pharma-Public Health-Medical Trade lobby launched an orchestrated attack in Ohio and Michigan to restrict the legal rights of parents to make voluntary choices about vaccination for their children. NVIC was able to warn parents in Ohio in time for them to take action and protect vaccine exemptions, but forced vaccination proponents in Michigan pulled a fast one and succeeded in gutting vaccine informed consent rights in that state.

GAO Report on Vaccine Court Reveals Vaccine Injured Victims Not Being Helped

In November 2014 the Government Accounting Office (GAO) issued the first report on America's "Vaccine Court," known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), in almost 15 years. As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund, which is funded by taxes paid on vaccines, has now grown to about $3.5 BILLION. Previous GAO reports on the NVICP have criticized the rate at which this fund was growing and being kept by the federal government, instead of being paid out to victims who have been injured or killed by vaccines. The November 2014 GAO report on Vaccine Injury Compensations revealed some problems with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that the mainstream media reported. These problems include the fact that most people are still unaware that this program even exists, that it can take many years to settle a claim for a vaccine injury or death, and that while this program was originally designed for injuries and deaths due to childhood vaccines, that most claims now are made by adults injured or killed by the annual flu shot. But there are many more problems associated with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that the mainstream media is not covering, so I have invited Wayne Rohde, author of a recently published book on this topic, The Vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, to give a more in depth report that you are unlikely to read in the mainstream media.

Giving the Tdap Vaccine During Pregnancy Associated with Increased Chorioamnionitis Infection

The JAMA article “Evaluation of the association of maternal pertussis vaccination with obstetric events and birth outcomes,” November 2014 was conducted to see if the new practice of injecting pregnant moms with the Tdap has any negative outcomes. Since this vaccine contains a very large dose of aluminum, the adverse effects I would expect to see would likely show up after infancy. Hopefully they will continue to follow these children and see if they are neurologically harmed by this neurotoxin exposure during critical brain development periods in the womb. Sadly, the Tdap is now routinely recommended during every pregnancy in the USA. I say sadly because there have been no safety studies on injecting this amount of aluminum during pregnancy.

Why Some Michigan Parents Choose not to Vaccinate Their Children

So who are these parents who want to refuse vaccines for their children? The mainstream media generally portrays these parents as "anti-science, ignorant, foolish, etc." It was refreshing, therefore, to read an honest journalistic piece on this topic on the "Michigan Live" website which actually interviewed some parents who exercise their lawful rights to refuse some vaccines. In contrast to the predominantly one-sided media reports labeling all parents who refuse vaccines as "uneducated," here is a description of the parents refusing vaccines based on demographic data in Michigan: Statewide, about 6 percent of Michigan schoolchildren have vaccination waivers, which equates to about 150,000 children who are unvaccinated or undervaccinated. Many are clustered in affluent communities such as Rochester, and have well-educated, health-conscious parents who buy organic food and eschew antibiotics in favor of a homeopathic approach to illnesses. They fear injecting so many viruses into their children could do more harm than good, and see widespread immunizations as being driven by "Big Pharma," which they see as more concerned about profits than public health.

Doctors Agree: Ineffective Vaccine Responsible for Hockey League Mumps Epidemic

Past generations of professional hockey players were never at risk of mumps outbreaks. Today's players are, and tomorrow's will be, along with adults generally. These outbreaks -- which the media portray as coming out of the blue -- don't surprise anyone in medical circles who has been paying attention. Mumps outbreaks among adults have long been predicted by public health experts. Ironically, the mumps vaccine itself makes these outbreaks inevitable.

Stronger More Toxic Gardasil Vaccine Approved by FDA: Will More Girls Suffer and Die?

The FDA has just approved the use of a reportedly "new and improved" version of Gardasil, which will be marketed as Gardasil 9. According to the FDA approval letter, this action was taken without consultation with VRBPAC (the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee) which is responsible for reviewing and evaluating data concerning the safety, effectiveness, and appropriate use of vaccines and related biological products. A reading of the package insert for the new Gardasil vaccine reveals that Gardasil 9 has more than DOUBLE the amount of toxic aluminum, increased auto immune disorders and fetal deaths among pregnant women during drug trials, and recorded a rate of 2,300 serious adverse events to try and prevent 7.9 cases of cervical cancer. Will you or your children be getting the "new and improved" HPV Gardasil vaccine?

Colombia Warned About Dangerous HPV Vaccine

Attorney Monica Leon Del Rio is currently representing several Colombian girls who are experiencing new medical conditions after the administration of Gardasil. She recently invited Norma Erickson to speak to a group of esteemed public health officials, government representatives and medical people in Colombia to explain why the SaneVax team does not support HPV vaccination programs. Just prior to the time Norma was to address the meeting, the international conference call was disconnected. Despite multiple attempts to re-establish the connection she was not able to speak as scheduled. Therefore, her intended message to Colombia is published here.

Are Government Health Authorities Taking Away Your Choice to Refuse Vaccines?

Are Americans' freedom to choose what is injected into their body at risk in the United States today? Is it possible that the day is not far off when if you refuse a mandated vaccine at your place of employment, or refuse a mandated vaccine for your child, that you could come home one day to find your residence quarantined, restricting you from leaving your home or having visitors simply for exercising your right to refuse a medical treatment? There is compelling evidence that this is not some conspiracy prediction of a future Orwellian society, but something that is already in process in the United States of America. Many fear that a person's choice of accepting or refusing mandatory vaccines could restrict one's ability to travel in or out of the United States, one's ability to send their children to school, one's ability to continue working at their place of employment, or even one's ability to leave one's own privately owned home.

Gardasil: I Should Have Researched First

How I wish we had looked into the side effects which can occur with the Gardasil vaccine before agreeing to being inoculated. I strongly recommend that every family does a thorough investigation before deciding to use Gardasil. Check the internet. You will find many thousands of young people with serious health issues after being vaccinated with Gardasil. I am one of the lucky ones who was given a treatment that helped me recover. Many others have not been so lucky.

US Government Gives Future Manufacturers of Ebola Vaccines Free Pass from Legal Liability

The US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is providing a gift to manufacturers of prospective vaccines meant to protect patients against the Ebola virus: Protection from legal liability. In an announcement in the 9 December 2014 edition of the Federal Register, DHHS said it was issuing a new declaration that would "provide liability protection for activities related to Ebola virus disease vaccines consistent with the terms of the declaration."

Government Pays Compensation to 80 Flu Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

The December 2014 report from the Department of Justice on damages paid by the U.S. Government to vaccine victims was recently published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources. There were 180 cases of vaccine injuries decided. 134 cases received compensation, while 46 cases were denied. This report clearly shows that the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in America. 134 cases were awarded settlements for vaccine injuries, with 79 of the settlements being for the flu shot, including three deaths. Most of the settlements for injuries due to the flu shot were for Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Other flu vaccine injuries included: acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, shingles (herpes zoster), neuropathic demyelination, seizures, neuropathy, brachial plexopathy, rheumatoid arthritis, optic neuritis, and Bell's palsy. You didn't read about this in your local or national news, did you? You can read it here.

CDC: Current Flu Vaccine Not a Good Match for This Season’s Viruses, Ineffective

The CDC is warning that only 48 percent of flu virus samples taken through last month were closely related to this year's North American vaccine.

Doctors and Scientists tell India Prime Minister to Stop Unnecessary Vaccines

Several eminent doctors and scientists have requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi's immediate intervention to stop unwarranted vaccination in public interest. Highlighting the recent deaths of young children following Pentavalent vaccination (76 deaths till August 2014), the letter sent to the PM says: "We request this note from us may please be taken on record since the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) has itself been involved in pronouncements of vaccine initiatives in the past few months. We feel it is our responsibility to place these scientific facts before the PMO so that it is aware of the facts and so that urgent and appropriate action may be initiated by you to direct the Ministry of Health to act in public interest and in accordance with basic precautionary principles. We hope we will receive an action taken report in the next two weeks".